Posts Tagged
Catholic Church
Triumphant Ecumenism
by Revilo P. Oliver MOST AMERICANS will remember that in January 1959 a foul and probably part-Jewish murderer named Fidel Castro seized the island of Cuba with the surreptitious support of the government in Washington, which was implementing Lenin’s strategy of encircling the United States…
Preparing for the Merger
by Revilo P. Oliver THE FIRST QUARTER of the new year has been a gloomy season for the Roman Catholics who hope to preserve something of the religion with which they are imbued in their youth. In New York, Bantam published (in both cloth-bound and paperback editions) David Yallop’s In God’s…
Cucktianity: An Evil Force of Racism
THE REVIVAL of nationalist sanity in Europe will hopefully be enough to save our ancestral homelands from the controlled Jewish demolition. For years, a combination of kosher communist spiritual poison within and invasion by worthless and dangerous inferiors from without has devastated White…
On Europe and “the Faith”
by Dr. Andrew Joyce
“Too often you have not been welcomed…Forgive the closed-mindedness and indifference of our societies, which fear the change of lifestyle and mentality that your presence requires.” Pope Francis, 2016.
“Europe is the faith, and the faith is Europe…I say again, renewing the terms,…
Pope Francis Debases Himself Before Contemptible Jewish Promoter
EDITOR’S NOTE: The Abrahamic religions are poison for our race, as this article by an oleaginous self-promoting hyper-Zionist Jew, Shmuley Boteach, who has dubbed himself “America’s Rabbi,” indicates. Boteach lobbies for more subservience to Jewish interests …
by Revilo P. Oliver I DO NOT know how many millions of pious Christians make pilgrimage to the Vatican, where God’s Vicar presides over the world’s largest chain of salvation-shops. When I was there some years ago, I was told that when one deducted from the total number of annual visitors tourists, who…
Manspreading for Lebensraum, Part 2
by Alex Fontana
Integration and the Jewish Solution to the ‘Jewish Problem’
“We must work superficially and in large groups, altering the conditions of life and improving the rules of the game.” — Louis Wirth
Integration — the attempt to place large numbers of Blacks in…
Pope Francis to US Bishops: “Do Not Be Afraid to Welcome Immigrants”
The qualifier about “obeying laws” and “infiltration” of terrorists is just window-dressing on the the Church’s decades-long push for non-White immigration. EDITOR’S NOTE: Even if Jews didn’t exist, Christian theology would still be inherently…
Germany: Christian Churches Toll Bells to Demand More Non-White Migrants
Imported Middle Eastern religion is not only failing to properly lead and protect Germans, but is openly working for their genocide. ON FRIDAY at 7.30 pm, 230 churches in North Rhine-Westphalia will toll their bells thousands of times in a mass action to remember the 23,000 refugees who have drowned…