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David Sims

David SimsEssays

by David Sims THERE IS AN ACADEMIC paper that mentions a “racist” game that I wrote one afternoon during the late 1990s. Aryan 3 was a simple game [and no, it’s no longer available, so please don’t ask — Ed.], written and compiled in Turbo Pascal, the coding language that…
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CommentaryDavid SimsEssays

As Mr. Sims states, talking to the enemy is largely pointless. On the other hand, communicating with our own people, as through National Vanguard, the National Alliance Radio Network, and our other media, is of the essence. by David Sims WHEN SOMEONE IS UNCERTAIN about what is the best course of action…
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David SimsEssaysPerspective

by David Sims IN 2019, there were 566 Black-on-White murders. In that same year, there were 246 “White”-on-Black murders. Of the “White” perpetrators, 95 were really non-Whites that the FBI/DoJ misleadingly categorizes as Whites when counting crime offenders, hence…
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David SimsEssaysGuest opinion

by David Sims WHEN ELON MUSK BOUGHT Twitter, he promised that only illegal speech would be censored, and only people who committed crimes with their speech would be permanently banned. He has gone back on those promises, and inquiring minds want to know why. First, it was Alex Jones, a “right wing”…
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David SimsEssays

Defeating the Jewish power structure will bring healthier times. Support the National Alliance. by David Sims GENDER DYSPHORIA IS A mental disorder that afflicts one person in 10,000, beginning in childhood. It’s rare. Of children (mostly boys) who actually do have gender dysphoria, most…
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David SimsEssays

Janet Yellen, who was the fifth Jewish head of the Federal Reserve, and is the current (and third consecutive Jewish) US Secretary of the Treasury by David Sims THE ANTI-DEFAMATION LEAGUE of B’nai B’rith is a Jewish organization created to defend a Jewish murderer, Leo Frank, from posthumous…
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CommentaryDavid SimsEssays

Jeffrey Epstein’s operation was not unique. In nameless opulent homes, diplomatic missions, and rude warehouses — as in the artist’s conception shown here — White children are exploited and abused by Jewish traffickers and intelligence operatives. One of many such Jews,…
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CommentaryDavid SimsEssays

by David Sims AN ANTI-WHITE LEFTIST who goes by the name of “NoSafeSpace” recently wrote: But respect, fight the good fight. If you can convert a hardcore neo-Nazi then praise be to you. But for the most part they didn’t arrive at their positions through reason, so it’s a Herculean…
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David SimsEssays

This is a French translation of one of David Sims’ pieces on Hitler and the Holocaust. Since this article may eventually be censored in Europe, we will publish it here on NV. Thanks to Front National Suisse for the translation. par David Sims dans National Vanguard English version: Hitler and…
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CommentaryDavid SimsEssays

by David Sims IN 2018, THE US resident population was 60.4% White and 12.5% Black. However, the Department of Justice (including the FBI and the Bureau of Justice Statistics) routinely categorizes Mestizo/Latino offenders as “Whites.” (They get their own category when they are victims
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