Information that I Didn’t Like Changed My Life
by David Sims
AN ANTI-WHITE LEFTIST who goes by the name of “NoSafeSpace” recently wrote:
But respect, fight the good fight. If you can convert a hardcore neo-Nazi then praise be to you. But for the most part they didn’t arrive at their positions through reason, so it’s a Herculean task to reason them out of their positions. Sometimes it’s just not worth the time.
To which I responded: Oh yes. I did arrive at my position through reason. I was a leftist when 1995 began. But, that year, I entered into a debate with some “racists” from the National Alliance in one of the chat rooms of the old MSN intranet. I went in sure that I’d win. But I lost — very decisively.
The debate was on the cause, the magnitude, and the significance of racial differences. The racists used statistics from sources having a reputability that neither of us disputed, and they won their case. I use those same stats today. They’re mostly from US government sources.
Having been a leftist, I’m familiar with the way leftists lie to themselves and how they are blind to their epistemological lapses — how they project these faults onto others as a defensive stratagem, and with their habit of imputing sinister motives where there are none.
When I was in school, I majored in physics and in astronomy, so I had some scientific training. You learn not to take it personally when one of your hypotheses is shot down by your peers. But I experienced some cognitive dissonance when those racists won our debate.
I had supposed that someone, somewhere, at some time or other, must have fact-checked my earlier leftist beliefs. But, as it turned out, nobody had. They were all the result of the “liberal” echo chamber, reinforced by self-referencing over years of time.
I’d been ignoring crime statistics, STD statistics, and many other signs of a general Black savagery, vulgarity, and immorality (with some noble exceptions, but not many) as being “tainted” information, when, in fact, it was perfectly true information that I simply didn’t like.
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Source: Author
Interracial Rape United States 2008

I have heard that the US government no longer keeps track of race-specific statistics; is that why this is 2008? If so, that tells me all that I need to know
According to the Federal Department of Justice was this blurb about rape and why figures were designated as Not Available: “NA: Beginning in 2013, the FBI broadened the definition of rape, removing the phrase “forcible” from the offense name and description. The new definition of rape is: Penetration, no matter how slight, of the vagina or anus with any body part or object, or oral penetration by a sex organ of another person, without the consent of the victim. The new definition includes the NIBRS offenses of rape, sodomy, and sexual assault with an object. Law enforcement agencies may submit data on rape arrests based on either the new or legacy definition of rape. Due to differences in agency reporting practices, national estimates for the offenses of “rape” and “sex… Read more »