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David Sims

CommentaryDavid SimsNews

Israel is a terrorist state, and the US media — almost entirely controlled by Jewish interests — constantly omit or minimize coverage of the brutal treatment of non-Jews by Jews in the region. Our view of the conflict should mainly be determined by the fact that Israel is the de facto world
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David SimsEssaysNews

by David Sims X, FORMERLY TWITTER, is returning to its pre-Elon-Musk censorship model and intends to go even further than before in the old, oppressive direction. Elon Musk probably isn’t the driver of this ugly twist of events. He probably has been intimidated somehow and has decided to write…
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CommentaryDavid SimsNews

by David Sims ACCORDING TO THE BBC, ten men in Britain were charged earlier this year in connection with an investigation into child sexual exploitation. The men, who are from Rochdale (Greater Manchester, England, UK), are accused of the sexual abuse of two teenage girls between 2003 and 2008. Here…
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CommentaryDavid SimsNews

by David Sims DO YOU REMEMBER the story about the two homosexual men, William and Zachary Zulock, in Atlanta who raped their two adopted little boys and offered them as juvenile prostitutes to other “gays” in their neighborhood? You might have thought that lesbians wouldn’t be…
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David SimsEssays

by David Sims I’VE BEEN STUDYING the Jews’ techniques for deception for more than twenty years, and I probably still don’t know them all. Lying by omission is one of them. Direct prevarication is another; they don’t shy away from it. Deception by structure, which is burying…
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David SimsEssays

You really can’t understand social realities if you don’t understand the concept of regression to the mean. The example given by Mr. Sims is that of Blacks, but the same concept applies to other races, too. by David Sims LET ME INTRODUCE YOU to a well-studied, well-documented biological…
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David SimsEssays

by David Sims THE TALMUD, in Moed Katan 17a, gives advice to Jews who are tempted to sin: The Gemara asks: What is the reason that he was accepted there? The Gemara answers: Even though he sinned, he still acted in accordance with the opinion of Rabbi Ilai, as it is taught in a baraita. Rabbi Ilai says: If a…
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CommentaryDavid SimsNews

by David Sims HARKEN UNTO THIS ACCOUNT of “woke” politics within Boeing. This is why Boeing is failing as an aerospace business. In order to be Politically Correct, Boeing hired an incompetent Black, named Jamal, with a watered-down (bogus) degree in “engineering science.”…
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David SimsEssays

by David Sims RACIAL DIVERSITY IS NOT a strength. It is a source of needless trouble and unending conflict. For but one example, simply keep the races separated, with each secure in its own space, and you will better than halve the rate of violent crime. Even if, by some miracle, you could momentarily halt…
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David SimsEssaysNews

by David Sims YOU MIGHT REMEMBER that NASA’s Artemis Project was supposed to put a Black and a woman on the Moon? It might not happen after all. The builder of the SLS rocket used by the project, Boeing, is being sued for stealing the intellectual property of Wilson Aerospace (the lawsuit’s…
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