American Dissident VoicesAudioKevin Alfred StromRadio

No to Reparations, Yes to Separation

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American Dissident Voices broadcast of 5 August, 2023

by Kevin Alfred Strom

BEFORE I START the main portion of today’s program, let me point out our new National Alliance bumper sticker, available, as are our many others, at In bold letters, it declares your total opposition — “No to reparations!” — to paying the unbelievably destructive Black underclass even a single dime for their alleged slavery — none alive now were ever enslaved, all of their ancestors who were enslaved were enslaved first by their fellow Blacks, all races have practiced slavery but Whites were the first to end it, historically Whites were enslaved by non-Whites for centuries, slavery among some non-Whites still exists today, Jews were among the most prominent slavers, and only a tiny percentage of Whites owned or profited from slavery anyway. And we follow “No to reparations!” with a positive message, promoting the only possible solution to the racial problem — “Yes to separation!” We provide a high-resolution file to you — just click on the image — so you can have it printed in standard 10×3″ adhesive bumper sticker format at almost any print shop. The sticker isn’t restricted to bumpers, of course. It can go anywhere where stickers and other notices can go. It’s a great way to get our message out to our people. Our Internet articles and this show are great, but they mostly are seen by people who seek them out. A public sticker, on the other hand, is seen by any who pass it by. It lets the decent White man and White woman (who heretofore thought that all his fellow White people had gone insane) know that he is not alone and that there is resistance and there is hope.

* * *

“KILL THE BOER! Kill the farmer!” The words rang out in a call-and-response style chant to and from a crowd of over 100,000 screaming Blacks this week in a packed stadium in South Africa. The chant was led by prominent South African politician Julius Malema, a primitive White-hating anthropoid who just can’t restrain himself from saying out loud what many slightly more sophisticated Blacks also believe but would prefer not to shout at the tops of their lungs while the cameras are running.

Here’s Malema’s chant, complete with mouth sounds intended to be a machine-gunning-of-Whites sound effect; no need to watch the whole incompetent broadcast, nor the interminable commentary of the bizarre-looking (semi-?) Jewish “expert,” unless you feel like tormenting yourself.

And killing White farmers — “Boer” is the Afrikaans word for White farmer — is exactly what they have been doing, by the thousands, ever since a Jewish-led and Christian-enabled “Western” boycott of then-White-ruled South Africa resulted in the Whites relinquishing power and handing over their country to the Jew-backed Black Communist ANC in the name of so-called “multiracial democracy.” This happened in 1994, almost 30 years ago. Every week since then, White fathers, White mothers, and White children have been slaughtered by Blacks while the police and the government look the other way — and the last sentence in the local news reports is almost always “no arrests were made.” I know a lady who maintains regular contact with people in that country, and she painstakingly documents these ongoing attacks and murders and rapes and kidnapings and tortures — and literally none of them make the national news in any Western country, including the United States.

On CNN and MSNBC and all the rest of the Jewish media giants, if a Negro shoplifter or mugger gets a hangnail pulled while within twenty feet of a White man, it’s national “White people bad” news coverage for days or weeks, and “official” calls for hearings and investigations and firings and “hate crime” charges against Whites — with often some added “mostly peaceful” riots and burnings. But when White people are systematically tortured and raped and slaughtered with government complicity for three decades running, it’s nothing but crickets on the major media.

In fact, it’s worse than that. Worse than just crickets. Back when Donald Trump uttered a word or two (and that’s about all he did) about farm murders in South Africa, MSNBC’s go-to “history expert,” Eddie S. Glaude Jr., cracked a smile and laughed out loud at the “perhaps two” Whites who have been killed “in some instance.” Nothing to get excited about, just maybe two dead Whites, man, ha ha ha. A weekend’s worth in Baltimore and de Disrick, man. According to the Jewish media and their paid “experts,” it’s not happening — but if it does happen, it’s just a joke. A little White girl raped and tortured in front of her bound and tied parents. Fine. A White father having his head blown off while his wife begs for his life. Funny. A White mother being raped while her small children watch and then having a broken glass bottle and a broomstick shoved up her vagina and left for dead. Something to smile about. Here are his exact words:

Thanks to the still semi-free Internet, Julius Malema’s open call for White genocide got more publicity than the media Jews would have preferred this week. Elon Musk, who was born a White South African, on his social media platform recently renamed “X,” took notice and stated that Malema was “openly calling for White genocide” and wondered why South Africa’s Black president was saying nothing about it.

All this publicity led the Jews who run the New York Times to run some cover for Malema, and they dug up a few “experts” to show to all right-thinking sheep how they ought to think about all this. This led Elon Musk to state publicly that the Times should be boycotted: “The New York Times actually has the nerve to support calls for genocide! If ever there was a time to cancel that publication, it is now. You can read their articles for free anyway using”

One Establishment functionary who is also an X user, Richard Hanania, chided Elon Musk (and by implication all White people who are concerned about this call for genocide) by saying “I don’t understand why you’re mad. Did you even read what the experts said? They showed that it was much more complex and needed to be understood in the context of historic inequality.”

Good Lord! “Much more complex.” “Historic inequality.” “Did you even read what the experts said?” Experts! Right. I’m almost speechless in the face of such authority worship.

Taking a look at the article itself, we see that the Times “experts” simply blathered on in their usual impenetrable, nonsensical, quasi-religious prose that reminds me of the worst kind of Medieval religious writings, saying things like

[T]he song should not be taken as a literal call to violence…. Bongani Ngqulunga [his actual name, apparently — Ed.], who teaches politics at the University of Johannesburg… said, the phrase “kill the Boer” — the word means farmer in Dutch and Afrikaans — is not meant to promote violence…. “It was a call to mobilize against an oppressive system,” Mr. Ngqulunga said. …Nomalanga Mkhize [not to be confused with Ngqulunga! — Ed.], a historian at Nelson Mandela University, said of the chant: “Young people feel that it rouses them up when they sing it today. I don’t think that they intend it to mean any harm.” …AfriForum, an organization that advocates for the interests of Afrikaners, descendants of South Africa’s white colonizers, took Mr. Malema to court. Last year, Judge Edwin Molahlehi ruled that AfriForum had “failed to show that the lyrics in the songs could reasonably be construed to demonstrate a clear intention to harm or incite to harm and propagate hatred.”

And on and on the New York Times “experts” go. It takes a very special kind of stupid to take such stuff as authoritative, or as anything but obvious lies by those who want us dead as quickly as possible. Nevertheless, we should take this Jew-produced piece and others like it seriously, because it is justifications for the killing of Whites that precede actual killing, as South Africa, Haiti, and many other examples have proved. Waiting until the non-Whites have taken over your country, as the Whites in South Africa have done, makes any peaceful, legal solution impossible. Asking the seated gibbons and macaques in judge’s robes in a South African “Equality Court” to help you when your kin are being slaughtered makes about as much sense as asking the “good piranhas” for help when a whole school of them is eating you alive. Good luck with that!

And we really aren’t that far behind South Africa in that regard here in the US. Black killers of White people are already literally getting away with murder where prosecutors, judges, and juries are heavily non-White. Whites who literally did nothing but be pro-White are getting convicted of crimes they never committed — believe me, I know. Do you think that Donald Trump, as much as I despise him for his Jew-fawning and sickening multiracialism, can get a fair trial in front of a Black judge and a largely non-White jury? Could any January 6th defendant? Could David Duke have gotten a fair trial in a Black-dominated New Orleans federal court?

I saw a couple of quite witty and insightful comments from people on X — “I don’t like watching the world burn, but it’s the only thing that’s on,” and “What the Jews are working toward in all White countries is White genocide via chaos, communism, and infinite Negroes.”

What can we do to escape Congoids times infinity, and the bloody fate the Jews intend for us? We are in no position now to get quick justice. We cannot yet permanently remove the gibbons and macaques from the benches of the courts. We cannot yet decisively shut off the transmitters and servers of the New York Times and CBS. We cannot haul the parasites out of their counting houses and onto the wet pavement and send them back where they came from.

What we can do now is gather together, work together, help each other, get to know and trust each other, develop leadership and other skills at every level of work, and, with the best and most enlightened White people we can find, uplift each other, help to raise and educate our children, and build anew a nation worthy of our ancestors and which will ensure the eternal existence of our descendants. That is what the motto you see at the top of every page of National Vanguard is all about: Toward a New Consciousness; a New Order; a New People. That is what the men and women of the National Alliance are doing. If you like hard work and sacrifice and spending your life energy in the most worthy cause that has ever existed, you should join us.

* * *

You’ve been listening to American Dissident Voices, the radio program of the National Alliance. This program is published every week at and Please write to us at National Alliance, Box 4, Mountain City, TN 37683 USA. We welcome your inquiries and your financial support in spreading our message of hope to our people. We also welcome your applications for membership in our community of the conscious. Once again, that address is Box 4, Mountain City, TN 37683 USA. Thank you for your help.

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6 August, 2023 9:38 pm

funny how a race that kills its own as much as Blacks do have the gall to hate Whites

William W Williams * National Alliance Chairman
William W Williams * National Alliance Chairman
7 August, 2023 5:27 pm

Sure enough. Who dropped the ball on that “investigation”?


I have asked Secretary of State @SecPompeo

to closely study the South Africa land and farm seizures and expropriations and the large scale killing of farmers. “South African Government is now seizing land from white farmers.” @TuckerCarlson@FoxNews

7:28 PM · Aug 22, 2018

Wasn’t Trump eventually banned from Twitter for stirring up controversy like this?

Gertjan Zwiggelaar
Gertjan Zwiggelaar
9 August, 2023 6:41 am

When jews first set up a trading post in SA it was to take advantage of a great location where few indigenous people lived and could serve the increasing shipping trade of the jewish East India mafia. They managed to entice Dutch farmers, Boers, to cultivate the land around the trading post and so provide the food stuffs needed by the sailors coming and going to India and Indonesia. The sparse indigenous people of the area were the Bushmen and the Hottentots, now known as Koi and San, collectively the KoiSan people. The Bushmen were named that because they are nomads who sleep in bushes which they tie off at the top to form a kind of tent. No libraries amongst those folks but they can sure hunt up an… Read more »

William W Williams * National Alliance Chairman
William W Williams * National Alliance Chairman
9 August, 2023 10:55 pm

Aren’t those Anti-White Huffposters clever to do all that cross-checking to dox this bright young White man? His racial instincts are or at least were right when he followed and quoted the teachings of William Pierce. It’s too bad he got all caught up in social media, the half-baked alt-right losers and eventually found himself out of his depth on the wrong side.of truth. Starting in 2008, the byline “Richard Hoste” began to appear atop articles in America’s most vile publications. Hoste wrote for antisemitic outlets like The Occidental Observer, a site that once argued Jews are trying to exterminate white Americans. He wrote for Counter-Currents, which advocates for creating a whites-only ethnostate; Taki’s Magazine, a far-right hub for paleoconservatives; and VDare, a racist anti-immigrant blog. In 2010, Hoste was among the first writers to… Read more »

William W Williams * National Alliance Chairman
William W Williams * National Alliance Chairman
Reply to  William W Williams * National Alliance Chairman
8 March, 2024 9:26 am

Bump this statement by Douglas Mercer for those who have been followers of the so-called “alt-right” groups that do not, or did not provide a full picture of what our race faces: I prefer the more accurate description of Mr. Hoste’s path [by Mr. Mercer] that you posted to the NA forum yesterday, welcoming a new member there, than that one by the HuffingtonPost:The National Alliance is the only organization that has a pure ideological integrity. Other so called White Nationalist sites are compromised in one way or another. The Occidental Observer is run by the man who is in many respects the dean of the anti-semites (Kevin MacDonald)—but he sends out Christmas greetings. Counter-Currents has good things on it but is run by a homosexual and they support… Read more »

William W Williams * National Alliance Chairman
William W Williams * National Alliance Chairman
10 August, 2023 11:56 am

Good for Mr. Musk to call for cancellations of NY Times subscriptions. …AfriForum, an organization that advocates for the interests of Afrikaners, descendants of South Africa’s white colonizers, took Mr. Malema to court. Last year, Judge Edwin Molahlehi ruled that AfriForum had “failed to show that the lyrics in the songs could reasonably be construed to demonstrate a clear intention to harm or incite to harm and propagate hatred.” Thank goodness for the SPLC. In a search for equivalency with ‘bill white kill this nigger” the Jewish law center, in a piece written by the disgraced Jewish queer Mark Potok, who openly vowed that he would “destroy the National Alliance” — turns out to be the only source that has apparently preserved that infamous blunder: Neo-Nazi Magazine to Feature Obama… Read more »

William W Williams * National Alliance Chairman
William W Williams * National Alliance Chairman
13 August, 2023 7:16 pm

I had never heard of this fellow, and only read HuffPost’s article about him that you link to here. A much better update about the weasel is given here at Counter-Currents where he wrote for that right-wing site a dozen or 15 years ago, pretending to be one of us, pirating the work of William Pierce without attribution; Richard Hanania & the Limits of Race Realism | Counter-Currents Richard Hoste aka Richard Hanania The Huffington Post article — no doubt intentionally — leaves the reader with the impression that Hanania’s worldview has remained unchanged and emphasizes his connections to tech billionaires such as Peter Thiel, fueling Leftist paranoia about the existence of a secret cabal of powerful White Nationalists. It neglects to mention that today, Hanania spends most of his time attacking… Read more »