Posts Tagged
Racial violence

No to Reparations, Yes to Separation
Click to download a high-resolution file of this graphic, suitable for printing. American Dissident Voices broadcast of 5 August, 2023 by Kevin Alfred Strom BEFORE I START the main portion of today’s program, let me point out our new National Alliance bumper sticker, available, as are our many…

Whites Avoiding Blacks
by David Sims THE QUESTION WAS ASKED on Quora: “Why do rich Black people move to White neighborhoods, and rich White people not move to Black neighborhoods?” Russ Dewolf’s answer, in which he said that Whites do move to Black neighborhoods sometimes, is misleading. When Whites move to…

New York Psychiatrist: ‘I Dream of Unloading a Revolver Into the Head of Any White Person Who Gets in My Way’
A NEW YORK-BASED psychiatrist who was invited by Yale University to give a talk titled “Psychopathic Problem of the White Mind” told the audience that she had fantasized about ‘unloading a revolver into the head of any white person’ who got in her way.″…

Gonna Get Dealt With
PLEASE WATCH the following amazing video: Grab a handful of anti-depressants, a plate of partially cooked maggots and your estrogen drink with the weird little “U” on the bottle, it’s time for the evening news. We’re looking for a “woman,” meaning a living…

Cuck Island: Kicked and Stamped
Shocking footage captures a gang of youths stamping on a man and hitting him over the head as he lies on the road in broad daylight. THOSE crazy “youths” and their innocent exuberance for life. Just a couple of little pranks, nothing to see. You were young once and probably regularly participated…

Thanks, Jews: Black Violence Now Stains the Emerald Isle
A GANG of up 50 Black “youths” that, according to The Irish Sun, style themselves as an “American-type gang” are terrorizing the Dublin “15” neighborhood and beyond after the latest incident in which they attacked random White children who were eating in a…

Who’s Been Killing Black People?
For the most part, it’s not the police — and it certainly isn’t White nationalists. Even lynchers in the Old South pale in comparison to the real culprits. by David Sims IN THE United States, Blacks kill other Blacks at an estimated average rate of 20 per day. How many of these do you…

The Mass Shootings and the Real Violent War Against Us
by Boyd Cathey TO LISTEN TO almost all the reporters and reporterettes on Fox News — and most of the Establishment Media experts — after the mass shootings in El Paso and Dayton, you would think that President Donald Trump needed to do exactly what the Reverend Jimmy Swaggart did back a number of years ago:…

Too Late to Escape
PLEASE WATCH the following amazing video.
Dawn Bales and her 15-year-old daughter are already on the ground by the time the Facebook Live recording begins, the former frantically trying to shield her child from the barrage of kicks delivered by a ring of teenage attackers. After America dies, after…

Our First Murder
I SPEND A LOT of time talking about places like Detroit Rot City and the Chicago all against all, fallen cities where the end result of “fewer Whites in everything!” can be easily observed. The theory is that no sane person can look at Chiraq or the Detroit ruins and come to any conclusion…