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Every. Single. Time. — HHS Secretary Blocks Report on Fluoride Dangers

Washington regime health official “Rachel” Levine

by Karl Haemers

LATE LAST MONTH The Defender, the journal of Children’s Health Defense, presented its article “Report Linking Fluoride to Lower IQ in Children Made Public After CDC, HHS Tried to Block It.” The comprehensive meta-analysis report by the National Toxicology Program, “an interagency program run by the Department of Health and Human Services that researches and reports on environmental toxins, conducted a six-year systematic review to assess scientific studies on fluoride exposure and potential neurodevelopmental and cognitive health effects in humans.” Note that the NTP is a sub-agency within Health and Human Services, as is CDC and NIH.

This report was ordered by the court considering the legal case of Food and Water Watch vs. EPA over human and particularly childhood exposure to toxic fluoride, not just in drinking water but other sources as well. Now, six years later, the results of the study are presented.

For ten months certain people within the HHS tried to block release of this report that should break the legal case wide open — and much of the nation’s public drinking water policy. “We had to fight hard to have this report even made public,” Connett (plaintiffs’ attorney) said. “They [CDC and HHS] buried this. If they had gotten their way, this report would have never even seen the light of day.”

Before we reveal exactly who at CDC and HHS tried to block the report, let us examine what it reveals about fluoride and public health. “Of the 19 high-quality studies assessing the association between fluoride and IQ in children, 18 reported an association between higher fluoride exposure and lower IQ in children. Forty-six of the 53 low-quality studies also found evidence of that association.” And: “This review finds, with moderate confidence, that higher fluoride exposure… is consistently associated with lower IQ in children.” This can have a significant societal effect: “a 5-point decrease in a population’s IQ would nearly double the number of people classified as intellectually disabled.”

Who at HHS blocked this devastating report? Ghouls! Only a megalomaniacal psychopath who intends to deliberately “dumb down” children would try to prevent the truth in this study from reaching the public. In particular, that psychopath is the Jewish transsexual Assistant Secretary of HHS, Rachel/Richard Levine. “Emails also indicated that HHS Assistant Secretary for Health Rachel Levine was going to ‘get involved,’ and, ‘the May 18 release date for [the report] is almost certainly not going to happen.’” Attorney for the plaintiffs Connett said: “We have emails showing that Levine is the one who put it on hold. Rachel Levine said not to publish this report at this time. Then we got the FOIA emails showing that and NTP said they may not publish this [the report] at all.”

Jews are powerful. Always in the room, typically directing things — in this case the program to lower the IQ levels of Americans’ children through poisoning the drinking water, as part of the broader campaign to destroy White civilization and replace it with the whatever the World Economic Forum wants. Here Levine and baby-killer Rochelle Walensky, its Jewish colleague directing the CDC, are engineering the mass poisoning of children and hiding the evidence.

I call Walensky a baby-killer for her recommendation that it was “urgent” for “pregnant persons” to get the covid vax in order to protect themselves and their babies, when the CDC’s own study which Walensky cited concluded that more data was needed to make any recommendation (see my Taboo Truth essay “Jews of the CDC”). That study showed a 26% adverse outcome (miscarriages, small birth weight, early birth, defects) according to the voluntary V-Safe reporting system and VAERS data. These data were only for first-trimester injections, and only from “several states,” and only from January to July, when a much smaller percentage of “pregnant persons” (of course, they would not even say “women” or “mothers”) were vaxxed. Walensky, who conducted a “phase 3” trial on pregnant mothers in the US, must have known what the outcome would be: death and mangling of babies, and grief for the parents and other family members.

Now her fellow Tribe member Levine is conducting another campaign in the assault on children and society and hiding the evidence. We’ve had enough. We’re done with this. This report to the court should result in the EPA being ordered to remove all fluoride from drinking water, and from any other products or sources that can reach not just children, but all ages. If it does not, we will know that the public health establishment and its legal infrastructure are manipulating matters to continue the mass poisoning and the intentional dysgenic program on the populace. These people should be in prison.

To save the children.

* * *

Source: Occidental Observer via James Clayton

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Will W. Williams * National Alliance Chairman
Will W. Williams * National Alliance Chairman
8 April, 2023 12:37 pm

Whew, Ms. Levine! That is one scary looking bitch.

ulysses freire da paz jr
ulysses freire da paz jr
11 April, 2023 5:59 pm

Even the blind can see that the more leftist and Masonic a nation, the more multicultural, therefore, also abysmal its social inequality, the more exacerbated the prison population, and the more inefficient or non-existent are the public services

Jews will never be able to subjugate a people who have maintained their racial purity. Jews in this world will always rule only over nations that have lost the purity of blood.

11 April, 2023 9:25 pm

There is calcium fluoride, which naturally occurs in soil – how much varies by location – and sodium fluoride, a by-product of industrial manufacturing. Toxic waste, in other words. The latter is added to many municipal water supplies because of the artificially created fiction that it helps prevent tooth decay, which it does not. The best way to prevent tooth decay is staying away from refined sugar and brushing at least 3 times a day. In my area, city water was fluoride-free for many years, but ‘they’ (?) decided to put it back in around 2016, if memory serves. My indoor plants haven’t been the same since. Not only is fluoride in water, it is also in drugs, notably in a family of antibiotics called fluoroquinolones, which are sold under… Read more »

Reply to  Wolfgang
12 April, 2023 2:58 am

I was given such drugs by a ‘nurse practitioner’ for an infection and noticed something funny going on in my Achilles tendons after only 2 pills. Me too, it’s called getting “floxed”. After 3 pills my ankles got pins and needles, which progressed to debilitating burning in my ankles and knees for 2 weeks, followed by peripheral neuropathy for over a year. I don’t know if it’s the reason why I recovered, but I took magnesium supplements the entire time because of studies like these: This study showed similar biochemical changes in tendon samples from dogs fed a magnesium-deficient diet for 6 weeks, which strengthens the hypothesis that fluoroquinolone toxicity could be related to chelation of magnesium.Quinolones and magnesium deficiency cause similar lesions in joint cartilage of young animals. Chondrocytes cultivated… Read more »

Reply to  Damoclesian
12 April, 2023 6:28 am

Maybe they should change the brand name Levaquin to Levine. As a related subject, the war on raw milk apparently started in 1911 when the son of Nathan Straus, then co-owner of Macy’s department store in NYC, allegedly died of a tainted batch. This is at a time when refrigeration was still rather sketchy, rapid urbanization had made the path of the milk from cow to human consumer much longer than ever before and maybe not all the containers used to transport the milk were as scrupulously cleaned as they should have been. Add to that the fact that generally, only people of northern European origin retain the ability to digest milk beyond childhood, while many others have issues. Part of which has to do with pasteurization – Pasteur vs.… Read more »

Jim - National Alliance Staff
Jim - National Alliance Staff
18 April, 2023 5:52 am

It appears that the poisoners of the public well are at it again and are in a position to keep on dumping their toxic chemicals indefinitely. Waiting around for them to stop doesn’t appear to be an option.

Since we’re all being exposed to fluoride through the public water supplies, what can be done to neutralize or remove it? Sure, drinking water can be replaced by water treated by some method, such as reverse osmosis, but many would still be exposed to fluoride through showering and bathing as the chemicals would be absorbed through the skin.

The Cosmotheist communities being built will need solutions to this problem, and those with knowledge of chemicals ought to step up and join us.

Reply to  Jim - National Alliance Staff
18 April, 2023 6:51 pm

I’ve done some research & spoke with an individual who worked as a chemist for the municipal water supply. From what I’ve gathered, the only solution is to only use well water & that must be filtered thoroughly both at the main along with each faucet, the filtration being tailored for your needs since groundwater can have an abundance of toxins even in remote areas. On the topic of filters, that is a business filled with scams. Even the most “trusted” often make claims to filter a plethora of toxins yet are not actually proven to do so. If a claim is made for say a thousand toxins due to how fine the element is (in microns), to truly be qualified a separate lab test for each must be done,… Read more »

Reply to  Jim - National Alliance Staff
20 April, 2023 7:18 pm

Many smaller cities in WA and OR don’t flouridate the water.