Posts Tagged
US government

No Blacks on the Moon After All?
by David Sims YOU MIGHT REMEMBER that NASA’s Artemis Project was supposed to put a Black and a woman on the Moon? It might not happen after all. The builder of the SLS rocket used by the project, Boeing, is being sued for stealing the intellectual property of Wilson Aerospace (the lawsuit’s…

Every. Single. Time. — HHS Secretary Blocks Report on Fluoride Dangers
Washington regime health official “Rachel” Levine by Karl Haemers LATE LAST MONTH The Defender, the journal of Children’s Health Defense, presented its article “Report Linking Fluoride to Lower IQ in Children Made Public After CDC, HHS Tried to Block It.” The comprehensive meta-analysis…

Strength or Weakness?
Washington, DC power photo that went viral: Four-star admiral Richard “Rachel” Levine, left, with Biden Administration nuclear official Sam Brinton, celebrating Bastille Day in France, July 2022. by Andrew Hamilton THIS PHOTO OF A couple of ultra-privileged, high-level American government…

Gibbering Hate; Finely Set in Caslon Type
The shambling thing called Antony Blinken by Douglas Mercer AMERICA HAS PUT A Jew in charge of its foreign policy, so it’s not surprising that he’s issuing an apology on our behalf. (Jews practically never apologize for anything they did themselves.) In fact, he’s doing a lot more…

Patriotic Gore, part 1
Pompeo by Douglas Mercer JUST BEFORE the last Independence Day (which Kevin Strom has rightly noted should rightly be called Dependence Day), former Trump CIA Director and Secretary of State Mike Pompeo took to the electronic pages of Fox News and served us up a heaping helping of patriotic pornography…

Our Illegitimate Ruling Class: A Tale of Two Senators
William Cohen and his mulatto wife PERHAPS NO TWO figures better epitomize the kosher sandwich in action than former Maine Senators George J. Mitchell and William S. Cohen, Gentile and Jew, Democrat and Republican, equal and complementary slices of kosher bread in the neo-liberal order. They are,…

Getting Undocumented Communities Ready
WE’RE ABOUT TO BEGIN the process of deporting millions of illegal aliens, starting very, very soon. Yes, seven figures worth of foreign looters will be getting the old heave-ho, it’s now just a matter of weeks. Assuming we don’t get distracted by a war with Iran, are overruled by…

Drone Pilots Have Bank Accounts and Credit Cards Frozen by Feds for Exposing US Murder
For having the courage to come forward and expose the drone program for the indiscriminate murder that it is, 4 vets are under attack from the government they once served.
THE U.S. Government failed to deter them through threats of criminal prosecution, and clumsy attempts to intimidate their families.…

Vladimir Putin Says America is Lying
Russian leader accuses U.S. of using Iran nukes as cover to build missile “defense” shield; suggests mockingly that the “moderate” Syrian terrorists supported by Washington “behead people softly.”
AT THE TWELFTH annual Valdai Discussion Club meeting…

Washington Regime Gives Up “Training” Syrian Rebels; Increases Arms Shipments; Gives Instructions on “Calling In Air Strikes”
Weapons — and soldiers themselves — often end up in ISIS hands; “rebels” change sides at will; despite the fact that this strategy was a total failure, weapons will still be funneled to supposedly “vetted” rebels.
THE OBAMA administration on Friday abandoned…