How Rudolf Hess Tried to Stop World War 2 – and Why Others Wanted to Kill Him
THIRTY-FIVE YEARS AGO last month, 93-year-old Rudolf Hess died at Spandau, where he had been the sole prisoner for more than twenty years. He had been incarcerated for almost half a century, since his crash landing in Scotland in May, 1941.
Hess flew to Britain hoping that Germany and Britain could end their mutually-destructive war. He proposed that Britain should develop her Empire which was in no way threatened by Germany, who only required the return of her relatively modest colonies from the Kaiser’s era.
Under Hess’s proposals, Germany would be given a free hand in Europe, including dealing with Stalin’s Soviet Union.
After war had intensified during 1940, Hess perceived that Britain would not now easily agree to a peace settlement without losing prestige, so he decided to take the risk of flying to Britain himself, “so that by his own presence in England, England would be enabled to consider an approach.” Hess hoped that he could provide some foundation on which peace talks could proceed.
Instead, this martyr for peace found himself in one prison or another for the rest of his life.
To begin with, Hess used cautious language about the Soviet Union, not wishing to give away too much in advance of what he hoped would be serious negotiations with the British. But by July 1941 when he wrote a memorandum titled “Germany – England from the viewpoint of war against the Soviet Union,” eventually handed to government minister and Daily Express owner Lord Beaverbrook, Hess was open (and prescient) about the overriding threat from Moscow that he believed an Anglo-German alliance should combat.
He believed that Germany was strong enough to defeat Russia, correctly pointing out that German morale was far higher in this war than it had been during the First World War:
It will hardly be doubted that the spirit of the troops is magnificent. The elements which in the [first] world war eventually weakened the spirit of the German troops – the disruptive influences from home infected with Marxist communism, and hunger at home – are missing today.
Thanks to the effects of National Socialism, the German armed forces are not only immune from Bolshevik propaganda, but fantastically anti-Bolshevik.
Nevertheless, Hess asked influential Britons such as Beaverbrook to consider the consequences for the British Empire of a German defeat.
Consequent on the Anglo-Bolshevik alliance, a victory for England would be a victory for the Bolsheviks.
…Should England’s hopes of a German weakening be realised, the Soviet state, after the expansion of its armament capacity, would be the strongest military power in the world.
Only a strong Germany as counter-balance, supported by all Europe, and in trustful relationship with England, could hinder this.
I believe that Germany, destined by fate, was compelled at a given moment to draw aside the curtain covering the secret of the Bolshevik army, so that revelation of the danger might even yet make possible the defence of the civilised world.
…England should further bear in mind the danger that would face certain parts of her Empire when the Bolshevik giant – which today is hardly conquerable by the biggest army in the world – has reached the military strength to be anticipated in the future.
The danger will be still further increased by the attraction of Bolshevik ideas with the native-born populations with a low standard of living.
…I am convinced that world domination awaits the Soviet Union in the future – if her power is not broken at the last minute – with the loss to Great Britain of her position as an Imperial power.
Which of us in 2022 could say he was wrong?
And in 1941, soon after Hess’s arrival in Britain, there was an abortive plot to kill him, involving exiled Polish troops and an officer of the Special Operations Executive – the ‘dirty tricks’ wing of the British war effort.
The current issue of H&D includes an article by our assistant editor Peter Rushton giving the most likely explanation of Hess’s murder in 1987.
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Source: Heritage and Destiny magazine
The lesson Hess brings us appears to be that there is no negotiating with those countries who have been too far corrupted by Jews. Hess’ efforts to contact friendly Whites in alien-dominated Britain proved futile at stopping war, those men were not in a position of any real authority there.
For European and American Whites today, the situation is far worse; the task of surviving these times and building a new order among Whites is the necessity.
To some extent I agree , however I also think the English suffer from a certain native cultural arrogance that
cloud’s their judgement. For them England is morally superior regardless of the context.
To put it mildly, the English are the closest in mentality to the Jews! That has been my conviction for many years. They walk over mountains of corpses for profit. Not only area bombing in violation of international law, the starvation of the Germans in the Weimar Republic, but also the exploitation of China, India with millions of dead, confirms this criminal mentality, which strangely enough are closely related to us.
Greetings from Germany.
As an Anglo Saxon myself, but born in the diaspora, I understand your indictment and think the German people are owed an enormous debt for the injustice of World War I and II, and are owed assistance in liberation from the ongoing occupation. That said, the alignment in mentality that you describe is best attributed to the Jew-hijacked Anglo Establishment, not to the majority of Anglos. The participation of the people required deception and manipulation that is ongoing in the Anglosphere, and that same indoctrination is active in many Germans, who celebrate the imprisonment of revisionists and punishment of Nazis. Our people are all ethnic Europeans, and most of us remain under the same spell, casualties of a psychological war. Those few of us who have escaped the maze of… Read more »
More than ever have the times convinced
me that building a NS state is going to be
a multi-generational task. Undoing mental
programming is far more difficult that wiping
out smallpox or the Plague.
It is our greatest challenge, Walt. To put our race back on the upward path will indeed be multi-generational, and we’ve got the framework of the National Alliance to use to get us there in a conscious, well-directed, and organized manner over all the days and years to come. We won’t be around, you and I, to see it come to fruition as that’s for our descendants to see. Our task is to do it, come what may. No one else is going to do it for us.
YES but isn’t the major obstacle the fact that half of the whites are already gone? Meaning they’re so rat-brained, so to speak, they cannot think and they believe their own suicide is good and that the extermination of whites is good. I am in a large blue city. I get so upset because no white kids will play white music or even walk around with other white kids. It is very mixed, but still, this white self-annihilation is a problem in itself to discuss. I think they’d have to be reverse brain washed to get them back and I know all about their brainwashing because they did it to me too. But I dropped out and woke up. Way too smart for rats. Addressing other whites, as you rightly… Read more »
AVA, the major obstacle is that Whites who have at least a somewhat healthy racial consciousness to them fail to put it to action on a path that made by and for Whites. Ask yourself, do you believe the White race should be saved? And if yes, then let’s not get held back by ifs, ands, or buts; join us: after reading our prospectus:
The few of us who come together, organize, and act in furtherance of our goals will reach critical mass –the point where we become truly effective on a larger scale — and change our conditions around us to become favorable to Whites. We can conquer our problems together, but separately we remain ineffective.
This has intrigued me for many years.
Hess lived well into my own lifetime.
I was already middle-aged at the time
of his death in 1987. Hess did not live
all those years just so he could die by
his own hand. I have absolutely no
doubt he was murdered by the
operatives of International Jewry.
Hess went to the enemy camp. Bad move. He probably thought that he would be dealing with people of a similar set of values. Never. Those people on the Potomac were waging a proxy war on Germany by supplying Britain with a surplus of war appliances and billions of dollars. All that wealth put Churchill in a centrifugal force. He did not want out.
Needless to say, he was absolutely right about the Soviet Union. Unfortunately however, like Hitler and other leading National Socialists, he seemed to underestimate just how Jewish-controlled Britain was at the time.
Indeed. Even to the extent to how
much control over the so-called
“Western World” is today controlled
by International Jewry.
(((They))) control everything and everyone now
Many things (((they))) control, but not everything, Deb. We have the power to act towards greater goals on a different Path towards what we believe is a higher purpose for Whites.
For example, I can start a business of my own to support myself, volunteer my time, resources, skills, and talents towards helping the National Alliance towards our goals, I can do outreach in support of the greater Alliance outreach to bring others like us into our community, and so on. I can’t do everything, but I can do something every day to help us help ourselves. Good Cosmotheist community members do that and we don’t need the Jews’ permission either.
Listen to Jim, Deb. The Jews control a lot, but not everything unless we allow them to. They do not control us except to a certain extent, like if we must buy kosher material blessed by their goddamned rabbis, or be taken in by their control of the mass entertainment and news industries. Withdraw your consent to be controlled. I’m not controlled by them, nor are our determined Alliance members whose goal is racial separation and self-determination. You sound like you are just before being ready to strip the Jews of their control of you. It’s easier to do when you join with others of us in the Alliance. Sticks in a bundle can’t be broken but sticks taken singly can be easily broken. Same applies to people. There is… Read more »
The folks at Heritage and Destiny are splendid essayists. I love their work.
Rudolf Hess Flight.
In my mind’s eye I kept seeing – in Germany and Britain alike – an endless line of children’s coffins with weeping mothers behind them; and then again, the coffins of mothers, with their children clustered behind them. Rudolf Hess in captivity, explaining to the Lord Chancellor on June 9, 1941 the reasons for his mission.
That poor, naïve man labored under the delusion that there was still a Britain.
Instead, he landed in the heart of the Rothschild empire….