EssaysGuest opinion

Conscience and Honor

The author

IDEALISM: The Chief of the Danish branch of the Nordic Resistance Movement, Jacob Vullum, writes about the concepts of honor and conscience, and relates them to White morality and social acceptance in the modern world.

by Jacob Vullum

WHAT IS HONOR, this old-fashioned concept, which, in the modern world, appears to have been replaced with the concept of conscience? Honor is an abstract concept that involves personal, individual character and a code of behavior relating to a people’s primordial values. Honor is a measure of the quality of a person, which in a natural Nordic man includes heroism, bravery, and trust. Honor should be at the core of who we are, and who we strive to become, and influence all our choices in life.

Conscience, on the other hand – the substitute for honor in the modern world – functions somewhat like honor, as it involves personal, individual character and a code of behavior, but in relation to social norms; i.e., the norms of the modern world, and not the original values of a people. The conscientious person is seen as a good person by the modern world, a useful member of society, when he acts completely without honor vis-à-vis a natural set of values.

The fact that people in the modern world can be swayed so far from their natural path by the (new) norms of society to such a degree that it can be considered brainwashing is evident every day. We see it when young people choose degeneration and destructive pleasure, and shun strength of character and self-improvement. We see it when bravery is exchanged for tolerance, when selfishness triumphs over the common good, and when “conscientious” individuals engage in race-mixing rather than keeping their blood pure.

If we look at the famous social experiment at Stanford University, where students’ behavior was observed after they were divided into groups of “prisoners” and “prison guards,” it becomes clear that people’s behavior is influenced by the social norms around them, if one is only led by his conscience. The conscientious “prison guards” treated their fellow student “prisoners” particularly badly because it had been made socially acceptable to do so. Conversely, honorable behavior rooted in a deeper, stronger morality – for our people, the original White values – is not shaken by changing circumstances or toxic influence.

If we imagine an experiment that is not limited to a university basement, but which is instead widespread throughout the West, we see an image of our modern world, in which, day by day, its norms and social acceptance pave the way for dishonorable lifestyles and totally destructive behavior. Race-mixing, LGBT ideology, drunkenness, substance abuse, cowardice, selfishness, laziness, and nihilism are presented as socially acceptable norms within this modern world for those who seek an easy road to a good conscience.

All people naturally seek honor, but many are content to act according to their polluted conscience, while invoking a lost “honor,” such the homosexual who speaks of honor (or “pride”) while vulgarly posing in a “gay” magazine, as if it were something for an instinctively healthy-minded person to emulate.

Is it honorable – or merely socially accepted – to make one’s living as a completely egotistic and self-glorifying shameless tramp on Instagram while invoking the wider social community? Beware of dishonor that dresses in honorable clothes.

Our concepts have been hijacked and our core value system has been under attack for more than 1,000 years, ever since Christianity occupied our countries and – as Alfred Rosenberg wrote in the 1920s – replaced our natural values of courage and pride with fear and humility.

We must all strive toward something higher than just being content with a good conscience. We must look beyond, to the future we want, and back to the morality that guided our ancestors. This morality must guide us in all aspects of life, so that both our conscience and honor emanate from this ancient, natural morality, which – if practised correctly – functions as the ultimate source of rules and laws in this decadent modern world.

Our people are not only quickly being outnumbered by mass immigration; authentic and instinctive idealism is equally in danger of drowning in the anti-culture and anti-morality of today. Our countries will not be liberated from racial foreigners tomorrow, and the anti-White agenda will not disappear in an instant, but you can start your self-improvement today – and it is needed.

Return to your true self as an authentic European. Immerse yourself in the values mentioned above, practise and work on them, spread them and defend them.

You can read more about these values in the works of Anton Holzner – Master Life and Eternal Front; particularly the below chapters:

Master Life:

Chapter 7 – Trust
Chapter 12 – Character Hardness
Chapter 14 – Courage

Eternal Front:

Chapter 3 – Community
Chapter 10 – Heroism!
Chapter 12 – Of Joy
Chapter 17 – About Enjoying

* * *

Source: Nordic Resistance Movement

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Art Thief
Art Thief
11 August, 2022 6:11 am

Fun point to reinforce the article:
We have a word for defects of character and physique: flaws.

…what word could suffice as it’s opposite?

Reply to  Art Thief
11 August, 2022 11:44 pm

Purity comes to mind.

Art Thief
Art Thief
Reply to  Forsaken
13 August, 2022 6:42 pm

This is an interesting take. I think I know where you’re coming from but please clarify.

Reply to  Art Thief
12 August, 2022 2:46 pm

Assets, skills, gifts (as in giftedness), sophistication, faculty?

Art Thief
Art Thief
Reply to  Zemma
13 August, 2022 6:42 pm

Assets are general and may encompass learned abilities as well as innate talent, and even possessions.
Skills are learned and not innate; they are not truly opposite to the innate nature of flaws.
Gifts are the closest opposite but demand a giver.
Sophistication is too narrow.
Faculty is also close but implies specific abilities akin more to skill than to gifts.

No, what I am looking for is something truly opposite to a flaw, an innate good point.

Reply to  Art Thief
13 August, 2022 7:25 pm

Mmmh… ok let’s see.


I liked my suggestion there, gift (again, as in giftedness, i. e. a gifted child)…

But yeah I think I see what you mean… I too would need a term that encompasses all that… I was looking for a product of a success of Nature, as opposed to a failure.

Otherwise all the words mentioned so far, technically make up for an antonym of ”flaws”.

”We have a word for defects of character and physique: flaws.

…what word could suffice as it’s opposite?”

Art Thief
Art Thief
Reply to  Zemma
14 August, 2022 10:06 pm

I think gifted is certainly the closest, especially with the implication of a success of Nature. However, “gift” comes with the (at least in the mainstream) admonition that one should not take pride in it, that it is somehow unearned. We are expected, not without great reason and all but among the degenerates, to own our flaws that we may overcome them. I find no such opposite in the kenning of modern English for our good points, no innate greatness for which we should take pride, hone, and be held up among our fellows for it. We have specifics, such as beauty, for which we and even lower races do this. But we have no word for that class of attribute which doesn’t lessen it. This is what I was… Read more »

11 August, 2022 10:39 am

Wonderful article.