Posts Tagged
Nordic Resistance Movement
Conscience and Honor
The author IDEALISM: The Chief of the Danish branch of the Nordic Resistance Movement, Jacob Vullum, writes about the concepts of honor and conscience, and relates them to White morality and social acceptance in the modern world. by Jacob Vullum WHAT IS HONOR, this old-fashioned concept, which,…
Sweden: What Have Politicians Ever Given You?
Resistance Movement activists visited a sunny Karlstad last Saturday to spread the organisation’s pro-Nordic message. ON SATURDAY 19 February, a group of activists from Sweden’s Nest 5 and Nest 2 organised a public leaflet distribution in central Karlstad. The location was full of people looking…
NRM: Swedish National Council Member on the Ukraine War
Swedish National Council member Robert Eklund comments on the war in Ukraine. by Robert Eklund ON WEDNESDAY NIGHT, we heard the news that Russia had launched a full-scale military attack against its neighbour Ukraine. The Russian President stated during the night that Russia is conducting military…
Real Environmental Problems
In this article, Nest Chief Daniel Gerdås explains his views on the so-called climate crisis and other more tangible environmental problems. NOBODY CAN have possibly escaped the daily climate hysteria fed to us by the media. “We have 10 years to change things before it’s too late.” “The glaciers are…
Sweden: NRM Nationwide Message – Self-Defense Is a Natural Right
THE Nordic Resistance Movement held public actions in six different locations on Saturday, 3 July under the banner “Self-defence is a natural right!” Here we present a video and photos from the day. Speeches were given on the day urging the Nordic people to defend themselves, organise and fight back…
PC Leftists Corrupt and Distort Ancient Nordic Religion
The Icelander Ríkharður Magnússon discusses our Old Norse beliefs and the ways in which they have been distorted in the modern era. I WON’T DELVE deeply into the Old Norse beliefs in this article; rather the purpose here is to confront and clear up some of the distortions and false information…
Race – Not Country
Simon Lindberg explains National Socialism’s relationship to race and nationality, an important distinction that is often misunderstood. by Simon Lindberg THE MAIN thing we National Socialists fight for is the survival of our people — we fight so that Aryans will continue to walk the face of the Earth.…
White Lives Matter Demonstration in Örebro, Sweden
The Nordic Resistance Movement held a White Lives Matter flash demonstration in Örebro, Sweden. ACTIVISTS and members from the Nordic Resistance Movement went to the county capital Örebro on Saturday, 7 November, to hold a flash demonstration. The weather on the day was cloudy and a little windy,…
Sweden: NRM Takes Action Against Indoctrination of Children by Perverts
The Resistance Movement recently took action against organisations hosting drag queen “story times” in public venues. The activism was met by virulent headlines in the media. SWEDEN’S Nest 1 cordoned off public venues hosting subversive activities in the localities of Nykvarn and Täby on…
Everyone is Needed in the Struggle
The leader of the Nordic Resistance Movement writes about membership, folk community and why all of our people are needed in the struggle. by Simon Lindberg THERE ARE SOME who believe the struggle should exclude those who are not sufficiently fit, intelligent or attractive. They say they do more damage…