Farewell to Hitler
An obituary
Introduction: The freewill death of Adolf Hitler and his wife, Eva, took place at 3:30 pm on April 30, 1945. The following obituary and memorial tribute appeared in the Hamburger Zeitung on May 2, the day before the city fell to the Allies. It reflects the somber, respectful attitude of heroic stoicism with which the German population received the news of the Führer’s death.
by Hermann Okraß, Hamburger Zeitung, 2 May 1945
HE ONCE SAID: “I wish nothing on my gravestone other than my name.” Even his name will probably not stand over his grave, for we know that he must have perished while fighting bitterly in the Reich Chancellery. We know that the enemy will be able to find a body in the ruins caused by countless artillery shells and countless flame throwers, and that they may say that it is the Führer’s body, but we will not believe it. If the enemy says that, we will not believe it. That his body is dead we believe, what is mortal of him has perished, has passed away, but he has fulfilled his most beautiful oath, this affirmation: “The most valuable thing God has given me on this world is my people. My faith rests on them, I serve them with my will, and I give my life to them.” His life is fulfilled. He began by fighting for his people, and he ended that way. A life of battle.
Now the world will attempt to explain him. Books will be written about him, some praising, others cursing him. People will criticize him, people will pray for him. A great one has left this world, and where a strong, bright light is extinguished, creatures suddenly appear in the twilight that had hidden from the bright light. That is all foreign to us, far from our way of thinking. For this we affirm: We swore an oath to this man and his teachings, we pledged ourselves to him during our people’s dark days, we rose with him to the heights to which he led our people in the brief, beautiful years of peace, and like all good Germans, we stood by him in battle. The world should not appear small and shabby to us because the victors can rejoice. We can confidently leave his judgment to world history. We today cannot decide it.
But will posterity be able to understand him fully? It is hard for contemporaries to pass judgment about someone of their own era, particularly if it is one as unique as Adolf Hitler. Posterity sees the great from a distance, reads his words, reads our words, but it cannot understand the world of our day in all of its breadth. One can only hope that they believe the great words of the great man. “One could give me whole parts of the earth, but I would rather remain the poorest citizen of this state. — I am not so crazy as to want war. — I was a worker in my youth, and have remained one in my inmost being. — We are not fighting for theories, nor for dogmas. It make no difference whether or not we live. The only thing that is important is that our people lives!”
How will these words sound to posterity? Will they be able to understand why a whole people, in the midst of its deepest poverty, affirmed this man? We may only hope so, for we know that world history will then truly understand this man, his teachings, and our age. We see that more clearly today than ever before, we see it proven by the immeasurably hard battle that our people has withstood so bravely, we see it in the silent unspoken loyalty of the poorest sons of our people that Adolf Hitler gathered as a lens that focuses all light on a single point; the most beautiful virtues, the most fervent desires, the noblest longings, the beautiful will of our people, the longing for the Reich, the drive for social justice, the will for freedom, for clear leadership, our people saw that all united in Adolf Hitler and his idea. That little minds darkened the image of his clear will, that traitors and bad counselors deserted and betrayed him, that finally he was overcome by a great superiority of steel and money, that cannot change the image of him that is in the deepest heart of our people. The present hour may perhaps dim that image, the enormous sacrifices, the sorrow and misery, may distort it, but when one day the senses clear, when thoughts are once again free, he will appear once more even to the last people’s comrade as he did in days in which the whole nation joyfully affirmed him.
The man is dead. He fell fighting. He remained loyal to himself. He wanted the best for his people, which is why it loved him so much. We know that he will continue to live in our land not as a war hero in the form of a metal statue, but rather as a child of the people whose pure will the people understood, and whose most beautiful words will remain a memorial for us, his words that in a people’s deepest need, one must love his people more than himself.
* * *
Source: Hermann Okraß, “Abschied von Hitler,” Hamburger Zeitung, 2 May 1945, p. 1., via New Order
Hitler had the right idea but failed at the end. But his goal of White homogeneity is still alive and well but could use a more neutral snd less aggressive assertions for solodsrity snd separatism.
Non-whites are large in number snd are constantly growing and nsintsining themselves in every corner of the globe e so avoiding aggression and hate and focusing on love for the special White Race would be a better method to gain more support gor White Nstionslism as a whole.
> Waaaaaaaaah HatE iS bAD bEcAuSe oF mUH moRAL hiGhGrouNd Pathetic. If you think all is doom and gloom LOL think again as ever really wonder what’s the actual truth and reason on why the US government and others alike disclose about UFOs and releasing footage of encounters with them especially last year and very recently https://globalnews.ca/news/8841428/ufo-hearing-us-congress-may-2022/ Its because the UFOs belonged to and are operated by the Reichsdeutsche (Imperial or Breakaway Germans) Basically the National Socialist Germans are not completely gone nor defeated as they have planned ahead where they did a tactical retreat to South America and Antarctica. Then, proceed to went to the Moon and Mars to create settlements via their flying saucer crafts (UFOs) years later. Inb4 yOu’Re a ScHiZo. Read through all these excellent informative… Read more »
Instead of flying around and making pretty lights in the sky, why don’t they do something useful like take all the Jews and non-whites off the planet ??
I read Parts one and two. It’s said that many world leaders have visited Antarctica. Do you think they are looking at the abandoned base there?
What do you disagree with Savitri Davi and Hitler about, besides Vegetarianism?
Whether it’s called ‘Unidentified Aerial Phenomenon’ or ‘‘Unidentified Flying Object’’ the key word is ‘Unidentified’. Some people can imagine that any dark spot or point of light on a screen is a complex machine full of people out for a fly. The videos are the absolute worst both in quality and camerawork. Some are ridiculous. The last one, for instance, is around 900 frames which consist of only a dozen or so frames repeated. The one remarkable thing about it is at the beginning there is briefly a red arrow that points to nothing of interest while just beneath it at the bottom a large portion of the massive cloud formation completely alters its shape in four hundredths of a second but the few seconds of footage is focused on… Read more »
“Non-whites are large in number snd are constantly growing and nsintsining themselves in every corner of the globe e so avoiding aggression and hate and focusing on love for the special White Race would be a better method to gain more support gor White Nstionslism as a whole…”
have to admit your comment is a head scratcher …??
Like an unstoppable force, Hitler rises. But what is that force? It is the force of people naturally preferring morality and not finding it anywhere except in Hitler’s Germany. .
I believe it’s safe to say that only when his name is finally praised en masse once again will we stand a fighting chance.
Eventually people will yearn for such a great man to lead.
Heil Hitler.
This has been said before.
The item merits its presentation
here: Arthur Schopenhauer.
“Truth goes through the
phases. First, it is ridiculed,
then it is violently opposed
and finally, it is accepted as
being self-evident.”
“Now the world will attempt to explain him. – by lying about him…
Books will be written about him, some praising, others cursing him. – 1,000s to date …
People will criticize him, people will pray for him. – still talking about him nearly a century later …”
Dedicated unto the end. Uncompromising in his beliefs always. Loyal to our kind in superior measure. We in the National Alliance strive for this in our ranks as well as in leadership based on the model Adolf Hitler and William Luther Pierce provided us.
Adolf Hitler was arguably the greatest White man who ever existed! A warrior and a fighter for the glorious White race. He fought and exposed the Jew like no other person in history! He fought for the White race and against World Bolshevik plague. He wanted all Aryans to unite and put aside their own national quarrels and prejudices aside. He was a fighter for all Aryans throughout the world, and his spirit runs in the veins of every single White person in this world! His glorious Waffen SS army was perhaps the first Pan Aryan army in history. Not to mention his achievements in economy, pioneering in the fight against pollution, auto industry, creation of Auto Bahn systems, advocation against cruelty inflicted on animals, recognition of eugenics and heredity… Read more »
I want to thank Kevin Alfred Strom and the staff of the National Vanguard webzine for republishing this important article.
It initially appeared before the armistice signed by the German armed forces at the end of the War, so technically it belongs to the Third Reich era. But it can also been seen as the first post-Hitler National Socialist document. It is an attempt to sum up his life and achievements by someone who experienced them firsthand as a living phenomenon, rather than as seen by some scholar picking over the dried bones of the past.
Apart from its historical importance, it is also an eloquent summation of the essence of the National Socialist worldview: love of our people comes before all else.
Funny how the current Biden Administration is owned and run by Jews ; Schumer, Nadler, Schiff, Blinken, Yellen, Nuland, Garland, Levine, Chertoff, Mayorkis, and on and on. The people who hate us the most are running our government and draining our Treasury DRY. THINK ABOUT THAT ! We are in a battle for the raw survival of our nation, but not one person anywhere dares to utter the word “JEW.” So tell me, how are we to defeat this enemy if we are not even brave enough to mention his name ? It is hopeless. We’ve all been Holocausted to death, and it’s sickening. Trannies, drag queens, pedophiles, an internet littered with the most vile anal porn, 2000 American kids going missing every day ; 800,000 per year, and for… Read more »
I’m 66 and feel and think exactly as you!
Cheops: We are in a battle for the raw survival of our nation, but not one person anywhere dares to utter the word “JEW.” So tell me, how are we to defeat this enemy if we are not even brave enough to mention his name ? … Maybe I have an excuse ; I’m 85 and don’t have much time — One excuse is as good ans another, Cheops. You just uttered the word Jew here, albeit anonymously, because you know that we in the National Alliance tell the truth about Jews. There are no taboo subjects that impact our race about which we avoid telling the truth because truths our people need might make make someone uncomfortable. We can’t build with the easily offended who are unconcerned that they… Read more »
He fell fighting.?
“The freewill death of Adolf Hitler and his wife, Eva, took place at 3:30 pm on April 30, 1945″ FREEWILL? “It reflects the somber, respectful attitude of heroic stoicism with which the German population received the news of the Führer’s death.” HEROIC STOICISM? “while fighting bitterly in the Reich Chancellery” FIGHTING IN THE REICH CHANCERY? Where did you get that one? “The most valuable thing God has given me on this world is my people. My faith rests on them, I serve them with my will, and I give my life to them.” Adolf Hitler His people betrayed their country in WWI. They betrayed him again in WWII! Adolf Hitler was one of the worst military generals of his time! “A great one has left this world, …” YES, INDEED! “For… Read more »
1. The National Socialists first colossal mistake was to sign an Alliance with Zionists in 1923. [Eustace Mullins] 2. His second colossal mistake was to sign the Haavarah Agreement with the Zionists in 1933! 3. His third colossal mistake was to attack the USSR not having learned the lesson of Napoleon! 4. His army committed the worst blunder in war, allowing the defeated British Army to leave France! 5, He allowed the most evil Jews to leave Germany and they came back with a VENGEANCE fire-bombing their towns, murdering millions during and after the war, killing over 1 million prisoners of war, and raping over 1 million White European young girls and women! Having said that, my father admired him, but I was not allowed to ask him why! After… Read more »
· I am personally extremely thankful to German soldiers who saved the lives of two very young girls: a Soviet one Naïna Gregoryevna Sadabash who was left to die in the snow after Jews and others from Moldavia were kidnapping young girls for their prostitution rackets; a French one, Sylviane Paulette Garnier, who was a toddler nearly dying of very high fever and taken by German soldiers to a German military hospital during the German occupation of France. I married Naïna religiously in 1967 in Moscow, but was not allowed to return! And, I married Sylviane religiously in Paris in 1981, again in 1982 and 1983, and again in 1988, and she gave birth to our only child together. [Do not even try to understand how I could marry the same woman 4… Read more »