
Usurious Jews and the Magna Carta

How a centuries-old document validates the National Alliance

by Ryan Cavallius

THE National Alliance is right. The Magna Carta proves it.

In two short passages about the Jews, a centuries-old legal document from across the ocean validates the Alliance’s goal of complete geographical separation from racial aliens.

Separation is not merely a preference, rather it is absolutely crucial to our people’s survival and advancement — and the National Alliance’s soundness on this all-important matter lends credence to our program as a whole. Our program was originally formulated by Alliance founder William Pierce, a physics professor-turned-revolutionary who not only devoted his life to our race’s fight for survival, but actually knew how we can win.

Us vs. Them: Historical Background

King John of England signed the Magna Carta Libertatum (“Great Charter of Freedoms”) in the early part of the thirteenth century. Usually just called the Magna Carta, the document was composed as a compromise between the king and a group of rebel barons. The granting of political or economic rights by royalty was uncommon at that time, so the landmark charter came to serve as source of inspiration for opponents of tyranny, and is considered foundational by classical liberals and modern conservatives. It has little practical significance in the modern West, however, being relevant mostly for its historical and cultural value.

For the most part, the Magna Carta is probably insignificant for the National Alliance, too. We have our own rules and politics, which fit our times. However, there is one thing about the document that is relevant to us, and that is what it says about the Jews. Besides guaranteeing church rights, limitations on feudal taxes, and so on, the Magna Carta promised to protect the heirs of Englishmen who died owing money to the Jews — for, at that time, debts were often passed from one generation to the next. Thus, it sheds light on the ages-old pattern of Jewish economic parasitism of the populations of their host countries in the form of usurious money-lending.

These passages are from the original 1215 charter, not the later, amended versions:

If one who has borrowed from the Jews any sum, great or small, die before that loan be repaid, the debt shall not bear interest while the heir is under age, of whomsoever he may hold; and if the debt fall into our hands, we will not take anything except the principal sum contained in the bond.

And if anyone die indebted to the Jews, his wife shall have her dower and pay nothing of that debt; and if any children of the deceased are left under age, necessaries shall be provided for them in keeping with the holding of the deceased; and out of the residue the debt shall be paid, reserving, however, service due to feudal lords; in like manner let it be done touching debts due to others than Jews.

Because of Old Testament injunctions against usury, Christians in Europe around the thirteenth century were forbidden by the Church from lending money at interest. Here as everywhere else, though, the Church’s position was universalist. While their “holy” book states, “You may charge interest to a foreigner, but to your countrymen you shall not charge interest,” Church leaders allowed Christians to charge no interest, ever.

But, while Europeans generally made no distinction between foreigners and countrymen in such matters, the Jews invariably did so, as they have since their earliest history — to them, anyone not a Jew was a foreigner, an attitude they have preserved from before Old Testament times all the way up to the present day. Around the time of the Magna Carta, Jews were practically the only ones in England who could lawfully lend money for profit, having been granted exclusive power of the usurious purse by the Church. Pushed forward by instinct as well as canon law, the Jews scurried naturally into their favorite economic niche and charged interest only on loans to non-Jews, keeping up their old habit of attacking Europeans financially.

Our Task: Geographical Separation

Jews remain financial predators today. The passages quoted above prove that their economic exploitation of Europeans has been going on for centuries, and we can be sure that they will not let up of their own free will. We ourselves must end such exploitation by separating geographically from the Jews (and all other racial aliens) and also by outlawing usury among our own, as we intend to do. With that, we can solve this problem permanently, which is why the National Alliance seeks members who agree with our position of strict geographic racial separatism and who are willing to put in the work required to carry it out.

At the moment, we are focused mainly on recruiting good White people and molding them into a spiritual and organizational community (including local units in various parts of the country and the world, directed by our National Office in Tennessee). Our community is the foundation of our future homeland. Though the establishment of the latter remains a long way off, Alliance members do well to keep it in mind, for our present activity is largely dictated by that goal.

From National Alliance/Cosmotheist policy, comes community law. From community law, a national system of justice will emerge — one which is exclusive to our racially-conscious, like-minded White peers. Since advancing our race will be the ultimate aim of our future economic policy, the Cosmotheist state will outlaw usury. Here we follow the example of the early National Socialists, who considered the fight against usurious money-lending a major aspect of their economic policy — the essential elements of which were codified in their program long before they took power.


To never lose sight of our ultimate goals is one vital lesson from Dr. Pierce. He taught us how to win, and we will do so, for we adhere to his strategy. We are voluntarily separating from those who hate our race, albeit slowly. We must do this; must free ourselves of debt slavery and Jewish vulture capitalism, so our race can prosper. The Magna Carta proves the necessity of this — and proves the Alliance right.

That is inspirational, indeed.

* * *

Source: Author

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9 May, 2023 9:07 pm

Magna Carta. Remember the name.
I feel more physically repulsed around aliens in my town, which is a sure sign of gaining my health back! Given my leader’s last announcement – aiming at 500 000 immigrants per year starting from 2025 – next step probably is to move out!
Thank you NA for your support and useful info, keep it up!

17 May, 2023 5:51 pm

I have been enjoying the articles on NV for a few years now, including but not limited to David Sims, Kevin Strom and the great, late Revilo Oliver. The topic of usury comes up in this article and elsewhere and, having had a career in various fields within finance for decades, I often wonder what exactly it is that is being attacked. There is no doubt in my mind that our current system of fractional reserves plus central banking (frcb) is fraudulent, and a key ingredient to our current ills, but the term “usury” often refers to either the charging of interest for loans or the charging of “excessive” interest for those same loans. If it were the former, one might reasonably ask what compensation might lending money provide, in… Read more »