Jew-Implanted False Guilt Is Literally Killing Us
It amounts to the very severest form of psychological abuse and terror on a worldwide scale, beyond anything ever seen before on this planet.
by David Sims
WHITE PEOPLE REALLY ought to learn how not to feel guilty when Marxist Blacks come around telling “CRT” (“Critical Race Theory”) lies. Those (undeserved) guilty feelings motivate many weak-minded Whites to turn against their own kind, even their own relatives, in an effort to seem different than, “better” than, other Whites: “not a racist like all those other White people are.”
The wrongful conviction and unjust sentencing of Gregory and Travis McMichael shows what can happen when White people allow themselves to be fooled by Black race hoaxes and Black Marxist rhetoric. Two innocent White men with good previous reputations and clean records have been bound to prison forever, all because they took the initiative to check out a suspicious male Black, Ahmaud Arbery. Another White man, who received essentially the same sentence, merely recorded the event.
Arbery turned aggressive, attacked the White men, tried to get a gun away from one of them, and the White man he attacked shot and killed him in self-defense. The video, made by a third White man, made the facts clear. But the jury looked at it and decided that it showed something that it did not show. They did that because they were afraid to acknowledge the truth. If they failed to “convict the racists,” they thought, someone might call us “racists, and we might lose our jobs, or even worse things might happen — someone might track us down and hurt us after the trial is over.
That’s what sent the McMichaels to prison. Fear of attack by angry Blacks, and fear of financial/status repercussions from accusations of “racism.” I really do grieve for Greg and Travis McMichael, and I hope that they win an appeal of their convictions.
Likewise for the former Minneapolis police officer Derek Chauvin. He was falsely accused of, and wrongly convicted of, killing George Floyd and sent to prison. George Floyd died because he had taken an overdose of methamphetamine and fentanyl. His postmortem blood test showed that he’d taken three times the lethal dose of fentanyl alone. These drugs stopped him from breathing. Floyd’s loss of breath wasn’t caused by anything that Chauvin did to him, however much it might have looked that way.
But because the jury contained an associate (perhaps a member) of Black Lives Matter, who could identify his fellow jurors to his gang for later street punishment, the jury convicted him anyway, and nonsensically, of second-degree murder, third-degree murder, and second-degree manslaughter. Yes, all three, even though their definitions are mutually exclusive. If you commit one, then you can’t have committed either or both of the others. For example, murder requires intention, or malice aforethought, whereas manslaughter requires that there be no malice aforethought.
So, yes, the jury in Chauvin’s trial delivered illogical — impossible — verdicts. Why? Because they were afraid. Just as the McMichaels’ jury was afraid. And because they had internalized some of the undeserved guilt that Blacks, aided massively by and egged on by Jews, are constantly trying to impose on Whites (on account of non-existent “privilege” and for things that they didn’t do, such as own slaves). The White jurors wanted to look “noble” and certainly “not-a-racist.”
That’s what sent Derek Chauvin to prison.
Also, there’s James Alex Fields. He was an attendee at the Unite the Right rally in Charlottesville, Virginia, on 12 August 2017. As the protest was dispersing, and Fields was in his car looking for a route through the one-way streets and out of the city, he came under attack by Antifa members and tried to get away from them. Distracted from his driving, he accidentally rear-ended a car, which had been blocked by Antifa at an intersection, pushing that car into another car, which hit Heather Heyer and caused her to die of a heart attack.
Fields turned himself in to police. But Charlottesville is a town run by anti-White leftists, and it is, of course, very corrupt.
James Alex Fields could probably have been convicted of negligent manslaughter, but the aforementioned political corruption denied him anything resembling a fair trial. As a result, he was wrongfully convicted of first degree murder and sentenced to life in prison plus somewhere around 400 years more, beyond the grave. If that isn’t an indication of political corruption of our former justice system, then I don’t know what is.
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Source: Author
Here the case is made for a pro-White, Cosmotheist community to supply our own juries of guilt-free jurors.
What karmic retribution could the virtue-thief jurors go through?
Anyway, the article has now to the BITE Model analysis of the Post-Modern Marxist Culture, under the section of Emotional Control, been added.
— Elfriede Lentner,
All three examples in the post are infuriating. The Jew has completely subverted and spiritually -poisoned this country. At this point in time, it appears that the Semetic filth have won.
Something has to be done…..our grandchildren don’t stand a chance….
These Termites are destroying…everything.
Of course something has to be done, Mr. Goyal. We in the National Alliance came together to build a revolutionary infrastructure of our own. By us, for us. But we can’t do it alone, we need more Whites to help us build it up better, kind of like what Kevin did with National Vanguard. First a print magazine, and now an online interactive website where you and me can talk to each other. We want to go higher yet in terms of media power.
You’ve been around here a long time, why haven’t you joined us yet? Waiting for Hitler and doing nothing until then?
i’m not waiting for anything friend.
go easy with the pushiness.
i have my reasons at the moment.
if i’m not allowed to comment on your site without joining your alliance , let me know. ill disappear like manners in civil discourse.
Of course you’re allowed to comment as a non-member, but speaking for myself here, I don’t appreciate people who say things like “…it appears the Semitic filth have won… our grandchildren don’t stand a chance”. That’s not to say it’s not a serious situation we’re in, and we all feel discouragement from time to time, but the last thing we need is more people going around saying things like “our grandchildren don’t stand a chance”. Saying things like this doesn’t help anyone, least of all our grandchildren. If anything, it hurts them. So you can have your reasons for not joining, and you can comment all you like as long as you follow the rules, but don’t expect to escape criticism here if all you have to add to a… Read more »
So you can have your reasons for not joining, and you can comment all you like as long as you follow the rules, but don’t expect to escape criticism here if all you have to add to a given conversation is a defeatist lament about how bad things are. That’s what losers do, and the National Alliance is certainly no place for losers. — Since mg doesn’t state his reasons for not joining our Alliance, I’ll consider them excuses — one is as good as another. Anyone who enjoys commentating on the Alliance’s online magazine to the extent that mg does should at least become a financial supporter of the work of NA. Rather than coming on here, lamenting that “the Semetic [sic] filth have won,” and “Something has to… Read more »
You’ve made your point . Twice now actually. Please continue dealing with ‘things’ the way you deal with them….as i will continue dealing with the pros and cons of this existence as i see fit. Implying that someone is a “loser”, or a this or a that, because they don’t do and or act like this or that, might make the implyer feel better, but i doubt it serves any benefit to whom it is implied… I am a grown 60 year old White man, a no-frills racial realist, who doesn’t hate himself or his race, as this Marxist, Jew-poisoned society insists I should. Im also a grown White man who is not afraid of being called mean names by The Jew or anyone else…this is where i’m at right… Read more »
mortal goyal: i [sic] admit, i [sic] am not bubbling over with optimism….concerning anything. If my natural inclination towards pessimism offends or annoys someone out there, i can only suggest that person skip over my comments and search out correspondence that is more in line with how they want things to be…i’m not interested in engaging in any ongoing argumentation with anyone, especially a fellow White man. — You’ve made clear that you are bubbling over with pessimism, mg. That is your agenda; it is incompatible with that of the National Alliance and against NV’s rules for posting comments. NV visitors shouldn’t have to “skip over” comments by an avowed pessimist whose agenda is incompatible with that of NA’s. Do I make myself clear? We in the National Alliance are… Read more »
It’s true we do offer hope, and by bringing us together in common cause, our hope for surviving as well as getting back on a progressive path to the Creaator’s Purpose as a race makes our chances so much better. And to think that all it takes is the moral courage to commit to living and doing what’s right for all of us is all that it takes– it astounds me that many like mg choose to do little or nothing…but argue and pass defeatism along to others. It makes no sense—provided he’s truly one whose ancestors were Aryans….
Let’s not defend Fields or the men in the Arbery case. I am tired of seeing people interfere in property disputes over THEIR neighbor’s property. That’s why that punk kid from WI was patrolling around with a gun in progress of protecting a middle easterner’s car lot. I saw the footage from the Arbery case and the evidence, these men chased Arbery, who hadn’t actually stolen anything on this occasion (not to say he never had or wasn’t suspicious), by vehicle for what looked like miles before he was eventually cornered. In his cornered state and probably in exhaustion he went after the gun of the pursuant. In this situation I would have done the very same if I didn’t feel like I could run anymore. I certainly wouldn’t let… Read more »
your on wrong site pal.
huffington post and slate are a couple clicks to the left.
christ! can’t even have a website to ourselves.
Funny. You must not know who I am, and that’s OK. If I learned anything from reading Klassen, WLP, etc. It’s that we should not be protecting low quality Whites, and that’s exactly what these men are. They made a stupid decision anyone with a brain could have foreseen and now they’re paying for it. I wouldn’t want any of these men with their poor decision making, reasoning skills, and rash actions near any of my children. The White race deserves better. If we’re supposed to be evolving to higher man we don’t do it through “good ol’ boys” like the McMichaels or Rittenhouse (who looks like some kind of mix) or James Fields who is at least half Jew.
These Whites were obeying an instinctual urge to protect their communities, though their wisdom in carrying out their protective impulses may not have been ideal. The White race has produced worse, but these men aren’t as criminal as you’re making them out to be. Perhaps they’re not criminal at all, despite what the anti-Whites who have selectively prosecuted these men have claimed. Like Tim McVeigh, who you have likely read Dr. Pierce write about, these men were poorly led in a very hostile anti-Whites ituation as we all are in. It is the lot of only a few Whites who will bring about the evolution into Higher Man, but we must be careful about discarding the Whites from our gene pool, it is from these that at times the best… Read more »
Really having a hard time wrapping thy head around what your saying. I would agree that in both cases, poor decisions were made initially, as in, Rittenhouse should have never went there in the first place, being that the area was crawling with Nigger Apes and degenerate low- life Antifa maggots….and McMichaels should have left it up to the ZOG foot soldiers **whats the difference if they stop one Simian ape from committing a crime, when there’s thousands of other apes committing crimes simultaneously?***……….But, but, once these men and boy-prince’s were actually in the middle of their respective situations, they acted accordingly and instinctually, as Jim above stated. There was no other actions they could have taken. Period. Retrospective armchair metaphysics are sometimes sorta gay and embarrassing , when actual… Read more »
They could have not been there, and they could have not responded the way they did. That’s my entire point. It’s the police’s job to defend property. If they had saved someone from attack that would be a different scenario. I don’t want to reply twice to you and Jim, and he can see what I wrote here. I do believe what they did is criminal. I don’t think you can chase someone with a vehicle (which can be argued is a deadly weapon) on “suspicion” of a crime and hold them at gun point. That seems very illegal to me. I’m not going to say they meant to run out and commit murder, but they aggravated a situation and are responsible for the death. That’s my true belief. I… Read more »
Just because you think something “seems illegal” doesn’t mean it actually is, and in the case of the McMichaels they committed no crimes, unlike Arbery. Citizen’s arrest is not only legal in their area (or at least it was before this incident), but they got the explicit go-ahead from police to go after him because this was not the first time Arbery had the cops called on him in this area for similar crimes, and the police could never catch him. It is such a rural area that it always took too long for them to get there. Also, it wasn’t merely on “suspicion”, they saw him trespassing on the same residential construction site repeatedly (looking for power tools to steal, I’d bet), enough times that the owner installed cameras… Read more »
Ok, I actually came prepared and looked up GA’s citizen’s arrest law for this occasion (which I knew was coming): 619Arrestbycitizenbasedonimmediateknowledgereasonableandprobablesuspic.pdf ( Now, the main issue being here that you MUST see the crime in commission or experience it with another of your senses IMMEDIATELY. (Another sense would be hearing a gun shot in a public place running over and seeing a gunman for example over a bleeding person [That is cause for citizens arrest]) I also looked up whether it was a felony or a misdemeanor to trespass on a construction site (it is not, unless signage is posted and then a misdemeanor at best). Citizen’s Arrest is meant to be for emergency situations and to save lives or protect property owners from frivolous lawsuits when they are defending… Read more »
They caught him on camera trespassing, and that footage is public. He also has a prior record, which the McMichaels apparently knew something about. They witnessed him trespassing and immediately went after him. That alone is a misdemeanor under Georgia law, at least once you have been warned by the owner or the police or by signage, but the problem is that he kept running away before the police could even get there to give him the warning (though one officer said that’s exactly what he would have done, given him a warning, further confirming that he wasn’t just doing something that was totally ok like you implied). The link you shared describes a justified example of a citizen’s arrest for a misdemeanor, so the fact that he didn’t commit… Read more »
I’m not going to try to convince someone who clearly cannot be convinced about the McMichaels. I just want to clear up your misunderstanding of my point when bringing up Jew Leo Frank.
I am not embarrassed, it’s an example showing that everyone shouldn’t be supported based solely on race. I never claimed the voracity of the crime was the same, and that wasn’t my intention either. The example was purely to illustrate the evils of supporting someone just because they’re your own race. The Jews should be ashamed to support him, even if they are not. We should be better than Jews and not act in the same vein. Not accusing you of doing that, it was a general statement, I don’t know you.
Interesting back and forth between you and Grimork, RC. Perhaps some of these arguments will be raised in the three White Georgian’s’ appeals. I ceased feeling sorry for them after Mr. Hamilton pointed out here a couple of days ago “the parents’ embrace of their White daughter’s Black “boyfriend” (sex partner), which could of course lead to mulatto offspring. This did not trouble the family.” Why was the mudshark daughter not disowned? Her family must know that “a carnivorous bug has crept into her brain.” Not to change the topic, but everyone reading these words should be familiar with this poem from over 100 years ago, in healthier times for our race, when Whites implicitly knew what to do about dishonorable miscegenation within their families. The Saddest Story Ever Told… Read more »
Rittenhouse was in his city. What’s the problem? At 17, he showed unusual maturity, not to mention gun control. Rittenhouse had attended the “protests” for a night or two before the one that made the news. He was there to protect his town. That’s far more than most men will do today, and that’s largely why we’re in the position we’re in: men acting like women. You believe he should never have been in his own town because the Leftist media told you he shouldn’t have. There were MANY people there open carrying rifles, but Rittenhouse was targeted by a crazed pedo who’d just been released from the hospital (likely a locked ward). The pedo got a crowd to chase down Rittenhouse, and let that boy know he was going… Read more »
i’d add that Rittenhouse would have never thought of going there most likely, if ZOG’s foot soldiers were doing the job they were hired for.
But that’s a whole nother kettle of faggotized, Soros-stained, Jew-owned mayors and district attorneys, etc .
The importance of all such cases has to do with context, the creation and institutionalization of anti-White racism within the legal system. It is ultimately lethal to side with Jewry or the government on this. From that perspective, the details in the cases mentioned are unimportant. Given the same sets of facts, no Jew, Black, or other racially or sexually privileged persons would have been treated the way these defendants were by the legal system or the media. These cases also highlight the speed of biological destruction, and the use of race as a social construct to commit genocide. As far as I am aware, the McMichaels actually are biologically White. However, they are not pro-White. Father Gregory McMichael stated this publicly as I recall (we’re not racists), and their… Read more »
Thank you for your correction on Fields, a quarter is enough in my opinion. I’m not taking the side of Jewry or the corrupt courts. I am frankly talking about the legality of what they did and my belief that it wasn’t self defense and WHY it wasn’t, in the McMichael’s case. I believe Rittenhouse was self-defense because he took the effort to run and defuse the situation, but I still think he’s in the wrong for being there at all. Especially since he’s underage and couldn’t even legally obtain the gun he had himself. He’s also lied several times and I don’t think he’s a good person in general. I guess that doesn’t matter though, people’s characters. Why should we concern ourselves with that when we’re too busy fighting… Read more »
Literally nobody ever said that.
Does it need to be said in those exact words? Look at what’s being said, what’s being discussed. Who is being endorsed and why? You can see what’s important to people here and what is not. I would argue that the Jew stream media WANTS Whites to back Fields, Rittenhouse, McMichaels, etc. Watch what the right is doing, and understand they are equally controlled as the left.
Well, if you’re going to put words in someone’s mouth, it should at least be a reasonably paraphrased version. “We ought to defend every White person regardless of how utterly contemptible they and their actions may be just because they’re White,” is a far from a reasonable summary of this article. I do agree with the point that the Jews probably prefer us to get hung up on these kinds of cases as opposed to ones like the case of Cannon Hinnant, the 5-year-old White boy who was shot and killed by a grown Negro in front of his sister, because there’s simply no defending that and it looks terrible for groups like BLM, whereas these types of cases are more hazy (which is why the media uses them). But… Read more »
mortal goyal: your [sic] on wrong site pal. huffington post and slate are a couple clicks to the left. christ! can’t even have a website to ourselves.
Careful, mg. Grimork is a valued Alliance member in good standing who has contributed 100 times more towards building our organization than you will ever do. Fact! Hence National Vanguard is her Website, not yours. You are a mere guest. Act like one or your host may uninvite you.
Kyle Rittenhouse was doing the right thing.
Yep! Great article, David! And ‘FREE MATT HALE’ now!!!
Real world community? Is this reference to this online forum/webite? Or is their a physical location and community that exists? And if so, when someone “joins” the Alliance do they have access to a “real world” community on the physical plane? It seems everybody is busy talking about the latest jew trick or nigger crime, They are acting how they always have, why are we wasting time pointing fingers when we all know clearly who the enemy is? Is there a real life white community at all? I know no one in what I consider real life, real life to me is people I can talk to face to face. Our people are being slaughtered in a thousand ways, what are we doing about it aside from talking shit? anything?… Read more »
The National Alliance has a growing physical presence in Upper East Tennessee, where volunteers and staff are building the William Luther Pierce Memorial Library and Research Center. Land was purchased, environmental engineering and permitting done, land cleared and leveled, utilities brought in using our own labor, temporary structures constructed to facilitate the work, and now the first building, the book warehouse, is far enough along that it is protected from the weather and work can continue in the colder months or during storms. Much is yet to be done. In the last two and a half years, several couples have been married in Cosmotheist ceremonies and since then a group of White children — two of them mine — have been brought into the world as a result. Many of… Read more »
Thanks for clarifying that Kevin.
Mr. Strom,
That is awesome, I was wondering the same question as Br. Art. Congrats on your children and others’.
We’ve also got our WV campus. Where it all began. Two real world communities. White Zion as Dr.Pierce put it. Living and working for the betterment of our people.
Lack of white racism is a black hole into all and alien racism pours…the presence of any aliens is in itself sabotage and that starts with a single Jude.
These high-profile cases are nothing less than tragic, unfortunately the abuse of white youth in integrated public schools is causing substantial amounts of psychic damage. Our youth are being treated like second-class citizens in the countries their ancestors built.
The near-term result of surrendering to white guilt is murders like this, which can only be motivated by racial hatred by blacks of whites: