American Renaissance and Fred Reed Cuck on the Jewish Question
by Dissident Millennial
AMERICAN RENAISSANCE recently published a nasty rant by Fred Reed which displays total ignorance of the Jewish Question and a suspicious lack of even the most basic curiosity about the subject.
The only reason to bring attention to Reed is the formerly august venue which posted his nonsense. Once upon a time, American Renaissance was a serious print magazine which advertised itself, not without justification, as the premier “race-realist” publication in the United States. Amren has always positioned itself as a proponent of White advocacy and freedom of speech in a nation betrayed by gross dishonesty and cowardice on the subject of race, and to this end Amren used to emblazon its site with the lofty words of Thomas Jefferson: “There is not a truth existing which I fear or would wish unknown to the whole world” — a noble sentiment.
Unfortunately Amren has repeatedly displayed dishonesty and cowardice of its own on the subject of the Jewish Question, most recently by publishing Reed’s idiotic rambling on the topic. According to Reed, Jews are simply far more successful than Whites in proportion to the degree to which they are far more intelligent, and anyone who resents Jewish power does so out of an inferiority complex. In Reed’s telling, White “bitterness”
resemble [sic] the hostility of many blacks toward whites. Blacks, at the bottom of society, apparently need someone to blame. Similarly the commenters appeared to resent the Jews for being much more successful that [sic] house-and-garden-variety whites (Hagvacas). Might the causes be the same: a resentment of a superior people accompanied by an unwillingness to admit the superiority? The infuriated seemed willing, indeed eager, to point to the inferiority of blacks to themselves but, mysteriously, not their own inferiority to Jews. An oversight, no doubt.
Reed goes on:
I offer three helpful rules of racial resentment in gratitude for which an astounded world will doubtless send me their children’s college funds:
- First, prosperity tends to be proportional to intelligence over statistically meaningful populations.
- Second, resentment is proportional to IQ difference.
- Third, equal differences of IQ produce equal differences of outcome.
So there you have it, the infinitely rich and varied world of sociology boiled down to Reed’s reductionist theory of cognitive determinism.
Of course, while Reed’s ideological disposition is badly flawed, his individual assertions aren’t entirely worthless. This writer personally grants, for example, that Ashkenazi Jews are smarter than Whites on average and that this contributes to some of the sociological disparities between Jews and Whites. This author also grants that intelligence is important and that it does meaningfully correlate with sociological outcomes.
What’s totally missing from Reed’s analysis, however, is the fact that the average IQ of different ethnic groups is merely one of any number factors — both internal (i.e., genetic) and external (i.e., environmental) — which contribute to sociological disparities between racial and ethnic groups.
Moreover, Reed’s argument fails in its reliance upon the idea that America is some kind of free and just meritocracy rather than an oppressive, genocidal oligarchy ruled for the benefit of Jews at the expense of the nation.
Indeed, Reed’s imaginary world of make-believe fails to account for the fact that Jews and Whites aren’t governed by the same morality and don’t compete by the same rules. Jews believe it is moral for them to ruthlessly and dishonestly advance their ethnic interests at the expense of their host societies, while Whites have been indoctrinated by an alien Jewish culture into doing the exact opposite for generations now, so much so that Whites, unlike Jews, are on the path to racial oblivion. This factor alone — the ethnocentric collectivism of Jews versus the ethnomasochistic individualism of Whites — puts Whites at a material disadvantage when competing against Jews collectively but has absolutely nothing to do with superior Jewish intelligence relative to Whites.
The truth is that the obsession Fred Reed and American Renaissance nurture for IQ smacks of the very sort of “cosmopolitan elitism” William Pierce cogently warned against.
Elitism can be justified by the successful, aggressive White person in terms of his essentially individualistic outlook on life. Furthermore, it jibes with the insidious idea, which was subtly planted deep inside his head by the brainwashers during his earliest years, that it is somehow unjust to judge a person by his race, but that each person should instead be judged only on his individual merit.
The elitist reasons that a person can’t be blamed for his race, because he has no control over that; but he can be blamed for his socio-economic status, because he does have control over that. If a White person — or a Black — had any intelligence and any ambition, reasons the elitist, he wouldn’t be a garbage collector or a coal miner. If he isn’t making a lot of money, then that’s his fault, because in our free and democratic society it’s only ability that counts.
Per Pierce:
The White elitists in America today may think that they have every justification for rejecting, for cutting themselves off from, their less successful racial kinsmen and allying themselves with Blacks and Jews and other non-Whites of their own educational level or income class, but the day will come when they themselves are the ones who are rejected and cut off and cast out. Then they can turn to their fellow elitists for help, but they will not find it.
Indeed, while it’s one thing for Fred Reed to be so enamored of Jewish intelligence as to betray his own race, it’s quite another for American Renaissance to co-sign Reed’s treason.
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Source: Author
Judas goats! If they don’t name the jew, avoid them like the ADL.
He who will not name the Jew … not with us. period.
at this point in this Weimerican, Babylonian bucket of s— country, it is the only criteria that has merit.
“JaredTaylor’swife’s name is Evelyn Rich. The surname “Rich” is a common Jewish surname: Marc Rich, Adrienne Rich, Frank Rich, etc. The Jewish surname “Rich” is an Anglicization of the common Jewish surname “Reich.” Also notice how there are no known photos of Taylor’swife available to the general public.”
I’m a genealogist. I can do some digging to find out of she is a Jew. It’s not that important, though, I’d say, because the message put out by Jared Taylor is inherently kosher. How can one simultaneously admire Jews AND work for our people? It’s a no-brainer.
That is the most glaring weakness of AmRen, their steadfast refusal to even mention the JQ. Yes, Africans and mestizos are out of control but who is enabling and encouraging this? Generic White liberals or a more specific non-White group? Based on prior posts I think most readers and commenters are wise to this weird policy but it still undermines the rest of their message.
It seems like the site owner and his picked writers want to be “respectable conservatives” hoping for popularity by not naming and thus offending anyone. Anyone with a few brain cells can divine that conservatives aren’t winners at political accomplishments of any long term value and nothing for Whites.
I dispute the alleged Ashkenazi intelligence advantage, as compared to, say, the White Germans, French, Swedes, Norwegians, etc. White people inherently have a better grasp of reality than the A’s. All that is lacking is parental involvement and interest in our own children. . . and some networking, which the Jews have a lot of.
About AmRen: Jared Taylor is always gushing about the alleged Asian intelligence advantage over Whites. He is a bizarre fellow, with a crazed look in his eyes. I have been banned from AmRen about 5 times. The whole website has a clinical, rather stilted feel to it.
He IS crazy looking!
Actually talking about the Jewish double standard is like discovering the gunpowder. The case of the USA when the head of the fish (Zionist anti-white establishment) is rotten, that implies that the rest is also rotten. Solution and final goal, not to take that fish, which leads to a single exit. total racial-territorial-political-economic-social-cultural separation.
What’s the question about the Jew?
As a group they present a clear malevolence to every single other race on the planet. They might be individually meritorious like Bobby Fischer. But collectively, they are largely evil incarnate.
We really need to get off this obsession with IQ. If you rank the races by average IQ, Whites look somewhat mediocre. However, we are responsible for virtually all human progress. An IQ score is best used for what it was intended to be used for-a predictor of academic success.
I will also point out that the White race is now in a highly degenerate state. 1000+ years of dysgenic breeding cause by Christianity, and 100 or more years of profound moral depravity have left our racial gene pool in a very poor state. But the genes for the superman reside in that pool. We must keep our gene pool pure and ensure its survival. When we things settle down we can really get to work on eugenics.
American Renaissance offers no coherent and eternal vision for Whites and this planet/cosmos as the National Alliance does. As such, they expect little from their writers. And that’s what they got from Mr. Reed.
The forum Amren operates is useful for bringing new eyes here and to the websites though any links explicitly spelled out in code will get the post deleted. There is a way around this…..
American Renaissance has been irrelevant for quite some time. Jared Taylor of
“Jews look Hu-white to me” fame is no doubt intelligent and articulate and surely
has educated and ‘woken up’ more than just a few searching souls. But pragmatic
White Nationalists certainly perceive and would agree that men like him are nowhere near ‘hard-core’ enough to win the day, and sorry to say, ONLY hard-core will win
the day. Our ‘opponents’ do not understand and, at this point will not respect or
be moved by anything less. THAT is the real world, and we of necessity are to
act in accordance with it if we dare success. Most know nothing of Fred Reed
past this article, and men like him will play no part. Who ??!!
well said.
Afro-curls, jaundiced skin, and hook-noses don’t look White. I guess he doesn’t even know his own kinsmen.
The ultimate proof of Intelligence is Survival.
again…well said.
Unsurprising but what’s truly pathetic is this:
It won’t do them a bit of good. They’ll be lumped in the same category as the most rabid Siege-posters. Choosing to distance themselves from such a simple and obvious conclusion as the Jewish Problem will do no good. Whether this is from stupidity or optics-cucking on their part is really of no concern; they’re not at all beneficial to our Race.
Here’s Fred Reed’s full article. A few paragraphs were enough for me. For Whom the Bell Curves – American Renaissance ( I learned Fred lives in Mexico and is married to a Violeta Gonzales, likely a non-White. That would make Fred as ineligible as Jeb Bush is for Alliance membership. Violeta Gonzalez? I subscribed to Taylor’s American Renaissance newsleter in 1990, which was a cut above most back then, but unsubscribed soon after, asking for a refund when I noticed how many Jew writers he was featuring. I also attended a couple of his AmRen gatherings in the 1990s because it was a good place to meet and recruit like-minded people to NA, but have had little interest in half-baked organizations like AmRen since. I posted my one and only… Read more »
I think there’s something missing here in response: “so what?” So what if we are indeed just resentful of the Jews? So what if they are indeed so much smarter than us and so what if that does indeed account for some, most or even all of their successes against us? I would like to note here that I don’t actually believe this is the case. Jews have no special claim to greater intelligence – the testing that “proved” this sampled only Ashkenazi boys over fifteen at an elite school, a blatantly biased sampling if ever there was one. Jews have no special claim to being better at racial solidarity – prior to the pernicious influence of their parasitic attachment to our mass media, Whites were the unassailable kings of… Read more »
The testing that “proved” this sampled only Ashkenazi boys over fifteen at an elite school, a blatantly biased sampling if ever there was one.
And no doubt they were tutored on the test beforehand.
I used to make this point over and over at AmRen, but it was just the same as if I had never even said it!
awesome rebuttal DM.
Personally , i am crazy envious of the Rat-People.
they are phenomenal subverters and inverters of truth, beauty, and innate biological and evolutionary morality.
and they make beautiful pornography.
Mr Reed is on a sloppy slippy type slope to Jew worship and poster-boy Shabooism …..
another sheepish , self-hating White eunuch, overloaded with the greasy guilt and chagrin instilled in him by the Big Jew Machine. Year after year , indoctrination after inoculation.
i imagine hating your own Race must be positively hellish on a psyche.
mortal goyal: Personally, i am crazy envious of the Rat-People… they make beautiful pornography.
What’s your favorite abnormal sex, mg? Queer on queer, child porn, transsexual porn, interracial, trans interracial, or just anal? Are your tastes in Jewish porn limited? Do you enjoy necrophilia? Coprophilia? Zoophilia — goats? chickens? Where do you draw the line? Child rape/snuff videos?
For more on the Jew porn industry:
you do realize that i was only being facetious….and kidding around?
Reed is Correct in general. Blaming “Jews” is similar to blacks who blame “whites” for their shortcomings. This website constantly names “Jews” as the sole source of white decline and I’d like to address this: National Vanguard’s writers blame “Jews” when only a certain sect of Talmudic Jews are primarily responsible. These Jews are temporarily allied with non-Jews; and are predominantly European Ashkenazi white. William Pierce, based on his appearance, could be passable as a “Jew”, if his surname was Shekel-stein. Secondly, Non-Talmudic Jews (real Jews) were legally exempted from confiscation, deportation, and labor camps by Hitler. A fact I’ve never seen mentioned here or elsewhere. KJV Revelations 2:9 says (in part): “I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan.” National… Read more »
Interesting point about non-Talmudic Jews being exempt from the labour camps — do you have a source you would recommend for learning more about this?
Wikipedia has gradually become unreliable source of information. However since this is an obscure topic and I don’t feel like providing multiple links:
Or you can search “Karaite Jews Exempted by Hitler” or some such similar keywords online.
Please keep an open mind before you disagree. Thanks.
…“Jews” as the sole source of white decline…. Right there you sink your entire comment. If one is dying from stage 4 cancer and this is the focus of concern for that person, one may also notice a patch of psoriasis that is causing some additional discomfort BUT THE OVERWHELMING ATTENTION IS PAID TO *THE CANCER*. You get that, right, slick? But your assertion is just an obvious lie all by itself. The rest of the comment about “Talmudic Jews vs actual Jews is just gibberish. Also the remark about W. Pierce looking the part of a Jew himself merely gives you away as just a crank. So…why are you here, guy? Those who participate in this site non-cynically have long been persuaded BY THE OVERWHELMING evidence of Jewish hostility… Read more »
“European Ashkenazi white” – I wasn’t aware that so much contradiction could be packed into just 3 words. Learn something every day! If you’re Ashkenazi, you’re neither European nor White. PERIOD.
Absolutely shameful. Only telling one side of the story. I sometimes wonder if Amren might just be a distraction operation, although many commenters aren’t being fooled. Fred Reed is a race-mixer who lives in Mexico, anyway. He gave up his White card a long time ago.
Jews are about as “White” as a rapist becomes a member of your family, just because he impregnated your daughter.