Posts Tagged
Jewish Question

Empathy Without Sympathy
Psychopaths’ brains lack basic wiring that triggers compassion. by Andrew Hamilton JEWS HAVE MANY unique psychological characteristics that render them radically unlike non-Jews. One quality Jews possess in one-on-one situations, and even group situations, is a keen sensitivity to the subtleties,…

The Work of the Lord
by Douglas Mercer COMING UPON Hitler’s account of his awakening to the Jewish Question is astonishingly like reading the best and most eloquent dissident right Twitter accounts today; it’s startling how many of the same themes are adumbrated, the same patterns seen, the same ideas expressed, the…

American Renaissance and Fred Reed Cuck on the Jewish Question
by Dissident Millennial AMERICAN RENAISSANCE recently published a nasty rant by Fred Reed which displays total ignorance of the Jewish Question and a suspicious lack of even the most basic curiosity about the subject. The only reason to bring attention to Reed is the formerly august venue which…

Jews Cancel Black High School Principal for Open-Mindedness about the Holocaust
Note: Below is one of many intended posts of mine that got delayed over the past year-plus thanks to distraction over work, the stolen presidential election, the totalitarian Covid-lockdowns, the economic crash and the unprecedented Fed money-printing, etc. Our political climate today is so demoralizing…

Henry Ford: The Jews’ “Defenders” Make a Poor Showing
Christian Evangelist Billy Sunday One of the lost articles from Henry Ford’s International Jew series. by Henry Ford THE Jews are most unfortunate in their “defenders.” Perhaps the initial misfortune is that the Jewish mind has reverted with automatic directness to the idea of “defense,”…

Confronting the Judeocracy: The Six Stages of Enlightenment
by Thomas Dalton ANYONE WHO has spent even a short time battling against the Judeocracy has surely experienced the frustration of attempting to persuade a trusted friend or colleague of the gravity of the situation — only to fail. This is undoubtedly one of the most discouraging and troubling aspects…

The Work of the Lord
by Douglas Mercer COMING UPON Hitler’s account of his awakening to the Jewish Question is astonishingly like reading the best and most eloquent dissident right Twitter accounts today; it’s startling how many of the same themes are adumbrated, the same patterns seen, the same ideas expressed, the…

Jordan Peterson Distorts “the Jewish Question”
Jordan Peterson by Organon tou Ontos I REPRODUCE Peterson’s original article here. Below, I address his argument. Advocating the relevance of the Jewish question is not a necessary condition for taking Peterson to task for distorting it. But accepting or rejecting it should be based on an authentic…

Jordan Peterson Distorts “the Jewish Question”
Jordan Peterson by Organon tou Ontos I reproduce Peterson’s original article here. Below, I remark on his argument. First of all, here is how Peterson sets up “the Jewish question”: 1) The question is “so-called” (in other words, he already presupposes it is idiotic).…

1942: When a “Total Solution” to the Jewish Problem Was Being Planned
Martin Luther’s memorandum of 21 August 1942 by Hadding Scott GERMANY’S UNDERSECRETARY of State Martin Luther was in charge of Section D III, which dealt with foreign states in regard to the Jewish question and racial policy, and provided information about events in Germany to representatives…