Afghanistan: The Greater of Two Evils Has Fallen
by Thomas Cole
YESTERDAY, NEWS arrived that Taliban forces are taking positions in striking distance of Kabul. As of today, August 15th, Kabul has fallen, the US-installed president has fled and the remaining occupation forces are scrambling to flee the city. This is just the latest success, and most likely presages the final and total success, of the Taliban’s campaign to reclaim the country they ruled between 1995 and 2001 — and soon will rule again.
After the 9/11 attacks and the following invasion of Afghanistan by “allied forces,” the Taliban had to retreat to the northern and eastern provinces, where they, for the most part, laid low and waited. This has proven to be a winning strategy on their part and it can serve as an example to us.
It is widely known within the Islamic world that Western civilization is on the brink of collapse. Today the former superpowers of Europe — and, after the end of the hot phase of WW2, the USA — are but mere shadows of their glorious pasts. Their technological and economic superiority is now challenged and almost surpassed by the rising Asian nations, led by a racially and culturally homogeneous China. Western powers dare not even act in their own interests, and are little more than mercenaries acting for the Jews.
The West’s military capabilities, as impressive as they still might be, are also ill-fitted to deal with the challenges of small-scale guerrilla and terror wars. The US, for example, has lost every major war after WW2. Korea, Vietnam, and Afghanistan: at the time of the conflicts, three barely developed, nearly Third World, societies. They have now become synonyms for the humiliation and defeat of the “American” empire.
Iraq is a different story, however, and that particular story is far from over. Isis, a ragtag group of Muslim fundamentalists armed with primitive weaponry, has already shown the West to be impotent and ignorant.
For we who struggle for the White race’s survival, the Taliban’s success may be interpreted as a beacon of hope. Believe it or not, we have much in common with those “holy” warriors and cave dwellers. First of all, the Taliban are not just a small group of “extremists,” as falsely presented by Jewish-run media. They enjoy the support of the majority of the Afghan population. This broad popular support allowed the actual fighters to remain largely undetected after the invasion in 2001. Now it facilitates their military success. The towns and cities are not taken through combat but simply liberated. The so-called conquerors are celebrated as heroes. The “official” Afghan army is barely putting up any resistance. Instead the troops, armed and paid by the ever-unsuspecting US taxpayer, often prefer to join the Taliban, peacefully surrender, or simply turn tail and flee despite their superior numbers and equipment. This is understandable and in no way cowardly. Why would any sane and decent Afghan shoot at his brother on behalf of a hostile foreign power? Only the totally corrupt nations of the West would commit that kind of despicable atrocity.
This brings us to the actual essence of the conflict. The struggle of the Taliban is not primarily about political power or some demented religious convictions as portrayed by Jewish media. It is in its core about self-determination and racial survival. It is a spiritual battle between the forces of light and Life and the forces of disintegration. Being exposed to Western media and propaganda for the twenty years of occupation, the Afghani people have gotten a very clear picture of the degenerated, ugly, and disturbing society their invaders wanted them to become. The promotion of the West’s “woke” values that oppose the natural order and seek to destroy ancient and sacred traditions, made it obvious that the end game for Afghanistan was to become the same kind of soulless and hellish society our Jewish overlords established here and praise as the pinnacle of human history. The Afghani people, still strongly rooted in their traditions, rejected this vision; the Taliban are the physical manifestation of this thundering “No!”
We, the White men and women of Aryan blood and European descent, find ourselves caught in a very similar struggle. We live under an alien and hostile regime ruled by the Jewish power structure and their Shabbos goy pawns. We are constantly being bombarded by propaganda that seeks to persuade us to act against our own vital interests, that promotes miscegenation, abortions, and unnatural relationships. Our sacred traditions are being ridiculed and marginalized. Our borders are obliterated. Our wealth is being freely given to the undeserving. We are, one generation and one person at a time, being turned into a soulless mass without a past, without a future, and without purpose. And if we dare to resist our extinction, like the Taliban have dared, we are being imprisoned, beaten, tortured, and killed by the System and its paramilitary goons like BLM or Antifa.
The Taliban — a few thousand fighters armed with decommissioned weaponry — stood up to the combined might of the West and prevailed.
And the first step on their path to victory was to lay low and simply wait it out. They instinctively understood that any power opposed to the natural order must eventually fall. We can see proof of this fact every time we leave the house and look at what many of our fellow citizens have become: a twelve-year-old girl dressed like a prostitute; a morbidly obese cripple in his forties consuming fast food; a barren feminist baby killer; the race-mixing whore whose womb has become a grave for her own kind; a “transgender” parody of a human being, and so on and so on.
The Taliban understood that all the high-tech weapons of war the Allied troops had at their disposal meant nothing in the end because those troops acted in the service of the forces of disintegration. They knew that such forces of death are bound to perish in the moment of their triumph, for that is the natural consequence of what they are. In truth, the Taliban’s victory is a victory for the natural order.
I’m not a fan of the Taliban, their Abrahamic creed, or of the racially mixed Afghan majority. What little culture they were able to produce over the last three thousand years or so is primitive. Many of their customs are barbaric and appalling. But I do respect their right of self-determination within the confines of their traditional living space. If they decide to rape their boys and put sacks over their females’ heads and make love to their goats it is really their problem, not ours. Likewise it is our problem when we mutilate the genitals of our children, mix with inferior races, or cease to reproduce.
The victory of the Taliban, however, is very inspiring. It shows that, no matter how invincible our enemies may appear to be, they will fall in the end because they follow the path of social destruction and societal death. The Taliban, despite their many flaws, were much closer to a healthy and natural outlook on life and society than the Jew-addled “democratic” occupiers.
Once our rotting and Jew-occupied civilization enters the final stage of its dissolution, a few thousand determined men will be enough to reclaim for our race what is rightfully ours. All we have to do is lay low, build physical and spiritual redoubts for our people, and prepare ourselves for the rise of our New Order.
* * *
Source: Author
After the 9/11 attacks and the following invasion of Afghanistan by “allied forces,” the Taliban had to retreat to the northern and eastern provinces, where they, for the most part, laid low and waited. This has proven to be a winning strategy on their part and it can serve as an example to us… Repeat: [T]he first step on their path to victory was to lay low and simply wait it out. Excellent summation, Mr. Cole, of the wasted twenty-years, the lives, and $trillion-plus dollars. The guerrilla maxim, attributed to a Taliban leader, allegedly told to an American, You have the watches, but we have the time, was not originated in the 21st century or in Afghanistan. I remember hearing that same phrase 50-plus years ago, attributed to a Viet… Read more »
jew wars, killing off us stupid white goyim by a thousand cuts. Jews rake in the gelt and whites die by the milliona. Now whites have a jungle bonobo as head of the US military, a mongrel head of Air Force, with a senile doddering traitor with his finger on the trigger ready to do his jew masters bidding. How low we whites have fallen. 535 traitors running our government and whites worship a jew and twiddle their thumbs fretting about wearing masks. Will whites ever get it?
Who survives will see
This genetic vaccination is a biological weapon, with a “time trigger” of about 2 years
It is not true that this is an experimental vaccination, the effect is already known from animal experiments and therefore it is no longer an experiment. We must stop making mistakes. This is a biological weapon!!! The biggest fraud and the biggest crime against humanity!!! – LucMontaigne – fraz. Winner of the Nobel Prize in Virology / and Judy Mikovits, Molecular Biologist / Researcher – Summary in Dr. Alim’s video
First a quote from Gaddafi’s speech at the 64th UN General Assembly, NYC, 2009 ‘ ‘ You will create viruses yourself and sell you antidotes. Then they pretend they need time to find a solution when they already have it. ”End of quote An unbelievable crime by the current rulers is going on here. If healthy people around the world are disadvantaged, pressured and attacked, then it cannot be about health. The lies house of the pharmaceutical government and the lying press crumbles and collapses. the Lethal injection does not save lives, it kills people. “More than 40 people have already been autopsied who died within two weeks of being vaccinated. Schirmacher assumes that 30 to 40 percent of them died from the vaccination. ” The number of deaths related to… Read more »
For the record, the Macedonians were successful in conquering Afghanistan. They were conquered a couple of centuries later by the nomadic Aryan Yuezhi, who were from northwest China. Afghans today are a racial blend of Aryans and Arabic Semites.
An interesting item, but be careful what
you wish for. Many years ago a fellow
named Glenn Frasier Miller marched
with hundreds of Southern White boys
carrying Confederate flags as their
standard. On the surface, it seemed
they were out for traditionally Southern
values – certainly not any of this “woke”
nonsense put out by Uncle Joe Biden
and his American Bolsheviks. Once
again, be careful what you wish for.
Underneath it all was the rotten stench
of fundamentalist Christianity.
Glenn Miller was a straight-up Neo-Nazi. All his tactics were modeled after those used by German National Socialists. His propaganda was Neo-Nazi inspired. A great deal of his material was reprinted from the National Alliance and written by Dr. William Pierce. New members soon became either Nazi or Christian Identity, which cannot be described as fundamentalist Christianity. A lot of members were both Nazi and Christian Identity. And oh, yes, all new members were expected to read “The Turner Diaries.” All cadre-level members did. Miller did not fail because his tactics or strategy were wrong. He failed because he was trying to pull off a white revolution during a prosperous and stable time. Ronald Reagan was president. It was “Morning in America.” The US economy and financial systems were still… Read more »
I got a strong dose of CI (Christian Identity)
back in the late 90s while involved with the
now-defunct SCCAC (South Carolina
Conservative Action Council). I definitely
did not like the taste of it. They need to
keep it to themselves – which of course –
they absolutely will not.
Old Aardvark, to Walt Hampton: A great deal of [Glenn’s] material was reprinted from the National Alliance and written by Dr. William Pierce. New members soon became either Nazi or Christian Identity, which cannot be described as fundamentalist Christianity… — Thanks for correcting Walt’s off-topic remark, OA. Glenn was Southern nationalist. That worked in North Carolina in the mid-1980s. I met you and many other good men in his White Patriot Party back then, though I wouldn’t have considered myself to be either Nazi or certainly not Christian Identity. Glenn activated me, mostly because he stood up against what I saw then was becoming a tyrannical government. Glenn was a fanatic for the cause. That is all he thought about every waking hour of the day. And he was bold… Read more »
Glenn Miller gave me a copy of “Best of Attack and National Vanguard” and a copy of “Turner Diaries.” I devoured both and quickly joined the National Alliance. I was raised a Christian but eventually left those beliefs behind. I gave Christian Identity an honest hearing, but none of its proponents could ever make a convincing case that the white people of Europe were in anyway descended from any lost Hebrew tribes. We know a lot about European history from that time period, and that ain’t it. But some white people can’t break that attachment to Christianity. If grasping the Christian Identity message allows them to also function as a racially conscious white man, then I will not try to dissuade them from it. Loyalty to the white race was… Read more »
It doesn’t matter if we do or do not descend from any ancient tribe anywhere, though, it only matters that Jesusism is prebolshevism
My takeaway from Mr. Cole’s article is that the Abrahamic tribesmen are not the lesser evil, are not our enemy, not as long as they stay in their part of the world. How many are being airlifted here as we write? — The “conservative” Jew David Horowitz hints at the answer to that question for us, here: ‘Saving Afghan Interpreters’ is a Scam That Would Bring 100,000 Afghans to U.S. | Frontpagemag Daniel Greenfield wrote about this resettlement — more like replacement — scam for Horowitz nearly a month ago, prior to the fall of Kabul. Some media outlets, including the New York Times, are reporting potential numbers as high as 100,000 Afghans. That would mean evacuating some 2% of the population of Kabul here…The United States has already handed out 100,000 SIVs [Special Immigration… Read more »
In the last month I was somewhat detached from world events having too many small things to do. Therefore, the events in Afghanistan have somehow slipped my attention. But today in the morning I have occasionally heard from other people that Taliban have entered Kabul. This news struck me as something very special and significant. Afghanistan was some kind of a showcase of the “war on terror” (the globalist attempt to impose its will on the whole world). It means that failure to hold on in Afghanistan signifies the unraveling of the whole globalist scheme. And this fact is very inspiring. The following thought struck me: “we need our own Russian Taliban-like nationalist movement”. The main truth is that it is impossible to succeed in the existential struggle if you… Read more »
It is always an inspiration and great pleasure to reade your insightful comments, dear Wolf Stoner. Thanks!
Wolf Stoner: I have read this wonderful article on NV. It is amazing to what extent it resonates with my vision of these events…The main conclusion is that we can wait out any enemy. But the main condition for success of this long-term struggle is to preserve our own identity, our set of fundamental values and to create our own ethnic/racial space. The primary factor is not the size of this community but its quality...Thomas Cole has found the best way to express the essence of the events happening in Afghanistan…It is the best analysis from among all analytical papers that were written by multiple thinktanks and in media on this topic. .. Mr. Hampton missed the significant points Thomas Cole made here, Wolf, but you didn’t. Rather you reinforce Mr.… Read more »
Just like you, I agreed with everything in Thomas Cole’s excellent article, and I agree with everything you wrote in your response to it, especially with the following: “The invasion of 2001 I monitored too, emotionally being always on the Taliban side (not because I like them, but because they fought forces of globalism). And each military setback of American-led coalition I perceived as my own victory. The worse for US military machine the better for all of us . . . it is natural for us to wish their failure . . . In present circumstances we are in the same situation when the existing state structure is so hostile to us that we can’t wish for it nothing except of total destruction. And in this existential struggle we should… Read more »
Thank you for your appreciation. Yes, the systemic “patriotism” is the most disgusting thing that ever existed. It is like prostitution. The mainstream people pretend to love the existing system and the system pretends to defend the interests of its citizens. The triumph of hypocrisy. We had it in USSR and we have it now under USSR version 2.0 under Putin. American society is ill with the same illness of all-pervasive hypocrisy when everyone is eager to show his unbounded love to some kind of abstract America without definition of what it actually means. In Putin’s Russia everyone pretends to love his country but if you dare to say something about rights of ethnic Russians and about ethnic replacement policy exercised by the state, you are instantly castigated as “fascist”… Read more »
Mr. Stoner, I read the article you recommended and like the author’s acronym GAZE—Gay Afro-Zionist Empire, which is certainly what many White countries have become, especially the U.S. How telling it is that all but one member of Congress voted in favor of invading Afghanistan after 911. The map shown by the author clearly indicates that the Taliban now controls over 90% of Afghanistan, and he gives as one of the reasons: “We see in Kabul that a system that lacks popular support and consciously despises the people it rules is, in the long-run, unsustainable.” Regarding Putin, not many years ago, there was a growing number of White nationalists that thought he was the real deal, a pro-White nationalist that was dedicated to severely limiting the control of Jews and… Read more »
Thank you for the link to the article by Sergey Anglinov. I can confirm all his points. The minor correction is that there are no specific laws against “anti-Semitism” in Putin’s Russia. There is an infamous penal code article 282 – “incitement of hatred”. This article is called informally “the Russian article” for the reason that it is applied exclusively against ethnic Russians, as if only Russians commit “hate crimes”. Not a single Asian was charged with this article, despite of the fact that non-White migrants commit thousands of crimes against ethnic Russians each year. But their racially and ethnically motivated attacks are always qualified as “domestic crime” or even as “self-defense”. Any criticism of Jews is qualified as a 282 article crime. Putin’s regime is clever enough not to… Read more »
Thank you, Mr. Stoner, for this is very interesting and valuable information about the current status of Russia’s Jew-controlled, anti-White “justice” system. Isn’t it appallingly uncanny how similar the laws of all White countries now are regarding our people? I’ve saved many articles over the years that have given me a good idea of just who Putin is and where Russia stands regarding the Jew Question. I provide the following excerpts from some of these, not to educate someone like you who knows Russia better than I, but to complement what you wrote for some who still see Putin as some kind of White Savior: Part 4: Russia as a Globalist, Liberal, Anti-Nationalist Power Written by Pavlo Khomenko — via The June 10, 2014 The Russian Federation is,… Read more »
Thank you for these quotes. They capture the main essence of the matter. Yes, I know most of the facts described in there, but some facts are new to me. The fact that I live in Russia doesn’t mean that I know everything what happens here. Sometimes I gain insight about Russian affairs from English language sources. In the past, Soviet people knew much less about their country than western auditory knew. Now, the situation is completely different; internet has changed everything. Kremlin continues to exercise massive censorship in official media but it is unable to control information flows on internet; therefore, Russians now can know what really happens in their country. But only those who seek information and are able to think; the Russian mainstream crowd prefers to watch… Read more »
“The current Putinist system is not eternal; it is sure to fall at some point and the social chaos would engulf Russia. It will be the time to act. But so far, we need to lay low.” So true, we need to lay low for now, just like Thomas Cole recommended in his article that you and I identified with so much. He finished with: “Once our rotting and Jew-occupied civilization enters the final stage of its dissolution, a few thousand determined men will be enough to reclaim for our race what is rightfully ours. All we have to do is lay low, build physical and spiritual redoubts for our people, and prepare ourselves for the rise of our New Order”. You give excellent advice, Mr. Stoner. You know so… Read more »
there are many Orthodox in Russia They actually monopolized many nationalist temts. we can say that Orthodoxy in Russia is nationalism for slow-witted
True, idiots cannot understand that any attempts to make Christianity nationalistic end sooner or later.
Yes, Orthodox religion has big influence among nationalist movement in Russia. It is a problem. But non-christian component grows rapidly. The conflict between christian and non-christian components of the movement is inevitable in the future.
not quite sure. but the problem is that Orthodox nationalists are most often KGB agents or idiots controlled by Jews.
In Russia, the FSB has now set another trap for men.Men’s movement. assholes little failure of this movement in america Of course, nationalism itself is patriarchal, but the male movement simply distorts the essence of the issue of patriarchy. Agents of this movement simply lead the gullible public by the nose and often make ordinary Internet sects gathering fanatics around them. Only a few of this virtual movement to think as nationalists. otherwise it is a movement that deceives men and distracts them from problems. Another attempt to distract the goyim.
A brilliant comment that delineates the proxy Jewish occupation of every Euro land after world war two and the only way to counter it by survival…chauvinists are as much a foe as Communists in that respect.
When mentally unstable Jewry, Christopher Wray and the rest of the police state, Jonathan Greenblatt, Nancy Pelosi and the Democrats, the “Squad,” “Democratic Socialists,” Mitch McConnell, Mitt Romney and most Republicans, and the multibillionaires and their corporate executives–as well as their clones at the state and local levels, down to the smallest White towns–look at photos of the occupation of the presidential palace in Kabul, they see the Capitol “insurrection” in their minds. Look up “1/6” on Jewry’s “search engine” Google and see what pops up at the top of the search results–not what naturally would, but what obsesses the ruling class. They hate the White population of America, and their systematic anti-White violence and cultural genocide, lies about White terrorism and flooding the country with replacement migrants during an… Read more »
The welfare/warfare state was put in service in the 1860s. The Federals should learn to mind their own business—sweep around their own doorstep.
A soldier at Heartbreak Ridge told me they lost twenty thousand soldiers in 12 hours. He said MacArthur burned the bodies. The number of dead given to the public is much lower…?
“BLM buffalo soldiers.” That made me laugh. Lay low and wait it out is proven strategy. It reminds me of the Committees of Correspondence. A strategy that was successful in one colony was used in another colony when the time was ripe. Spies are not needed to transfers information.
Secret Agent Man: Oh, be careful what you say,
Or you will give yourself away
Odds are you won’t live to see tomorrow —Johnny Rivers
The Afghans defeat two superpowers in 30 yrs. A tremendous accomplishment.
It is a victory of faith over materialism. This is more than just a nail in the coffin of the corrupt West; it is public humiliation, so richly deserved.
The European character seems to want to confront things head-on and get it over with ASAP. We must learn from these people; learn to “have the time.”
Within another twenty years Muslim fanatics will be conquering London and Paris.
Yes, very true. We should change our mindset. Europeans are used to perceive war as something temporary. All European wars of the last three hundred years lasted not more than a few years and were concluded by some treaties that reestablished normal social interactions with slightly different balance of power between various states. Afghans are accustomed to perceive war as something permanent. They don’t draw sharp distinction between “war” and “peace”, as Europeans are inclined to do. Here is the key to understanding their ability to withstand any enemy for indefinite periods of time. Afghans don’t endure a war as some temporary event but simply live under given circumstances. This mental attitude prevents mental overstrain. For them war is an inalienable part of life. White People should remodel their minds… Read more »
As you always do, Wolf, you have hit on many insights. Ever since I became awakened to a racial way of thinking it is like I have been in a low-level state of war with the alien world I found myself in. Like full military wars, this form of struggle can go from total combat to simply surviving once the fighting stops. After the war was finally lost, good Nazis set about building families and rebuilding Germany. Once I came to the realization 30 years ago that there would be no near-term resolution to the struggle, and that it would be a long struggle, I set about finding a mate and having as many children as I could. And yes, I tried to find pleasure in life when I could,… Read more »
Thank you for this honest reflection. I agree with everything you said. Yes, absolute majority of people are conformists and it is quite normal. For any society to function properly the majority of its members should conform to the given set of rules. The problem with the modern society is that the reins of supreme power were caught by the most disgusting and perverted bipedal creatures. And those creatures use natural human conformist attitudes to lead them to their own destruction. But absolute majority can’t see it and can’t understand it. Even those who are intelligent enough to see this happening, are too cowardly to resist it. There are many people in police and army who understand that society is led toward abyss, but they prefer to stay aside and… Read more »
I’m beginning to see in Wolf Stoner’s erudite comments the makings of an Aryan version of The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion, the latter being a playbook for exploiting our race and the former being wisdom in dealing with the schemes of the Jews. I’m honored to see him as a regular contributor to NA and always look forward to what he has to say.
The NA may well be drawing in the world best racial thinkers and so Dr. Pierce’s work bears fruit.
from all wars sooner or later get tired physically and spirit A measure is needed here. you need to be smart about the fight
Mr. Cole’s article is chock-full of inspiring events and proof of a strategy that we all hope will eventually turn things in our favor: “Why would any sane and decent Afghan shoot at his brother on behalf of a hostile foreign power? Only the totally corrupt nations of the West would commit that kind of despicable atrocity. . . The struggle of the Taliban is not primarily about political power or some demented religious convictions as portrayed by Jewish media. It is in its core about self-determination and racial survival. It is a spiritual battle between the forces of light and Life and the forces of disintegration. . . the Taliban are the physical manifestation of this thundering ‘No!’. . We, the White men and women of Aryan blood and… Read more »
The only reason why the Taliban won is because America was holding back. America can easily wipe out the taliban if they wanted to but they don’t for three reasons. The military industrial complex makes a ton of money off of war. They want the wars in the middle east to never end so as for them to test their new toys and make money. An excuse to destabilize the region so as to allow more “refugees” (more replacements) for their sick genocidal agenda of replacing white people. To use said victory as an excuse to further legitimize the state of Israel as a “persecuted nation” that needs protection from the towel heads and more shekels of course. So overall there wasn’t really anything to gain from that conflict, just… Read more »
Yes, its certainly no cohencidence that tons of Afghanistan’s trashier renegades will be exported to the West to join the scum of the kosher Left.
The invasion of Afghanistan started after the Taliban enforced a ban on opium poppy farming in 2001. It looks like the CIA is going to lose an income source now.
No, it looks like the Jews are preparing nuclear titbit.Well, or some other military party on the bones
You’re almost there:
Fentanyl, particularly the weaponized Chinese version is
The Federals have a long history of unleashing the grossest material and war appliances a general could hope for against their enemies. The insolent vanity of those people at the lavishly piled-upon Pentagon sit in defeat in their extravagant leather chairs—completely frustrated.
We were there for the same reason the Russians and British were there.
Afghanistan has poppy fields. Britain fought the first Anglo-Afghan War from 1839 to 1842. Britain fought the first Opium War with Qing China from 1839 to 1842.
The main difference is we bypassed the Opium War by fuelling the epidemic in our own country. Once the devastation had gotten so bad that the enterprise had to be ended we have no further use for Afghanistan.
US Troops Protecting and Harvesting Opium in Afghanistan –
The power of blood (race), culture, customs, territory, beliefs, nationalism. & World of the clown, honk, honk..
Biden’s jew handlers know that the Taliban and bin Laden had nothing to do with 911 so I’m suspicious that this pullout is some kind of jew trickery. I don’t know what it might be but Israel is closer than ever to taking out Iran’s nuclear facilities and if they do that they would plan it considering wind patterns so that little of the radioactive fallout would reach Russia or China and as a result of that much of the radioactive fallout would contaminate Afghanistan and the 40,000 Americans who would otherwise be there and American public opinion would hold Israel responsible for that so this could be the real motive for the sudden abandonment of Afghanistan and evacuation of all the Americans there.
Interesting analysis, and this may be part of the calculation.
Taliban’s victory over the antinational forces presents us with the opportunity to raise the question of the U.S. and Britain war crimes and crimes against humanity during their 20 year criminal war in Afghanistan. I am surprised that no one condemned them or even suggested it. I think the new government of Afghanistan should set up the International tribunal to investigate these war crimes.
Just now a thought popped into my head,
and again my assumption was confirmed.
Of course, this is again “pure coincidence”
& has only to do with my own prejudices!
1. “Rosenthal received the Pulitzer Prize for his ico-
nic World War II photograph Raising the Flag on Iwo
Jima. His parents were Russian-Jewish immigrants.”
2. “Khaldei is best known for his World War II pho-
tograph of a Soviet soldier raising a flag over the
Reichstag in Berlin. He was born to a Jewish family.”
I despise the whole shower of them, wether it be Taliban or Afghani, they are, by happenstance born into a s—hole. But, on a positive note…the Taliban outlawed bacha bazi wich as we all know (no you don’t) is the practice of sodomizing boys before they reach puberty.
Beardless boys is a rough translation.
So who are the real bad guys.