Yes, Some Races Are Objectively Better Than Others
by David Sims
JORDAN Peterson is sometimes right, but he is often wrong. For example, contrary to his pronouncements, some groups (races) are indeed worth more than others. The test of worth is simple. If you allocate resources to enable Race B, and all you get is violence, dependency, no significant culture, and no technical progress, then you have wasted those resources. On the other hand, if you allocate resources to enable Race A, and you get a peaceful society of productive people, much culture, and much technical progress, then you have wisely invested those resources. While it is true that any race you examine will turn out to exceed other races in some ability or other, it is also true that not all abilities are equally important, and that some races are, overall, better than other races.
Worth, is, after all, relative to the welfare of people. If some racial groups can create things better than others can, and can produce more of those better creations than others can, and have a higher ratio of benefits to liabilities to mankind in general, then they are a sort of natural elite, having a worth greater than that of those others.
Peterson is also wrong about the reasonableness of having pride in one’s race. He set up a straw man argument in which he replaced what that pride really is with something that it is not. Peterson averred that being proud of your race involves laying a personal claim of credit for what other members of your race (e.g., your ancestors) did. And that isn’t the basis of race pride at all. Rather, one is proud of one’s race in the same sense that one might be proud of one’s father, who did great and wonderful things when he was alive. You aren’t claiming his achievements as your achievements. You are just proud to have him as your father. Likewise, you may be proud of your race, which has done great and wonderful things. You aren’t claiming all its achievements as your own personal achievements. No one does this.
But human ability is, to a large extent, hereditary. To be sure, abilities often require training before they reach their zenith, but no amount of training will enable anyone to surpass the limitations of his innate abilities. If your ancestors have proved, by their deeds, that they are very able persons, persons of high quality overall, and especially in certain particular respects — if your ancestors proved, in other words, that they had a lot of Good Stuff in them, then the chances are high that you have some of that Good Stuff in you, too.
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Source: Author
“JORDAN Peterson is sometimes right, but he is often wrong.”
This is what makes him so insidious.
Exactly right! Jordan Peterson is controlled opposition.
Good analysis Mr. Sims. I would guess race A is Asians & B is Black. I’m W, but sending this to my son who is 1/2 A. Truely, this is what we see in the world. What alphabet would you give “our brothers of Hispanic heritage”? How would you rate them?
Since your son is “1/2 A,” you’re ineligible for membership in the National Alliance and a member of the Cosmotheist community, though to be a financial supporter would be acceptable.
Miscegenation is an abomination and we must keep our standards high.
‘Hispanic’ isn’t an ethnicity, it’s a cultural designation. It simply means you were raised in an environment more or less based on the culture of the Iberian peninsula. Any ethnicity can be Hispanic. There are White Hispanics – not very many, but they do exist, some Spaniards, especially in the north, could almost pass for Germans, there are fairly substantial German communities in southern Brazil, Argentina, Uruguay, Paraguay. Miss Venezuela from about 20 years ago was the blondest, most blue-eyed gorgeous White girl you ever saw – both parents had emigrated from Sweden and their daughter spoke English with a heavy Latin American accent….. I’ve met some Mexicans who could pass for French or Italian. A lot of people who identify as ‘Hispanic’ in the US are actually Amerindian or… Read more »
> Muh non-white brothers
P*** off civ nat.
To PrinzEdelhart,J.M.Iowa & Tank88: Your comments are not clear. If they are negative, read the sign I displayed in Portland OR, at the busiest intersection for 10 years, with being knocked unconscious by anti-fa. spit on, many physical attacks. I stopped at the age of 85, summer 2019 as the police/ 911/ Mayor Wheeler, all anti-fa. The sign reads “Today they control U.S. Congress, U.S.Media,Federal Reserve.” In the center the star of david with i$rael written vertically on both sides. On the bottom “Tomorrow? The World?” I handed out a brochure by Germar Rudolf & another by Fred Leuchter. Four hours every Friday for 10 years, winter & summer. 88 Dave
You ARE a brave man!
What else can one expect from a Christcuck ?
Thought about it long enough.
One CANNOT be pro-White AND follow a Jewish death cult.
As far as I’m concerned, they have ‘alienated’ themselves from their race if they choose the latter or cannot make the choice.
Faust is a fictional character who makes a pact with the devil. The legend of Faust was first popularized by the English playwrite Christopher Marlowe circa 1587. I am not sure why it’s used here as an emblem of White supremacy.
After reading Prinz Edelhart’s interesting comment I would like to add some information and correct one observation he made. As a White man of Italian descent, born and bred in Argentina I am “Hispanoamericano” (Hispanic American) and “Latinoamericano” (Latin American). However, these labels which are partially correct DO NOT fully and properly describe me, therefore I reject them and I will explain why. Let’s start with “Hispanic American”. As Prinz Edelhart correctly pointed out, is a cultural designation. This means that the person (in this case I) belongs to a society that was the product of the Spanish civilization. Basically, this means that this person speaks Spanish and, in theory, is Catholic. However, this is very vague and not necessarily correct. For example, in my case, I do speak Spanish… Read more »
The Jews and their race wars
If Jordan Peterson said anything implying that some races are inferior to others, he would lose his position at the university, his access to major publishing houses and everything else. Some racialists seem to think that if you don’t wear your racialist feelings on your sleeve and constantly remind people of them every minute, you’re betraying your race. This is a very stupid and misguided viewpoint. Jordan Peterson has had enough problems dealing with the left (the pressure nearly killed him in the last couple of years). He does good work in many areas and by avoiding the racial and the jewish issues, it allows him more leverage and makes him more effective if he were to give strong opinions on race. He married a white woman and brought two… Read more »
Happy Birthday,Mein Fuhrer!! Forever rest in eternal peace. DASREICH
May your efforts to save motherland Europe be etched in the eternal stone of conscious humanity.
Mein Fuhrer, SIEG HEIL!