Russia Warns of Anti-White ‘Aggression’ in US
RUSSIAN Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov on Thursday warned that anti-White racism might be building in the United States and said that Political Correctness “taken to the extreme” would have lamentable consequences.
In an interview with political scientists broadcast on national television, Moscow’s top diplomat said Russia had long supported a worldwide trend that “everyone wants to get rid of racism.”
“We were pioneers of the movement promoting equal rights of people of any skin color,” he said.
But Lavrov stressed it was important “not to switch to the other extreme which we saw during the ‘BLM’ (Black Lives Matter) events and the aggression against White people, White US citizens….”
BLM has led to a major debate about race, rights of “people of color” and the toppling of statues of figures linked to slavery or colonization in countries including the United States and the United Kingdom.
Lavrov accused the United States of seeking to spread what he called “a cultural revolution” around the world.
“They have colossal possibilities for it,” he said in the interview.
“Hollywood is now also changing its rules so that everything reflects the diversity of modern society,” he said, calling that “a form of censorship.”
“I’ve seen Black people play in Shakespeare’s comedies. Only I don’t know when there will be a White Othello,” Lavrov said.
“You see this is absurd. Political Correctness taken to the point of absurdity will not end well.”
* * *
Source: Moscow Times
I don’t know if this is simply a candid observation from outside or an effort to stir the pot. But it is true.
I am not convinced the the USSR “fell”. My suspicion is that the business model was not working and the reigns were handed over to a new set of jews – the so-called Oligarchs. I’ve never heard a convincing explanation of how “persecuted” jews who were mid-level technocrats, managed to get the capital to acquire the bulk of the Soviet state assets.
Excellent observation. Putin is a lackey of international Jewry. He has exiled and jailed many Russian nationalists/patriots for speaking up against the kikes.
keep waiting for that “explanation.”
Expect numeri Talmudic obfuscations linguistic inversions.
I am in the USofA. I was brought up believing
in the evil of the Russian Bear…even right up
to the times of Ronnie Reagan’s “evil empire.”
How ironic it is that the Evil Empire has found
its home here on these North American shores.
The Jews are the Evil Empire. They were already here. Know this, they have ‘antisemitic’ laws in Russia. The oligarchs are Jews. The EU is run by Jews. The UN was formed by Jews.
Know your enemies. See them. Target them for removal. Get others to see them. )))They((( are now in an echo chamber. Now is the time to act to remove them. While they are no longer allowing the Truth to be told.
Well, they have certainly dumbed down
the American Goyim. Most of them are
scared of their own shadows. Look at
them clambering to get their “Covid-19” kill shots.
severely disappointed in my “fellow” Americans
look at these autonomous fools driving around in their cars, alone….with a MASK on!
this place got really scary
really quickly
I can’t find it anymore, maybe it was purged, but there was a website or blog about 10-15 years ago about what the sites’ author named the ‘lozenge of evil’, referring to an elliptically shaped area around the eastern Mediterranean, Red Sea and horn of Africa, which he stated was the human source of most of the world’s ills. When I refer to an ‘AfroAsian Empire’, I mean much the same thing, a political/ideological/religious/racial/military conglomerate that has existed, in many different forms, for thousands of years, centered in SW Asia but reaching into central Asia and at least parts of Africa. Persia, Mesopotamia, Egypt, the various Islamic empires would all qualify as incarnations of this entity, and Jews were often among the intellectual and financial leadership, while Arabs, Turkmen and… Read more »
It is so true, Judge Dredd! I actually cannot name a single country with White, i.e. genuine Europeen population, where protecting the interests of Jewry wouldn’t reign supreme. Tthe Whitey who has the impertinence not to worship the holocaustianity, simply will be ostracized -and eventually destroyed- for his/hers apostasy. No matter if you live a religious or secularized society. I’ve lived in both, Poland and Sweden. In both countries (((the))) dominance is disguised; in the officially ultra- Catholic Poland a Jewish King and Virgin Mary are the tool to deceive people, in the secularized Sweden it is massimmigration. One might at present be deluded by the myth of Poland being governed by nationalconservatives. This myth will lose its credibility within a foreaseeable future: the terror of lockdown urges the Poles… Read more »
Ukraine’s Jew-president feels encouraged by the Biden administration’s support to be increasingly aggressive toward Russia through provocations. Now he has applied to Stoltenberg for NATO membership for Ukraine in order to encircle Russia even more. He also wants to annex Crimea to Ukraine. The danger of war in Europe is growing considerably.
i get confused
is russia still controlled by Jews?
if not….the men in charge of that expanse -should start pushing back a little….at the international snipings and faggot libels..
same with Iran.
To Hell with Western entitlement …
but long live the past and potential glory of the White Race. (Translation of what is said into what is meant) “My highly esteemed sheep, wethers, donkeys and lambs! If you want to live a carefree existence as our controlled puppets, then kneel down! We, the high priests of morality, will give you another of our never-ending lessons, which will become second nature to you until you do of your own accord what we expect of you. Since you are not members of the only chosen people, you can never be trusted even if we program you like robots. Therefore, we distort the facts and drub them into you with our propaganda sledgehammer how much your prosperity and well-being depends not only on our existence – but on our permanent presence among you as your moral leaders! You should never misinterpret… Read more »
If it is on jutube and hasn’t been banned it’s worth a grain of salt
Interesting to read some of the commenetrs here who either ARE Russian or seem to have a very good knowledge of Russia past and prezsent. Especially interesting is the claims of some about Putin being quite the little jewish bootlicker and coming down hard on antisemitism. You see, ever since he came on the scene years ago I had suspicions he might have jewish ancestry. Primarily going by physiogonmy. Short stature and the liver lips. The latter especially when he was younger. Look up the pics on google images of younger Putin when young KGB agent. Just a feeling on my part.
Originally, I had thought he might be part Mongolian – the area around the eyes looks a little central Asian – which would be no surprise after many hundreds of years of Mongol and Turkic raids all over Russia, even into the Baltics.
“Capitol Stormers and Lawyers Allege Severe Beating and General Torture in Capitol Jail by Black Guards”
Russia isn’t so innocent either. They are a multicultural country and their president supports Islam and he has stated that Islam and Christianity have a lot in common. Ethnic Russians are being replaced with non-whites and Moscow is filled with these invaders.
Thank you for bringing those facts. My extended reply to this discussion:
They do have a lot in common.
Cuckstianity is Judaism for Whites, Islam is Judaism for Arabs.
And despite France’s best efforts, Russia still has the largest non-White population of any European country.
The funny thing is, that most of them aren’t technically ‘immigrants’.
They didn’t come to Russia, Russia came to them.
What an absurd piece of propaganda this article is. (Putin’s) Russia is a virulent neo-Soviet, anti-White regime. What concern anti-White Russia may have about “anti-White aggression in the US”? This propaganda article is intended for people who do not know the real situation inside Russia itself.
How can the article be an “absurd piece of propaganda,” Halen, if all it does is report what Mr Lavrov said? Are you claiming he did not say this?
I’ll tell you how. Everything Mr. Lavrov purportedly said in this article is a sheer double-faced pretense of a neo-Soviet politition. This Putin’ mouthpiece doesn’t believe a bit what he says. That’s the definition of “the absurd piece of propaganda” aimed to poke the US as the competitor in the White genocide business.
(Putin’s) Russia has firmly Judaist Israel and International Jewry at its back, so she can fear not any boycott, sanctions, wars, or whatever. And that’s why Putin feels so confident, and his mouthpiece (pictured above) unashamed.
I agree with the essence of your remark, but there are many divergent aspects that should be addressed separately. I will soon publish more extensive commentary on this topic. Are you Russian or from other Eastern European country? Americans are usually indifferent to the Russian question. I suppose that you are either from Poland, Ukraine or Baltic states.
In this case, my ethnic background doesn’t mean anything. I am taking a racially objective view, not restricted by narrow nationalistic viewpoints.
Enough to say that the white population numbers are in a freefall in Russia; Russia is being flooded with non-White migration and immigration of all sorts; any legal pro-White activity is practically impossible in today’s Russia (punished by heavy fines and imprisonments).
Mr. Putin is a murderous thug, truly a Tcheka-KGB man who personally sponsored laws in Russia against Anti-semitism.
To finish the moral portrait of Mr. Putin, the Red Army, “the army of rapists” is his favorite and under his personal legal protection against any crititism. This speaks volumes.
My extended reply on whitebiocentrism:
I’m from Russia . In Russia, migration is now increasing and the population is demoralized. In Russia, already every tenth is a non-white migrant. There are fewer whites. The main constituent of whites is old. The number of Roma is growing. And prostitution is also flourishing among young Russian people. All cities have been turned into a dump and filled up with slops. People live on credit and on a mortgage, naive rams do not even understand that they will have to pay for it with their own heads. The European part of Russia turns into a trash heap every day. In the garbage dump where aggressive Central Asians live, who will, when the critical moment comes, use the Russians and kill them, and also which is inhabited by mestizos,… Read more »
Russians are in an extreme degree of social depression. The Russian population has been poisoned. This chaos is reflected in the architecture of the cities. All large cities in Russia are now more terrible than villages. They are just a trash can of different buildings and different advertisements. Aggressive behavior of migrants towards Russians introduces Russians into even greater depression and a sense of hopelessness. The government seeks to inflame intra-family scandals using TV programs. Migrants, on the other hand, are engaged in pimping and drug trafficking, and also take advantageous positions thanks to the pull. The Russian government itself approves and encourages migration. Wherever there are migrants, the population is poisoned by depression. the local population gets drunk. The efficiency of factories is very small, most of the workers… Read more »
At first glance I thought you were referring to the JUSA.
La cena ya está servida, menú blanco, buen apetito .. A menos que pase algo.
I have the feeling that this comment will not be published. But anyway, it must be at least sent. By reading such articles in NV it becomes crystal clear that everything is lost and there is no organizations in West that are truly white, intelligent, and can unite us to fight for our rights and existence. On the other side I’m pretty sure that the founders and editors of National Vanguard are perfectly aware who Lavrov is – he is not even a Russian. He said he is Georgian-Armenian, he adopted a Russian family name to deceive the goyim, but if you carefully watch his face and know people of Caucasus, you can see he is not even a half-Georgian. Neither he is Armenian. Like most of the “Russian” politicians… Read more »
Lavrov does not look at all Jewish to me. If I met him at a local café here in the US and his name was Smith or McCoy it would be totally believable. And I don’t think NV only publishes positive things about Putin’s Russia; they publish negative things too. And how can this piece be considered “proof that everything is lost” when NV is taking no position on what Lavrov said? They’re just quoting him, nothing else. Should they NOT quote him? Is that what you’re saying?
I am very honest men, so I will be direct and stay far away from any politeness – a naive person could never win a battle! That is the biggest tragedy with the White mates in US. And you don’t even listen to what the White people from Eastern Europe have to tell you. You have a colossal lack of knowledge about Russia and who rules that country, and you do base all your conclusions on a pile of lack of information. “Lavrov does not look at all Jewish to me” – that makes the picture very clear. One simple advice – if you are so “good” in recognizing the Jew, then never visit Russia or Eastern Europe. You will be in a trouble. Now let’s go that “hot topic”… Read more »
It’s too bad we can’t ‘like’ posts here, because yours deserve major thumbs up ! I suspect that the belief in Russia as the Promised White Homeland that will save the Aryan race may have its roots in keyboard warriors spending too much time on Russian mail order bride websites where many of the profiles do look and sound perfect enough to make a grown man cry – especially compared to what one encounters on the western equivalents…. What’s funny is that I used to frequent a now defunct blog where many of the regulars would immediately suspect everyone with a German, Polish or Russian last name of being Jewish, while at the same time being utterly blind to obvious cryptos or conversos with Portuguese, Spanish, French, Italian, Greek last… Read more »
I’m glad there is no “like” feature on this site. It reeks of democracy that encourages popularity as a value in itself to be sought after. Reducing thoughts to mere numbers isnt the way to get better thinking, nor to obtain and follow a higher path for our race, it just encourages populism and thus more easily manipulable by well organized hucksters who have media power. Look at where that’s got us!
Better to be made to express approval or disapproval as well as the why. It involves higher cognitive processes and to me leads to identifying leaders and weeding out weaker thinkers.
Greetings Heart the Hunter. Spasiva. And of course Rabbi Schneerson and his sons of Lyubavitches never thanked Hitler and Himmler for rescuing him and his family from Warsaw and sending him to the US during WW2..
Hello brother! Are you Russian? I understand your sentiments and agree with 90% of what you write. But I want to point out on some mistakes, or deficiencies, in your reasonings. First of all, you are oversimplifying the world events and politics by declaring that Jews control everything. The second transgression against logic is your disrespectful attitude toward people of National Alliance. I advise you to explore this site more deeply to find all kinds of information. It is not an ideological “Pravda” newspaper; it is a White racial thinktank where gather people who have the best understanding of historical and political events; it is disrespectful to suppose that they are such simpletons that don’t understand the essence of the Kremlin. You give to Jews too much abilities and power;… Read more »
Agent provocateurs and defeatists are to be reckoned, I agree but soisthe Judaisation of the masses of Democracy.
Yes, I agree. There is no doubt that Jews infiltrate and subvert societies. But many people tend to exaggerate their actual power and influence. Yes, the Jewish power is now dominant in the West but we should rightly understand its mechanisms. Jews can’t simply order someone to be jailed or killed or sacked from the job. Sometimes they have such power, but it is rare. Their main leverage is the paramount influence in media; they set the tone of any discussion; the current trial of Derek Chauvin is the best example of this power. They influence public perceptions. Media and pop-culture are their strategic weapons. Through these means they transform societies into stupid cattle, that is easy to manipulate. Jewish power is always relying on local traitors, like Clintons. Without… Read more »
You have to recognize what those weaknesses are, first, though, surely? all or any form of Judeophilia…I’ve lived in the Jewiest land of the west for long enough to know which one that is.
Certainly, it is the main problem. Starting with the sick custom of worshiping a crucified vagabond.
You put that beautifully bluntly…I had that bizarre effigy before me for much of my childhood schooling when it is only a Roman execution tool.
Your reply to Schturmovik is interressant…National-Bolshevism and Russophilia gained some small traction in England in the late 90’s out of reaction to creepy Bolshevisation of England, now at its peak under a Torah party of crypto-Trostkiists.
Yes, the primary task is to rid European mind form this poisonous cult. All our present troubles are the result of Christian mentality. What now happens in USA isn’t a contradiction to, but consummation of Christian ideas. Therefore, either Christianity is eventually abolished by White Race or the White Race will be abolished by Christianity; there is no third path. And we should always remember that Communism and modern liberalism are the offshoots of the same Christian monster. It mutates, like virus; it changes appearances to seem something new and to dupe collective mental immune system. By the way, in my school time, the most prominent feature in the class room was the portrait of Lenin above blackboard; it was the 20th century version of Christ in Soviet Russia. And… Read more »
I believe this race war goes back to an apostate Egyptian cults war against the invasive sea peoples of Aryan origin c.1,200 bc…but Dietrich Eckart wrote Bolshevism from Moses to Lenin and another genius, Revilo Oliver, wrote Christianity, a religion for sheep…these plus Nietzsche’s The Antichrist/Twilight of the idols are transformative reads.
We cannot forestall the heritage of racist universalist ideas without our own counter scriptures and Mein kampf is currently a hard sell in any western state school…I think the Jews front is actually Masonry…I gather you are Russe?
It is kind of depressing to read some of the comments. See, I don’t mind if you call me “agent” of whatever you’d like. That doesn’t change the facts. Short summary again – the foreign minister of the nasty Jew Putin-Shalomov is trying to create yet another hybrid propaganda in the soft minds of so called “American White Nationalists”. When the same foreign minister Lavrov threatens Baltic republics, Ukraine, and Poland with military invasion (another White countries, more White than Russia btw) National Vanguard is deaf, blind, and completely silent. Even a basic search on the topic shows dozens of results. But National Vanguard is not into that kind of checking, as it is clearly seen in their publications. Meanwhile, the Whites become a minority in Moscow and other major… Read more »
I used to correspond with a pretty hardcore WN in Russia, who was a lawyer no less. Did not live in a larger city. He told me he got plenty of harassment and some time in jail, from local authorities and police, due to his statements and activities. I agree with you that Russia is not the promised land, or our salvation, that many in the west seem to think. I like Poland, Hungary, Serbia, and Croatia. Ukraine to some extent, though I have some reservations after they elected a jewish comedian/actor as president. Not smart.
Having said that, Russia is still much more based than the White western countries, and Russians seem to have better ethnic and cultural survival instincts.
Greetings HeartTheHunter. Welcome! Welcome! Spasiva! As I know it, National Vanguard sincerely welcomes you and thanks every honest and thoughtful person. Please continue to educate us!
I agree with 90% of what do you say. There is no doubt that the self-chosen tribe in Russia occupies a special privileged place, as it is in all other European countries. The problem is that we look at the same object from different points. It is like a cone; if you look from below – it looks like a circle; if from its side – it is a triangle. Therefore, it is useless to dispute whether it is a circle or a triangle. I agree with your facts but I disagree with your interpretations. Your evaluation of the American and European nationalist movement is incorrect. First of all you need to understand the main factor: Russia with all its troubles and internal squabbles is a peripheral theater for other… Read more »
Holy hell I did not realize before my first post begging your for information that you were going to have more comments so if you do not have time to share I will understand and I would like for you to know I will look up everything you have shared here and THANK YOU! Heil Victory! After Trump I will never be subverted again I am exterminating every naive nerve in my body tho I could use a more systematic approach. I have arguement with people sometime as to how or why the past is relevant while they are trying to make more money for this or that I say you do not know your enemy therefore your guns will not help you i study to stay and unify with… Read more »
I would be very very honored if you could please share with me resources. I Do not have the required time to dig up information for my own research but I promise you I will diligently read and use my own brain to interpret everything you share in light of my own evidence to the best of my ability to untangle this mess that is in my head and everyone elses i come in contact with concerning my people (aryan-christian) of this Region. I have family and many things on my plate and feel desperate to not only eliminate lies in my own head but to be able to effectively argue them out of other peoples head. I am sick of argueing with my father and brother over this putin… Read more »
Russia exported its Trotskiism via the Allies victory and kept its Stalinist Socialism in one country…it incubated Marxism in the DDR until 1990 and then the former DDR installed Trotskiism in Deutschland after reunification, in the same way that after 1945, the British installed Trotskiism through the IRA in Eire, via the Irish diaspora in London, to complete the genetoid liquidation of the Irish begun long before in the Zionist north by those ersatz Juden, the British, whose Torah party adopted Libertarianism which is Tory Communism, suited to the mercantilist Individualism of materialist and monotheist Anglo-Amerika, neither of which outlooks are natural to Europeans, being one side of the same alien coin…the Allies were a Jew golem and still are so nothing they say or do is honest. Lavrov sounds… Read more »
The closest match I could find in my Romanov’s dictionary is лавровый, which means ‘of laurels’.
So, if he was German, his name would be Lorbeer and everyone and their cousin on the Chateau Heartiste blog would be screaming ‘Jew!’…….
He looks Jewy to me, though…but so many people can.
I have written to Patrick Slattery and Jeremy from RBN about situation in Russia. Patrick is an ardent supporter of Putin. I have pointed out to him to some facts from Russian reality that contradict the bright image of Putin that he likes to depict. Jeremy read the e-mails and Patrick gave an extended answer with reasonings about his stance. I like his reply; it is factual and honest. I continue to disagree with his too positive attitude toward Putin, but I can understand the underlying logic of this position. Jeremy had read two of my e-mails; 17:18 through 18:15; and from 23:20 onward almost for the rest of the program. I think that this discussion could be of some interest.
The link above doesn’t work. The correct link:
I sometimes wonder if the USSR was intentionally collapsed because it simply didnt fit the new order, I mean when you compare the OG communists to the losers of the West: *Heavy militarized society *Extreme nationalism *Men were masculine, women were feminine *”LGBT” didnt exist *Stalin had conflicts with Jewish leaders and groups *Che Guevera hated Africans, and praised Europeans *Fidel Castro was racist at times *Men dominated everything whilst women stayed at home *A homogeneous culture, ideology and barely any “diversity”. All racial/religious groups stuck to their own kind and separated whenever they had the chance. *80+ Slavic European population (oy vey!) *Compulsory military service and lots of military parades *Children were taught nationalism, hatred of foreigners and weapons *Lenin personally had prostitutes and sex workers massacred *Marx though… Read more »
Interessant post, but I would add that the best ideas Anglo-Amerika could export to the east are Cosmotheism and Creativity, along with European refugees, eastwards…I also think that the Christardism of the Slavs is very sentimental and dangerous as is Dugin’s apparent Europhobia but the white race also has roots in Eurasia…I’d rather Russians recolonise eastwards as in Czarist and Communists era…this still leaves the shabbos goyish golem of the acronym entities that underpin the Oded Yinon Kalergists to rout.
Very interesting commentary by Schturmovik, but not all of his assertions are factually correct. The author tends to oversimplify complex matters. We can’t consider Russia as a homogeneous entity, as well as its government. There are many diverse power centers that operate under the umbrella called Russian Federation. The most dubious assertion is the one about “triumphant Russian army 100 years from now”. I should point out to the author that already now 50% of personnel of the RF’s army are ethnic Asians and their share grows very rapidly. If the trend continues for the coming century, there will be the new “Golden Horde”, not Russia. Yet another flagrant stretch of reality is the assertion that in Soviet time Russians were not subjected to internationalist-universalist propaganda. It isn’t true. I… Read more »
Hello, “Wolf”! A pleasure to hear from you again. Thank you for the information about this degenerate/freak called Eduard Limonov. Interestingly Wikipedia does not list him as a Jew and I believe them because they are more than happy to say so about anyone who really is. However, his first partner was a Jewess (Anna Moiseeyevna Rubinstein) and he admitted having an affair with a Black man, in fact, the degenerate boasted about it in a book he published later on. Anyway, as I always say, it doesn’t matter if a traitor, a degenerate or a Bolshevik is Jewish or not, is an enemy and deserves to die. What you said about the increasing number of Asians/Mongols in Russia and its armed forces is very worrying. I totally agree with… Read more »
Thank you for kind words. Your information about Limonov is correct. Yes, the official sources describe him as Russian, but some nationalist newspapers, yet in 1990es claimed that he is of Jewish ancestry. This version support two facts: he was born in Ukraine, where resided majority of “Russian” Jews; the second fact is the name of his father – Veniamin (Benjamin); this name is rarely used by ethnic Russians. But what is most important is Limonov’s personality, which is too much akin to Jewish mentality, not Russian. But as you rightly pointed out, it is not particularly important whether he was Jew or not; much more important is his degenerate lifestyle and promotion of destructive ideas. Back in 1990es, when he returned in Russia and created National-Bolshevik Party, he accentuated… Read more »
Hello “Wolf”! Thank you for your concepts and the useful information attached to them. I began to read a massive (580 pages in small print!) and scholarly book about Peter the Great by the late Prof. Lindsey Hughes (1949-2007), a British expert on Russian history (see here: Regarding the excessive influence of the Russian Church that you mentioned, Prof. Hughes points out in her book (“Russia in the Age of Peter the Great”) that during the whole 17th century only 10 non-religious books were published in Moscow, such was the tremendous control that the Russian Church had over the printing of books. I didn’t know that Peter provoked the war with Sweden. That was wrong. I did not like the attitude of “Heart the Hunter” towards “Anthony” and you… Read more »
Hello, Angelicus! Yes, the best way to gain reliable knowledge about historical events is to read non-fiction books about them. Now we have almost unrestricted access to almost all books that were ever printed. Particularly I like historical books published before 1960; those books are mostly free from ideological bias. Almost all books on historical subjects that are published now are nothing more than propagandist trash. All those scholars that want to have public acclaim are obliged to reaffirm the whole set of Marxist ideas. Even those writers who formerly wrote good books, now are compelled to insert ideological bias in anything they write. The best example is a good English historian Max Hastings. His 1984 book “Operation Overlord” about allied landing in Normandy is an excellent piece of historic… Read more »
Hello Wolf! Thank you very much for your words. Yes, you are right, most of the books written after 1960 regarding historical, cultural, artistic or sociological matters are tainted/corrupted by Jewish/Marxist propaganda. I have been around for quite a long time (I am 62 years old) and I have been an avid reader since I was 12. I would say that the falsification of History went on steadily since the 1960s but over the last 30 years, it has experienced a colossal surge. To make matters worse over the last 30 years Jewish millionaires had been buying famous publishing houses, filling them with lackeys. Not only that they have set up many new publishing houses that are unashamedly pro-Jewish and Marxist. In my case I was extremely lucky, growing up… Read more »
Yes, I know that Franco wasn’t a “fascist” or “nazi”, as he was portrayed in USSR or in leftist western media. Franco was a conservative in true sense of this word. As long as Spain and Portugal were ruled by conservative governments, they were able to hold their colonial possessions and keep order at home, but the very moment the “progressive” forces came to power, everything started to come down.
Yes, Yandex is better when seeking some “extremist” information. Google is much more “Soviet”, than any other browsers.
Here is the link to a web-page with information about Dobroslav. There is an introduction in English as well.
Wikipedia a few years ago started removing all religious info from their persons brief summary biographies and even in the main bio article . You can still sometimes deduce religious affiliations from info in the bio .
Quite an interesting thread here. Like a lot of us, I had assumed that the former Soviet block states were now in a better place, racially speaking, than the US, Britain and most of Western Europe. I assumed a major reason for that was a smaller Jewish influence there than now exists in the West. I don’t have intimate knowledge about Jewish influence now within Russia and Eastern Europe, but generally I assumed it is not as significant as it once was because a lot of Jews died during WW II, and those who didn’t have largely left the region for the West and Israel. Also, if Russia today was thoroughly run by Jews then why has the US been waging a low-level war against Russia for the past twenty… Read more »
The Bolshevik revolution was a Jewish plot to destroy the largely German monarchy that ruled Russia (land of the Rus, meaning red- or blonde-haired ones). A good 70-80% of the leaders – call it Bolshevism, Communism, Trotskyism, Stalinism or whatever you like, they’re all basically the same – were Jewish, married to Jews or under Jewish influence, usually financial. Very, very few actual soldiers – on either side – were Jewish, but many of the Soviet commissars (read: torturers and assassins) were, as were many ‘British’ and ‘American’ interrogators (see: torturers, above). Estimated Jewish world population prior to WWII – about 14 million. Estimated Jewish world population after WWII – about 15 million. Magic math: By killing 6 million of them, muhHitler actually added 1 million to the total. You… Read more »
Yes, precisely so. But this time, I suppose, everything would go contrary to their wishes and expectations. They have gone too far in their insane drive for power. This bunch of mediocrities obsessed with their supposed chosenness, will be unable to control the situation in the increasingly unstable world. They actually never controlled anything; they exercise control through the mentally subjugated white population, that does all useful work. The unparalleled success of the self-chosen tribe in the last century is not so much the result of their merits, but the result of European decadence, the loss of mental immunity against alien influences. If a man acquires lice, it isn’t lies who are to be blamed but the man himself. Now, when Europe and USA rapidly lose their global influence, the… Read more »
I think the Endlösung they have in mind resembles some South American countries: Countless billions of mixed-race, low IQ, low initiative consumer-worker slaves, just smart enough to place product on shelves and stand in line for the latest iCrap or indoctrination (code name ‘entertainment’) system, but too dense to connect the dots and too lazy to do anything about their situation.
A worldwide Brazil, ruled by a tiny, self-appointed ‘elite’ – mostly Jewish, with some of their most devoted Cucks mixed in for, erm, ‘diversity’ – who live apart from and above everyone else in mega-expensive ivory towers, protected by a veritable army of muscle, steel, tanks, planes and bombs.
Yes, they want precisely such a society, but they will fail. The whole concept of transforming the whole world into one huge Brazil is intellectually defective. This idea doesn’t take into account the fact that Brazil, as well as all other South American countries, was able to uphold its relatively elevated society only because of European factor. Their quazi-civilization lives exclusively because it is nourished by the original well of Europe. If this well is destroyed, the whole equilibrium of South America would rapidly fall. There will be no Brazil on its own, let alone on the whole planet. It is unviable; it is nothing more than a figment of sick Jewish mind. Yes, they dream about it, but it is yet another still-born idea of the self-chosen tribe. I… Read more »
I’m guessing their line of reasoning is that they will be able to use their fantastic riches to buy all the security forces they need to keep the teeming brown-ish black-ish masses at bay and that they can cow, browbeat, bribe or threaten (their favorite m.o.’s) East Asians into taking Whitey’s place as the inventors, creators, repairmen and maintenance personnel of all the infrastructure, technical equipment and such.
Ultimately, they will fail, the question is who will be around to see it happen.
Who can say what the world will look like in a million years…..
I cannot agree. Jews are not a homogeneous blunt herd. Many of them are aware of the risks you suggest and try to prevent it. However, they must be careful not to cut into their own meat. From my Prague residence I can report on the situation in the Czech Republic. As in the United States, most of the media is controlled by neo-Marxists, but we have also a strong anti-Marxist opposition, of course again led by Jews. Many Jews are well prospered in the Czech and rightly fear that neo-Marxists will destroy this Jewish paradise on earth. The Czech goy is the good goy. Also, Czechs and Jews have common extremely dangerous enemy. National socialism! Jews persuaded Czechs that Czechs are not Aryans and Nazis wanted… Read more »
Yes, I agree with the essence of your opinion. Jews are too diverse and have too different ideas and visions about their own future. It is a historic mechanism that always destroys any nascent monopoly of one group on the planet. Mongols at the pinnacle of their power in 14th century started to squabble between themselves about trifling things and eventually it brought them down. No one is immune from this mechanism. No one is above Nature. Jews are surely would tumble down from their unjustly gained global supremacy. And their fall will happen much sooner and will be much harder than any other tribe experienced in history.
The enemy has openly declared “NEVER AGAIN” in response to what happened to them during WW2. The only way to guarantee the “never again,” is to obliterate those who would cause it to happen again ; the White Race. It simply couldn’t be that the enemies of mankind are the worst criminals known to man and deserve everything bad that has happened to them, oh no no no. They intend on decimating the entire planet and wiping it clean of the White Race and then reforming it so that they are the Supreme Masters of the World, it’s really that damn simple. This new genesis will see the systematic theft of every human to the abolsute maximum, the supplication of every female on the planet, endless injections of poisonous vaccines… Read more »
The White Race is typically politicly retarded except for a small percentage of it .
It is not mostly an IQ issue . It is mostly due to their predominant pre-ww2 rural way of life that was mostly nonpolitical . Most Whites are no longer living in rural cultures but their legacy tradition of aversion to what for them prior to ww2 used to be unnecessary or irrelevant political discourse is still in much effect . Any White survivors of the Great Genocidal Reset will probably continue to be nonpolitical as totally servile sheeple to their elite jewmasterss .
he lost me when he said the E word.
Equality is a dangerous, murderous Jew fantasy.