
Shofars for Trump: Christians Who Think They’re Jews

Just when you think they can’t possibly get any crazier, the Christian Right proves you wrong again.

IN THE MIDST of the January 6 protests, a series of images emerged showing supporters of President Trump in Washington, DC, blowing shofars. The image was befuddling to many, especially since the shofars — ram’s horns typically used in Jewish observance of specific holy days — seemed to be in use among Christian groups who were there to support the president.

The scene baffled many, including some Jews. But it doesn’t baffle those brought up in the increasingly unhinged evangelical Christian world. One observer said, “In my evangelical upbringing, shofars were blown at Christian conferences and gatherings, often those with roots in Pentecostal or Charismatic communities (which constitute some of but not all of American evangelicalism). And in recent months, shofars have popped up at rallies held by Christian anti-mask activists like Sean Feucht, and at Black Lives Matter counterprotests. For the ‘Jericho March’ participants in Washington, blowing the shofar carried complicated connotations, ranging from ancient Old Testament symbolism to contemporary pro-Israel politics.”

Much more psychological than it is theological
1500-plus years of Abrahamic religion has taken its mental toll.
Huckster capitalism meets insane religion.

A recent conversation spurred by journalists confused on the topic included Gary Burge, who is a professor of New Testament and dean of the faculty at Calvin Theological Seminary in Grand Rapids, Michigan, which is affiliated with the Christian Reformed Church, an evangelical denomination. Burge explained where evangelical fascination with the shofar originated and what it symbolizes to them.

What exactly is a shofar? And what has it become in our time?

“Shofar is a Hebrew word, and it means trumpet. If you went back 3,000 years ago, or more, in order to have instruments, you had to use the raw materials that are around you. You need a harp. Do you have gut strings? Okay, you can make that. But forging a trumpet out of metal — that’s a very big task. They made them out of ram’s horns, which you can hollow out. They’re curved.

“When you hear about a trumpet being sounded in Israel in what you and I call the Old Testament, it really means it’s a shofar that’s being sounded. Its original use was a call to alert. Then it became commonly used in military campaigns.

“It ended up, along with a drum, as a feature of military conflicts….

“That’s a good analogy for the shofar. This instrument was used in Israel as a call to military action. Remember the story in Joshua about the defeat of Jericho? In that story, the people of Israel march around the city of Jericho blowing trumpets — they’re blowing shofars.

“Then it was used in the temple as well, and that’s why I like to think it’s a flexible idea. It’s a call to Israel. Shofars were used at the temple to call people to prayer during festival times. It is a call to stand up and move in the appropriate direction for that moment. So it could be a festival with its sacrifices. It could be a military campaign.

“Jews have always known about this. It’s a part of their cultural equipment. It ended up getting reduced inside of the Jewish context to two festivals per year. Practicing Jews would go to synagogue, and they’d hear the shofar blown on Yom Kippur and on the high holy days — Rosh Hashanah. Today, it lives there.

“I suspect in my conversations with Jews, just like with a bagpipe, it has an [emotional] value inside of the synagogue. But historically, it was an instrument of war and of religion.”

So what are Christians doing with shofars, then? I suspect that Christians who’ve encountered a shofar today have mostly encountered them in a particular denomination, or in a political context.

“That’s right. So let’s be absolutely clear about one thing: Evangelicals don’t all use shofars. Let’s be really clear about that. But, okay, so how did this suddenly surface? I think there’s an explanation for this, and it has to do with an infatuation among some conservative evangelicals with all things Jewish and all things Israel.

“In the late 19th century, there’s the dawning of Zionism. It takes hold inside of Judaism as a way to reclaim ancient legacies. But also you have Christian Zionism, which really does take form around the turn of the century. Christian Zionism not only anticipates the return of Jews to the Holy Land, but it also becomes deeply interested in the recreation of Jewish practices. This can be complicated to explain, but after World War I, Europe had destroyed itself. The [1918] Spanish flu kills 50 million people. The stock market crashes in ’29. And Europe is warming up for another war after that. The whole world is wondering, What is going on? The wheels have come off the bus in this very interesting period.

“And conservative evangelicals and other conservative Christians who were invested in Zionism said, ‘This is the end of the world.’ It’s very simple. [To the simple-minded. — Ed.] This was also connected to prophecies about how things (foretold in the Bible) are being fulfilled (in world events). So what happens is there is an investment in Jewish practice. After 1948, when Israel becomes a state, and after their major military victory in the Six-Day War in 1967, what you have is this amalgamation of prophecies about the end, which we call eschatology, with this remarkable commitment [among some conservative Christians] not just to the state of Israel but this investment in all things Jewish. This forms in the 1970s and ’80s and ’90s, and it’s a thread that has moved through this aspect of evangelicalism.

“So you might, on a church platform, have seen the Israeli flag. That’s not even a religious object. You have this blending of Israeli politics, American conservative politics, conservative religious values, and an infatuation with Jewish culture. Some examples would be singing songs with a Hebrew cadence, or singing songs in Hebrew. I was at a church gathering once at a conference where I was a speaker. They said, there’s a pledge of allegiance in Israel, like the one we have in America — and then the church said it together. It was remarkable. It was a political thing. I thought, Wow, what in the world?

“As they rummage around inside of Jewish culture, and what they think to be Hebrew Old Testament culture, they’ve taken on these cultural instruments. That would include music and ‘Hebrew’ dancing. I think some Jews look at this and say, ‘Wait, that’s just Eastern European culture, or Yiddish.’ But [these Christian groups] don’t discern very well that so much of modern Judaism is a dynamic faith, just like Christianity. It’s evolved over the years. So they’ve taken on these contemporary… Jewish things. They think by loving Jewish culture, they’re actually loving a culture that God loves most of all.

“There’s your key. They almost sanctified or divinized one culture. They think by recreating some features of it, there you have it.

“I think the shofar specifically only really came into life in the last 30 years. Someone might get onstage and launch a [Christian] conference with a shofar. Or at a rally of some kind, they’ll pull them out and use them. What they think they’re doing is rousing emotional drama with it. Originally, that probably was its intent, like any bugle or trumpet would be. In the American military, the guy who plays ‘Taps’ on the trumpet at a funeral — it’s the same thing.

“They have appropriated this thing. Their movement is a mash-up of conservative religion and pro-Israel Zionism, all blending together in this one segment of the evangelical world right now. The shofar for them now has become a way to say, Rally the troops. Let’s march.

“I go to Israel annually, to bring students. Tourists come home with stuff. And you will find boxes of shofars. The shofar has become a souvenir thing. I suspect that some of them, the expensive ones, are authentic, and then a whole bunch of them come from China.”

So what would you say the Christians who blow shofars are doing? Is it that they think they’re doing something kind of magical? Or that they’re invoking God in some way?

“That’s the right word: invocation. A plea to God….

“We are in sacred territory. The shofar sounding is a declaration that you are involved in divine activity. That’s a good way to think of it.”

* * *

Source: Medium and National Vanguard correspondents

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brian boru
brian boru
18 January, 2021 4:05 am

Will I get a bargain if I buy four or five at once?!

Reply to  brian boru
18 January, 2021 10:35 am

And if you act now, right now, you will receive a free QAnon decoder ring! But you must act now as quantities are limited.This offer expires on noon, January 20, 2021.

18 January, 2021 8:12 am

(((Denis Prager))) now better understands the “Good German”

Prinz Edelhart
Prinz Edelhart
18 January, 2021 8:18 am

White people thinking dey wuz da rill Djoos is mostly an American Protescuck phenomenon. I cannot recall ever coming across a Cathocuck or a European Protescuck who was quite that deranged.

18 January, 2021 10:31 am

I wonder if the guy with the shofar emitting smoke was having fun with us as if to say “We are just blowing smoke” ie. deceiving you.

Arvin N. Prebost
Arvin N. Prebost
18 January, 2021 11:59 am

They are blowing a ram’s horn to show support for a Jewish nation that mocks them, their religion, and their beliefs? For a people who has done the most to damage all they hold dear?

They think that an idealized and fanciful history of the Jews as portrayed in the Bible is real, but it is mythologized as much as “The Lord of the Rings.”

I would prefer that these people dress up as Gandalf, Elrond, Galadriel, Aragorn, etc. because as far as myths go, LOTR is pretty Euro-centric. The elvish-type choral singing would be more pleasant, at any rate.

Walt Hampton
Walt Hampton
18 January, 2021 12:52 pm

No doubt the Christian-riddled SCCAC (South
Carolina Conservative Action Council) will want
to get in line for these Cracker Jack prizes!

19 January, 2021 1:11 am

“They think that by loving Jewish culture, they are actually loving a culture that God loves the most.” That hits the nail on the head. It’s all about guilt-tripping and penance-doing. Those who are afraid are susceptible to extortion. (One of the oldest human wisdoms, which for some reason again fell into oblivion.) And this extortibility is taking on ever more grotesque features. In my estimation, this is why the contact poison of “political correctness” was invented by the Jews and deeply embedded in the consciousness of the White Race. It has made the voluntary assumption of “moral guilt” a self-evident ritual. With the “Old Testament” (which according to some researchers cannot be older than 1000 years) came the original sin. Yet, paradoxically, Jews do not have the… Read more »

19 January, 2021 1:40 am

It is well known that the “Second Vatican Council” in the 1960s first initiated the “softening” of the elements in Christianity that were critical of Judaism (and finally their deletion without replacement). Remarkably, in a phase in which in Western countries also the immigration agenda was “liberalized” – that is, changed to the disadvantage of the whites. This allegedly “German” preacher (with rather “Semitic” features) turns out to be a hardcore Zionist doom prophet who talks about the desired “Armageddon” in the name of Israel, with Germany acting “in the name of the Antichrist”, but the Jewnited Snakes (USA) & the Jewnited Kikedom (UK) “in the name of God”. He conducts his propaganda in both English & German. Israel looks not only on the map like a wedge or… Read more »

19 January, 2021 2:05 am

From the video description: Bible lesson in a different way: When the Dear God created our world… A beautiful Czech children’s film from1979, which with much love the “story of the creation of our world”. Significantly, the Czech is a French communist who received the “Lenin Prize” in Moscow. The cartoon is understandable even without knowledge of German. It is about the division of the world into white and black, good and evil. The question would be whether evil is not merely disguised as good, and it is not merely branding good as evil (in order to make itself out to be good), because if evil were not truly evil, then it would not be cunning, but naive. And so the Whites then vegetate incapacitated like dependent children… Read more »

19 January, 2021 2:18 am

Mr. Kutschera is also an enemy of “creationists” as well as “gender” ideologues. He opposes the increasing re-clericalization of the Western Enlightenment society. And has recently been sued by homosexuals (well-covered by the msm) because he considers the adoption of children by homosexual “couples” to be an abuse risk factor for the healthy flourishing of a child who needs both sexes for psychological development.

19 January, 2021 5:27 am

I am Diego, fourletter-words are my contribution to your culture, thank the Jews! 2-Pac is my uncle. Our many children will take care of your churches and museums and change the diapers of your pensioners.

A little later: “Diego tried to kill his father and is sent to a psychiatric ward”.

19 January, 2021 5:34 am

“Say it loud say it clear, that my father is not here.”

Why? Because Jews do not tolerate a fatherland,
because patriarchy means nationalism. Judaism
is inherited through the mother. Just a question of
time, first we take Manhattan, then we take Berlin.

19 January, 2021 5:42 am

“We Germans sing Negermusik now, because we are all happy!”

19 January, 2021 5:50 am

“Only sometimes do feelings of remembrance still overtake
us.Then we wish the evil cultured civilized Aryan men back.”

“From 1988 to 2000, Lennox was married to Israeli film and
record producer Uri Fruchtmann. The couple have two daugh-
ters, Lola and Tali. A son, Daniel, was stillborn in 1988.”

(No further questions.)

“We got the idea from German electronics.”

19 January, 2021 5:55 am

Who would have thought that Bach inspi-
red the Jewish “Bridge of troubled water”?

19 January, 2021 6:18 am

We must finally find peace. Advises this half-British half-Russian grandpa..(I just wonder why his playlists are only available for payment, that’s very unchristian! Why is he using the buzzword “ASMR” as clickbaiting?) But as a butler, he recommends Jesus to us.Who could resist this religious delusion? Some questions remain unanswered: What happens to all the people who were born 2000 years ago in the long history of evolution and did not yet know about the man who walked on water and sprang from the immaculate conception? Do all the Buddhists and Eskimos, the children with cancer, who did not even know the Bible, not go to heaven? Aren’t they allowed to be “1000 years at God’s side” in heaven? (What happens after these 1000 years?) Why do we go… Read more »

19 January, 2021 6:31 am

A few centuries ago, superstition was also extremely present in Europe. Whoever did not carry his bride over the threshold had to reckon with lifelong misfortune.Thanks to the Jews, we have Christianity (and Islam). Muslims believe they will be given “72 virgins in heaven”. They all “know” it very well, as if they were present at the events of that time. How much blood has been shed in the name of this madness?

This is not Cairo but Germany

Prinz Edelhart
Prinz Edelhart
Reply to  Keith
19 January, 2021 9:28 am

According to one translation, they get 72 raisins, but I’m not sure if anyone would be willing to blow themselves up for that.
And based on what I’ve seen, finding 72 attractive Middle Eastern girls ain’t so easy. Maybe they mean slave girls from conquered lands.

19 January, 2021 6:34 am

The Jews who started all this nonsense at least
have an answer as to what the “true” religion” is.

19 January, 2021 6:44 am
19 January, 2021 6:59 am

Is pessimism a “sin”? Well, in Germany, fatalists were put up against the wall. No one should enter a playing field unless he is one hundred percent convinced of his victory.

19 January, 2021 7:09 am

Now we come to the evil “Nazi Reich”: This was an incredibly masculine energy machine. They only had twelve years, but what was accomplished there was unprecedented. Although they had lost millions of men in the first war (which was only a prelude). As many decisions as were made daily then, it takes “democracy” decades! Today they need twenty years to enforce and build a paltry airport or train station. Imagine what these people would have been able to accomplish under today’s conditions! Without Jews (“reparations”) and “refugees” eating billions of tax money.

19 January, 2021 7:11 am

This is the secret that is in the swastika, which
means movement and motivation (willpower).

19 January, 2021 7:24 am

Are you “LIVING” yet – or are you still “procrastinating”?

19 January, 2021 7:30 am

What costs nothing has no value. What does
not have to be conquered has no meaning.

19 January, 2021 8:36 am

I can tell you: because it is about putting women on a pedestal and breeding “men” as pinschers. So that they can never again develop an independent independent thought. We are told that in Auschwitz parents were separated from their children. This is the worst thing that can be done to people. The fact that today millions of fathers are begging to see their children at all because of “jurisdiction” is “normality” that no one takes note of. Women have been empowered to humiliate men. Rape is the worst thing that can be done to a woman. They are persuaded to suffer from it for the rest of their lives.Let’s take a closer look, what does rape mean and how does it happen? A few decades ago, that is, before… Read more »

19 January, 2021 8:45 am

“Old white man”: a triple discrimination. How low do we want to sink?

19 January, 2021 8:57 am

The answer is simple: if the Jewish world hates the German world so much, then salvation for the White race is to be found in the German world.

Reply to  Keith
22 January, 2021 10:46 am

Your posts are all outstanding.

19 January, 2021 9:04 am

This is also the explanation why “Nazis” never die out: the Jews transport the Nazis with them in all their statements, because they define their pseudo-identity by the German identity. They do not want to be called parasites. But the white curiosity, what the Nazis were, is to be suppressed by force. If the Jews were truly clever, they would have removed any reference to Hitler from history.

19 January, 2021 9:24 am

Can the white corpse still sweat out the Jewish poison? Is there still life under the stone? Or does the serpent (leviathan) have to retreat under the stone (until it thinks up another trick)?

19 January, 2021 7:08 pm

Sounds better than “Shofas”

19 January, 2021 7:28 pm

Ösis (Austrians): “Love passes away, but the
hectare (her land ownership) is that endures.”

21 January, 2021 5:33 pm

Nothing like some good old fashioned Israel worship to show your support for the people who chose Barabbas over the Son of God.

Reply to  Richard
22 January, 2021 10:47 am

Ha!Ha! good one.

Julius Streicher Jr.
Julius Streicher Jr.
24 January, 2021 6:01 am

Jimmy Swaggart’s current shekel=raiser “Shareathon” had raked in over $3.5 million and the whites who think they are jews were keeping the phones ringing with donations. Most asked for prayers for “Trump and Country”, and cures for diseases and curing poor health. National Vanguard can barely keep the lights on with their donations, but the Pompadour Preacher race traitors like Hagee and Olsteen and Swaggart and the rest of their ilk rake in millions. Jews laugh because these “Christians” give some of the largesse to Israel and the poor downtrodden jews.

25 January, 2021 4:01 am

The pyramid is the only meaningful division and illustration of the organically grown natural world. That is why the pyramids of Giza are the most stable and longest lasting structures in the world. It represents a peak and a hierarchy. Or a tent for shelter. At the top is the human being, at the bottom are the microorganisms. It is the same with the food pyramid. Mankind itself, in turn, is a pyramid itself: at the top the most useful and important representatives, at the bottom the most useless and unimportant. Above the fine, below the coarse. Has anyone ever seen a mountain or a classically shaped roof of a house upside down? Such a thing cannot occur in nature. But this is exactly what the “Star of David” symbolizes.… Read more »

Arch Stanton
Arch Stanton
Reply to  Peter
5 June, 2022 1:19 pm

Thank you for the image. It is a perfect representation of its true meaning to the Jews. The Star of David (SoD) was not considered a symbol of the Jew until Theodore Herzl’s First Zionist Congress, held in 1897 inside a, wouldn’t you know it, gambling saloon. Herzl posted a SoD symbol over the door of the saloon. The SoD symbolizes what Dr. Jan Assman calls the “normative inversion” process where the enemy’s cultural rules, symbols and values are inverted to destroy their meaningful heritage to the host culture.   One will note the SoD is frequently represented as two interlocking triangles. (see image) This symbolizes the intertwining of the normative inversion process with the host culture to a point where the process is inextricable from the culture. Jews… Read more »

1 June, 2022 5:01 pm

With the victory of The Edomite Judeans over National Socialist Germany, in WW2, The Edomites began to totally control Christianity. They then began to call it Judeo-Christianity, which is oxymoronic.

In reality, Judaism and Christianity are opposites. But Judaism began, with their control of publishing, media, religion and politics, to present a different story-line for Christianity, where The Pharisaical Judeans were to be Israel, God’s (Yahweh’s) chosen people. I call this indoctrination of The Sheeple. Over the years, it has become a cult of follow the leader (The Edomites). Judeo-Christianity is lost to The Edomites/Pharisees/Bolsheviks/Communists. The only way to find the truth is to walk away from Satan’s children and find Yahweh on your own.

George H. Brown
George H. Brown
Reply to  Persister
2 June, 2022 9:39 am

Not this Christian Identity nonsense again. Please.

Fact: People who use the term “Edomites” are just trying to avoid admitting that their Bible is Jewish and their religion is too. National Vanguard readers know better.

Jim - National Alliance Staff
Jim - National Alliance Staff
Reply to  George H. Brown
2 June, 2022 12:06 pm

Indeed we do know better. Some folks take a bit longer to get it than others and hope that the CI types will come around someday. Patience, friend.