Posts Tagged
Capitol January 6 2021

Athens, Washington, and Pierce City
Washington American Dissident Voices broadcast of 17 April, 2021 2021-0417 Athens Washington and Pierce City.mp3 by Kevin Alfred Strom ASHLI BABBIT’S murderer will go scot-free, according to the latest pronouncement from the misnamed…

To Blend In
AFTER THE MOST honest expression of muh democracy in human history, our sacred holy buildings created by the direct will of g*d came under attack from a White supremacist insurrection. Our elected heroes were fired upon. It was attempted murder from Confederates, “nazis,” and phony…

Regime Change 2021
Troops in D.C. safeguard the usurpers. by Andrew Hamilton THE TENSE, elaborate preparations and deeply racist storyline surrounding the installation of a new front man as head-of-state in Washington, D.C. on January 20, 2021 looks suspiciously like a coup d’état. Similar events have successfully…

Shofars for Trump: Christians Who Think They’re Jews
Just when you think they can’t possibly get any crazier, the Christian Right proves you wrong again. IN THE MIDST of the January 6 protests, a series of images emerged showing supporters of President Trump in Washington, DC, blowing shofars. The image was befuddling to many, especially since…

Lessons from the Trumpistan Coup
by Thomas Dalton, PhD NOW THAT we’ve had the luxury of a few days to digest things, let’s take a look at the January 6th “event” in Washington and see what we can reasonably and logically conclude. There is much that we don’t know, much that we can’t know, and yet much that is certain, or nearly so. We need to…