AudioDavid SimsEssays

Once in a While It Happens: A Jew Speaks the Truth


by David Sims

ONCE IN a while, the Jews themselves will affirm what they usually describe as “the anti-Semitic Jewish conspiracy theory.” Bari Weiss, a Jewish writer for the New York Times, is a recent case in point. In a recent NPR interview, she is quoted as saying:

The Jewish connection to the refugee is not a conspiracy. That’s something that we’re very, very proud of…. the most sacred of Jewish values, is the value of hachnasat orchim, of welcoming the stranger.

Weiss uses “conspiracy” to mean “a lie.” It’s a troublesome conflation of two different things. Conspiracies do happen. Often. In politics, they are the norm. In business, they are frequent. And a “conspiracy theory” is an attempt by an outsider to account for what the conspirators are up to. Sometimes, a conspiracy theory is false by intention. Sometimes, it’s a mistake, an honestly made error. But sometimes it is correct.

But aside from that minor semantic issue, Weiss has given support for what is often called the theory of a “Jewish conspiracy” to open the borders.

The thing you need to know, in order to really appreciate Weiss’s statement, is that the Jews don’t encourage non-Jewish Third World refugees to go to Israel. (Israel is known for sterilizing and deporting such migrants, though the big “mainstream” media, largely owned and run by Jews, won’t tell you that.) Jews encourage Third World migration only to the other countries in which they live. They don’t want to foul their own nest, but they have every intention of fouling everyone else’s.

The Jews act like guests in your home who take the liberty of inviting other people to come and live in your home, too. And if you question the propriety of what they’re doing, they’ll try to shame you by calling you an “anti-Semite,” a Jew-hater. The idea that the Jews have earned any hatred they get as a consequence of their own actions is also “anti-Semitism,” of course — according to Jews.

Here’s a transcription of the relevant NPR interview segment:

QUESTION: The social media posts associated with the suspect [Robert Bower] suggest that he was interested in conspiracy theories linking Jews to refugees. He was interested in the caravan that President Trump has blown up into a major national news story. I’d just like to ask you about your neighborhood and this synagogue in particular. What was the attitude that people there had toward refugees?

WEISS: Well, that’s the thing. The Jewish connection to the refugee is not a conspiracy. That’s something that we’re very, very proud of. The organization that Robert Bowers was constantly calling out is an organization called HIAS [Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society], which brought people, including Sergey Brin, to this country. It started in the 1880s to bring Jews who were fleeing the pogroms of Eastern Europe. Now they help Jews and non-Jews all over the world fleeing persecution. I met a man in Arizona on Sunday, a Jew from Cairo who was helped out of Egypt following the 1967 war. This synagogue exemplified those values. It participated in something called Refugee Shabbat. The previous Saturday, it was one of the participating synagogues nationally. And the concept, you know, as in all Jewish synagogues that reflect the most sacred of Jewish values, is the value of hachnasat orchim, of welcoming the stranger and especially of welcoming the weakest in our community, which – there’s no weaker category in our society than the refugee. And we’re really, really proud of that.

* * *

Source: Author

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29 January, 2021 3:34 am

Surprise surprise,

for thee but not for (((us))). We will make Jewmurica (even more) colorful!
Shalom & Mazel Tov!

PS: But don’t you dare get on our trail! Then you
are a “racist” and should be socially ostracized!

29 January, 2021 4:20 am
29 January, 2021 4:26 am

‘Pogroms of eastern Europe’? but why pogroms? Evil Russkies? well, they murdered 65 millions way back, so why fret now? and where did those lovely pale settlers also go? to London’s east end where Joshua the Ripper rips his schiksa’s, London’s aristo Masons hide…now the Jew beloved Asians are in top positions in the JewK government telling the Britard sheeple what to do do and say, who stand for it, because at least they don’t speak German-It’s way past time for Juden sind hier unerwuenscht in Europa.

29 January, 2021 4:39 am
Patrick Pappano
Patrick Pappano
29 January, 2021 5:17 am

When Cyrus, the Persian king who defeated the Babylonians, told the Jews they could go back to Jerusalem rebuild the Temple, the second Temple, many took him up on his offer, according to Nehemiah. But there was a problem, many Israelites had married foreign women. It was declared, by “God’s chosen” that these wives needed to be divorced. That is the written record on Jewish welcoming the stranger. So what does this tell you? Well, either the religion has changed or the people have changed or, maybe, maybe, maybe the provenance back to “The Chosen” is a little disconnected. Like maybe there was a Babylonian in the woodpile, and maybe a few others, or “Those who say they are Jews but are not.”

Prinz Edelhart
Prinz Edelhart
Reply to  Patrick Pappano
29 January, 2021 8:16 am

I’m guessing the closest thing to ethnically pure Jews are probably the so-called ‘Palestinians’, converted to Islam at swordpoint way back in the 7th century.
The ‘brown’ Sephardic Jews are probably a Semitic- Hamitic-Mediterranean mix, with assorted other strains depending on their location.
The ‘white’ Ashkenazi seem to have little if any Middle Eastern (Semitic) DNA – you certainly couldn’t tell by looking at most of them, the Khazar Empire having been inhabited by Goths, Slavs, Persians, Armenians, Georgians, various Turkic tribes, but only a few actual Jews.

Kevin Alfred Strom
Kevin Alfred Strom
Reply to  Prinz Edelhart
29 January, 2021 9:13 pm

The Khazar hypothesis has been pretty much debunked, though that’s not saying that Jews have zero Khazar ancestry. Recent DNA studies show that Ashkenazi Jews are a hybrid Middle Eastern/European population, and yet are close to 100 per cent. genetically distinguishable from Europeans. I am sure that, as you say, the admixtures of Jews are many and varied, but the one with Europeans appears to be the most significant among those that afflict us.

I think that admixture alone doesn’t fully explain what Jews are, though. I think they have evolved along their own trajectory — a parasitic trajectory.

Reply to  Kevin Alfred Strom
30 January, 2021 7:20 am

I’ve become very suspicious of the word ‘debunked’, seems to belong to the same category as ‘fact checkers’ (read: leftie spin machine). Similar applies to DNA tests, most companies performing these services appear to be run by Jews or Mormons and have their own agendas. While I haven’t done a ton of research into this – I prefer to research my own more than the enemy – the Khazar theory makes the most sense to me. It explains the sudden increase in numbers, it explains why most of the ‘Ashkenazi’ don’t look Middle Eastern at all -although some do – it explains the high IQ (that would be the Gothic = German element), it explains Yiddish ,which is basically a highly corrupted form of German in much the same way… Read more »

Patrick Pappano
Patrick Pappano
Reply to  Kevin Alfred Strom
30 January, 2021 7:34 am

I believe the Khazar story from just looking at them and think the debunking may have been just more bunk, but I don’t know. Still, the Jews were a problem to Rome and much earlier than the Khazar contribution.

Reply to  Patrick Pappano
3 February, 2021 7:35 am

I just watched Countess Dracula (Hammer studios, 1971), starring ‘British-Polish’ actress Ingrid Pitt, born Ingoushka Petrova in Warsaw, allegedly to a German-Jewish father and a Polish-Jewish mother, in other words, she’s ‘Ashkenazi’. Take a look at her. Does that woman look in any way Middle Eastern (Semitic) to you ? Even a little bit ? How about actress Sara Paxton (Darcy’s Wild Life, Aquamarine) ? She’s allegedly Jewish on her mom’s side, identifies as Jewish and practices Judaism. I know a Ukrainian girl – who I have no reason to believe is Jewish in any way – who looks enough like her to be her sister. Even actor Trevor Donovan (90210 reboot) supposedly has ‘Ashkenazi’ ancestors. Dude looks about as Nordic as anyone possibly can. Before the New Abnormal smacked… Read more »

Kevin Alfred Strom
Kevin Alfred Strom
Reply to  PrinzEdelhart
3 February, 2021 5:49 pm

Jews are a mixed race — perhaps even one whose survival requires a degree of mixing. In China they mixed with Chinese. In our European civilization they mixed with Europeans. (Over 40 per cent. of their genes come from Whites.) This produces every level of hybrid, including such combinations as those who look extremely Middle-Eastern-reptilian (wish I had a better adjective) and yet have mostly Aryan behavioral traits, and those who have Aryan looks with an extreme parasitic/Jewish mentality, and everything in between. I also would not be surprised if, in their long development as a parasitic subspecies, they acquired traits of actual biological mimicry, such as we often see in Nature.

Reply to  Kevin Alfred Strom
3 February, 2021 6:23 pm

Human mimicry is an interesting thought, and a possibility in this case. And the term ‘parasitic subspecies’ makes me think of Vampires. Didn’t the belief in humanoid bloodsuckers come from South Asia via the silk road ?

Patrick Pappano
Patrick Pappano
Reply to  PrinzEdelhart
3 February, 2021 6:45 pm

I attended, for 3 semesters, an almost totally Jewish high-school. There I saw beautiful girls dating the most unlikely looking, even ugly, Jewish guys. The explanation I was given, is that the girls are looking for the guy that is going to give them the good life. I should also mention that I attended 4 high-schools, and the cheating in the “Jewish” school was off the charts. I didn’t detect any cheating in the other schools.

Reply to  Patrick Pappano
4 February, 2021 7:10 am

I understand the good life part, women do possess the ability to suppress their gag reflex if the guy is rich, powerful or influential enough. I still do wonder what they must think when looking at the children these unions produce. Case in point: Christie Brinkley & Billy Joel……
I don’t think the couple I mentioned falls into that category, that guy does not look like he has any significant resources.
As for the cheating, Abrahamic religions do command lying as a form of survival, warfare and advancement. They left that out of Cuckstianity because White people would have balked at that and also to weaken them. The liar does have at least an initial advantage over the truth-teller.

Reply to  Patrick Pappano
4 February, 2021 11:22 am

Greetings Patrick. Cheating was the subject they were studying.

Victor Arminius
Victor Arminius
Reply to  Kevin Alfred Strom
9 February, 2021 12:01 am

I wonder because even Biblical scholars maintain that when the 10 tribes were deported from Isreal they were replaced with non-Jewish people called Samaritans whom the remaining two tribes despised. Remember Biblical Palestine was Judea, Samaria, and Galilee. Samaritans lived in Samaria. The Samaritans only thought the first five books of the Old Testament were sacred whereas the remaining 2 tribes have what we called the complete Old Testament. Isn’t the Torah the first 5 books of the Bible? Biblical Jews did not like Samaritans or Galileans.

Kevin Alfred Strom
Kevin Alfred Strom
Reply to  Victor Arminius
9 February, 2021 8:23 am

I wouldn’t regard the Bible as accurate on such matters, or any matters really except as a study in the psychology of Jews. 1) It wasn’t accurate to begin with, being a bunch of Jewish fables and ethnocentric myths; and 2) it’s been rewritten many times, always with the purpose of solidifying the rule of some sect currently in power.

Reply to  Kevin Alfred Strom
15 November, 2021 6:08 pm

The Khazar hypothesis has been pretty much debunked? Debunked by who?

Camillo Conti, Jr.
Camillo Conti, Jr.
Reply to  PsyOp
15 November, 2021 6:23 pm

The Khazar hypothesis (promoted by Arthur Koestler, a Communist Jew) doesn’t fit with the genetics of the Jews, which are now known to be around 40 percent European and the rest Middle Eastern.

George H. Brown
George H. Brown
Reply to  Camillo Conti, Jr.
15 November, 2021 6:30 pm

Those good folks who know what evil the Jews are up to, yet want to cling to the Jewish “Bible” (probably due to childhood imprinting of Christianity as “true”), love the Khazar Hypothesis.

They love it because it allows them to criticize today’s Jews as “imposters” and still revere and praise the genocidal bandits of the “Old Testament” as “the true Israelites” and similar nonsense. In other words, they can keep the “Bible” that Mommy and Daddy told them was the source of all wisdom and morality. Sad. Multi-generationally sad.

Reply to  Camillo Conti, Jr.
15 November, 2021 10:59 pm

Who, specifically, says their genetics are this or that? Who carried out the genetic tests that produced these findings…and, aside from the donors themselves, were there any jews or christians involved in the process? Who was in charge of the security of the labs where these supposed tests were performed? These questions, and many more, must be answered first before the Khazar hypothesis can be dismissed with any confidence.

NEW ORDER needed on earth
NEW ORDER needed on earth
Reply to  Patrick Pappano
29 January, 2021 9:01 am

I am afraid that the cult of Isis was put into us. The fact that not everything is clear with their religion should be clear

Arvin N. Prebost
Arvin N. Prebost
29 January, 2021 10:40 am

Bari: “We come to your country and throw the gates wide open to everyone. You guys pay for it. It is a wonderful arrangement.”

Arvin N. Prebost
Arvin N. Prebost
29 January, 2021 10:48 am

But aren’t the Christians just as bad: “Our Lord says that everyone is our neighbor, and as we do it to them, we do it to him!”

They claim that Jesus wants America to become a gigantic Section 8 housing project . . . at our expense. Because these people who pack houses full of people, park on their lawns, throw trash everywhere, play loud music, etc. are actually Jesus in disguise.

Old Aardvark
Old Aardvark
Reply to  Arvin N. Prebost
3 February, 2021 3:53 am

There were not nearly enough Jews around in the early 19th Century in the US to blame them for the US Civil War. That was entirely our own insanity. If anyone is to blame for that great tragedy, it would be the liberal Christians of the time who comprised almost all of the radical abolitionists. So yes, we will never solve our Jewish problem until we first solve our Christian problem. When we get our own religious thinking in tune with our own racial interests, then the Jewish problem will quickly solve itself. It will be obvious to everyone. As it is, whites are utterly brainwashed by their religion. I once asked a man who worked with me that if there were an issue, and we could decide the issue… Read more »

Arvin N. Prebost
Arvin N. Prebost
Reply to  Old Aardvark
3 February, 2021 11:25 am

I think the Christian problem actually solved itself more than 200 yrs. ago, when the lack of archeological evidence and the higher criticism of the biblical texts cast doubt on the narrative. Most people do not want to go into it that deeply, however. Those who do, who started out “on fire for the gospel,” like Bart Ehrman, get tamped out pretty quickly.

They must not turn into liberals though, especially religious liberals. Like you said, these are dangerous andd irresponsible people.

Reply to  Arvin N. Prebost
16 November, 2021 6:15 am

Jesus said, “Those that do this to the least of MY BRETHREN”.
Which means, fellow brothers and sisters in Christ.

Arvin N. Prebost
Arvin N. Prebost
Reply to  Steven
16 November, 2021 3:33 pm

Steven, that verse is from Mark and also Matthew, and if you stop with them, then you can make a case for in-group altruism, to the exclusion of out-group altruism. 

However, Luke has the parable of the good Samaritan, which essentially makes the same point, except that it makes the case for out-group altruism.

I don’t really see any difference. I don’t disagree with the sentiment expressed in these verses, as applied to basic needs such as food to starving people, emergency medical help, and temporary shelter. It is only when these verses are made to obliterate one’s preferences and identifications with one’s in-group, and to put one’s in-group in an inferior position, that I disagree. 

NEW ORDER needed on earth
NEW ORDER needed on earth
29 January, 2021 1:25 pm

Initially, the USSR was not planned as a full-fledged empire. It was a cancerous tumor that was supposed to spread metastases around the world. But in some countries this plan has failed. Otherwise the whole world would drown in blood from the communist saboteurs who secure the world revolution by destroying every empire and sovereign country from within. They wanted to take turns to overthrow all countries. If not for Nazism, the white race would have died faster from communist cancer. … Now the communists have a different card, they have created the UN, which is actually the Peace Council. And although. Reload this UN to be above local government and become a global government agency with priority over local government as a guarantor of stable peace and long-term prospects.… Read more »

Julius Streicher Jr.
Julius Streicher Jr.
29 January, 2021 2:36 pm

They don’t “welcome the stranger” in Israel, only white countries.

29 January, 2021 3:38 pm

You can often read what they’re really thinking in publications like Forward, Jewish Insider, Jerusalem Post etc.

As Sun Tzu said, “Know your enemy”.

Reply to  guest
30 January, 2021 10:20 am

“Know your enemy, and know yourself, and in one hundred battles you shall not know defeat”.

Having knowledge of one’s enemies is literally only half the battle. It is much more important to know your own strengths and weaknesses.

Besides, I believe that everyone here knows the jewish mindset because they don’t even bother to hide it any longer. Their overconfidence, born out of their false sense of superiority (and their racist religion) is their greatest weakness.

And that makes it possibly our greatest advantage.

29 January, 2021 6:35 pm

“Sarah emigrates to Israel”

There she can finally find identity as a descendant of “Holo”
victims. A visit to Yad Cashem is virtually her initiation ritual.

She can rent an apartment in the “Bauhaus” style.

But if you think that’s finally the end
of that matter, you’re truly mistaken!

29 January, 2021 6:37 pm
29 January, 2021 6:52 pm

National Vanguard’s “Today in History”:

1886: Karl Benz patents the first successful gasoline-driven automobile.

30 January, 2021 4:47 pm

“This channel is unavailable as the contents have been deemed potentially illegal within your country by our moderation team.” Prove it for Jewrope

William W Williams * National Alliance Chairman
William W Williams * National Alliance Chairman
31 January, 2021 7:50 pm

Once in a While a Member of U.S. Congress Speaks the Truth:

Old Aardvark
Old Aardvark
3 February, 2021 3:33 am

Jews are consummate liars. Jews are highly intelligent, which makes them gifted liars, and they have a knack for the written and spoken language. Also, they seem to have no sense of shame or guilt about lying. They do it as easily as we breathe. I know enough of history, politics and economics that I can spot their lies, so they have no effect on me. The sneakiest and most artful Jewish liars are the ones who set themselves up as “conservative” activists, such as Ben Shapiro and Mark Levin. They interpret and define “conservatism” so that it is Jew friendly and functions as slow poison compared to the fast-acting poison put out by liberal Jews. Conservative Jews always advocate support for Israel and racial diversity here in the US.… Read more »

Reply to  Old Aardvark
3 February, 2021 7:40 am

Judaism as well as Islam stipulate that is is actually a religious DUTY to lie to non-believers. I’m guessing that the reason they left that out of Cuckstianity is that the goyim would have balked at that, making ‘conversion’ harder and also to weaken them. The liar does have at least an initial advantage over the truth-teller.

4 February, 2021 12:17 am

This blows my mind. Well, obviously she is lying through her teeth, isn’t that one of their commandments that God gave them. Let’s be honest here, first when they invaded Palestine they coerced other Middle East countries to help under false pretense, of course. I can’t recall now, and I do consider it useless information, but jews in the Middle East lived peacefully, though under strict regimen as they were not allowed to hold higher status jobs. During the 1967 war in Egypt which the jews caused, uprooted many jews and this in affect caused the leaders in Egypt to make an example of the rebelling jews and hung a few of them in the town square for all to see. Of course, jews who were born and had lived… Read more »

Victor Arminius
Victor Arminius
8 February, 2021 11:53 pm

In reality, a conspiracy is something people do in private. Some conspiracies are obviously real because many people are in prison based on a conspiracy to do this or that (usually drug distribution) But what the powers that be are doing does not quite meet the definition of conspiracy because it is public and front and center in your face! Just for the record: The Earth is not flat, Man did indeed land on the moon, mass shootings sometimes occur and people get killed, they are not false flag operations by the CIA, Biden will not be disposed in March and replaced by Trump in a military coup or any other type of coup….and I could list many more things the Retarded Right believes which are not true. Obviously, I… Read more »

9 February, 2021 7:00 pm

hachnasat orchim, of welcoming the stranger”

Except in Israel.

14 September, 2023 6:05 pm

There is almost no conflicting information on the holocaust or the Jewish American propaganda surrounding WW2 on the internet anymore! Its being systematically erased.