Douglas MercerGuest opinionNews

Invaders’ “Rights”

by Douglas Mercer

WHO EVER HEARD OF such a thing as “invaders’ rights”? Jews, that’s who. Aliens who have absolutely no right to be here, who are in flagrant violation of our sovereignty, who are not covered under the US Constitution (except of course they are: wink, wink), who are per se criminals — these aliens, according to Jews at least, have rights we need respect, rights as invaders.

In an attempt to relieve the strains on NYC, Adams announced plans to move 300 male migrants out to New York’s suburbs, specifically Rockland and Orange counties, much to the chagrin of officials there, who sued to prevent the mayor from doing so. After reportedly being informed by Adams that he would not send migrants to Orange and Rockland counties, officials discovered 15 minutes before the buses arrived, that that was not the case.

The liberal scum in the high-income districts talk a big game about how they love the migrants; how the migrants are saintly and deserve every consideration; how the migrants “enrich” any community they are dropped down into. But their love of non-White migrants has an expiration date and that is whatever date the migrants come flooding into their own neighborhoods. When that happens they welcome the stranger just long enough to kick them the Hell out. It happened in Martha’s Vineyard, where the wine-drinking and smart-car-driving insects made a big show of love and compassion — and then called in the Army to clear the migrants out; it happened just the other day in an Illinois community that supposedly went 97% for Biden — when the dark invaders arrived the locals were seen screaming bloody murder to be rid of them. It happens in America and Europe when the cities try to fob off the interlopers on White rural communities. It’s going to happen in France when they clear out the dark “human” rubbish in advance of the 2024 Paris Olympics (and they say Hitler did a whitewash in 1936 — ha!). And now it’s happening in New York, where the uber-Marxists are pushing the aliens out into the Whiter suburbs.

“It’s a complete mess and the government has not been forthright and honest with us. Now they’re talking about some males coming in forced to wear an ankle bracket so we know where they are,” Orange County Executive Steve Nehaus stated. Additionally, Neuhaus claimed NYC officials are randomly booking hotel rooms for 30 days with the option to go longer.

This is “fair housing,” turbo edition. In this case they don’t have to get places re-zoned to move in the poor coloreds, they just book a room and voila! — instant enrichment (and death for Whites). Hell, the other day they kicked out some homeless veterans to make room for the dusky hordes. They want to palm off a problem of their own creation on the rest of the nation. The fact of the matter is these human time bombs shouldn’t be anywhere in our nations — not in the cities, not in the suburbs, not in the rural retreats. They should be back home in the jungle, or the favela, or the chicken farm where they belong.

Adams says New York is at a breaking point due to the number of migrants who keep arriving in the city and needing services. It was recently reported that it’s costing New York City up to five million dollars a day to house and feed illegal immigrants. However, neighboring counties of New York City are worried about a new plan by Eric Adams to relocate illegal aliens out of the city.

Now he’s going to cry us a river? When the problem hits his back yard? The gall of them. They’ve got a lot of chutzpah, don’t they — they make their bed but won’t lie in it with filthy Guadalajarans; they make their cities “sanctuaries” for aliens; they vote in pro-illegal policies, and they flack for pro-alien politicians — but then when the tide gets too high all of a sudden they become Tom Tancredo. You might say you want them to suffer the aliens good and hard, but unfortunately aliens have legs and can get on buses and planes, and everyone plays hot potato with them until gradually they filter out into the mass an no one knows exactly where they are anymore. And the money they cost us (hundreds of billions at least) is fungible; one way or another the chronic mess they bring will end up on our doorsteps. (Actually we’ll be lucky if the Brown flood stays out on our doorsteps; more than likely we’ll soon be wading waste deep in it right in our living rooms.)

New York City has announced that it will begin offering to transport unaccompanied adult male illegal immigrants to two hotels in Rockland and Orange counties, despite strong opposition from local authorities in those areas. Republican Rockland County officials demanded that Eric Adams “not bring his busload of illegal aliens to their community. This is absurd, and we will not stand for it. There is nothing humanitarian about a Sanctuary City sending busloads of people to a County that does not have the infrastructure to care for them. It’s the same as throwing them in the middle of the ocean with nowhere to swim,” said County Executive Ed Day.

Come to think of it, that ocean idea is not a half bad one. It certainly would cut the Gordian knot.

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So it’s good to see the outlying White areas saying more or less “no,” but it’s far too little far too late. And in any event it should come as a shock to absolutely no one that the Jews are outraged by some in the White suburbs faintly objecting to committing immediate racial suicide. They don’t call it the ACL Jew for nothing, do they?

On Thursday (May 11 2023), the New York Civil Liberties Union (ACLU of New York) represented four illegal immigrants who filed a lawsuit against Rockland and Orange counties for not allowing hotels to accommodate them. They filed a federal lawsuit against Rockland and Orange Counties for barring the arrival of migrants who chose to relocate from New York City, the leftwing group announced.

First off, calling it a “leftwing” group, while technically true, is misleading: It’s a Jewish group. And who knew that people who barge into a country without a by-your-leave, who are here illegally, who have no right to be here, not only have a “constitutional right” to be put up in swanky hotels at the taxpayers’ expense, but they have numerous other adumbrated rights — rights to counsel, rights to be heard, rights to due process, rights rights rights. Really, what they are saying beneath the legal hocus pocus and courtroom mumbo-jumbo is that they have a right to our country, a right to our daughters, and a right to our money. Because, as they say in Yiddish, “no person is illegal.”

The group claims “the two counties had issued executive orders barring hotels from making rooms available to migrants, in violation of the Due Process and Equal Protection clauses of the Constitution. The four plaintiffs are migrants who sheltered in New York City and opted into a city-run program to relocate to the outlying areas. Today’s lawsuit asks the court to stop the two counties from interfering with migrants’ travel and lodging. NYCLU attorneys bringing the challenge include Amy Belsher, Antony Gemmell, Lupe Aguirre, and Ify Chikezie.”

The (illegally adopted) 14th Amendment always comes to the rescue for them. The Negro Amendment is their “get out of jail free” card — if anything at all happens to a “person of color” other than being worshipped and placed on a pedestal, having money thrown at him, or being given undeserved employment and status; then they scream that said “POC” is not being “equally protected.” The only “due process” invaders should receive is a swift kick in their backsides and a commitment that if they ever return it’s to the chopping block for them.

“Orange and Rockland County’s Emergency Orders egregiously violate migrants’ rights,” said Amy Belsher, Director of Immigrants’ Rights Litigation at the New York Civil Liberties Union. “Migrants have every right to travel and reside anywhere in New York, free of xenophobic harassment and discrimination. People are not political pawns – both counties should welcome migrants into their communities, not unlawfully bar them from seeking refuge.”

Of course, they are pawns, pawns in the ongoing and relentless Jewish campaign of White Genocide. These non-White migrants are a biological danger and a biohazard — that’s why they are the weapon of choice in the Jewish assault on our people. The Amy Belshers of the world are just the mid-level officers in an army of invasion. What she is saying is that someone here illegally has the right — the right, mind you! — to move freely about the cabin of America, no questions asked. And then she paints a smile on her ugly face and suggests that the suburban jurisdictions in question should be happy and upbeat about being invaded and racially compromised. That is, not only should they allow the race-swamping to occur — that much is obvious — but, what is more, they should like it.

“In issuing its executive orders, both Rockland and Orange counties invoked a non-existent emergency, raising the specter of thousands of immigrants entering the counties and burdening social services. However, there are no large-scale plans for migrants to move to these counties nor any immediate need for the counties to absorb the costs of caring for those who choose to do so.”

But of course there is in fact a real — a very real — specter haunting the counties, it’s no made-up talking point or duplicitous charade. These migrants are going to crash in their paid-for tony crash pads, and, just like those migrants in Manhattan a few months back, they will trash the place and then whine and wheedle about “racism.” It’s a pattern we’ve noticed.

And notice how the Jewess says there is no “large-sale” plan — which means there is a plan, and it’s just not large-scale yet, but sooner rather than later the frog will be boiled. And notice how she very carefully parses her lying words — she’s a liar, so what else would she do? — when she says there is no “immediate” need for them to pay. That is, there is a “need,” but it will be invoked manyana, not today. Her promise is a little like saying “the check is in the mail” — but this time it really is in the mail.

“Defending these orders, Rockland County Executive Edwin Day and Orange County Executive Steven Neuhaus have made racist and incendiary accusations about immigrants and threatened to deploy law enforcement to block buses transporting migrants. Executive Day speculated that migrants intending to relocate to the county may be child rapists, criminals, or gang members. Executive Neuhaus has threatened to intercept those attempting to relocate, warning ‘I think we’re going to have a standoff in the next 24 to 48 hours.’”

It won’t just be a Mexican standoff, it will be an African standoff and a Haitian standoff too. It will be a standoff involving every stripe and hue of non-White the Jews have found to throw at us. And, what the Hell, right? — you do tend to get a little incendiary when Jews flood your nice White communities with the dark-skinned criminals and then take you to court if you object even slightly.

You see, for Jews, the call for White genocide is written into the very bone and marrow of the US Constitution (indeed, if we can trust Jewish historians, James Madison rarely spoke of anything else). And it goes far beyond just the Constitution: Everything they touch is molded and shaped to that purpose. For them, White genocide emanates from all of the penumbras of society and law — to them, it’s not free speech but the right to kill White people which is the very first right. And they intend to exercise this “right” to the maximum extent conceivable, and should you object they will destroy you any way they can.

“Immigrants are welcome here and everywhere in the Hudson Valley – county officials must embrace their responsibility to welcome immigrants seeking refuge,” said Ignacio Acevedo, Hudson Valley Organizer at the New York Civil Liberties Union. “As migrants resettle into our neighborhoods, we must greet them with compassion, inclusion, and solidarity. Anything else is cruel, and doesn’t align with our community’s values of compassion and care.”

So the Jews are asking the court to stop the two counties from interfering with the migrants’ “right to travel” and their “right to lodging,” rights which were inscribed on parchment centuries ago. Except they weren’t. I guess you need magical Jewish eyes or VR glasses, or something, to see them. But it’s right there on paper, believe them!

Which is the trouble with being a paper country — you end up being a paper tiger, and the Jews will show up in suits and ties and do some legal legerdemain and some fancy verbal tricks, and pretty soon only they are qualified to say what the words on paper “really mean.” This time, let’s be a country of blood and soil instead. And send the tricksters back where they belong.

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Source: Author

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18 May, 2023 8:34 pm

They’re moving ‘migrants’ (read: Kalergi Plan sperm donors) even into small villages beyond the Arctic Circle in Scandinavia.
The Jews want to make sure they poison ALL the wells this time.

19 May, 2023 2:33 am

Trump had a chance to secure a ‘safe third country’ agreement with Mexico (as already exists with Canada) when mass asylum-seeking began with the ‘caravans’ in 2017. But like so many other things important to America, he didn’t get that done. Politically, it would have been difficult for the Biden administration to repudiate or ignore a treaty with such obvious benefits for America.

19 May, 2023 3:58 pm

Heard from a commenter who lives in a rural area along the St.Lawrence River – he reports that 3rd world migrants from Guatemala are being bused in to work on dairy farms. I told him the dairies will pay them pittance – while they’ll be able to access every form of government assistance from food to housing to medical care to schooling. I told him to expect a crime wave, as often happens when these invaders are dumped into unsuspecting towns. It will be worse as they invite in 90 of their closest relatives to join the welfare party. They’re being dumped everywhere. My husband’s relatives had to flee their small, historic rural community b/c Dominicans and blacks from New York were being dumped there b/c house. Crime shot up,… Read more »

Reply to  Bon
21 May, 2023 9:19 pm

I have a friend who lives in a small city of about 25,000 in Austria, their bush league soccer team now have a grand total of 3 native White Austrians on the roster, the rest of them are Turks, Arabs, Blacks from Africa and Balkanese.
Many schools and kindergartens in Germany, especially the western parts, now have up to 80% children with ‘migration background’.
The state of Nordrhein-Westfalen is trying to catch up with today’s Sweden, reporting 8 rapes a day – in the 1970s, there was maybe 1 per month.Unreported numbers lilkely much higher. had a feature just a few weeks ago about a small town in eastern Saxony -population 120 – where 150 ‘migrants’ were being dumped.
That would be the hyper-accelerated version of the Kalergi Plan.