Douglas MercerEssays

Border Update: Sheltering the Invaders

by Douglas Mercer

IT’S ALL RATHER loosey-goosey down at the border nowadays; it’s a catch-as-catch-can (or can’ t) world where the migrants traipse across and pretty much do as they damn well please. They have a Ticketmaster-like system set up where, in a casual fashion, the invaders can browse their options from the menu bar and choose the one they like. It’s a mañana world view they have, and there’s no big hurry about anything. The military was down there but now they are leaving, and even when they were there they weren’t shooting anyone on sight but were processing them through the system. In case you have not noticed, the word “system” is not really on the mark; there is no system, unless you want to say it’s systematic chaos.

And now the migrants don’t even have to worry about trying to make a break for it. They can just take out their hand-held device, punch a few buttons and (bingo!) they have that appointment set up. When they arrive the kindly gentleman listens to their sob story about the big persecution they encountered and they are straightway led to the new housing your money built for them. Once there, they have full privileges and immunities, the run of the kitchen, and they can come and go as they please. But should they forget to check in, no one will come looking for them. Where on Earth would they find them in the first place? — they’re Mexicans not in a haystack, but Mexicans among millions of Mexicans. And even if they could find them (no one will try), to do so would be “racist.”

The Biden administration (August 10 2023) is asking Congress to approve a temporary housing program for migrant families that illegally cross the southern border — a plan that would give them more freedom than traditional detention. The government has struggled to balance humanitarian concerns about detaining migrant children while enforcing immigration laws amid a rise in families illegally crossing the border to seek asylum.

Trust me, “traditional detention” was no great shakes — you don’t get 50 million illegal aliens in your country on the back of a tough-as-nails policy — but this one dramatically weakens an already lackadaisical plan: It just means the one guy they kept in custody for five minutes will now get full citizenship right off the bat with all the trimmings, bells, and whistles. He’ll get put up in government-sponsored housing, be given a “tracking device” which looks like something they pulled out of a crackerjack box (it will be turned off in any case), and the guy manning the control system will be on permanent vacation.

The so-called “humanitarian concerns” they speak of have always been paramount: It means a fuzzy-headed, love-thy-invader approach to border enforcement, an approach which actually refuses to recognize the legitimacy of not only our border but any border whatsoever. As a factual matter, what you read on paper about America being a sovereign country with sovereign rights is pure fiction; de facto it’s just one great big economic zone from the tip of Tierra del Fuego to the Arctic Circle, an economic zone in which “duh peepul” can circulate freely without being hassled by the “man”; in which the scum and detritus of the Global South can enter into the White man’s haven and be given tip-top accommodations — be put on Uncle Sucker’s dime in houses specially built for them. And sure, there’s a curfew, but anyone who even might think of enforcing it has been given the night off on a permanent basis, so when the miscreants slip off into the woodwork never to be seen or heard from again, no one will even be keeping track except to chalk up another victory in the war against White people.

The administration’s ask is part of a 40 billion emergency funding request to Congress. The package includes nearly 2.7 billion for Department of Homeland Security’s various border efforts. DHS wants the ability to use funds to set up new types of facilities to hold migrant families as they go through an asylum process.

The “asylum process” is a process by which a great White nation is rent asunder, torn to bits, and blown to smithereens. And, really, to call it a process is as misleading as to call it a system. A process is a set of steps which has a set of steps; usually the steps are prescribed in advance and observed in every detail. But a process in which everyone and everyone is simply let in, taken care of for a time, and then let go, is a process in name only, if even that; it’s really more of an engraved invitation and an exhortation to run free — but if the big shots who oversee this big scam called it the “asylum engraved invitation,” people might wonder what the Hell is going on. Now they just think that something has broken down, but really nothing has broken down and all systems, or non-systems, are go, and working in perfect order just as they were hatched from the brain of a Jew at the very beginning. This is the process by which the biological, political, and social capital built up and accumulated by the White race over eons of time is unraveled at breakneck speed and the remnants scattered to the winds.

“Migrant families would be able to come and go as they please during the day but would be required to check in and stay the night on the campus,” a DHS official said. “We do not view this as family detention,” said an official. The facilities would allow migrant agencies to more easily keep track of migrants throughout the asylum process but also ease the burden on local shelters near the border to house recent arrivals.

To come and go as they please perfectly describes the nature of immigration (i.e., the invasion) in the past half century in this country. And of course what pleases them is to come in and never go away. As for being required to check in and stay the night on the campus (it sounds so idyllic!), only the Jews have the gall to say that one with a straight face, though as they do they are laughing up their sleeves at the sieve-like nature of our country. Anyone who thinks that when Chewy and Hector go on a midnight cerveza bender and miss the time mark, someone will immediately pull the alarm bell and swarms of agents will fan out over the area, searching for them in every bolt hole, is naïve to the point of being brain dead. No, it’s all rather loosey-goosey down at the border and they have that infamous mañana ethos about it all, though you can bet your last peso they won’t go searching for them tomorrow either.

The way they present it through their Jewish conduits in the media is that this manner of doing things makes it more likely that they can “track” them; but you don’t have to read between any lines to know that that is a farce. They aren’t keeping track of anyone; in fact the whole point is not to keep track. For all intents and purposes they might as well just tell them they are free to roam at will and give them the names and addresses of all the White women nearby. When they say they don’t view it as family detention, they tell the truth — they missed the “catch” part of “catch and release” and focus solely on the “release” part.

Officials say this kind of set-up would help meet court-ordered requirements for facilities housing children, but it’s unclear whether the facilities still would have to release families in less than 21 days, under those requirements. Either way the government expects to be able to get families in these facilities through the legal process within three weeks. It uses GPS monitoring and home curfew requirements for those enrolled. The Biden administration quietly ended detentions of migrant families in 2021, while ramping up the use of tracking technology and check-ins by phone call as families make their way through the immigration process.

Considering you can just turn yourself in and access housing, medical care, and the full basket of government goodies, you have to wonder what the “gotaways” are up to. The last time anyone counted (and who’s really counting at this point?) from the fall of 2021 to the summer of 2022 there were over 500,000 of those known “gotaways” roaming the countryside. That’s a good-sized American city right there that would qualify for one Congressman; and that’s only about ten months’ worth of accounting, and let’s just assume they lowballed it. Five hundred thousand, Hell, that’s more than the total number of those new birthright citizens that get plopped down on our soil every year, that number being in itself a staggering 400,000. And we naturalize a million a year, so that 500,000 is half of that — you add it all up and by foul and nefarious means we are importing somewhere near a cool 2 million race aliens a year into our country. And you know the old saying: when it comes to race aliens, a million here, and a million there, and pretty soon you’re talking about the total destruction of everything you hold dear.

But the Jews in power are pretty sanguine about it all. Indeed they think it moral and just. They deem it just deserts and revenge. Which is why they assiduously court disaster — because it’s not disaster for them: it’s the end of the White race and the creation of a favela-dwelling serf class to serve them in their role as feudal lords. And the destruction of White America? They have an app for that.

* * *

Source: Author

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Walt Hampton
Walt Hampton
23 August, 2023 11:24 am

The USofA is a failed state. It is the latest
in a long string of failed states…all brought
down by the perfidious Jew and his three-
thousand-year history of nation-wrecking.

Snow White
Snow White
25 August, 2023 3:16 pm

Smug, infantile subhumans. Doing a massive “Creepy-Crawl” for their Manson-esque enablers. Mission: Take down everything they, and the jew has always envied, hated, could never be.

Nom De Guerre
Nom De Guerre
Reply to  Snow White
26 August, 2023 4:57 pm
The Dr. Pierce video explained the smugness of these vile scum.

Nom De Guerre
Nom De Guerre
27 August, 2023 9:58 am

What I don’t get is how they manage to use these handheld high tech gadgets even though they’re ignorant illiterate peasants with a 6th grade education. I’d like to think I’m reasonably intelligent, but these newfangled gizmos are beyond me, not to mention that my eyes are too old to read from such tiny screens, even with the new prescription reading glasses. Of course, like animals, they operate by instinct, not intellect, and I’ve noticed that the ones I’ve dealt with on somewhat civil terms tend to be perceptive about things, not too slow to point out what’s going on, even under the surface. So if these taco bending border jumpers have the savvy to be able to make sense out of those gadgets, then there’s no excuse for the… Read more »

Wolf Stoner
Wolf Stoner
31 August, 2023 6:34 am

It is a destruction for Jews too. But they are so haughty and dumb that imagine that they will be able to somehow manage these wild crowds. When White majority becomes a minority and everything goes down, the Jewish power goes down too. The only reason Jews were able to rise so high in the world is because they successfully infiltrated White society. No other society would allow such infiltration. And no other society would have so many social slots for non-productive positions. Jews will be slaughtered by these very savages. And it will be the ultimate Justice.

Reply to  Wolf Stoner
2 September, 2023 2:25 pm

I’ve long pondered this but with the advances in science and technology recently they could, possibly, do without us. With the wickedness of AI exploding and the ability of it to replace high level tech workers and data crunchers and even more abilities it could do coming down the pipeline. Do they need the intellect of Whites once we’ve obsoleted ourselves by developing out replacement? Just a month or so ago scientists created a fetus using stem cells. Do they need to worry about losing the White race as a gaggle of drooling slaves like we’ve become? No, they could potentially breed even more debased Whites without the need of anything more than a hatchery. I’m not saying that the jew may not be foisted by their own petard but… Read more »

Jim - National Alliance Staff
Jim - National Alliance Staff
Reply to  torch
2 September, 2023 8:53 pm

Science fiction, definitely, Torch. Aldous Huxley foresaw what could happen nearly a century ago when writing the prophetic work of fiction Brave New World.

We ought not permit ourselves to have the luxury of shame or other trivial emotions at this time, our attentions should be on forming and manning the lifeboats, metaphorically speaking, because the storm is gathering force among us and this Titanic has already hit its (((iceberg.)))

Wolf Stoner
Wolf Stoner
Reply to  torch
4 September, 2023 2:11 am

Artificial Intelligence is yet one version of “Heavenly Kingdom” and “Communism”. It is something that everyone awaits but it never comes. Jews are supreme masters at playing on human gullibility. They even resurrected UFO stuff in order to occupy goyim’s minds. Everything is used only to divert attention from reality. Jews are much more short-sighted and primitive than want to seem. Their greatest achievement was to persuade everyone around that they are something more. In reality they are a bunch of illusion-peddlers and swindlers, like gypsies. The Jewish success is based not so much on their real value or superior qualities as on Whites’ weaknesses. To ascribe to Jews some kind of superior mental qualities is the same as to assert that fleas and lice are more apt and clever… Read more »

Jim - National Alliance Staff
Jim - National Alliance Staff
Reply to  Wolf Stoner
4 September, 2023 6:35 pm

Expound upon White weaknesses that Jews exploit, Wolf. Your words here are very persuasive and on track so far and could use a bit more detail.

Wolf Stoner
Wolf Stoner
Reply to  Jim - National Alliance Staff
7 September, 2023 10:14 am
Will W. Williams * National Alliance Chairman
Will W. Williams * National Alliance Chairman
Reply to  Wolf Stoner
8 September, 2023 5:54 pm

Incredible thoughts they are, Wolf. Among yours and Douglas Mercer’s and Thomas Dalton’s, combined with William Pierce’s Cosmotheism, there is hope for our race in the long run, after all. — Wolf Stoner: My thoughts on this subject: — [M]utual trust is indispensable condition for any great civilization. But this unique quality had allowed alien elements to infiltrate White societies. Whites perceived other bipedal creatures as equals; they supposed that all others have the same qualities….The main weakness of the White civilization is Christianity. This mental illness is too deeply ingrained into White collective psyche and it will be the most difficult and lengthy work to cure it. The problem is that greater part of European culture is intertwined with Christianity, therefore, it will be needed to preserve the real… Read more »

Reply to  Wolf Stoner
12 September, 2023 6:50 pm

Have you read the Jews’ storybook (also playbook) called the Old Testament? After they had utterly wrecked Egypt, they loaded up their donkeys with all the Egyptian’s gold and silver and took off for Israel. The Jews may be planning a mass Exodus from the Western Countries, simply because they have become unlivable. There are some 6-8 million Jews now living in Western countries (mostly in the US), way more that can settle in Israel. That may be the purpose of what’s going on in Ukraine: Creating a “New Jerusalem” for the Jews evacuating the West. With the Jews safely out of the way, the all out extermination of the remaining Whites can take place. Jews are often mistaken for Whites, but the Jews will all be evacuated, so it… Read more »

Jim - National Alliance Staff
Jim - National Alliance Staff
Reply to  Atlanta
12 September, 2023 9:26 pm

Well then, Atlanta, where do you stand with regards to the plans and program of the National Alliance? Are you helping, or just come to comment and little else? After all, it isn’t really what Jews are doing and planning, which most here know about. It’s about what we Whites are doing and planning. A wise head once said that Jews have brains and they use them, whereas Whites also have brains but are mostly sitting on them! We’ve decided not to be among those of the latter.

Wolf Stoner
Wolf Stoner
Reply to  Atlanta
18 September, 2023 4:59 am

Maybe. I suppose that Jews as usual try to have as many options as possible. They prefer to have footholds in all countries, even in Iran. It is their ages-long survival strategy. But in the same time, I must warn you from giving too much attention to this issue of supposed “new Jewish homeland in Ukraine”. Jews in Ukraine live quite comfortably; even better in Putin’s Russia. I don’t think that they need to expose their real influence there by transforming it into any political entity. It is much more convenient to operate behind the scenes through puppet politicians. By the way, Vladimir Zhirinovski (half-Jew), a well-known “right-wing” politician in Russia (died in 2022) a few years ago openly called for all Jews of the world to come to Russia… Read more »

Jim - National Alliance Staff
Jim - National Alliance Staff
2 September, 2023 7:45 am

Jew Alejandro Mayorkas is presently the alien keeping our border with Mexico wide open, his permitting the flood of non-Whites into America is causing great harm to Whites and our living space. Douglas Mercer goes after the Shylocks too at White Biocentrism: