Ambassador for the Jews
by Douglas Mercer
“What the Christ is the matter with the Jews? What’s the matter with them?” — Richard Nixon
IN A SANE world America would have an at-large roving ambassador dedicated to rooting out any and all examples of anti-Whiteness. Think of him as an ambassador plenipotentiary of White ethnic self defense.
Safe to say, this is not a sane world. America defending White people is out of the question, way beyond the pale. Instead, we use our time, energy, and resources to harm people — especially White people — and especially White people who are trying to defend themselves. As far as defending anyone goes, mainly it’s our deadliest enemies we defend.
In the past whenever statues have toppled, whenever buildings and streets have been re-named, it has signaled that there has been a change of regime. True in 1789 and 1917, true in Cambodia with its Year Zero. And of course in Current Year minus one those things happened all over America and the West. It makes me think there has been a regime change. (Without an official name change, of course — that would awaken the slaves.)
To wit: Just the other day Donald Trump left us all with another poison pill, designating Israel as within the purview of CENTCOM, the US military’s “central command.” Now this is very close to meaning Israel first, and will certainly be perceived that way by other Middle Eastern states. Israel being “first” to our bought politicians has been true for a long, long time in occupied Washington, but Trump just made it official.
That is one last punch in the gut for the rest of us.
And nothing has so much symbolized that we are under a foreign regime than the fact that America has a “special envoy” whose sole job it is is to roam the Earth and combat “anti-Semitism.” You heard that correctly: Out of the blue we created an office for an American Jew to run interference for Jews around the world. He’s sort of like a Super Jew enforcer with the full backing of Uncle Sam — and paid for with your money.
And you still like “democracy”?
And, if that was not enough to make you pack your bags for Idaho or Montana or Moldova, get this. Licking the boots of Jews in this way was not enough for the Holy Ones. No, “envoy” wasn’t an august enough title for the one charged with defending our masters in our name and with our money. So lately our Congress bumped him up a bit. Now the envoy is going to become a full-fledged ambassador with all the trimmings. And so the holocaust is complete.
With the status of ambassador, this White-hating Jew will get even more money from the government to further keep his boot on our necks and on the necks of any freedom-loving people on this planet; his status in the diplomatic pecking order will be elevated. His every pronouncement on how Whites are the evil of world history will be assumed to be the voice of the “president” and his administration. And he will have increased access to the Secretary of State; and also he will get better digs. One Hell of a lot better than your freezing Rust Belt White grandmother, or recently suicided White father — you know, the ones paying for his digs — could even dream of.
What a sweet deal!
And who, pray tell, engineered this atrocity? Why, the President of the American Jewish Congress, Jack Rosen, in tandem with Jacky Rosen, Nevada senator. Yes, you read that right, you’re not seeing double. Two American Jews — with all the emphasis on “Jews” and pretty much none on “American,” Jack and Jacky Rosen. So many Jews are now coming out of the woodwork, they’re even running out of names for them.
And then we see the formulaic paragraph, another Jew — a goy for a fig leaf — and then more Jews all the way to the East River to get this ambassador thing done:
In addition to Rosen and the bill’s lead sponsors in the House, Reps. Chris Smith (R-NJ) and Brad Schneider (D-IL), a number of Jewish advocacy organizations joined the effort, including the Anti-Defamation League, Hadassah, the Orthodox Union, American Jewish Congress, American Jewish Committee, Jewish Federations of North America and the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations.
And just so you know: The current envoy is no slouch in using and abusing the White people he defecates on, even with his lesser title. This is a man named Elan Carr, who, when big fat ugly Jew Sheldon Adelson finally died, said: “I’m heartbroken by the loss of my dear friend and mentor. He was an American patriot, a titan of our age, and a global leader in fighting anti-Semitism and supporting the people and State of Israel. May his memory forever be a blessing.”
American patriot? Don’t think so. When the chips are down they don’t care one blood-dipped knish about America, other than to bleed it dry, bleed it white. Before he bought it, Adelson had sent a plane to fetch subversive spy Jonathan Pollard for his return to their real homeland, Israel, so Pollard could defecate on America in style. And, of course Adelson will be buried in what fools call the “Holy Land,” no American soil for his fat rotting corpse.
And, not to be outdone, Carr was adamant that the folks who waltzed into the Capitol (to register their displeasure with the Ruling Class stealing the election and thus trampling on their immemorial rights) had no rights. Sickening specimen that he is, Carr doesn’t care about that because he’s not the same people as they are. He gave us this fiendish quote: “One of the many sickening features of last Wednesday’s riots was the overt [yes, you guessed it] anti-Semitism expressed by some in the mob. Seen among the rioters were ‘Camp Auschwitz’ shirts, and an Israeli journalist was accosted with hateful slurs. Disgraceful.”
The only disgraceful part is that many more in the crowd were nutty shofar-blowers or Christian Jew-worshippers or wannabe Jews than were rational and Jew-critical.
As for “our” new ambassador, who will he be?
Will it be Shecky Greenstein? Or Greenie Shekelstein?
Will it be Yehuda ben Hates Whites or Jackie “Hates Whites” Yehuda?
Worse, sirs, worse. Much worse.
Biden’s list of possibles should send chills down the spines of decent White folk from the piney woods to the prairies to the Gulf of Alaska and everywhere in between.
First off is perhaps the vilest Jew on the planet, and there’s stiff competition for that title. Her name is Deborah Lipstadt and she’s the author of a book called Antisemitism Here and Now. Her Twitter account at the moment has a picture of ghoulish father-and-daughter neocon combo Dick and Liz Cheney, both looking dutifully somber back in 2006 at the 60th anniversary of the “liberation of Auschwitz.” And, of course, she mentions the terrible Nazi stormtrooper attack and attempted coup at the Capitol, where our Free and Fair Democracy almost Died in Darkness. And, finally, she approvingly quotes something called “Yair Rosenberg,” a quote which I did not take the time to read but I assume said something like White People Bad.
And that was just the first three tweets! I didn’t have the stomach for any more.
Miz Lipstadt is most famous, though, for having been sued for libel by witty and erudite historian and Holocaust-story questioner David Irving. Given the Jew-ridden state of British Courts he didn’t stand a chance, the fix always being in with these folks. Lipstadt’s lawyer on the case was one Anthony Julius which some desultory research reveals to be the legal advisor to the “Foundation for Jewish Heritage.” Figures. They really have simple cut-and-paste jobs for these early lives: “Grandparents from Poland, grew up in Brooklyn, Socialist summer camps…”
Imagine Lipstadt, this hater of all European-derived peoples, being the ambassador for the Jews to the world in the name of America. And stopping you from speaking, stopping you from organizing, stopping you from defending your people in the only way that they can be defended, at every turn.
And you get to pay for the pleasure!
One article called Lipstadt a “noted Holocaust historian” which is like being the foremost biographer of Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer.
The next Jew in the queue is one Abe Foxman, former boss of the virulently White-hating “Anti-Defamation League.” Abe is the possessor of multiple chins (no one knows how many) and, no surprise, after decades of harming Whites at the ADL he was rewarded in 2016 with the well-paid “Vice Chair” position on the Board of Trustees at the “Museum of Jewish Heritage” in New York City. While at this questionable institution he led their efforts in (wait for it) “combating anti-Semitism.”
A Jew’s Jew, Abe is.
Then there is Ira Forman. He was the “Jewish outreach director” for the re-election campaign of Barack Obama. He was also the anti-Semitism envoy for Obama from 2013 to 2017, so he knows his way around White Hate, a seasoned veteran in fact.
A dark horse is Ethan Katz, a professor at UC Berkeley who studies the “Jewish experience” and “belonging and exclusion” in Europe. Wasn’t it that famed visionary Adolf Hitler who said that Jews don’t belong in Europe and should be excluded?
And finally there’s Jewish supremacist Sharon Nazarian. She is the ADL’s “Senior Vice President of International Affairs.” She is also the founder of a group dedicated to dispossessing White people called the “Younes and Soraya Nazarian Center for Israel Studies” at UCLA.
Miz Nazarin has said: “My number one mission every day is to advocate and to monitor and to educate, and to train as many people, stakeholders, government officials, as I can to first of all, make them aware of the threat of global antisemitism, and how it manifests in our lives today.”
Don’t fool us — your number one mission every day is to destroy White society. We see you.
So there you have it; a brand new shiny, or at least greasy, ambassador will soon be minted. And to fill the post we have this rogues’ gallery of Jews, a veritable who’s who in anti-White hate.
Whenever Alzy Joe or any other politicians are ordered to create a position like this, there’s always a dizzying array of Jews that immediately crawl out of the maggot pile with CVs longer than your arm. CVS filled with this Jew museum, that Jew group, this Jew institute, all of it lavishly funded by Jew billionaires’ ill-gotten wealth, or by corporations or, most often, by you and me. It’s almost like there exists a vast cabal of nefarious elite Jews, a sprawling interlocking directorate of anti-White hate always ready to be tapped at a moment’s notice. And always ready to enforce their dictates and overthrow America.
On the other hand, if you need that many people and that many organizations to stop people from hating you, you likely should look in the mirror.
Jews are the only people who constantly take polls to find out how much they are hated. No one else does this. No one. That perpetually stick a thermometer into us, and everyone else except themselves, to gauge the current temperature of Jew-hate. Usually it hovers around 104 degrees F or so, though there are good and sufficient reasons for believing it will hit 212 before the dollar hits zero.
And then the Jews run around bragging about how much they are hated, as if it were a mark of distinction.
But as for them causing this hatred towards themselves, perish the thought. They say “we dindu nuffin, not ever, cross the area where our hearts would be if we had any, and hope you die.”
It was the Jew Henry Kissinger who said, “If you’ve been persecuted for 2000 years, you’re probably doing something wrong.”
The truth is that Jews are always for Jews first and only, a Jew is a Jewish supremacist, they insist on being ethnocentric to a degree unimaginable to even the most ethnocentric members of other races, on evincing an air of contemptuous superiority, and ultimately seeking to weaken their hosts to the point of destruction. And then the Jew has the gall to complain that he is “not accepted.”
What the Christ is the matter with the Jews? What is wrong with them?
Legend has it that once at a White House meeting on foreign policy Henry Kissinger spoke first, and as always he was thorough and erudite. When he was done, Nixon thanked him and then with aplomb turned to the others in the room and said: “Now let’s have an American view.”
An American view. It’s high time we did. A White American view.
Where are all the White professors dedicating their lives to preserving and advancing their European heritage? Where are all the officials of European-American advocacy groups being tapped for high government posts to promote the protection and survival of our race?
It would be good and right if we had a special roving ambassador dedicated exclusively to that. Dedicated exclusively to defending us.
Let’s work every remaining day of our lives to make that possible again.
* * *
Source: Author
Dig deep inside yourself and find the moral courage to be that Professor, that Ambassador, or even that humble worker for our race. We’re all
now living in hostile territory and will need to win some of it back for ourselves.
Jews won’t be content until they have achieved the kind of power that Lenin and his kikes had attained in Russia by 1922, world wide. In short, the kind of power that the Party had in Orwell’s ‘1984’. In that world there is no hope for the goyim. Whether they will achieve that power world wide remains to be seen but they have certainly gone a long way towards destroying and gaining power over their most hated enemy, the white race. With so many white traitors like Trump and his ilk around I suppose it shouldn’t be much of a surprise.
The k-slur is a word that was used to subjugate an entire group of people for centuries. Mind yourself to use slurs that belong to you, cracker.
The word “kike” has not been around for centuries, you hyperbolic little mudshark. I suppose the mods here are allowing your comments to be published just to remind us how deep the rot is among many of our white women.
Your European ancestors would be ashamed of you.
Do you see the error you made here, Holly?
I shall quote you directly – “subjugate an entire group of people”.
When referring to jews, the word “people” does not apply. They are simply parasites that cannot survive without a human host.
And, believe me, those jews are the ones doing the “subjugation”.
‘Kike’ is a contraction of ‘Kikel’, meaning a circle or Kuklos in Greek, which illiterate Jews would make instead of a cross, due to their anti-Christian Zionism.
The reclassification of Israel from US European Command to Central Command reflects the normalization of relations between Israel and several Arab nations resulting from the Kushner/Trump efforts to create a new “Coalition of the Willing” to take on Iran.
I’m expecting renewed US efforts in Syria to topple Assad and neutralize Iranian proxies. Biden will make a cynical effort to rejoin the nuclear agreement with Iran with pre-conditions Iran will not accept. Iran will be accused of developing nuclear weapons.
Greetings Guest. Regarding “Biden will make a cynical effort to rejoin the nuclear agreement with Iran with pre-conditions Iran will not accept.” What will happen if Iran asks for the same nuclear regulation as Israel (NONE!)?
It won’t even get reported by the mainstream media. US law prohibits US foreign assistance and trade to nations that have nuclear weapons and have not signed the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty. Those nations would include Israel, India and Pakistan. How often is this mentioned in the media?
I know of a lawsuit that was filed in the federal courts a year or two ago to halt aid to Israel because it violates federal law. I don’t know if it was dismissed or stalled but it seems to have gone down the memory hole.
The Super Jew enforcer ultimate ONLY job it is is to roam the Earth — and create the TOTAL conquest of the Earth — for the Jew.
And you still like “Jews”?
Oh ho um. It was just a matter of time before
Biden showed up with his dunce cap. When is
he going to kiss the Wall?
If you are referring to the practice of kow-towing to Israel by praying at the Western Wall, hasn’t he done that already? I thought it was a right of passage for an aspiring US politician.
I consider it instant disqualification for public office if a politician does this.
i’m sure he’s done it numerous times already.
Our people have to do what our Aryanist ancestors did. We need to gather together and take a trip to Mars. I am not talking about a silly planet of baren frozen rock. I mean the field of mars outside the city where we gather together and prepare for the fight Where our children and women should go and focus on our strengths and the weapons we have on hand This struggle is the greates in history and the victory will be remembered for all eternity Our ancestors will reward us. Even those who realise they were foolish to fight for the Jew.
“…America is a golden calf and we will suck it dry, chop it up, and sell it off piece by piece until there is nothing left but the world’s biggest welfare state that we will create and control.”
——— Benjamin Netanyahu
Sun Tzu: La guerra es el engaño ..
How can Jews only represent 2% of the U.S. population? Their numbers must be much higher.
There are many with significant jewish ancestry that are not counted in the 2% figure. It does seem that there is some law of the universe or restriction on carrying capacity that generally limits jews to 2-3% of a nation’s population. Whether it is Darwinian or political subterfuge is unknown.
I discovered that there are about as many Mormons as jews in the US. If the jews in Biden’s cabinet were Mormons, it would at least be a topic of discussion and more likely an outrage.
I’m guessing the ‘2%’ is the inverse of the ‘6 million’……
right -2 immutable numbers that us Goymeat must accept without question.
It is crucial to uphold the myth of 6 million, because holocaustianity would stop “inspiring” the policies in countries populated by Europeans, if people knew how many actually did “survive the ovens.”
There is more Jews in Europe than the omnipresent statistics of 2/3 % would indicate. In Poland, where I grew up, the few who weren’t “gassed” had allegedly left for the West, fleeing the Polish anti-semitisme.Ok, some of the “gassed” in fact had left for the West, but did it in expectation of making more money as victims fleeing “Catholic pogroms”. I run into some of them at the university of Breslau (renamed Wroclaw after WWII) where I studied French and Italian for one year.They were children of professors and of big wigs in the Jewish (people of the book) section of the communist party, PZPR, that at the moment was involved in a fight against the party’s Polish (Yokel) section . Those with better income, e.g. medical doctors never… Read more »
Jews strive to remain the ultimate minority, their “M” status surpassing all other minorities, even the golden Negro. Too many Jews equals too little minority status on which to capitalize. Watching Jews in the media one might easily assume Jews are by far, the acting majority in America today. What’s more, one would be quite correct in this assumption.
I’m utterly confused as to why you take such a stance against the Jewish people. This is America! A place where people of all religions, races, ethnicities, and nationalities are free to be who they are without facing discrimination. You cannot oppress a straight and white male, as the ones who they hold privilege over, such as POC, LGBTQ+, and women, are not the majority. Of course, they can be prejudiced or biased against a certain group of people, such as the white man, but these words are not synonymous to oppressive. I suppose, in summary, all I wish to say is that we are all human. We are all made in God’s image. I am a white and bisexual woman, and if you cut my wrists, I would bleed… Read more »
Holly, if I cut open a sewer rat, it bleeds red as well. Should we give it “equal rights” too? If you accept that rat into your home and it bites and gives you a severe infection, will you bless it with your love? If that rat brings its relatives in your home and outvotes you on what’s for dinner that evening (a white, bisexual woman) would that be “God’s will?”
JM/Iowa: Holly, if I cut open a sewer rat, it bleeds red as well. Should we give it “equal rights” too? — Of course we should, Jim: to vote against us and serve on a jury to judge us as your “peer,” as well, since in her world every creature that bleeds red is <cough!> “equal” to every other creature that bleeds red. Miss Holly, the proud, lower case white, switch-hitting clam bandit, is ineligible for National Alliance membership by her own confession, so forget her. Agreeable White females will find us and be anxious that they have finally found a normalcy in this increasingly Judaized world. I’m still trying to stop laughing at Mr. Mercer’s comparison: One article called [Debby] Lipstadt a “noted Holocaust historian” which is like being… Read more »
the Huffington Post or Vice or Salon is just a click away…
“POC?” That’s a new one on me…and I was just
starting to figure out the LGBTQ one…? Pleeze,
give me a break!
I think they insist that “POC” implies a “Person of Color”. Whatever that is.
It is probably a rather newspeak, genteel way of saying “Nigger”.
I cannot be the only one here who thinks that “POC” is actually an acronym for “Piece of Crap”.
“This is America! A place where people of all religions, races, ethnicities, and nationalities are free to be who they are without facing discrimination.” ………… I thought it was stolen from the Native Americans?…. A culture which was clearly patriarchal and anti-homosexual.
Self righteous trash, I don’t have to nor do I want to LOVE ALL. It’s suicidal and STUPID to love those who want to brainwash your species into mass miscgenating themselves out of existence. I don’t have to forgive nor love anyone I don’t want to, I’m not JEWSUS SHEIST.
Who is the Biden in the photograph? The real Biden or the actor who imitates him? See
A most excellent expose of the current facts of Jewish supremacy at the top, Mr. Mercer. I expect you’ll now be invited on Tucker Carlson Tonight to get this information out to a wider audience — ie, that identifiable group — of “conservative” White American goyim.
No? Why not? This is why not:
Tucker tells his fans each night that he is “the sworn enemy of lying, pomposity, smugness and groupthink”…unless that group is organized Jewry of course.
Or-‘Philosemitism:a threat to Democracy.’-Jews love both, anti-and philo…however to analyse this inhuman virus is to destroy it from a safe mental distance and that means beginning at least with avoidance of every kind of offspring of kosherdom…these are all golems, Christard, Communist, Freemason, not human, and still like the original evil cultus that spawned gay parades and Feminism, ad nauseam.
As for Americans they are white-there is no other kind…time for a Solutrean reconquista.
What’s the matter with them ? NOTHING. They only want to kill everyone on the planet so that they can inherit the Earth. Simple.