Posts Tagged
Joe Biden

Peace Is White Supremacy
PLEASE WATCH THE AMAZING video above. Muh Biden Sign. Believe it or not, the fact that you and many of your dead relatives voted for a loathsome pedophile scumbag is not going to protect you from the dark mobs.…

Merciless Savages Day
An American school map of the Indian wars, from the first half of the 20th century. Its caption reads: “The struggle between the Indian and the white man for the possession of a continent is terminated. At no time during this long contest of four hundred years’ duration, has there been but…

Philo-Semitism: Gentile “Leaders” Worship Jews
Anti-White US President Joseph Biden (D.) impulsively knelt and bowed his head before Jewish leaders in the White House in Washington, D.C. on June 28, 2021. by Andrew Hamilton DECADE AFTER decade after decade we have seen them, all of them, from extreme Left to so-called “conservative” — world “leaders,”…

Illegal Regime Update: Biden’s Jewish Picks
Blinken (center) and Nod Isn’t it interesting, as America becomes more and more Third World, and figureheads like Biden screech ever louder that their administrations “look like America” with an ever-increasing percentage of “POC,” that one particular elite …

Ambassador for the Jews
by Douglas Mercer “What the Christ is the matter with the Jews? What’s the matter with them?” — Richard Nixon IN A SANE world America would have an at-large roving ambassador dedicated to rooting out any and all examples of anti-Whiteness. Think of him as an ambassador plenipotentiary…

How It Goes with Our Ruling Class
Democracy dies in darkness. by Douglas Mercer SO SENILE OLD coot and complete non-entity Joe Biden has been implanted as our “President.” It’s “official” now and, as they say, the holocaust is complete. This despite the fact that Donald J. Trump, billionaire, got…

After Them, the Deluge
by Robert Stuart TUCKER CARLSON got in trouble once for saying that immigrants were dirty and they littered. But we all know it’s true. If you don’t believe me, you should have gone to the beach at Long Beach, California pre-Covid. In World War 2, fearing Japanese subs, they built a monumental…

Regime Change 2021
Troops in D.C. safeguard the usurpers. by Andrew Hamilton THE TENSE, elaborate preparations and deeply racist storyline surrounding the installation of a new front man as head-of-state in Washington, D.C. on January 20, 2021 looks suspiciously like a coup d’état. Similar events have successfully…

So That’s It Then
People are so gullible. SO that’s it then; Biden is declared the new American president, shortly to be replaced by a White-hating West Indian who’ll be supported by a Democrat-controlled House and Senate. That’s what The Plan and the 4D chess got us. What have QAnon, the X22 Report…

Whistling Dixie in the Graveyard
by Robert Stuart SO THE FORMERLY great American Southern state of Georgia is now sending a Black and a Jew to the United States Senate. Yet another sign of the end of the Old America. Blacks and Jews together destroyed the real South — and now they reap the benefits. Funny how that works out. If this…