David SimsEssays

The Great Cheat of 2020: Never Acquiesce; Never Forget; Never Forgive

Here comes a freshly printed pile of “the will of the people.”

by David Sims

A NUMBER OF prominent figures on the right, some of whom describe themselves as “libertarians,” are trying to memory-hole the cheating that the Democrats did to make it seem that Joe Biden won the election.

How quickly some people forget. The Democrats stole the election in the wee hours of the morning, during the pre-dawn hours, of 5 November 2020.

The Democrat governors in some states had called a halt to the vote counting so that their fellow Democrats could figure out how many fake votes they would need and print them up.

These cheating Democrat operatives sent trucks carrying hundreds of thousands of fake Biden votes to the vote counting places, and they began closing those places to Republican election monitors so that they wouldn’t get caught. But they did get caught: In some places, like Fulton County, Georgia, they got caught on video because they were stupid and didn’t know about the video cameras until it was too late.

Regardless, all of the safeguards that were supposed to prevent a stolen presidential election failed to work. The state legislatures, although they were largely under Republican control, bowed to pressure that was both political and criminal. The US Supreme Court should have taken original jurisdiction of the Texas lawsuit, but they cowardly refused to hear it.

Donald Trump should still be the President of the United States. But the steal stuck. It stuck because not enough of the people in authority had the courage to act rightly. And now some of the leaders on the right are bowing to the fraudsters by encouraging the rest of us to forget that any election fraud ever happened.

* * *

Source: Author

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21 January, 2021 6:17 pm

I think the election outcome is a net positive. At least 75 million know that electoral politics at the national level is a scam. If there was any chance of redemption for Trump, it was lost with his final list of pardons. At best, the man was inept. It’s more accurate to say he played his supporters in a good cop / bad cop routine. Any energy that would have been dissipated on Trump is now an intense anger that can be channeled into boycotting the system. Biden has an unworkable amalgam of ideas that have already been tried and failed as witnessed by the hordes of people voting with their feet and leaving the cities and states that tried them – many of them Biden voters. Biden almost certainly… Read more »

Reply to  guest
21 January, 2021 7:35 pm

It also showed how purposely weak and ineffective the GOP is. I don’t really care that Donald Netanyahu didn’t get a second term because he didn’t do anything for us during his first.

Reply to  guest
22 January, 2021 3:27 am

Yes, This election scam will will lead to tens of millions of Whites becoming racially polarized…Yes…A false flag and war is COMING with either Iran, what’s left of Syria or North Korea…(It will be HILARIOUS if Biden brings back the mustache…) I had little hope for scam artist Trump from the beginning so I wasn’t ever disappointed in what transpired. Trump exposed himself as a full blown scam artist back in 2012 or 13 when he was constantly in the press as a “birther” (exposing Obama as unqualified to be president)…Eventually in response to Trump and many others Obama produced a FORGED phoney birth certificate. Instead of Trump exposing it as a forgery the scam artist immediately had a 2 minute press conference stating: “the president released his birth certificate,I… Read more »

brian boru
brian boru
21 January, 2021 6:26 pm

It certainly looks like Trump was a willing straw man for the whole election scam, and a lot else. He made sure to give pardons to some really nasty jews and Israeli spies and nigger rapper criminals first though before going back to his billionaire life style. So much for Qanon. It’s time for whites to wake up or they are headed for extinction. The governments and all their institutions are your bitter enemies, actively working for your destruction. The first step is to recognize that.

Reply to  brian boru
21 January, 2021 10:11 pm

I think people finally got the message. Lets hope there is some serious talk with regard to geographical separation.

theodore pretzel logic
theodore pretzel logic
Reply to  brian boru
21 January, 2021 10:13 pm

trump should no longer be given the benefit of anyone’s doubts…
he is a piece of human waste and an abject disgrace…..he did more to demoralize the White race in four years than any of his idiotic jewed base will ever comprehend.

Reply to  theodore pretzel logic
22 January, 2021 6:07 am

Theodore, millions of Whites who previously supported Trump abandoned him in the latest faux election and have likely ditched the Jewed political system completely. We in the National Alliance want to bring them into our fold to staff a New Order that represents Whites– for a change! How about you, are you ready to join us?

theodore pretzel
theodore pretzel
Reply to  JM/Iowa
24 January, 2021 2:39 pm

i’m thinkin bout it sir

Prinz Edelhart
Prinz Edelhart
21 January, 2021 8:53 pm

muh(s)Elections are fraudulent by nature, especially in the current western system, which isn’t really a Democracy but an Idiocracy.
Women + non-Whites + homos + heavily brainpoisoned White liberals + equally heavily brainpoisoned White youths = Leftism wins every time.
Sometimes in the guise of a ‘kinder, gentler Conservatism’…….aka Cuckery.
There isn’t a single political party or politician ANYWHERE who is actually on the side of White people.
Why not ?
Because it’s against the law and has been since at least 1945.
What we need are young, dynamic Warrior Kings, elected by the tribe (ours, not that other ‘tribe’….) and sworn to their blood and kin.

Patrick Pappano
Patrick Pappano
Reply to  Prinz Edelhart
22 January, 2021 5:26 am

Like Clovis?

Reply to  Patrick Pappano
22 January, 2021 8:43 pm

I’m thinking along the lines of Vercingetorix or Hermann

Reply to  Prinz Edelhart
22 January, 2021 6:17 am

“Needs, needs, needs,” a common call from many in this forum and elsewhere, Prinz. Tell me, what leadership can you offer yourself? Young men and women follow good examples their elders set!

I offer some of my time every day and/or resources towards Alliance outreach or other activities, generally speaking.

Reply to  JM/Iowa
22 January, 2021 8:36 pm

Well, let’s see – in Summer, I made my own t-shirts (blanks + acrylic paint) proclaiming the Kung Flu as a hoax, which mostly went over well, but also got me kicked out of several stores, once even by an actual cop. I do not and will not wear a diaper over my face, instead, I rock a plastic Ninja Turtle mask (Raphael, he’s the angry one) when I absolutely, positively must (grocery shopping), with similar results. Most people – not only youngsters – love it, some hate it, but no mobs of screeching Karens – who may be male or female – have tried to lynch me -yet. I always speak out against The Great Scam of 2020, the official WW II narrative and assorted other issues whenever the… Read more »

mortal goyal
mortal goyal
Reply to  PrinzEdelhart
24 January, 2021 2:47 pm

i agree
we do what we can in daily life

i’ve lost siblings/relationships over the truth…and i don’t give a damn

anyone too squemish and cowardly to learn about the Jew menace for instance, is no longer part of my existence. it tells me everything i need to know about that person.

theodore pretzel
theodore pretzel
Reply to  Prinz Edelhart
24 January, 2021 2:42 pm

we do.

but where is this pool of yet-to-be poisoned White talent to come from?

gotta get to them before they enter the Kike’s public schools/slave prepatories.

Reply to  theodore pretzel
25 January, 2021 7:18 am

I’m actually seeing a lot of hopeful signs among young people – kids to early 20s – most of whom seem to realize that the Kung Flu is a bunch of bs (what must they think of their elders…..) and many of whom seem to at least instinctively know that voting doesn’t do any good.
Not sure how much any of them know about the WWII issue, but, being young, I’m sure they’re more open to different ideas than the old geezers (30+) are……

Patrick Pappano
Patrick Pappano
22 January, 2021 5:24 am

“…not enough of the people in authority had the courage to act rightly.” So it’s not just the politicians and their staffs, it’s pretty much anybody in a public service job….sounds like. Woe is us on the outside looking in.

Arvin N. Prebost
Arvin N. Prebost
22 January, 2021 11:29 am

The whole Trump episode now has about as much credibility as professional wrestling.

The next part of the act is to have Trump impeached a second time and to be prohibited from running again, so as to get him off the hook with his true believers. It does not matter if it is “unconstitutional”; they do what they want to do with impunity now.

Reply to  Arvin N. Prebost
22 January, 2021 8:51 pm

The latest from the Q-tards: Trumpowitz is still Prez, Kabbalah Heifetz swore on her purse, not the (((Bible))) (is there a difference ?), the judge administering the oath was illegitimate, etc.
Trump Derangement Syndrome truly is universal, affecting both enemies as well as supporters…..

23 January, 2021 6:47 am

Had only the lesser of two evils won this election, we would be now sitting as effendi.

Why? Why couldn’t Trump have won and… did whatever the jews told him to do?