
New York City: Mayoral Candidate Calls for Ethnic Cleansing of Whites

Brooklyn Borough President Eric Adams

Don’t worry. He’s only the front-runner for mayor. And he’s African, who never do genocide with machetes. He also completely misses the fact that some of the “Whites” who have hurt his people are not racially European at all. This controlled media article would be written very differently if the proposed victims were any other race.

HE HAS A dream — of leading a New York City that is home to far fewer Whites.

Brooklyn Borough President Eric Adams — the leading fundraiser in the 2021 mayoral race — used Monday’s Martin Luther King Jr. national holiday to deliver an inflammatory broadside against newcomers from the nation’s heartland.

“Go back to Iowa, you go back to Ohio,” he said during a speech in Harlem.

“New York City belongs to the people that was here and made New York City what it is.”

Speaking at the National Action Network’s “King Day Celebration,” hosted by founder the Rev. Al Sharpton, Adams implicitly played the race card as he denounced gentrification by singling out two states, Iowa and Ohio, that are 91 and 82 percent White, respectively.

Adams also rattled off a litany of social crises — including drug abuse and gun violence — that he said were ignored when they only affected the nation’s “black and brown community.”

He then declared himself “unapologetic” as he invoked the slain civil rights icon, saying that “if you know the spirit and anything about Dr. King, he did not allow others to be comfortable while everyone else was living in horrific conditions.”

Adams — who raked in $437,099 in political contributions during the past six months, with major donations from the real estate industry — railed against what he called the “displacement of the people who made this city.”

“You were here before Starbucks,” he told a crowd of about 300 who greeted his remarks with cheers and applause.

“You were here before others came and decided they wanted to be part of this city.”

Adams referred to the transplants as “folks who [are] not only hijacking your apartments and displacing your living arrangements, they displace your conversation and say the things that are important to you are no longer important. And they decide what’s important and what is not important.”

A spokeswoman for Mayor Bill de Blasio initially declined to comment, then issued a prepared statement Monday evening.

“The mayor doesn’t agree with how it was said, but the borough president voiced a very real frustration,” spokeswoman Freddi Goldstein said.

“We need to improve affordability in this city to ensure New Yorkers can stay in the city they love, but New York City will always be a city for everyone.”

* * *

Source: New York Post and Hektor

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23 January, 2020 12:03 am

Seeing as how NYC is a mecca for blacks, jews, PRs, Jamaicans and various other non-White untermensch there cannot be more than a handful of true Whites living there anyway. At any given time the vast majority of Whites in NYC are tourists.

Reply to  Christopher
23 January, 2020 9:11 pm

A lot of young white hipsters moved in to old industrial areas such as Long Island City, Red Hook and Fort Green (latter two in “South” Brooklyn). They likely had attended pricey universities in the surrounding states or New England and were indoctrinated that anyplace monoracial (= white) was lower in education and tolerance levels and therefore were poor experience models for their children, who’d be middle aged when whites become an absolute minority in the US. When I saw these people in NYC public venues, they seemed ill-at-ease, never smiling, face buried in a smartphone, perhaps still reeling from the body odor of their non-white Uber driver or green grocer.

23 January, 2020 7:38 am

Am I the only one who would tell the guy he can have that stinking place.

Reply to  BuelahMan
24 January, 2020 1:11 am

Perhaps some non National Alliance individuals would agree with you; however, we in the NA all agree that we Whites must have this entire North American continent, Europe, Australia, and a few other areas completely free of non-Whites (this includes Jews) and New York City will not remain a “stinking place” after we’ve taken it back and cleaned it up. On this there is no compromise.

Reply to  JM/Iowa
24 January, 2020 6:40 am

The first comment I get is one of derision, pitting the NA against me.

NA, does JM speak for the organization?

Kevin Alfred Strom
Kevin Alfred Strom
Reply to  BuelahMan
24 January, 2020 7:46 am

JM is a truly great National Alliance activist, though not an official. It could have been phrased more diplomatically, but I really don’t think he was deriding you, BuelahMan. He was taking you literally, and pointing out Dr. Pierce’s goal of retaining for our race all the temperate and congenial-to-Whites lands he mentioned. Of course, we have a long way to go to achieve that! The Mongols once ruled quite a large part of this planet’s land surface, and their word was law in many vassal nations. Now they rule only one small state, a much-reduced Mongolia. We Whites, who dominated the globe just 100 years ago, do not rule even one state today. All our former nations are, to varying degrees, vassals or captives of the parasite. There may… Read more »

Jeff B
Jeff B
Reply to  Kevin Alfred Strom
24 January, 2020 8:53 am

JM’s activism is all well and good, but I believe he is self-employed and without wife or kids to support. So he can engage in a level of activism many of us can’t without risking livelihoods and our family’s security.

Kevin Alfred Strom
Kevin Alfred Strom
Reply to  Jeff B
24 January, 2020 9:16 am

Cryptocurrency and postal or other money orders are very close to being perfectly anonymous. Our address is Box 4, Mountain City TN 37683.

Reply to  Jeff B
25 January, 2020 12:25 pm

JeffB, we all can choose what level of activism to engage in, from the minimal anonymously given monetary donation to dedicating one’s entire life to our people through service. May I ask you, can any White who cares about the current path our race is being herded down afford to sit back and do nothing at all?

Reply to  Kevin Alfred Strom
24 January, 2020 1:24 pm

To me, the dream is ok, but reality is far away from that dream of a white NY. It is a long filthy haven for every “other” there is. Ruled by jewry in virtually every aspect, including its favorite son, Donald.
How do we work towards a goal of only whites in reality?

I am from TN (as I know you are, as well). I would much rather give them all of that disgusting place and have like-minded folks move around me.

But even that doesn’t seem like reality.

But I do like the dream. Don’t get me wrong.

Reply to  Kevin Alfred Strom
21 March, 2021 10:24 am

Precisely. Don’t alienate those that are really your friend BM we get it; but why give away what, Earaches own argument states, was a product of the Dutch, British French and Irish etc.
Occasionally the irony gets missed; the lack of body cues the printed word sometimes accidently employs to give credence to its antipathies.
Give Earache, a racist hypocrite nothing. He’s a Papa Doc Duvalier who was so good for the Negros of Haiti. :/
The real Irony being though, is the truth that most decent Negroid folk are in far more peril from other Negros, or trailer trash that act like them and that is the sad truth as far as I can see and my negro friends often largely concur with.

Reply to  BuelahMan
25 January, 2020 2:56 am

BuelahMan, I do not speak for the NA, but as a member who understands and agrees with our Cosmotheist-based goals and policies well enough to converse about them with good accuracy. While our view contrasts with yours, my reply to your post was meant with respect and not derision.

This is a National Alliance website, for non members to understand what we’re about and why, our views must be expressed without reservation and repeatedly in order to help those non members to better understand this.

Reply to  JM/Iowa
25 January, 2020 8:45 am

Although there are several areas in which I am in agreement, I find a few issues with the NA platform difficult to understand, much less to embrace. Seeing what seems to me to be an impossibility pushed, doesn’t help bolster my view.

But please do share with me how you think it possible to “take back” that stinking place and turn it into a white haven. I’m willing to listen to what I see as an absolute impossibility.

And also note that even IF it were miraculously turned into a white haven, I would still avoid the place with all my might.

I’m a country boy that despises the city.

Reply to  BuelahMan
25 January, 2020 12:16 pm

BeulahMan, 100 years ago most people likely thought that putting a man on the moon was impossible too. Yet Whites who were organized, technically proficient, and had the willpower to get the job done made it reality by applying ourselves. If we all were a race that says “it’s impossible!” to every problem facing us, then I’d agree it is.

But we are a race that “can do” and I hope you’ll consider what your role among us is going to be with that in mind.

Reply to  JM/Iowa
21 March, 2021 11:01 am

Are you certain about that? Do you know how much Radiation exists above 360 kilometres and how fast it cooked 3 Russian Cosmonauts in a nearly precisely identical aluminium tube and capsule. I am not going to argue, but do advise others to make an honest and impartial assessment take a really good look at what the Mason/Jewish media claims and why; when it is all overflowing into weaponization of the Stratos and Ionospheres and the only enemies left appears to be us. The amount of lead to successfully shield men from Van Allen belt radiation is not existent literally; there is not enough Galena in the Universe. They either did it in ways they are keeping secret or it was an exercise in Cold war controlled conflict histrionics. The… Read more »

Reply to  Cru
22 March, 2021 12:30 am

My point went right over your head, Cru. Perhaps your desire to converse about conspiracy theories has overridden good sense, but is definitely of no use here.

When you want to talk about solutions to our White racial situation, stop by again. Thanks.

Will W. Williams, National Alliance Chairman
Will W. Williams, National Alliance Chairman
Reply to  BuelahMan
25 January, 2020 6:01 pm

BuelahMan: … Seeing what seems to me to be an impossibility pushed, doesn’t help bolster my view… please do share with me how you think it possible to “take back” that stinking place and turn it into a white haven. I’m willing to listen to what I see as an absolute impossibility… And also note that even IF it were miraculously turned into a white haven, I would still avoid the place with all my might. — I don’t believe you would avoid NYC “with all your might” were it to someday miraculously become a White haven in your lifetime. Of course that won’t happen, but study NYC’s history from when the White man purchased it from native savages for a few dollars worth of beads and wampum, and it’s… Read more »

Reply to  Will W. Williams, National Alliance Chairman
26 January, 2020 7:54 am

You don’t believe me? Therein is a massive problem between us already. There are many reasons why NY is unattractive to me, color of bodies is just one. I live and work within what is obvious reality. The article you pointed to, starts with such an argument.. reality. I don’t have time to wait for this perfect white world you preach, Mr Williams. I’ve felt like a lone guy for decades, because so few think like me. You folks tend to think similarly, which is why I see some sort of alliance, but I also see odd tendencies that don’t seem easy to discern and understand. I am not here to argue about the viability of NYC as a white haven. I am not here to argue about anything. I… Read more »

William White Williams • Chairman, National Alliance
William White Williams • Chairman, National Alliance
Reply to  BuelahMan
26 January, 2020 1:17 pm

BuelahMan: You don’t believe me? Therein is a massive problem between us already… I don’t have time to wait for this perfect white world you preach, Mr Williams…Thanks for the interaction. But something tells me that you won’t be asking me to join. I’m too opinionated to follow lockstep with anyone and the very first interaction ended up with me feeling even more alienated than before. — NA does not require our people to follow everything we do “lockstep.” We simply require this, here: Any eligible White person (a non-Jewish person of wholly European ancestry) of good character and at least 18 years of age who accepts as his own the goals of the National Alliance and who is willing to support the program described in What is the… Read more »

Reply to  JM/Iowa
24 January, 2020 9:15 am

That is not a realistic goal to meet before whites lose their absolute majority by 2050 in the US. What has been achieved in the past 38 years toward that goal? Only the reverse has happened. I’ve said several times that the political climate now is perfect to throw whites onto the same kind of reservation that whites have been accused of putting indians onto. Of course, whites would still retain 95% of the arable land and national and state forest land that they now administer (however as residents not paid caretakers) as well as officer positions in the US military due to its extremely high-tech and encompassing defense and offensive systems demanding their skill levels. As for the civic white homeland I envision, the federal government with its massive… Read more »

Reply to  Sethmoto101
25 January, 2020 12:38 pm

Sethmoto101: I see this reservation talk as being akin to saying “reaching for the stars is too hard, let’s just settle for slapping the beams above our heads in the outhouse.”

Why direct our descendants to this kosher fate you have in mind?

Reply to  JM/Iowa
26 January, 2020 12:19 am

My plan is not desirable, but it is the fastest since it feeds on the enemy’s desire to control whites like cattle. If it could prevent one biracial marriage, one additional victim of black violence or dumbing down of public school standards, one white birth foregone due to redistributive taxation to maintain the non-white underclass playpen or next mideast war, it’s worth it. This is my biggest division with the NA. The pretext of everything white nationalist must be “what can be done now legally to prevent the next murder of a white college girl by her black ex “boyfriend”, the next white child not born due to the second job mom has to take to make ends meet -“if taxes were just a little lower…””, and so on. And,… Read more »

Arch Stanton
Arch Stanton
23 January, 2020 1:42 pm

Like that expensive fancy “monkey suit” Jocko, you must have a Jewish tailor. Won’t be long before this Negro wakes up to reality of the kind they have discovered in Jew Jersey. Please, oh please, please, please great Negro god, we implore you, flood Jew York city with Negros. Please, oh please, please, please great Negro god, we implore you, grab your machete and begin cleansing Manhattan of all those awful “white” people before they ban the full-auto machete. We’ll be out here in Ohio and Iowa cheering on your righteous slaughter. You could even speed things up with a small nuclear device, call your Pentagon for details. Not to worry about the deleterious effects of radiation, as new Jewish, scientific evidence proves conclusively that, like cockroaches, Negros are highly… Read more »

Punk Potok
Punk Potok
23 January, 2020 5:00 pm

I would tell this knuckle dragger that he and the other minorities can have Brooklyn all to themselves. Just one catch… they have to be totally self-sufficient. Since he/they hate whitey so much, no tax dollars from whites, from anywhere in the state. When a transformer blows on a power line, no white crews out to fix it. They can run their own wastewater treatment plant and supply their own water. When they have buses, trucks, or heavy equipment that need significant repairs, no white techs coming in to bail them out. The IT techs for both local companies and the city itself can be all negroes, Puerto Ricans, and such. Get the picture? If you simians don’t want whites you have to go all the way and do *everything*… Read more »

24 January, 2020 2:53 pm

The Negro population in New York city exceeds 2 million. The Jew population is about the same. The so-called German-Jew patrician class in the city began developing as early as the 1880s-’90s.

I lifted the numbers above from ‘ ‘several years back. To navigate the website can be tricky with all the options. The accuracy is whatever.

I read in a Harvard encyclopedia that Jews literally followed Germans to the Midwest. Creepy! The Jew population in the Midwest is much higher than people think.

William White Williams • Chairman, National Alliance
William White Williams • Chairman, National Alliance
24 January, 2020 6:06 pm

Jeff B: JM’s activism is all well and good, but I believe he is self-employed and without wife or kids to support. So he can engage in a level of activism many of us can’t without risking livelihoods and our family’s security. — One excuse for not supporting the Alliance is as good as another. JM/Iowa is divorced but has a child. Many Alliance members who have families and are not independently employed like he is are active, or at least they support NA financially. You don’t do either so should not come on an Alliance venue and criticize those who do. More racially responsible Whites should plan their lives and gain skills so they can be self employed like JM, not dependent on corporate or government employment where thy… Read more »


Mr Williams, Thank you for writing (I almost missed it). Sorry, I thought Kevin resided in TN. (I truly appreciate his audios) I live on the other side of the state from you (about 1.5 hours from Memphis). I know Memphis quite well (and Little Memphis, Jackson, as well). I am in the heart of the fighting south, near Shiloh, where our ancestors fought. Memphis is as far gone as NY, for sure. Maybe worse. Jackson, too (the criminal creep). Same for Tupelo, MS, which I know very well. There are some issues that I don’t quite understand and I have not been a long time follower of Dr Pierce, so I am a novice when it comes to the NA (lurking in the shadows for a pretty good while).… Read more »

Will W. Williams, National Alliance Chairman
Will W. Williams, National Alliance Chairman
Reply to  BuelahMan
25 January, 2020 1:09 pm

You should study Dr. Pierce’s solid teachings more before posting defeatist comments here about NA’s vision of a White world, separate from non-Whites and non-White influences. It is not our way to argue with those who do not understand the Alliance’s program, but to build with those who agree with it, or at least most of it, and will join their strength with ours to build the Alliance. The most motivated who join NA, like JM/Iowa, tend to rise naturally to the top. JM brings in new members by his example. That is the way it works. When we have 200,000 visitors a month here at National Vanguard online, yet less than 0.1% of them feel the urgency to build the Alliance enough to send financial support so we can… Read more »

Reply to  Will W. Williams, National Alliance Chairman
26 January, 2020 8:05 am

Does your secession include NYC? Does your secession mean taking all of the country? Then, sir, its not secession any longer. Then it truly is a civil war with intent to take over the entire government. Is my point not valid enough? To carve out whatever half, 3/4, whatever, for whites? For you know precisely what the only possible means is to achieve your goal. And that is NOT what my ancestors fought for (to take over the US government in whole). It won’t be Christians versus non-Christians? Yet you tout Cosmotheism as some sort of answer. I still haven’t grasped that concept fully, yet. I am not pushing ANY religion, Christian or otherwise. I’m a realist, not a defeatist. If I cannot work towards some realistic solution, then I… Read more »

Jeff B
Jeff B

Sorry to disappoint you Will, but back in the nineties and time of Dr. Pierce, I sent over $100 to the NA, in the course of over a year. And bought books. I’ve been around for a while. There was another fellow here who you assumed did nothing and apparently he was a former member. Don’t jump to conclusions

Kevin Alfred Strom
Kevin Alfred Strom
Reply to  Jeff B
27 January, 2020 8:45 am

We should be working together instead of arguing. You should understand that Chairman Williams (and this applies to his wife, too) has risked everything he has and totally turned his life upside down since 2013, given up any semblance of personal free time, and spent a huge amount of his personal savings from a lifetime of work to rescue and perpetuate our people and the ideas of William Pierce. The people who work with him have also sacrificed — big time. If just one per cent. or so of the 200,000 regular readers of this site would start giving us regular, significant support every month, things would progress much faster toward real organizational viability, the construction of our library and research center, marketing and publication of more important works, new… Read more »

William White Williams • Chairman, National Alliance
William White Williams • Chairman, National Alliance
Reply to  Jeff B
27 January, 2020 10:46 am

I didn’t believe “that other fellow,” but I take you at your word that you purchased some books and donated over $100 during a period long ago that lasted more than a year. Thank you for your sacrifice back then. What have you sacrificed for our Alliance lately? All I see is you coming on our Alliance site, giving excuses why you can’t be active or commit. Is that because William Pierce is dead, therefore NA is no longer worth supporting? That is weak, Jeff. His legacy, his unique vision for a future for our race lives on through the National Alliance and the Cosmotheist Church he founded. I liked the old, pre-Internet National Vanguard magazine. It didn’t have a bunch of anonymous yappers commentating in its pages about whatever… Read more »

25 January, 2020 8:53 am

But, but, but I thought white flight from the cities was racism against blacks? I used to get very angry at congoids like Eric Adams spouting hatred of whites but he serves a purpose and the more like him who speak their minds then perhaps urban whites will get shaken out of their racial complacency and false belief that “there’s more good blacks than bad blacks”. The vast majority of blacks harbor some level of resentment towards whites and 90% would vote for a president, black or other, promising genocide of whites. So go ahead and ethnically cleanse whites from the Big Apple and watch it turn into a sh*t hole like Detroit, Chicongo, Memphis, Newark, Camden and countless other cities after a black crime wave forced whites to leave… Read more »

25 January, 2020 12:52 pm

Cincinnati is another dead zone. The city established its 5th synagogue in 1855. Tremendous Jewish retail on the Northeast corridor and New York saw the Midwest as a stepping-stone to expand mass marketing. The Negro population is significant.

26 January, 2020 1:36 pm

Will Williams, You wrote “. Secession from the corrupt Nation is the one legitimate cause the South once tried, but for the wrong reasons. . . .” I disagree with the wrong reasons.

Catalyst for secession: Every Northern state but New Jersey voted for Lincoln; Every Southern state voted against the partisan candidate. In Congress the Northern section held the overwhelming majority of votes on both sides of the House. Southern representation on the Potomac was literally put out of existence. The Northern triumph highlighted opposite civilizations.

Rather than crawl in silence to the new sectional design–consolidated despotism–the Sister states chose to go out of the Federal union. These plain facts can be no more denied than a mathematical demonstration.

William White Williams • Chairman, National Alliance
William White Williams • Chairman, National Alliance
Reply to  fodwell
26 January, 2020 7:46 pm

This is 2020 and I don’t need a 160-year-old history lesson from an anonymous contrarian, fodwell.

Determined, racially responsible Whites will withdraw consent to be governed by Jews, other non-Whites, race-mixers, queers and their collaborators. The National Alliance is positioned to take the lead for our eligible people who agree with NA polices and program. It’s not complicated.

You disagree with this so please go find another group that you agree with that might need your counsel and history lessons, thanks.

Reply to  fodwell
27 January, 2020 12:03 pm

Fodwell, how does this translate to action on your part? I’m struggling to grasp what it is you’re looking to accomplish.

21 March, 2021 10:09 am

“Go back to Iowa, you go back to Ohio,” he said during a speech in Harlem. “New York City belongs to the people that was here and made New York City what it is.” Ok Earache A damns, it belongs to the Dutch, The Irish British and French. Good thing you fled South Africa after arranging it to have the highest murder and crime rate in the World per percentage of Population or you be a wetsuit. Of you trot Eric you just got here you racist hypocrite; you always were more racist than most folks I know, and definitely more violent and self obsessed. Watch this monster turn Brooklyn into a Papa Duvalier Hate “ee”. They never mention the hoards of Black tribes that actually hunted and kidnapped them… Read more »

Reply to  Cru
22 March, 2021 12:20 am

I’m in Iowa and even here hordes of non-Whites are arriving from many locations. Chicago being one– and consequently, carjackings, burglaries, and gunfire are exploding in frequency.

White man, there’s no place to go now. We either organize for our survival and future, or we can die off as individuals. Join us:

16 August, 2021 11:53 pm

Jews puppet

16 August, 2021 11:56 pm

Jews like multiculturalism because Nations of half caste dumbed down inbred morons are easier to control-apparently! I guess jews like living in pig poo