CommentaryDouglas MercerGuest opinionNews

Monumental Malevolence

The new logo of the Andrew Mellon Foundation includes a crudely stylized are barely recognizable “M” resembling, appropriately, a diseased, distended large intestine.

by Douglas Mercer

THE MELLON FOUNDATION IS awash in Jew money and sits at the nexus of Jew-run America. They have their Jew billions and they sit around their finely appointed office at the Foundation and design new and more devious ways to undermine the foundations of White America. A female Black “poet” runs things over at Mellon and she was educated at the posh Sidwell Friends School and got affirmative actioned in to Yale, but that won’t stop her from saying she’s oppressed just as much as the crack brained crack addict who smashed the windows on your car and walked away with no punishment. Andrew Mellon’s ancestors were Ulster Scots who formed part of the backbone of the Old America — but his legacy organization is now dedicated to putting the final stake in the heart of that order.

Their quiet, but quite evil, revolution from the top happened decades ago.

The Foundations Attack the Founding Stock

The Mellon usurpers should rightly be classified as enemies of the state and treated with the appropriate draconian measures. Except in this case, the Mellon usurpers and their ilk run the state, are the state, and have the full backing of the state. More to the point, they are the mortal enemies of the White race and its future.

Awash in Jew billions, these foundations act like they are neutral arbiters of “justice” and “values,” but they are as radically ideological as any Jew antifa thug or that Black who dragged that statue of a great White man and dumped it into the river like refuse.

And now the Mellon people take dead aim at White America. Take dead aim at us. That gun pointed at your head is Jew billions in concerted action. That noose they are trying to put around your neck is Jews in suits and their assorted front men and Negro helpers taking the Establishment line and saying they are in tune with “American values.” It’s foundation money. after all. and foundations are corporations and they are disinterested and only want the best for the common weal. Anyway, that’s the lie these Hebrews pishers peddle. “Equality” and “fairness,” don’t you know. (Never mind that those two, to the extent that they exist, are mutually exclusive.)

They are going after our monuments, naturally.

One of America’s largest philanthropic organizations has announced a project to reimagine public monuments around the country.

First off, how does a private foundation have anything to do with public monuments? Have they become the monument police? Apparently so. And, just so you know, “reimagine” is a euphemism for White genocide. They are imagining nothing; they have it all down pat as far as they are concerned. They commissioned a high-dollar audit to tell us the obviously obvious: that the great majority of monuments and statues and memorials around this once-White country are of White males. Who would have guessed? Let’s face it, as of the sesquicentennial, this country was 90% White and getting Whiter. In fact outside of a handful of Jews (which is exactly a handful too many), the racial makeup of the 1924 US Congress was same as that of the Continental Congress. Which was a great success — save for those Jews. But alas, more people have arrived on this continent since 1971 than came in all the years previous. Which is utter failure. Unless you’re a Jew: Then it’s cause to rub your filthy hands.

So it’s not shocking or eye-opening or anything else that the great preponderance of memorials portray our people. It was our country after all, and who were we supposed to honor? Them? Heaven forfend! Indeed, it’s the most natural thing in the world for a people to honor the great achievers from among their own kind. What is not natural at all is a criminal leadership class waging war on its own people and sponsoring and aiding and abetting the invasion of its own lands. And then changing the symbolic guards to ratify the coup. And then, worst of all, ratifying this monstrous situation as being “moral” and “good.”

In his famous prophecy speech, Hitler uses the word vernichtung which can mean by turns elimination in the sense of removal, or annihilation in the sense of kill.

And this denationalized leadership class that cuts the foundations from under the country and wages war on the founding stock is a new one to history, but such novelty leaves the Mellon people unfazed; they take it in stride; unfettered global domination on a planetary scale is unprecedented as well, and that’s the prize they seek. For them the remnants of the great White past are the last craw sticking in their throats, and the unbearable Whiteness is a casus belli.

We should join this war rather than get steamrolled.

The Andrew W Mellon Foundation said it would spend $250 million over five years to build monuments, add context to existing ones and relocate others.

The Mellon Foundation is awash in Jewish billions; at the Mellon Foundation the Mellon people sit in finely appointed offices and dream the dream of White genocide. They have defined a monument as a symbol of public power, and there’s truth in that: Who has the power can put up his symbols and take the other’s down. And, trust me, the moral sheen they try to put on this has not even a thin veneer of plausibility; there is no moral question — their so-called moral question is just where the dog and the pony are dragged through the smoke and the mirrors, a charade to fool the unlettered millions. As they say, it’s about power and power alone.

Right now, they have it. That’s why they can shell out a quarter billion dollars to put a White founder in a broom closet, or a White settler in dry storage, or a send-them-back-to-Africa White politician in an attic. Or melt down Bobby Lee and make him into a George Floyd statue executed in the style of a schizophrenic chimp. Or exhume the corpses of Confederate heroes and dump them in the sewer.

How long until Mt. Rushmore gets dynamited?

How long until Stone Mountain gets sandblasted?

With their evil Jew ideology, can they possibly let them stand? Can they leave one stone standing on another?

Longstanding Mission of Evil

For “context” (read: lies) they’ll take a Wagner bust and surround it with photographs of Jewish musicians the National Socialists gave the axe to; but the truth is the truth and the Jews are still the plastic demons of decline and decomposition.

The prestigious Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, long a major patron of the humanities in the United States, announced a major change to its strategic mission, pivoting to prioritizing social justice in all of its grant-making. Today, the organization took a step forward in enacting that change, presenting a five-year, $250 million program called the Monuments Project, whose goal is to reimagine and rebuild commemorative spaces and transform the way history is told in the United States.

A change in mission, my foot. These stooges have been after the historical America and trying to bury it a thousand fathoms deep for many, many years. Back in 2018 they tossed the chump change of $1.5 million to Michigan State (Spartan Pride!) so they could create a “unique” online data hub that will (they say) “change the way scholars and the public understand slavery.” This has been their MO from when Mellon was officially founded in 1969 and of the tributary foundations that flowed into it to create the raging anti-White river. And the way the public understands slavery has not changed one iota since the Jews depicted Jew Ed Asner as the evil White slave trader.

They have not “pivoted” or changed their mission, they have just ramped and ratcheted up their old mission of nullifying heritage America.

The project aims to celebrate and affirm America’s diverse histories. It comes amid fierce public debate about monuments in the US, sparked by the Black Lives Matter movement. The charity said its pledge was the result of years of discussion, research and intellectual exploration.

They aim to kill us, pure and simple. This has been brewing over at Jew Mellon since savage Congoids burnt down American cities in the 1960s and the Kerner Commission said Whites were to blame. Black Lives Matter is just the same raging hatred of White people on a different day, and the Mellon Jews use it as a plausible cover to say that every living memorial to every dead White man must come tumbling down.

Mellon has already spent $25 million on monument-related projects during the last two years. One of its grants gave $5 million towards the National Memorial for Peace and Justice in Montgomery, Alabama, which is dedicated to enslaved people and lynching victims.

They means to rapists and murderers. The “National Memorial for Peace and Justice” in Montgomery, Alabama is a monstrosity where the White man is supposed to go in with head bowed — and, after being duly chastened, walk out mortified and seeing fit to “do better.” Mark our words: Soon our enemies will categorize even Blacks duly charged, tried, and convicted of horrific crimes as “victims” worthy of being memorialized. Everything we ever did will be judged as “wrong” and worthy of punishment, including our very existence.

The beauty of monuments as a rubric is, it’s really a way of asking, How do we say who we are? How do we teach our history in public places? We want to ask how we can help think about how to give form to the beautiful and extraordinary and powerful multiplicity of American stories.

Multiplicity is a strength, apparently. And yes memorials and monuments are public instructions, and any ruler should be keenly interested in them. Our enemies certainly are; they want to cut ours off at the knees, or at the neck — quite literally. They want to dump ours in a lake, or file them away where no one can see them, or encase them in glass in some “teaching museum” where Negroes and MS-13 types can gawk at them, and the “curator” can put on plaques with some suitably sordid words about the bad old days when Whites stalked the land.

This year has been one of reckoning, with regard to the racial injustices prevalent throughout the nation. Through the Black Lives Matter movement, our attention was brought to the controversial monuments and memorials of this country, many of which do not reflect the experiences, values, or histories of the diverse communities in the United States — and, in fact, may even diminish them. The Mellon Foundation believes it crucial to examine closely the landscape of commemorative spaces to ensure it becomes more representative of the larger population.

They are taking the broad overview and note that every statue of any White man from Teddy Roosevelt to Stonewall Jackson is traumatizing to Blacks. The want to clear the field of our past, and replace it with theirs. The “diverse communities” canard is just a smokescreen — everything of value created in America was created by White men, and the multicultural bazaar that is the America today is just living off the historical, physical, and intellectual capital created by those White men. Soon that capital will inevitably dwindle, and they will be sucking on fumes as we descend into a post-apocalyptic landscape of malaria-ridden water and lawless bands of Blacks and Browns attempting to take whatever we have left. Of course when that happens they shouldn’t be shocked if they get shot in the face.

The initiative will support efforts to recalibrate the assumed center of our national narratives to include those who have often been denied historical recognition,. This work has taken on greater urgency at a moment of national reckoning with the power and influence of memorials and commemorative spaces.

The “assumed center” has always been White people — because the actual center was White people.

White race pride rose and crested in the 1920s. Then, in the 1930s, you began to see, imperceptibly at first, and then more and more blatantly, creeping anti-Whiteness — which was soon galloping anti-Whiteness. It was in the 1930s that high school history textbooks (that always fail-safe thermometer of the elite’s mood) began to replace settler ideology with melting ideology, to replace the stories of White conquest with stories of Jews in steerage. This transformation was a sign of a coming vertiginous decline.

This was just the dipping of the toes in the water, only an hors d’oeuvre. The main course would begin after the war with the (declared, not actual) “discrediting” of White racial consciousness and the promotion of “integration” as the new “ideal.” It took them a while to get to the statues, but of late they are sure making up for lost time.

As of June 2022 1,712 Confederate monuments remained standing in the United States, according to a study. The analysis found that for every monument that has been removed, 10 others remain nationally despite the country’s reckoning over racist monuments in the months following the murder of George Floyd.

Looks like they have their work cut out for them; it goes to show how industrious and assiduous we were with filling up the landscape with our imperishable heroes. That even the great grim-reaper-like Jew scythe that was unleashed in 2020, and that has been mowing them down these past two years, has really only made a dent in them.

Which will go down first? The last confederate statue? — or the power of the Jew who, by all indications, knows we know, and must at least suspect that perhaps his days are numbered.

Today, our public realm disproportionately celebrates a limited few and overlooks the multitudes who have made and shaped our society, limiting our understanding of our collective history. This failure to represent our multiplicity impacts how we perceive, distribute, and demonstrate power in the US.

Tick tock, Jews. Tick tock.

* * *

In France, even that dwarf womanly weenie Marcon said statues in France must not fall because it was French history, good or bad, and it belonged to them. I don’t know what he means by “bad” — nothing we’d agree on, I’m sure — but you can be certain that in America even the most “rock-ribbed” Republican would never make such a statement. The very thought of opposing the prevailing Negrophilia likely makes them wet their pants.

Dozens of statues have been pulled down and vandalized during protests in America this year, as pressure grows on authorities to remove monuments connected to slavery and colonialism. Among those targeted are monuments to Confederate leaders and the explorer Christopher Columbus.

Those dead White males and the unbearable Whiteness of America.

Another dominant trend is the prevalence of American monuments that honor war and conquest. One-third of the monuments in the representative study set commemorate warfare, with nearly 6,000 mentions of the Civil War compared with just nine monuments that represent Reconstruction.

You can see the plan here: Take down those commemorative icons of White conquerors and those memorials to the stalwart White men who defended the Southern redoubt; and in their place put up statues of monkeys in suits who stood at the podium grunted a general hatred of us. Or put up “art” celebrating Federal goons with guns who terrorized White people in the name of the Negro, men who betrayed their race-kin in the name of a nefarious and nebulous concept of “equality.” A more wretched spectacle is scarcely to be imagined. But imagine it they will, and more, until we put an end to it.

The story of the United States – as told by our monuments today – is badly misleading and out of balance. For example, 53 monuments in the study set memorialize the killing of White settlers or soldiers by Native Americans. Yet, despite the widespread displacement and extermination of American Indian populations after the arrival of Europeans, only four monuments identified in the study set memorialize the massacre of Native Americans by White settlers.

This is about to change faster than a Jew will tell you about his suffering. Believe it or not, we have a merciless savage named Deb Haaland as our current Interior Secretary — on the theory that this land is their land, this land is not our land. And way back when there was something which Jews like to call the “Massacre of Sand Creek” — as if one day for no reason at all the White man set upon the Indians and killed them. In fact, the White man showed remarkable patience as 96 White settlers were killed by Indians in Colorado. And when his patience was exhausted, a just retribution occurred.

Now Haaland has announced the expansion of a historical site dedicated to the sneak attackers and murderers of White men, women, and children. As Haaland puts it, it is our “solemn responsibility” to tell “the story of our nation.”

Not our nation — theirs.

If need be, you can be sure they can count on some Mellon millions.

* * *

Not that they need any theoretical justifications for the ethnic cleansing of White people, but they do offer one — seemingly and suitably anodyne, of course, but as always indicative of the sinister nature of the Jews. It seems that things are always changing, some people arrive, others leave, there’s nothing special about it, what goes up can always come down, right?

Monuments have been going up and coming down ceaselessly ever since. They are not perennial truths rooted in the topography of the United States. They are not 1,000-year-old redwoods, or ancient riverbeds, or mountain ranges that change on a vast geologic time scale.

Really? Over time this land was made ours through our work, our lives, our families, our blood, our productivity, and our heroism. No land has ever been more cultivated and used to exalted ends like the North American continent; no land has ever belonged to a people like this one belongs to us. America, for a time, was the greatest White nation ever to exist, and there will not be its like again.

Mount Rushmore, which commemorates four American presidents in South Dakota, and Stone Mountain, which commemorates three White supremacist Confederate leaders in Georgia, are not. Those two monuments were made to feel as immemorial as if they had been created by plate tectonics. But they are merely people-made artifacts that aim to teach us who is – and who is not – considered worth venerating in our country.

Did you hear that? Did you hear the Jews squeak? Nothing rooted or timeless about us White men. We are like tumbleweeds passing through, just strays or vagrants or aimless wanderers. They want us to believe we have not been here time out of mind; it was only yesterday, and we can be pushed off without ceremony and without too much fuss. But those brave men who made it through the passes, the town planners, the surveyors, the adventurers, the voyagers, the explorers, and the ones who built houses and strong White communities where none existed before — those White men tell a very different story.

This land is our land, this land belongs to us as surely as we belong to it — and no White man should let anyone ever tell us different. The Mellons may have their millions and the Jews might have their plans, but we have a more precious thing which will prevail in the end. We aren’t carpetbaggers or tricksters or parasites. Our heroes were not “evil.” They were great men — the greatest of the greatest race. And in the end, that won’t count for nothing. And it won’t just count for something. It will count for everything.

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Source: Author

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15 November, 2022 4:23 pm

Monuments of cold stone that leave their heirs a’sleeping but hearts of stone are not alone be there before a pilgrim weeping. What speak they with no tongue nor brain that makes us wake and yearn for all who come around to gaze and pray for thier return. Monument in CHalreston, West Virginia has atracted the hyena with the churchly commination , who Learnt currently from the tv , this is an idol of hate and slavery. He has the true theology. So it goes throughout the SOuth now suffering the neo reconstruction . Monuments or statues are to perpetuate an inherent respect for the exclusivity of a people or race. The enemy has monuments though they do not last . They are cheap highway advertisement , infantile tv commercials… Read more »