
“We Dissolve Minds”: Sidney Gottlieb and His Horrific Experiments

Sidney Gottlieb and one of his helpless, unwitting victims

First the victors of WW2 falsely accused the Germans of the so-called “Holocaust,” then the US and USSR Holocausted helpless German civilians and POWs — and then, under the direction of Jews like Gottlieb and their Gentile collaborators, conducted horrific and very real human experimentation. Deadly operations and drugging were performed on unwitting and law-abiding (but frequently vulnerable) American citizens — and secret CIA prisoners, doubtlessly including defeated Germans.

THE FOLLOWING are highlights from a new book, Poisoner In Chief: Sidney Gottlieb and the CIA Search for Mind Control by Stephen Kinzer.

• “Sidney Gottlieb never became a household name, mostly because he never paid for his crimes.”

• “No other American ever wielded such terrifying life-or-death power while remaining so completely invisible.”

• “… MK-ULTRA, the most illicit and morally corrupt intelligence program in American history (that we know of).”

In the 1962 film adaptation of Richard Condon’s The Manchurian Candidate, a diabolical North Korean doctor named Yen Lo tells Staff Sergeant Raymond Shaw to “pass the time with a little solitaire.” These trigger words, accompanied by a Queen of Diamonds playing card, prompts the lanky soldier to get up, and when instructed, brutally kill two of his own comrades sitting on the stage, both of whom appear under the same trance as Raymond.

Later, we find out this was not a dream but a real test of Shaw’s programming through elaborate mind control, undertaken before he is sent home to the United States as a sleeper agent for a Communist Party cell, led by his own mother. “His brain has not only been washed, as they say, but cleaned,” declares a gleeful Dr. Lo.

The film was released when the country was in a state of high Cold War anxiety. The idea that the Communists were deep into finding a way to brainwash and program individuals to deploy as weapons of war was not new, of course. It was just finding its way into the increasingly paranoid popular culture. But what Americans did not know was that our own government was in part responsible for those stories as a cover for their own brainwashing experiments, which were racing along at the speed of a freight train.

In 1953, Allen Dulles told a group of fellow Princeton alumni that the U.S. was far behind the Russians and North Koreans in “brain warfare.”

He warned of a “mind control gap” that would likely grow because “we in the West… have no human guinea pigs to try these extraordinary techniques.”

This was a lie of breathtaking proportions. For several years, his CIA had already been conducting extreme experiments on unwitting “human guinea pigs” at “black” (secret, illegal) sites in France, Germany, and South Korea. Shortly after he broadcast this cynical lament to the Princeton lads, he approved MK-ULTRA, the most illicit and morally corrupt intelligence program in American history (that we know of).

In it, the CIA tested a stomach-roiling variety of unregulated drugs, electro-shock, sensory deprivation, and other extreme techniques on unwitting souls across the United States — in “safe houses,” prisons, psychiatric hospitals, doctors’ offices — even in the CIA itself. People died, went crazy, or withered away in a vegetative state, often with little or no clue of what had happened to them.

The head of it all: a cold, soulless, hate-filled Jew named Dr. Sidney Gottlieb.

Gottlieb also had an utter disregard for the law. From 1951 to the late 1960s, under Dulles’ protection, Gottlieb was the principal player in what can only be called a maniacal mission to find the perfect drug — LSD was one of many he used — to destroy/control/reprogram the human mind.

Gottlieb was also the chief scientist in a CIA program that developed poisons with which to assassinate world leaders (or anyone the US/Jewish power structure wanted dead), tested aerosol-delivered germs and deadly gases, and honed extreme torture techniques.

He’s been called Dr. Death, Washington’s “official poisoner,” and a mad scientist. But “Sidney Gottlieb” never became a household name, mostly because he never paid for his crimes. Thanks to Deep State politics, statutes of limitations, a great lawyer, and depressingly weak Congressional investigators, Gottlieb was able to take the worst of his secrets to the grave in 1999.

Now, pulling together a trove of existing research, newly unearthed documents, and fresh interviews, Kinzer puts the fetid corpus of this power structure back under a microscope. It isn’t pretty — but it is instructive.

At a time when many Americans were zooming to suburbia in search of “Leave it to Beaver,” Gottlieb was hiring people like George White, straight out of the film The Sweet Smell of Success.

White was “a hard charging narcotics detective who lived large in the twilight world of crime and drugs” writes Kinzer. In 1953 he started setting up “safe houses” in New York and San Francisco where he would pay hoodlums and prostitutes in drugs and dough to dose unsuspecting subjects with increasing amounts of LSD at “parties” while the CIA peeped the action from two-way mirrors outfitted with cameras.

Meanwhile, Gottlieb gave tons of cash and LSD to doctors like Harris Isbell at the Addiction Research Center in Lexington, Kentucky. “Officially this center was a hospital, but it functioned more like a prison,” writes Kizner. “Most inmates were African American from the margins of society. They were unlikely to complain if abused.”

And abused they were, like most of the test subjects at the prison programs financed by the CIA. If they were told (and many weren’t) they were part of a test (agreement was typically in exchange for something, like good behavior credits or high grade heroin), they weren’t told what kind of drugs they were given or how much. Many of the experiments involved dosing subjects with greater and greater amounts of LSD over long periods of time. Gottlieb wanted to see at what point “the mind would dissolve.” “He was pleased to have secured a supply of ‘expendables’ across the United States,” Kinzer notes. The inmates of CIA prisons across Europe and the world had no rights, of course. They were never charged, never tried, and likely guilty of nothing except being in conflict with, or convenient victims of, the Washington/Jewish power structure. Many were simply killed and their bodies burned, then dumped. Their stories are mainly unknown and untold. And this kind of thing is still happening, and we likely don’t know a tenth of it. This is what Jewish-dominated America does — routinely.

Certainly Gottlieb’s test subjects at the CIA interrogation sites overseas were “expendable.” Kinzer offers a number of cases in which foreign detainees were given massive amounts of different drugs “to see if their minds could be altered.” Others were given electro shock. They were later killed, “and their bodies burned.”

Big Brother was not only watching us all, but for nearly 20 years he was drugging and testing germs and other toxins on unsuspecting Americans — and helpless others, too — like they were laboratory animals.

Sidney Gottlieb’s parents fled Hungary — gee, I wonder why — in the early 20th century. During World War 2, however, Gottlieb was living in New York City.

Gottlieb, who passed away in 1999 at age 81, committed these disgusting crimes with the authority he received from the highest echelons of the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency. He blinded, shook up, electrocuted and tortured thousands of World War 2 refugees from foreign countries, POWs, and American prisoners in a series of cruel experiments that lasted over 20 years and claimed the lives of countless innocent people.

Some of the experiments were conducted surreptitiously in hospitals, universities and prisons in the United States, others in secret detention facilities overseas, mainly in Germany, Japan and the Philippines, where he operated freely without fear of exposure.

“Gottlieb was able to ask his superiors to send him 10 people for the purpose of the experiment, and he would get them,” says Kinzer. Some of his victims were “simply innocent refugees without family, whose absence would not be felt by anyone, according to CIA estimates.”

Adds the author, “When I visited Germany in order to work on the book I arrived at a place where the first secret CIA prison facility stood at the time, in an isolated area outside Frankfurt. People living nearby testified how prisoners who were kept in the facility run by Gottlieb were buried afterward in the nearby forests, which are now the site of residential buildings and shopping centers.”

Gottlieb, who had a doctorate in biochemistry from the California Institute of Technology and was an expert in poisons, served in the CIA for 22 years, most of them as head of the special task force established by the United States government in order to create the largest and most advanced “thought police” in the world.

Kinzer: “Gottlieb had two main objectives. First, you had to blast away the existing mind the second part was to fill the vacuum that was created by creating a new mind. He succeeded in destroying the human mind, but was not successful in the second stage of the program.”

When he joined the CIA in 1951, he was “the first person ever to be drafted by the U.S. administration to find ways to control the human mind,” Kinzer notes. Two years later, the mind-control project that initially was called Artichoke but later renamed MK-Ultra got underway. The program included the “dosing (of) unwilling patients with potent drugs, subjecting them to extremes of temperature and sound (and) strapping them to electroshock machines.”

“Artichoke had become one of the most violently abusive projects ever sponsored by an agency of the United States government,” writes Kinzer in his book. He quotes a CIA description of the mission: “the investigation of drug effects on ego control and volitional activities, i.e., can willfully suppressed information be elicited through drugs affecting higher nervous systems? If so, which agents are better for this purpose?”

Just as the intelligence agency hoped to extract repressed information from the minds of foreign agents and others, it hoped, with those same drugs, to find the way to erase existing information from the consciousness. It even sought to erase information from the minds of CIA agents who, in the course of their work, were exposed to sensitive information and clandestine activities that could have embarrassed the United States had they become known.

There was no drug or disorienting substance that Gottlieb rejected in his pursuit of his objectives. “He was obsessive about LSD. He thought it was the ideal solution for destroying the existing mind and implanting a new one,” Kinzer tells Haaretz.

Gottlieb was the first one to bring to the United States the drug that years later was somehow popularized among young White Americans, the author says, adding, “His obsession was so great that in 1953 he convinced the CIA to invest $240,000 and to buy the entire world inventory of LSD, which was developed in the laboratories of the Sandoz pharmaceuticals company in Switzerland.”

“One of the experiments was conducted on black prisoners from Kentucky who, without their knowledge, received a triple dose of the drug every day, for two and a half months. That’s how they examined whether it’s possible to destroy the human brain with LSD. The answer is yes.”

Another experiment was more scientific in nature, but with equally devastating effects: “Gottlieb wanted to examine how LSD affects people suffering from various medical problems. Since the CIA has no hospitals of its own, and since Gottlieb didn’t want the hospitals to know that he was turning to them on behalf of the CIA, he established several straw organizations that made contact with the various hospitals and offered them payment in exchange for participation in an experiment in which the effect of the drug was tested on patients.”

According to Kinzer, “Very few people, even in the CIA itself, knew about the MK-Ultra project. One of them was American scientist Frank Olson. But at a certain point, in 1953, Olson started to wonder about the ethics of the experiments he had been exposed to and even told his superiors that he was not willing to continue the work and was interested in leaving the agency. Shortly afterward he fell to his death from the window of his room on the 13th floor of a New York hotel. At the time the media described the incident as a suicide, but today there is considerable evidence that Olson did not jump to his death, but was murdered by Gottlieb and CIA agents, who saw him as too great a danger to the continuation of the program.”

* * *

Source: Checkpoint Asia, Haaretz, and National Vanguard correspondents

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David Westerlund
David Westerlund
16 December, 2019 11:20 am

Wonderful article on the Jew World Order. Maybe bring it up to date with how the whole nation of the USA is exposed today. I shall pass this on to ~50 people too.

Mitchell Lange
Mitchell Lange
19 December, 2019 10:04 pm

The media always paints Nationalist Germany as country with degenerate scientific morals. They allege that the Germans performed cruel, sadistic experiments, but this is pure projection. All the evil in this world stems from the Jewish materialistic systems, Capitalism and Communism. The depravities of the US government are barely known, but almost unbearably vile.

20 December, 2019 11:33 pm

Wherever there is something rotten, evil or corrupt, there one finds a Jew. Every. Single. Time. Or so it seems. Countless examples could be provided to support my “antisemitic canard.” The Jewish fiend in the article above is just one of very many.