David SimsEssays

Who Runs CNN?

Jeff Zucker

by David Sims

JEFF Zucker is a Jew who now controls the network that non-Jew Ted Turner built. Turner ran CNN until it was taken over by another Jew named Gerald Levin. Before he became President of CNN, Zucker was president and CEO of NBC Universal.

The top executives in nearly all of the mainstream media organizations are Jews. These Jews swap offices from time to time, and they occasionally move between corporations, but the top executive positions in all of the the so-called MSM (“mainstream media”) are almost always held by Jews. Prior to the rise of the Internet, these Jews held the entire American public, as well as ordinary people in the UK and in Europe, in an information corral. The only avenue by which most White gentiles could get timely information about the world beyond their own neighborhoods was completely controlled by the Jews.

Gerald Levin

In the 1950s, some Jews conspired to steal US atomic weapons secrets and give them to the Soviet Union. As a result of that treason, the United States was forced, for strategic reasons, to develop a communications network that could survive a nuclear first strike by the USSR. That network was the start of what would eventually become, as commercial applications were recognized, the Internet and the World Wide Web.

Thus, one unforeseen consequence of the Jews’ conspiracy to betray their American hosts was the loss of their media monopoly. They’ve been trying to regain media control ever since. The on-going censorships and bannings by Facebook, Twitter, Google, etc., are part of that effort.

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Source: Author

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23 October, 2019 11:47 pm

“In the 1950s, some Jews conspired to steal US atomic weapons secrets and give them to the Soviet Union. As a result of that treason, the United States was forced, for strategic reasons, to develop a communications network that could survive a nuclear first strike by the USSR. ” These traitorous jews were the Rosenbergs among other jews in the conspiracy. The penalty for the jewish public support for them then should have been a Constitutional Amendment to relinquish citizenship rights to anyone who, by special ballot and loyalty oath refusal, rejected the guilty verdicts. Loss of voting, polling and candidacy rights in federal elections (and state if ratified by it). Loss of managerial and supervisory positions in the federal civil service. They would be given free pass to Russia… Read more »

pj dooner
pj dooner
Reply to  Sethmoto101
24 October, 2019 6:58 pm

Were the Rosenbergs really executed? Or were they secreted to israel?

Reply to  pj dooner
31 October, 2019 11:22 pm

That doubt is why the Rosenbergs’ electrocutions should have been televised. Others in the conspiracy were imprisoned for a few years e.g. David Greenglass but also deserved the chair. Bzorp!

Reply to  Sethmoto101
6 December, 2021 6:11 pm

Aktion Reinhardt

28 October, 2019 1:32 pm

Everything said here is true, but let’s not forget the role played by that bastard of Ted Turner, who deserves, like all the Aryan traitors that could have made a difference, to rot in Hell.

The tragic lack of racial consciousness among Aryans is our undoing. Turner could, and should, have made CNN a pro-White news network, instead, he did nothing of the sort and ended up selling it to the Jews.

Let’s not forget that for every Jewish multimillionaire there is, at least, 2 or 3 Aryans who do NOTHING for their race. That makes ALL the difference. Let’s not blame the Jews only because it takes two to tango.

Reply to  Angelicus
28 October, 2019 10:08 pm

Let’s drill this down a bit. Once Civil Rights and legalized non-white immigration were passed by an all-white Congress, president and courts, corporate sponsors saw expanded markets, and TV commercials began to use non-whites. Such sponsors rarely have had jewish ownership, which was typically of stockholders whose voting blocks, including nearly all-white Teamsters’ pension funds, elected a voting board, who selected the CEO and CFO. Ted Turner could have made CNN into a truth-telling organization while he and his 25 co-investors had it, and that would’ve been all that was needed for the US electorate to approve severing ties to Israel, or at least holding its financial support hostage toward ending new settlements, as an example. If CNN had properly and fairly reported violent crime by race in the 1980’s… Read more »

Josef Tone
Josef Tone
23 November, 2020 1:08 pm

We always hear all about how smart Jews are, just soo clever. Even coming from some of our own spokespeople. Maybe it’s true. However, regarding that photo of Jeff Zucker…. he just looks like any ole gorilla living off of white tech.

Dixie Whistler
Dixie Whistler
9 January, 2021 6:21 pm

Don’t care at all what their religion is, jewish or otherwise. Do care if they have the integrity to present all sides of political arguments, especially public airway “news” channels (NBC, CBS, ABC, etc.) Obviously they do not in the least. And for the record their religion is NOT judism, it’s radical liberalism.