
Jewish Online Magazine Starts Charging Commenters to Deter ‘Offenders’

ca89f501-66e9-4c5a-b5c0-f47808a45819-620x372EDITOR’S NOTE: As Kevin Alfred Strom noted recently, there is a rising awareness of race and Jewish power and that awareness is becoming obvious in the comments sections of establishment news sites — so much so that some of these sites are turning comments off entirely, censoring them heavily, or taking the Tablet’s approach described below.

SINCE the Internet continues to remain the only medium available for providing the free exchange of news and information to the public, the Jewish elites — who own the vast majority of mainstream T.V. and newspaper media — are becoming desperate to stifle any “unpopular” or “politically incorrect” ideas from readers and users visiting their news websites. (ILLUSTRATION: Jewish online-magazine Tablet will begin charging readers for the ability to write comments.)

A February 10th, 2015 article of The Guardian reported that a Jewish online magazine, Tablet, will begin charging readers $2 to comment on their news-stories:

Dealing with “toxic” commenters is a problem faced by many websites – and must be a particular problem for faith-based publishers…

On Monday, it announced that users would have to pay $2 a day, $18 a month or $180 a year to comment on its stories.

Tablet’s editor-in-chief, Alana Newhouse, explained in a blogpost:

“We take pride in our community of readers, and are thrilled that you choose to engage with us in a way that is both thoughtful and thought-provoking. But the internet, for all of its wonders, poses challenges to civilized and constructive discussion, sometimes allowing destructive – and, often, anonymous– individuals to drag it down with invective (and worse)…

“The donation rates are small because we are not looking to make money, but instead to try to create a standard of engagement likely to turn off many, if not most, of the worst offenders. All proceeds go to helping us bring you the ambitious journalism that brought you here in the first place.”

…The move is interesting in the light of recent moves by organisations such as Bloomberg and Reuters to turn off comments on their stories.

The Guardian’s executive editor of digital, Aron Pilhofer, said at last week’s news:rewired conference in London that the trend of switching off reader comments was a “monumental mistake”.

Pilhofer said:

“…You see site after site killing comments and moving away from community – that’s a monumental mistake. Any site that moves away from comments is a plus for sites like ours. Readers need and deserve a voice. They should be a core part of your journalism.”

Read Full Article

Tablet may be a small news outlet which only caters to Jewish readers, but, as the article also mentions, Bloomberg and Reuters news agencies have already turned off their comments sections. And it is quite possible that Tablet will set the precedent to which larger establishment news sites will begin to follow soon enough.
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6 March, 2015 3:48 am

Deep pockets speak loudly.

30 July, 2021 1:52 pm

Ultimately any honest contributors will realize they are contributing to a sham media that ‘lies through omission’ because it cannot handle truths or debates. And ultimately the readers will know they are paying for half-truths and quarter-truths. Contributors will know that their ‘two cents worth’ of free speech now costs two dollars.