Abandon — or at Least Supplement — Scribd as a Document-Sharing Platform

by Andrew Hamilton
SHOULD WHITES OPPOSED to policies of genocide, anti-White racism, and totalitarianism utilize Scribd as their sole free document-sharing platform? Several individuals and organizations do so. They should reconsider this decision, or at least post publicly accessible, printable, downloadable documents elsewhere at the same time.
Scribd is an e-book and e-document Internet subscription platform. Paying users can upload material and read restricted content. The company contracts with many large book and periodical publishers to distribute digital content for a fee.
Users are permitted to post documents that the public can view for free. However, the ability to copy, print, or download and save such files is artificially disabled by the corporation unless readers also subscribe or provide the firm with private information about themselves in exchange for limited access to just the free material. In addition, free documents are “de-prioritized” in search results, making them artificially difficult to find.
American Renaissance, a small pro-White publisher, is an example of an organization that uses Scribd. It recently filed a lawsuit in San Francisco against Twitter, Inc. (revenue: $2.5 billion) for censoring its organizational account and the account of its founder and editor, Jared Taylor. (“Jared Taylor and American Renaissance Banned from Twitter,” December 18, 2017)
Jewish-corporate Internet censorship represents a genuine social emergency. (See Andrew Hamilton, “Paul Nehlen’s Proposed ‘Shall Not Censor’ Legislation.”) In this instance, American Renaissance made its legal complaint available to the public, which is commendable, but only did so on Scribd.
Another Scribd customer is the Foundation for the Marketplace of Ideas (FMI), a foundation that educates the public about constitutional liberties. FMI has gone to great trouble obtaining and posting numerous documents online, many acquired through the Freedom of Information Act, but some legal filings as well. It, too, exclusively uses Scribd to share this hard-to-obtain information with the public.
But Scribd is not ideal for this purpose.
To begin with, this kind of information, admittedly important, will be ignored by most people even when it is freely and readily accessible, which on Scribd it is not. Leaving aside evil people paid to collect, index, and analyze such information — designated Jews, Leftists, and government apparatchiks — you are at best targeting 1%-2% of the audience. That’s too bad, but it is this minority you must try to reach. As potential change agents they are probably more important than the 98% anyway.
In 2008, now-political prisoner Julian Assange, the founder of WikiLeaks, wrote: “‘[S]uch is the irresistible nature of truth,’ [Thomas] Paine declared, ‘that all it asks, and all it wants, is the liberty of appearing.’ Thomas Paine, author of Common Sense and The Rights of Man was wrong.” (Julian Assange, “The Hidden Curse of Thomas Paine,” April 29, 2008, explaining that even individual bloggers do not automatically seek out, utilize, or publicize valuable material — never mind the controlled media.)
In an uphill battle you must eliminate as many unnecessary barriers to access as possible. Yet, as noted above, Scribd erects them by making it impossible for the public to print, download, or save ostensibly free documents without registration. Personal data obtained in this fashion is economically and politically valuable to the company, and probably to a larger group as well.
Scribd is a privately-owned, for-profit Web site located in San Francisco and bankrolled by wealthy venture capitalists. The site hosts tens of millions of documents. It was founded in 2007 by its current top executives Trip Adler, Jared Friedman, and Tikhon Bernstam — doubtless all multimillionaires by now. Scribd will likely be sold to a larger firm, probably Jewish, in the future, thereby increasing the wealth of its founders even more.

Though not financially big by Silicon Valley standards, Scribd is in no way comparable to the tiny Web sites and blogs run by Gentiles reaching miniscule audiences that invariably hang by a thread on enemy-controlled platforms. These sites can be erased from the Internet by powerful haters at any time.
Scribd has employees from over twenty countries, 100 million-plus unique visitors per month, and over 700,000 paid subscribers.
I suppose I should also highlight the obvious. Scribd is anti-White.
9.4 post, upload, or distribute any User Comments or other content that is . . . hateful, racially or ethnically offensive, or otherwise inappropriate . . .
How do I flag inappropriate content?
If you run across hate speech, pornographic material, or spam on Scribd, or if someone is harassing you, we want to know about it! None of that is allowed on Scribd and we encourage you to let us know about any violations of this nature by flagging them. We regularly review flagged documents and remove those that violate Scribd’s Terms of Use.
Of course, hate speech and harassment — vicious harassment — are not only allowed, but welcomed and encouraged by every Silicon Valley corporation and tech oligarch without exception. The only requirement is that they be Politically Correct and anti-White.
Hate speech and racism are more prevalent in contemporary Jewish society than they ever were in White ones. The racial, religious, and political speech of Whites in the past looks sickeningly pusillanimous compared to the raw, disgusting anti-White, anti-male, anti-heterosexual, anti-family, anti-freedom, and anti-Christian sewage and ceaseless harassment that vomits from the media of mass communications in an unending torrent every single minute of every day.
Utilize Scribd if it suits your purpose, but consider broadening your reach by making hard-to-obtain material available simultaneously on your own Web site and perhaps a neutral platform as well (if there are any) in printable, downloadable format with no signup, registration, or other artificial barriers that wall off facts while extending the economic and psychological reach of inherently totalitarian, Politically Correct, anti-White platforms like Scribd.
You’ll pick up at least a few additional readers you’re missing now, one or two of whom might actually make a difference.
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Source: Author
I never understood the use of systems like Scribd. Whether it’s finance management, information dissemination or something else, centralization is never a good idea, because it’s goes hand in hand with control. I don’t understand why, unless an organization has tens of thousands of documents to deal with, why they just don’t post PDFs on their own websites. I know I want to be the one in control of my own content. While it’s easy enough for (((them))) to obtain access to our personal information through net activity, why make it any easier for them by using these online centralized information clearing houses? At the same time, it just defeats the user’s purpose when they, in turn, limit or restrict access to the information you’re attempting to distribute to people.… Read more »
Agree with the author and comment by OVER IT. I would go further to suggest we establish our own “dark” network using peer to peer tunneling protocols similar to I2P. Such networks are inherently slow due to built-in security and encryption, but with a lightweight browser such as the excellent Dillo, available on Linux and BSD platforms, speed of acquisition could be adequate, if we code content with simple HTML-4 tags. We don’t need java, .net, or HTML-5 entertainment oriented content–this is war! I would be willing to set-up a test-of-concept server on my own time and expense. I trust that National Vanguard would be willing to link to it.