
Jewish and US Influence: Killing Japan

Shinzo Abe’s strategy is working in the short-term. The businessmen are creating monopolies in their industries and will continue to rake in profits as their people age, die and are replaced. But hopefully soon Abe will be forced to answer the most important question of all: does honor have a price? 

THE MOST recurring story Westerners get about Japan is that their society is old and dying.

The latest polling data shows that 40% of Japanese Millennials are virgins. Every year fewer couples get married and fewer babies are born than the last year. The country’s median age? 46.

This sterility is caused by the Allied imposition of two known race carcinogens: liberal capitalism and feminism.

National Castration 

These two doctrines were foisted upon the once proud nation by General Douglas MacArthur, who brought Jews in his carry-on to help write a new occupation “Constitution.”

The most famous of these Jews was Beate Sirota Gordon, a 22-year-old music teacher who was tasked by MacArthur to write Article 24 on Women’s Rights. In 1946 this law was more extreme on the cultural-leftist front than any piece of comparable American legislation. Other parts influenced by Gordon even included Soviet-style bans on “racism.” (Gordon was a known communist)

In a society where masculine roles as heads of households were carefully harmonized with feminine ones, Article 24 was combined with a propaganda campaign later on that sought to destroy Japanese family formation by guaranteeing women the ability to initiate divorce and abandon the role of homemaker to go work.

During the later period of the Mejii Restoration, women enjoyed many civil liberties and had a national union with a stake in the state, but strong families remained the center of the Japanese ethical-social worldview. Prior to 1945, Japanese law was guided by Confucian principles where closely knit multi-generational families, not individuals, dealt with criminal and civil questions. This led to a healthy country governed by honor rather than profit.

Under this system, women’s social status was tied to how well they raised their children, looked after their husband and respected their elderly parents rather than how much money or consumer products they accumulated. 

Today, 75% of Japanese women are kissless, overworked and barren. They are wasting their youth slaving away exploited inside a corporate Groundhog Day nightmare for nothing.

Japanese social conservatives have identified this trend and the occupation-“Constitution” as the cause of Japan’s natal and family woes.

There have been a number of attempts to revise the Jew Gordon’s feminist law to also include rights for families and respect for the elderly, but this is opposed by powerful globalist and capitalist interests within the Wall Street dependent puppet government.

Like the spitz, conservatives bark loudly during election season but always end up in master’s lap.

Shinzo Abe: Sacrificing Honor for World Finance

Shinzo Abe’s Liberal Democratic Party is a market-oriented, socially conservative, and superficially patriotic party that does not apologize for Japan’s role in WW2. In practice, Abe is a neo-liberal beholden to local capitalists. His first stint as Prime Minister led to his resignation after just one year due to the unpopular decision to send Japanese soldiers to fight in Afghanistan. In 2012 Abe returned to the office of Prime Minister and won some respect for his campaign to revise the Japanese Constitution so that they could re-arm. He has been in power ever since.

Abe’s main issue has been figuring out a way to jump start the sluggish economy with what has come to be known as “Abenomics.” The export-oriented Japanese market has never fully recovered from the end of favorable exchange rates and “trade agreements” with the United States that were effectively subsidies.

After the fall of the USSR, the Clinton administration changed the terms of trade with Japan and growth has slowed ever since. To add insult to injury, the liberal system and nihilistic Western-influenced pop culture has led some very barebones attempts at reviving the birth rate to fail.

What’s truly unique about Japan’s second longest serving Prime Minister is his foreign policy antics. In Asia, it is common knowledge that Jews control international finance and America, and this is used by their intelligence agencies to set diplomatic priorities. Any nation with a stock market has an entry-portal for globalist take-over. China has carefully dipped its toe in this strategy, and Israel is warming to them as America begins to show signs of imperial decline.

Abe appears to be going much further than the Chinese, whose command economy places a check on interlopers. He has even announced an unprecedented mass immigration program to replace native workers and lower their wages that is bound to provoke fury in the populace.

While I was unable in my limited search (I can’t read Japanese) to find direct business or think-tank links between Abe personally and Jewish forces, the Japanese have pragmatically collaborated with world Jewry in the past. 

In 1905, Japan became the first colored nation in history to defeat a European power in the Russo-Japanese war. This was all thanks to international Jews looking to settle a score with the Czar. After making a secret agreement with the Emperor, Jacob Schiff and others whipped the West’s finance-capitalists into floating Japanese war bonds. This provided a sudden influx of funds that doomed the Russian navy. This is not speculation, mainstream historians admit to Schiff’s role in deciding the conflict.

More than 100 years later, Japanese plutocracy seems to be cognizant of their growing irrelevance in the global economy, especially as rivals like China continue to overshadow it.

Abe’s gambit here is to fundamentally transform homogenous and coherent Japan into a multicultural, rabidly pro-Israel hell-hole so that they are given seat at the table once again.

Abe started to really lay it on thick in 2018 during an expedition to Israel, where he swore fealty to the Zionist rogue state even though Japan’s superficial interests would be to trade with Israel’s oil-rich enemies.

Noteworthy during this meeting with Benjamin Netanyahu was the dinner. It is known that in Japanese tradition, shoes are considered dirty (spiritually and practically) and are to be removed when entering a private space. Japanese politicians do not even wear shoes inside their offices.

Knowing this, Netanyahu and his chef decided to mock and offend Abe and Japanese culture by serving him food in a shoe!

Abe took it with a nervous smile and said nothing. A furious diplomat later told an Israeli newspaper that it was the equivalent of serving a Jewish guest pork. His Bushido-bound betters in the 1930s and 40s would’ve stood up and walked out. There is no explanation for this callous act by the scummy Israelis other than it being a malicious test to see how far they can push a Shabbos Goy democrat:

Abe’s trips to Europe as of late tend to revolve around Holocaust-signaling and pretending like the Japanese did not share much of Adolf Hitler’s vision. Abe and his party do not acknowledge any of the accusations leveled against their country’s wartime behavior yet pretend to believe the atrocity propaganda spread about their German allies during the war. 

The Japanese right’s support for Israel, Holocaust theatrics, and their immigration project appear to be impressing the Jacob Schiffs of our today. Abe was recently named Goy of the Year by the American Jewish Committee. Trump just backed off on his promise to place tariffs on Japanese cars, which was the billionaire classes biggest fear (the US is their biggest automobile export market). 

Abe’s strategy is working in the short-term. Businessmen are creating monopolies in their industries and will continue to rake in profits as their people age, die and are replaced.

But hopefully soon Abe will be forced to answer the most important question of all: does honor have a price? 

* * *

Source: Russia Insider

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26 October, 2019 1:11 am

It’s not just their influence that’s killing Japan. See

26 October, 2019 5:42 am

Poor bastards. Once you take the bait, the Israelis waste no time reeling you in. Then they take you off the hook, cut your head off, gut your insides, and eat the rest of you for dinner.
WAKE UP, ABE !! It’s a dream. You CAN wake up !! Be brave, man, BE BRAVE !!!!!!!!!

26 October, 2019 12:31 pm

The Black Republican tradition of occupying enemies with ultra modern Negro armies can be seen in Japan as much as Germany. That phony outfit on the Potomac is a chamber of horrors.

The superior Japanese navy was built by British technology. That advantage gave them victory over Russia.

26 October, 2019 4:09 pm

Protocol 6. of the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion includes:

In a word, to sum up our system of keeping the governments of the goyim in Europe in check, we shall show our strength to one of them by terrorist attempts and to all, if we allow the possibility of a general rising against us, we shall respond with the guns of America or China or Japan.

The implication is that in 1905 the Zionists were already in control of these countries.

26 October, 2019 5:00 pm

Jews are famous for painting themselves in a corner–over-playing their hand. And the Chinese are famous for making junk (they still do) and behaving like immature brats. I witnessed the latter in the Far East oilfields. We had to walk them through everything.

A Jew-Chinese alliance is pure comedy. So the patrician class would be slant eyes and hook noses. Excuse me while I throw up.

Reply to  fodwell
26 October, 2019 7:24 pm

Greetings fodwell.
There have been jewish Chinese since the silk road to the middle east many hundreds of years ago. Research ‘Kaifeng jews’. Today they are difficult to distinguish from Chinese in general, but we can expect that they are in control.

pj dooner
pj dooner
26 October, 2019 7:25 pm

Not only did the jews enable Japan to defeat Russia in 1905, they used the defeat to start a revolution in Russia to try to overthrow the Czar!
Here’s more on Jacob Shiff

28 October, 2019 2:29 pm

How ironic that the Japanese aren’t allowed to have a military but of course they can afford to send some soldiers to fight for the Jews in Afghanistan.

30 October, 2019 6:13 am

Not to deny anything in this article, but if MacArthur tried to change the treatment of women in post-war Japan, he might have had a good reason. Japan in the 1930’s was a feudal society, women and children, especially female children, were many times regarded as property, sold as slaves, and worked like slave labor, or indentured factory employees. In America the term “feudal society” probably means nothing to most people, but if you want to get some feeling for what the term meant, read Freda Utley, I know, Freda Utley, first Communist and then one of the most outspoken Anti-Communists of the WWII era. Read “Japan’s Feet of Clay” and “Japan’s Gamble in China” and many other of her books. Europe did well to escape from Feudalism in the… Read more »

Alex Nguyen
Alex Nguyen
5 October, 2020 3:10 pm

I have a question to ask, now it’s common to see White bashing in the media. However, how come the media also likes to bash anything from Japan from time to time such as Bitcoin, strict foreign policy, AKB48, etc. and the last time I checked Japan is not a White country? I would like to know.

Reply to  Alex Nguyen
5 October, 2020 11:20 pm

If a scale of bashing were ever to be established and the various targets plotted, there would be differences in the amounts each group listed would receive. The Jewish dominated media is a rather hate-spewing enterprise though, is it not? Jews are so critical that as one pundit once put it, even Jesus H. Christ himself couldn’t make the Jews happy.

My opinion is that last part isn’t true; I have no doubt that if planet Earth becomes a lifeless, smouldering, and ruined husk floating in its orbit around Sol, the last Jew will probably die smiling.