
UK: White-Hating Mob Attacks White Teenager, Sever His Hand With Axe; National and World Media Silent

The young victim’s injury, after treatment

INTRODUCTION by Chris Rossetti: Once-great and once-beautiful Britain has been turned into a dystopian prison camp for the remaining Whites, as low-IQ media-programmed and religion-crazed violent invaders act out the hatred for White people inculcated in them by Jewish propaganda — as this local controlled media piece cannot help but make clear.

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A TEENAGE tree surgeon had his hand chopped off with an axe in an ‘appalling’ attack carried out by an armed mob sparked by a road rage row [Note the controlled media’s provision of an “excuse,” though hatred of Whites had to be mentioned later in the piece. — Ed] in Rochdale, a court heard.

The victim, then aged just 18, was one of four workmates set upon on Church Road, Newbold, on the afternoon of October 17, 2017 by a gang of up to 20 men.

They had been summoned by Habibur Rahman, 27, who called the victims ‘white b******s’ who were in his ‘country’, Minshull Street Crown Court heard.

One of the mob, Mohammed Awais Sajid, known as ‘Skinny’, came armed with an axe.

Others were carrying knives, machetes, a clawhammer and a knuckleduster.

Sajid wielded the axe twice in quick succession, the court heard, first slashing the victim in the chest, shattering ribs and causing a collapsed lung.

Describing the second blow, Tim Storrie, prosecuting, said: “He followed up with a 360 degree spin of his arm, an act which was doubtless employed to enhance the speed and devastation of the attack.

“The blow itself was aimed at the victim’s head.

“He [the victim] was dimly aware at this stage of the weeping of blood down into his waistband.

“He was turning his body, attempting to leave the scene.

“Through good fortune, he said he realised the axe was above him aiming for his head.

“He put his arm up to defend himself and the blade essentially severed his arm at the wrist.”

The victim, whom the Manchester Evening News is choosing not to name, staggered away and was airlifted to hospital where he underwent life-saving emergency surgery.

An air ambulance had to be brought to the scene.

His hand was partially reattached although the victim has required a further five surgeries in the two years since the attack.

He will only ever recover 60 per cent. use of his arm and remains physically and mentally scarred by the events, the court heard.

Sajid, of Kings Road, Rochdale, was jailed for 18 years after being found guilty of section 18 wounding.

He was acquitted of attempted murder in an earlier trial.

There were shouts of ‘f***ing injustice! and ‘police set up’ from a man in the public gallery as he was led down to the cells, while a woman fled the court in sobs of tears.

Rahman, the instigator of the shocking street violence of Milnrow Road, Rochdale, was also found guilty of an assault charge after the court heard he used a knuckleduster to punch one of the other tree surgeons in the face, breaking his nose.

He was jailed for four-and-a-half years.

His brother Zillur Rahman, 29, was jailed for three years for conspiracy to commit violent disorder after he admitted making phone calls to summon the gang.

Two of the 20 attackers, and a small part of their handiwork

Arsan Ali, 23, was among those he called and who attended the scene.

He was jailed for four years after being found guilty of conspiracy to commit violent disorder.

Judge John Potter said the horrific events began at around 4pm when Habibur Rahman manager of his family’s restaurant the Baytree in Blackley, ‘took offence’ at the driving of an elderly woman on Church Road.

“You shouted abuse at her and two tree surgeons passing by intervened.

“A scuffle took place between Habibur Rahman and one of the tree surgeons.”

Rahman then made it clear that he had been ‘disrespected’ on his ‘territory’ and decided to enact ‘swift retribution’, the judge said.

The tree surgeons were tracked to the property they were working on nearby and were quickly confronted by Rahman and a mob that rapidly grew in number.

“Habibur Rahman’s first action was to prevent the men from leaving,” said prosecutor Mr Storrie.

“As the workforce attempted to pack up their tools to leave the scene, he drove his car, a Vauxhall Zafira across the entry.

“The workmen found they were trapped and could not leave.

“The street where they had been working had become a battleground.

“And Habibur Rahman and his crew of supporters were beyond any kind of rational discussion.”

Speaking from his car, Rahman made chilling threats, saying: “I am not going to let them leave.

“They’re going to get what they deserve. They’re going to get stabbed.”

In interview, Rahman claimed he was subjected to racist threats from the four tree surgeons.

But sentencing, Judge Potter said this was a ‘pack of lies’.

He said: “The fact that a mob could be mobilised so quickly and so heavily-armed is clear evidence in my judgement that you are each associated with gang activity.”

Judge Potter described the violence as Rahman’s gang as ‘asserting control’ over the neighbourhood of Newbold.

Sajid arrived at the scene just as the violence began.

Mr Storrie said he launched a ‘devastating attack’ on the youngest of the tree surgeon crew that was ‘to shape irreversibly the events of the afternoon.’

“Sajid arrived by car, halting to get out and stride towards the confrontation; he had secreted his weapon down the waistband of his trousers; he removed it and, without the slightest hesitation or inquiry, in his first blow, he struck out at the chest wall of [the victim],” said Mr Storrie.

He followed up with the ‘360 degree swing’ which virtually severed the victim’s hand.

Judge Potter said the young man had been acting as ‘peacemaker’ and was ‘completely defenceless’ when he was subjected to the ‘savage and brutal act’.

“You committed an appalling act of violence,” Judge Potter told Sajid, ” and took concerted efforts to conceal what you had done.”

The court heard the terrifying attack only came to an end when one of the tree surgeons picked up a chainsaw and revved it in an effort to scare them away.

Another victim fled to a nearby care home and managed to call emergency services.

Police in Rochdale launched a major investigation into the disorder under the codename Operation Beehive.

Habibur Rahman and Sajid were among twelve arrested in dawn raids in January last year. Nine others were later released without charge.

Judge Potter said none of the group had showed ‘a shred of remorse’ throughout proceedings, refusing to give evidence during two trials.

He said the events of October 17, 2017, have had a ‘profound effect’ on the four tree surgeons, adding: “Each struggles with the memory of the scenes of violence they were subjected to.”

Police have not release a picture of Mohammed Awais Sajid.

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THE PRIMAL forces of race, war, and territoriality cannot be changed by foolish “humanitarian” dreams of multiculturalism and peace or neoliberal fantasies about “economic abundance for all.” Whites were suicidally foolish to allow vicious and profoundly alien outsiders into their nations, starting with the Jews who have propagandized and intimidated us into opening our borders. — C.R.

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Source: Manchester Evening News and National Vanguard correspondents

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25 October, 2019 1:36 pm

We need to stop focusing on the escaped animals that are mauling people in the streets. Our focus should be on the zookeepers.

Reply to  cuckedbaseman
25 October, 2019 4:16 pm

Yes cuckedbaseman! Those who let a fox into a hen-house are responsible for the results, not the fox.

31 October, 2019 11:14 am

The judge was brave. Who on the jury refused the attempted murder charge? I notice no hate crime enhancement sentencing.

Mortal Goyal
Mortal Goyal
16 August, 2020 2:42 pm

No hate crime charge….because
