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Devil’s Advocate: Nuking Japan
IN THE SECOND EPISODE of his new radio show, National Socialist researcher and writer Hadding Scott provides insights on the background to World War 2, war propaganda and the unreason it creates, and the American decision to drop atomic weapons on Japan. * * * by Hadding Scott WELCOME TO The Devil’s Advocate…

Who Created the Japanese?
Indo-European migrations led to present-day linguistic and other influences. by Revilo P. Oliver AS EVERYONE knows, the Japanese are a Mongoloid (Mongolian) nation who differ markedly from others of that race in culture and mentality, and, to some extent, even physically. In The Yellow Peril, I…

When the Twain Do Meet
Amelia Earhart by Revilo P. Oliver ON THE first of July, 1937, Amelia Earhart (Mrs. George P. Putnam), a celebrated aviatrix, the first woman to fly across the Atlantic and also the first woman to traverse that ocean in a solo flight like Lindbergh’s, seemed likely to become the first woman to circumnavigate…

Vous L’avez Voulu, George Dandin
by Revilo P. Oliver THE protagonist of Moliere’s comedy never blames others for the misery of his life since he married the girl whom he courted. He constantly reminds himself, “this is what you wanted, George; you have only yourself to blame.” He was an Aryan, though perhaps more…

Jewish and US Influence: Killing Japan
Shinzo Abe’s strategy is working in the short-term. The businessmen are creating monopolies in their industries and will continue to rake in profits as their people age, die and are replaced. But hopefully soon Abe will be forced to answer the most important question of all: does honor have …

American Evil: An Interview With Thomas Goodrich, part 1
American Dissident Voices broadcast of 9 March, 2019 by Kevin Alfred Strom ON TODAY’S program, we begin an interview that many will find shocking, the facts revealed in it hard to accept. But we Americans have been tricked, used,…

Japan: Schools Now Allowed to Use Mein Kampf as Teaching Material
Japanese nationalist “Imperial Rescript on Education” now allowed to be used also — under terms that neither will be used to “promote racial hatred.”
THE JAPANESE schooling system has okayed using Mein Kampf, Hitler’s autobiography and National Socialist manifesto,…

The Ultimate Secret of Pearl Harbor
by Revilo P. Oliver PERHAPS THE most exhilarating message ever read by American Military Intelligence was one sent by the Japanese government to their Ambassador in Berlin (as I recall), urging him not to hesitate to communicate certain information by telegrams and assuring him that “no human…

The Japanese Again
by Revilo P. Oliver THE Bulletin of the Committee to Restore the Constitution for May 1989 reprints an article from the newsletter of Hilaire du Berrier, which has the subtitle, “America in [the] Grip of New Japanese Co-Prosperity Sphere.” M. du Berrier, who was in 1941 (and may still be)…

The Ethnostate: A Dispatch from the Sun’s Source
LAST WEEK, I had a long conversation with a couple of Japanese acquaintances that actually culminated with the following “warning” from me: “Don’t change your [Japanese] immigration policies, and don’t let Jews into your country.” The strange thing is,…