Mexican Invader Rapes and Murders a White Woman
THE BIGGEST EXISTENTIAL threat facing humanity is the lack of people. Eight billion mostly worthless bipeds isn’t nearly enough and this problem is even worse in White nations. We must open our borders to save ourselves from the shrinking population brought about by Jew feminism, empty hedonism, the sodomite agenda and careerist materialism. The actual quality of the replacements we bring in doesn’t matter, we just need numbers, that’s what makes a country strong. If you have a problem with this, you’re a “racist.” If you care that a White woman was brutally raped and murdered by an Aztec savage then you obviously haven’t seen the half-a-percent increase in muh GDP.
A man charged in the murder of a woman in her northwest suburban Schaumburg apartment voluntarily agreed to be extradited to Illinois after being arrested in Jacksonville, Fla., Wednesday night.
More crime committed by “men.” Let’s obfuscate as best we can and get this into the memory hole. Hey, isn’t there Africa Ball featuring the amazing jumping monsters on your talmudvision? Here, drink alcohol. Have you considered becoming addicted to opiates and committing suicide? You can trust me, I’m a Jew.
Bulmaro Mejia-Maya, 29, was in court Thursday afternoon. It’s not clear when he will arrive in Cook County. In the meantime, he is being held without bond.
It’s not clear what in the blue hell this foreign invader was doing in the United States. They’re not sending us their best, to say the least.
Officers found Tiffany Thrasher, 33, dead in her apartment in the 2600-block of Clipper Drive last Sunday, around noon. She had been strangled and sexually assaulted, police said.
This horrific crime was enabled by the Jew nation-wrecker and the useful idiots they control in our government. Everyone who promoted an open border and enemygrant invasion has blood-soaked hands. Remember that when they’re wailing about “doing the right thing.” A beautiful White woman is dead, her last moments within the mortal prison filled with unbelievable horror. It all could have been prevented. We were cowards. They’re just here to pick some lettuce, what difference does it make? A lot of them will vote cuckservative, I bet. This “Latino” piece of excrement choked his blonde victim to death while raping her. Here for a better life.
Mejia lived in her building. Police said he entered her home through a window sometime between late Saturday night and early Sunday morning.
Just like how this piece of human waste slipped across a undefended border.
Mejia-Maya was charged with first-degree murder, aggravated criminal sexual assault and home invasion.
Natural conservatives, hard working and honest, bringing valuable “diversity” and tasty food.
“He has made incriminating statements,” Metzger said.
70-IQ Mexican peasant makes the job easy for 90-IQ police. Now for the “racist” justice system to try to punish this sawed-off animal. It should be slowly tortured to death over a period of several weeks, but instead it will get cable teevee and a warm bed, surrounded by its fellow racial inferiors.
Mejia-Maya’s criminal history includes an outstanding warrant in Utah after failing to appear in court on drug charges. In 2013, he pleaded guilty in Florida to battery.
I wonder if this worthless trash voted for Jeb Bush. We either have a country or we don’t. Maybe this should take priority over provoking North Korea and bombing Syrian airstrips.
Court records confirm that Mejia is a Mexican citizen. U.S Immigration and Customs Enforcement’s (ICE) Enforcement and Removal Operations filed a detainer on Mejia after his arrest, according to ICE’s public affairs officer. His immigration status is currently unclear.
Here illegally. A rapist and a murderer. We stuck our head in the sand. Mutual consent is not required for war.
“It was a sign of relief. But it shocked me when I find it was an immediate neighbor,” said Abbas Hyde, neighbor.
Could the last White person left please turn off the lights on your way out?
Thrasher was supposed to sing in the choir at Living Hope Church in nearby Elk Grove on Easter Sunday. She was reported missing when she did not show.
I’m trying to type through a pulsing red haze of righteous anger. It’s not easy.
Neighbors said they would see Mejia sitting on the back of his truck in the parking lot drinking after work with friends. His unit sits just about 50 feet away from the unit where Thrasher lived.
The rich and vibrant Chicano culture.
“They’d just sit out there and stare around. They were just creepy looking. They would look at my daughter creepy. Finally I wouldn’t let her go with me to the garbage can,” Joseph Person, a neighbor said.
Our high-trust “multicultural” society. So many untold benefits of national suicide, please ignore the lifeless defiled body being lowered into the cold and uncaring ground.
Mejia’s name was apparently not listed on the apartment the lease. Police said he lived there for about six months. His arrest has many neighbors relieved.
No human being is illegal.
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Source: Modern Heretic
Government loves illegal aliens of many countries, mainly Mexico. It seems also many Congressmen love Mexicans for some unknown reason ($$$$?) and that is why they want USA to be flooded with them. 90% of Jews also want more Mexicans, Africans and people from Middle East in USA. This will cause a war, since enemies of USA want to take over half of USA territory.