“Transgendered” Jewish “Man” Gives Birth
Thanks exclusively to Jewish influence and propaganda, this is how insane our society has become
WHEN Rafi Daugherty of Denver went to the hospital for the birth of his first child, he posted a sign on the delivery room door.
“I am a single transgender man having my first baby,” it read. “I use he/him/his pronouns and will be called ‘Abba’ (Hebrew for father) by the baby. Papa, Dad, Daddy, Father…are also ok.”
Rafi, 33, wanted hospital staff to be prepared for what they were about to see: a man laboring in bed.
“I didn’t want them to assume that I identified as female because I was having a baby,” he said.
After eight hours of labor, Rafi was holding his 7-pound, 10-ounce daughter: Ettie Rose, named, in the Jewish tradition, for Rafi’s maternal grandmother and great-grandmother.
Since bringing Ettie home from the hospital, Rafi’s days have been filled with frequent feedings — unable to nurse, he gives his daughter donor breast milk — and diaper changes and stroller walks around his Denver neighborhood. […]
… transgender rights and inclusion are increasingly a part of public — and Jewish — discourse. That’s due in part to the recent transition of the Olympic gold medalist and reality TV star Caitlyn Jenner, formerly known as Bruce, and the prominence of transgender characters on hit series such as “Transparent,” where the protagonist is a Jewish transwoman, and “Orange Is the New Black.”
In November, the Union for Reform Judaism issued a resolution affirming its commitment to the full equality of transgender and gender non-conforming people. The flagship Reform, Conservative and Reconstructionist seminaries welcome transgender students, and the Reform movement’s Hebrew Union College–Jewish Institute of Religion and the Reconstructionist Rabbinical College have ordained transgender rabbis.
Rafi, who grew up Orthodox, said he’s been warmly welcomed by Colorado’s progressive Jewish community. One independent minyan organized a postpartum meal train for Rafi, and a large Conservative synagogue hosted Ettie’s simchat bat, a Jewish welcoming ceremony. […]
Rafi became pregnant by artificial insemination. The sperm donor is a friend whom Rafi described as “a tall, dark and handsome gay man, who is half South Asian” and half white.
“He’s expressed gratitude to be part of this journey for us,” Rafi added, “and not have to deal with the diapers and the crying.” […]
Just when you thought society could not get any more debauched and degenerate, we have this story.
It should be noted that the organized Jewish community has and remains at the forefront of the promotion and normalization of transgenderism. The article above, published by The Times of Israel, notes how “Caitlyn Jenner” has been instrumental in promoting this disgusting, unnatural agenda. Unsurprisingly, the entire “Caitlyn Jenner” media spectacle was promoted almost entirely by radical Jewish journalists and, of course, the Jewish mainstream mass media, including ESPN.
The article excerpted above also describes how the Jewish owned and controlled mass media has promoted and normalized transgenderism through television programs such as “Transparent” and “Orange Is the New Black,” programs which are heavily influenced by Jews.
It should be clear to everyone at this point that the Jews and their traitorous enablers have systematically subverted and destroyed traditional American culture, and have transformed it into a debauched, disgusting Marxist “paradise”.
Transgenderism and other abnormal, degenerate behaviors, including homosexuality, miscegenation, and licentiousness lifestyles (all championed and promoted by the organized Jewish community), are no longer viewed as an unhealthy, unnatural, bizarre rebellion against nature. They are viewed as just another lifestyle choice, as legitimate as any other — perhaps even more so.
This is “progress” in the eye of the Jew and his supporters.
The nation wrecking Jews and their cultural Marxist allies largely running the Western world insist society must accept and glorify confused, deranged transgendered individuals. If we do not accept this bizarre, unnatural phenomenon, we are considered “bigots” and “haters” — “closed-minded,” “backwards,” and “intolerant” — by the mass media and politically correct society.
It’s incredible how far we have fallen as a nation.
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Source: The Realist Report
That sh** is insane! Poor kid, it’ll grow messed up. “My daddy is my mommy”. WTF?