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American Library Association Teaches How to Sneak “Drag Queen” Events Past Parents
The drag queen who was allowed to have children lie on top of him at Multnomah County Library, Portland, Oregon, October 6, 2018. Healthy Whites need our own institutions, free from Jewish influence and subversion, and led by incorruptible race-thinkers. The National Alliance’s William Luther…

More Degeneracy for Children
WE’RE IN A WAR of words and ideas with our Jewish enemy, but it is also a spiritual battle. A debased White drifting in a poisonous fog of kosher pornography, booze, pills, materialism and aimless hedonism represents no threat to the nation-wrecker, no matter how “red pilled” they…

Perfect: Watch This Swedish Reporter Systemically Destroy Transgenderism
Hanna Lindholm visits Södertörn University in order to get the students’ views on “gender identity” FIRST THEY all agree with her, because feelings. Seriously, one of them even actually said “feelings.” If only I’d tried that with all of my past teachers who dared correct a wrong…

NC: Charlotte Ordinance Prohibits Separate Bathrooms and Showers for Men and Women
All men now have a “legal right” to access women’s facilities, and vice versa. As the “equality” insanity peaks, we need to reassert the truth that the sexes and races are different, and that therefore we must recognize those differences in our social policies — or …

UK: Teen Students Told They Can “Choose” any of 25 “Gender Options”
Purposeful perversion of young people’s sexual identity is a part of the Jewish program of White genocide
THE UNITED KINGDOM is giving school children a diverse array of 25 options when it comes to identifying themselves on a government-sponsored gender survey, which includes “tri-gender,”…

“Transgendered” Jewish “Man” Gives Birth
Thanks exclusively to Jewish influence and propaganda, this is how insane our society has become WHEN Rafi Daugherty of Denver went to the hospital for the birth of his first child, he posted a sign on the delivery room door. “I am a single transgender man having my first baby,” it read. “I use he/him/his…

Brown University: Huge Controversy Over Column Stating That Races Vary in Lactose Tolerance
Insane equalitarians enraged at suggestion that races are even slightly biologically different FROM the Providence Journal:
University leaders ask for wide discussion of ‘deeply offensive’ opinions in Brown Daily Herald By Gregory Smith Journal Staff Writer Posted Oct. 12, 2015 at 5:04 PM A trio…

Brain Sex: The Real Difference Between Men & Women
reviewed by Dr. William L. Pierce “TO MAINTAIN that [men and women] are the same in aptitude, skill, or behavior is to build a society based on a biological and scientific lie.” (Moir & Jessel) Does the opposite sex mystify you? Do you wonder why he is so uncommunicative? Are you amazed…

Airline Now Offering Homosexual-Only Discounts
ALASKA AIRLINES is now offering discounts to those traveling to so-called “pride celebrations,” and “gay” themed events around the nation.
The airline issued the following statement on the recently added LGBT section of their Web site:
We were elated when the State of Washington expressed…

The Insanity Continues: Target Removes Gender Labels From Kids’ Sections After Complaints
Actually, even the word “gender” (which properly refers only to language) being used in place of the more appropriate word “sex” was itself an early symptom of the anti-sexual insanity now being forced on us by Jews intent on disrupting our normal reproductive behavior.…