Posts Tagged
The Holocaust
What Does Alfred Rosenberg’s Diary Say About the Holocaust?
Alfred Rosenberg by Hadding Scott ALFRED ROSENBERG’S diary, spanning Spring 1936 to Winter 1944, disappeared after the war (stolen by Jewish prosecutor Robert Kempner) but was rediscovered in 2013. The diary, touted by Henry Mayer of the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum as “the…
Israeli Historian Discovers ‘6 Million’ Holocaust Figure Was Invented at Zionist Conference In 1944
Adolf Eichmann BOSTON UNIVERSITY’S director of the Elie Wiesel archive, Bar-Ilan University’s Institute of Holocaust Research historian Joel Rappel has discovered the origin of the infamous “6,000,000” number: a 1944 meeting of Zionist pioneering organizations in…
Auschwitz: More Lies
Soviet propaganda faked scenes at Auschwitz in imitation of Anglo-American camp-liberation propaganda by Hadding Scott DURING THE Good Morning Britain of 27 January 2020 Auschwitz survivor Eva Schloss said this: “And something I wanted to point out to you. You know, there are many pictures about…
Yad Vashem Hosts a Conference on “The Shoah and Jewish Identity”
“Bible story” illustration of the Jews being whipped by their Egyptian owners: This never happened. Holocaust-consciousness is now essential to being Jewish by Hadding Scott IN 2016 Yad Vashem’s International School for Holocaust Studies hosted a conference, attended by…
Scandinavia: Nordic Resistance Movement Celebrates “Holocaust Memorial Day”
TO COMMEMORATE “International Holocaust Day” on January 27th, Nordic Resistance Movement activists spread holocaust awareness material across the Nordic countries. Sweden Swedish activists spread informational posters, stickers and signs about the “holocaust” and also held banner actions.…
They’re Even Admitting that the Slander of Dr. Mengele Was a Pack of Lies — the Last Days of the ‘Holocaust’ Myth
Well, well, It turns out he wasn’t a bad guy after all. Dr. Mengele, center, assassinated by Mossad in Brazil in 1979, age 67, for no reason at all. HOLOCAUST REVISIONISM is perhaps the most institutionally reviled, criminally punished and socially persecuted field of research in modern Western…
The Jewish Oligarch Behind the “World Holocaust Forum”
Viatcheslav Moshe Kantor IN AN astounding gathering, at least 45 presidents, kings, premiers, and world leaders have gathered in Israel to pay obeisance to the Jewish State and “fight antisemitism.” Israel’s Ha’aretz newspaper calls it “an airlift of presidents, prime ministers and royalty from…
World Figureheads Gather in Jerusalem to Pay Obeisance to the Parasite
Russian President Vladimir Putin delivering a speech during the dedication of a monument honoring the veterans and victims of the siege of Leningrad in Gan Sacherin Jerusalem. ahead of the Fifth World Holocaust Forum in Jerusalem, Israel, 23 January 2020. INTRODUCTION by Rosemary W. Pennington:…
Facts Don’t Care About Ben Shapiro’s Holocaust
by Hadding Scott THIS REDACTED CLIP from the Radical Agenda show of 2 December 2019 contains foul language and adult references. At Stanford University on 7 November 2019 Ben Shapiro quoted a document from the Communist legal system of post-war Poland, to the effect that 2,500 corpses per day were…
America First vs. Holocaustian Mind-Control
Nick Fuentes and the Groypers defy moral intimidation. by Hadding Scott Nick Fuentes and the Groypers vs. Fake Conservatism NICHOLAS J. FUENTES is a 21-year-old man from the Chicago area who has a show on Youtube called America First. In the course of 2019 Fuentes began making an issue of the fact that…