
Israeli Historian Discovers ‘6 Million’ Holocaust Figure Was Invented at Zionist Conference In 1944

Adolf Eichmann

BOSTON UNIVERSITY’S director of the Elie Wiesel archive, Bar-Ilan University’s Institute of Holocaust Research historian Joel Rappel has discovered the origin of the infamous “6,000,000” number: a 1944 meeting of Zionist pioneering organizations in what is now known as the state of Israel. 

For years, supporters of the Holocaust narrative have held that the number first appeared at the Nuremberg trials using highly discredited testimony by Auschwitz commandant Rudolf Hoss. The 6,000,000 figure was again repeated by Adolf Eichmann, who was kidnapped by the Mossad and forced to participate in an internationally televised 1962 show trial in Israel.

According to documents in the Central Zionist Archive, the first mention of the 6 million claim was at a meeting of high ranking Zionist political figures in Palestine on January 19th, 1944 — more than a year before the war in Europe ended and a census could be taken, and a year before the Red Army entered Auschwitz. 

Rappel names Eliezer Unger, a Polish-Jew who helped lead the Hashomer Hadati religious Zionist youth organization, as the major figure in developing the count of Jews supposedly “killed by the Nazis.” Unger claimed to have escaped from his Polish ghetto through Eastern Europe. After arriving in Palestine, he stated his intention “to shock the entire world, all of humanity and our brothers the Children of Israel in particular.” Unger had no evidence for what he was saying, but he did not believe Rabbi Stephen Wise’s assertions in the international media in 1943 of 2 million Jews being killed was making enough of an impact. 

After Unger met with the Jewish groups and got them all on the same page, Haaretz published a small article a few days later that for the first time put the 6 million figure on the record, preceding German military leaders tortured into making confessions after the war. It doesn’t appear that Unger mentioned anything about homicidal gas chambers.

The Haaretz article ends the revelation by quoting Eichmann’s chief prosecutor Gideon Hausner, who on the 6 million number stated: “In the consciousness of the nation the number 6 million has become sanctified. It’s not so simple to prove that. We did not use this number in any official document, but it became sanctified.” In other words, it’s a lie.

After decades of killing, imprisoning, firebombing and bankrupting Holocaust revisionists, it seems that the Jewish community is now being forced to recalibrate their narrative and give more and more ground. That they are now beginning to concede that the “6 million” is nothing more than Zionist propaganda is a major blow to the myth.

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Source: National Justice

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Art Thief
Art Thief
1 May, 2020 9:39 am

I seem to recall reading that the number 6,000,000 held special Talmudic significance. I will need to see if I can find it again.

John M
John M
Reply to  Art Thief
1 May, 2020 5:18 pm

You are correct, Art Thief. In M.S. King’s fine book “Planet Rothschild,” there are photocopied news clippings from the New York Times of March 25, 1906 (under the heading “Dr. Paul Nathan’s View of Russian Massacre”), the same paper of December 2, 1914 (under the heading “Appeal for Aid for Jews,” mentioning their supposed plight in the war zone), both of which trumpet that magic number, and another reproduction of December 2o, 1931 in an unspecified Montreal newspaper, headed “Six Million Jews Face Starvation,” (and under that, “Bad Conditions in Southeastern Europe Reported by Rabbi Wise”) which speaks for itself. There definitely is something about that number that plays on the emotions of the goyim.

Reply to  John M
2 May, 2020 10:34 pm

We have been told the ‘six million’ lie about six million times during our lives – we tend to remember the number. Each time it is used it is a defamation against the Germans. Every German should be compensated by the jews.

Jay Johnson
Jay Johnson
Reply to  John M
5 May, 2020 4:51 pm

A closer look at Orwell’s 1984, will find that Orwell was warning us of the Jews. Note the name he chose for the “Inner Party” defector and the membership number for same:

“Below Big Brother comes the Inner Party, its numbers limited to six millions, or something less than two per cent of the population of Oceania.” –1984, Orwell

Orwell was a sly one.

Reply to  Art Thief
2 May, 2020 8:28 am

Six Million Open Gates

By S.A.R. Lynch

2 May, 2020 10:31 pm

They have a law in Germany, sec130, against defaming the dead. It certainly would apply to all who spread the ‘six million’ lie including Netanyahu who used the figure in a speech about two years ago. Even the two million figure is an outrageous exaggeration. The team of rabbis who pretended to read out the names of the six million on Israeli radio a few years ago should be prosecuted for promoting the falsehood that led to the deaths and horrendous suffering for millions of innocent Germans. Our media and political liars are equally complicit. Apologise to the goys then go to Israel or the North Pole where you belong.

Reply to  Truthweed
3 May, 2020 10:51 am

Law is for the mortal. Not for jews. All law is used to dispossess life and property from others to the jew. They , as god define all law.

Reply to  Paul
4 May, 2020 6:02 pm

Yes Paul, but we can describe our own people as liars if they spread jewish lies.

Reply to  Truthweed
5 May, 2020 9:01 am

True, sine qua non of all their lies are the good , righteous people , who desire to believe them , and so were we all once. Not so?

Reply to  Paul
6 May, 2020 5:42 pm

Yes Paul, before we attained enlightenment. Danke!

Mortal Goyal
Mortal Goyal
Reply to  Paul
8 May, 2020 3:57 pm

Spot the Hell on.

3 May, 2020 2:56 pm

Indeed, this may be the origin of how it relates to Holocaust Jews. But the six-million figure dates back to the late 1800s!

Jay Johnson
Jay Johnson
5 May, 2020 4:40 pm

Call a few cremating funeral homes. Ask them what they must do with the bones of the cremated. You will find that bones do not burn (neither do bodies, they slowly boil away). After cremation the bones of the deceased must be ground to powder. The “ashes” in an urn are nearly all this ground up bone. This is a fact even with today’s modern high-temp ovens; Would have been more so with the technology and limited wartime methods employed in the 40s. Now, find one Holohoax story that discusses witnessing the necessary massive bone grinding operation. Witnessed scores of prisoners working to grind up and dispose of the bones of the hundreds an hour supposedly cremated. There aren’t any. As Wiesel stated in reference to his being found out… Read more »

5 May, 2020 6:41 pm

The original Haaretz article title states that the Nazis boasted about the six million. By ‘boasted’ they mean that the boasters signed confessions after, like Hoess, they were severely beaten, whipped, forced to drink large quantities of alcohol and the prodded by jewish British sergeants with a axe handle to keep them awake for several days, until they signed their statements in English without understanding English. That is what Haaretz’s author describes as boasting. Or perhaps they mean boasting includes confessing after being hooded whilst a excrescence routinely beats you in the face with brass knuckles or threatens your family. Is that what they mean?

6 May, 2020 6:03 pm

Wow, great info! I always wondered where the number initially came from in regard to the holohoax, though I know it is a sort of “sacred number” to Jews.

ulysses freire da paz jr
ulysses freire da paz jr
8 May, 2020 5:26 pm

Die Annahme einer Dialektik ist die moralische Ehrlichkeit der Teilnehmer, das heißt, dass jeder nach der Wahrheit sucht. Die Welt ist geistig, moralisch, wirtschaftlich, sozial und ökologisch entartet, weil sie sich von den kommunistischen Medien davon überreden ließ, dass das Land der Dichter und Denker auf magische Weise zur Nation der Henker geworden war Heute zum 08.Mai….„Der Jahrhunderkrieg 1939 – 1945 Ursachen – Kriegsschuld – Folgen Ein kritischer Bericht“ Die vorliegende Schrift stellt nicht nur ein besonders kennzeichnendes Dokument der deutschen Nachkriegsgeschichte dar, sondern hat auch selbst Geschichte, Nachkriegsgeschichte gemacht, und zwar in den Vereinigten Staaten. Der Verfasser, Dr. Ludwig A. Fritsch, ist amerikanischer Geistlicher deutscher Abstammung, der damals in Chicago wirkte. Die englische Originalausgabe seiner Schrift wurde in den Jahren 1948 und 1949 in 50000… Read more »

Reply to  ulysses freire da paz jr
9 May, 2020 10:45 am

War Ludwig Fritsch Pfarrer ? Scheint mir fast unglaubbar dass, eine solche ueberreichte Guttuung den besetzten Deutschen zu genehmigen . Besonders als Truman( verdaechtiger Jude), die von ihm nah geplatzten Juden wie Baruch und Niles wie nicht weniger, die Beutegier , Louis Nizer und H. Morganthau des Rates und Entscheidung Trumanns beherrschten . Doch war im Gegenteil der heilsame Forrestal bzw Trumann Plan , dem endlich sein Mort anzufuehren ist. Denn wissen SIe , was dem Herrn Doktor Fritsch endlich geworden ist. ? Auch wurde daran geweist , dass die Sache um des Gewissen Trumans wirkte , was ich nie annehmen kann . Und Sie ?

ulysses freire da paz jr
ulysses freire da paz jr
Reply to  Paul
11 May, 2020 1:05 pm

Der verscchleierte Bolschewik wird immer an einer „humanitären“ Bewegung verbunden sein und sich dem Opfer nahe stellen, um Anhängern zu sammeln und gleichzeitig seine Putschvoreingenommenheit zu tarnen.
Wenn er sie nicht vernichtet, verstümmelt er sie

comment image

“Ich habe in die Hölle geschaut. Die Juden haben die Kontrolle.” (Sir Percival Phillips)

21 May, 2020 6:44 pm

Rabbi Wise, what a mensch! Not only did he lead the charge by inventing wildly exaggerated (10 times actual) numbers of jewish deaths in order to defame the Germans, he had another claim to fame. He attempted unsuccessfully to prevent food parcels being sent to Warsaw because this would aid the enemy (implying that the Narzies would steal them.) Instead, those scrupulously ethical evil Narzies delivered the parcels to their intended recipients, and later they allowed the International Red Cross to deliver more than 900,000 food parcels into their camps. Compare and contrast with the zero food parcels allowed into Eisenhower’s death camps. German women who attempted to smuggle food into Eisenhower’s death camps risked being shot by the guards, some of whom randomly shot German women in allied camps… Read more »

10 June, 2020 7:08 pm

I propose an INTERNATIONAL UNGER AWARD dedicated to acknowledge the inventors of the most significant lies. Eliezer Unger must be the first recipient as the inventor of the WW2 ‘six million’ lie that continued the anti-German genocide.

Reply to  Truthweed
15 June, 2020 5:54 pm

Of course Wiesenthal should be nominated. Wiesenthal invented the ‘electrocution by electric grid’ lie and invented the ‘five million goys holocausted’ lie.

11 June, 2020 1:09 pm

I wish it HAD been 6 million !!

C.E. Whiteoak
C.E. Whiteoak
Reply to  Jack
11 June, 2020 3:30 pm

And I wish it had been 18 million. Springtime for the White race!

5 December, 2020 11:45 pm

If we dig a little deeper into the Talmud and more specifically at the term “Holocaust” (burnt offering), a.k.a. Shoah…., we subtly discover that it specifically forbids cremation. The sin of the German military was that Jewish corpses were cremated instead of buried. I sense that this is the ax that these fundamentalist lunatics have been grinding against the German people for more than three generations.

tony bonn
tony bonn
10 April, 2021 10:10 pm

The 6 million number actually goes back to the 19th C. The Jews tried the 6 million lie at the end of World War 1, and had used it during the 19th C in Russia. It is a tired, typically, jewish lie which they will never concede because they have to cover up the fact that the Soviet jews butchered 60 million Russians over the life of that fetid, putrid, satanic regime.