Posts Tagged
Sephardic Jews

The Bill Comes Due
Proposed “Homeland Security” boss Alejandro Mayorkas: not Cuban, not Spanish, not Romanian, not American, not White. by Douglas Mercer THIS IS why you don’t let alien races into your country. This is why you don’t let aliens into your country; this is why you never let them in, under any…

Jews are Certifying Latinos as Jewish to Gain Spanish Citizenship
YEARS AGO I warned of the folly of the Spanish law that grants citizenship to those “descended” from the Jews expelled by Ferdinand and Isabella in 1492. Particularly sinister was the fact that Jews would be able to certify who was “Jewish” for the purpose of gaining this citizenship. This was something…

Jewish Pecking Order
ZIONIST ORGANIZATIONS are the main peddlers of the notion that there is an integrated monolith out there called “Jewry,” aching to return to the tribal warren in Israel. There is no such thing. There is, however, a very ugly social scene in the Promised Land which is churning up a confrontation…

Another Jewish Problem
by Revilo P. Oliver I HAVE RECEIVED a remarkable booklet of forty-five pages, reproduced from typewritten copy, and published by the Noontide Press in Torrance, California. The Life of an American Jew in Racist, Marxist Israel is an account of the experiences of Jack Bernstein in an English text written…

With Anti-Semitism Rampant, Jews Should Rethink Spanish Citizenship
by M. Gokun Silver (pictured) MY DAUGHTER’S Spanish classmates are well-versed in the anti-Semitic classics: They glorify fascism, tell her to ‘go to the gas chambers’ and believe all Jews are damned. On October 1 the law that offers Spanish citizenship to the descendants of the…

Rethinking the Khazar Theory
by Dr. David Duke WHEN I first began to understand the ultra-racist, supremacist ideology of Judaism and Zionism, I came into contact with the theory that present-day Jews are genetically unrelated to the historical Jewish community. The allegation, known as the “”Khazar theory”, claims that the…

Benjamin Freedman: Defector from Jewish Supremacism, Part 1
A question often asked is “Why hasn’t someone broken ranks and exposed Jewish hypocrisy and power?” The answer is that Benjamin Freedman did exactly that. by Kevin Alfred Strom Former Zionist operative and Jewish defector Benjamin Freedman is shown here with a 1960 edition of …