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Human Slavery: Myths and Reality
The Bitter Draft of Slavery by Ernest Normand (1885, Cartwright Hall Gallery) shows a White woman sold into slavery to Semites by a Black slave dealer. by David Sims WE KEEP TRYING to tell everybody that people from all races have been slaves, and people from all races have owned slaves. There’s…

Reflections on the Christ Myth, part 5: One Hypothesis
by Revilo P. Oliver RELATIONS BETWEEN Jews and goyim outside Judaea have always been strained and precarious, except when one has attained such complete dominance as to force the other into hypocritical submission. The Jews, in their scattered colonies throughout the civilized world, needed to…

Reflections on the Christ Myth, part 3: Heroic Failure
Antiochus IV Epiphanes and the Seleucid Empire by Revilo P. Oliver
IT IS THE great virtue of Mr. Carter’s book that he forces us to consider critically a Jewish and Christian generalization about the history of Judaea in the second century B.C He makes us aware that it is highly probable that, besides…
IT IS THE great virtue of Mr. Carter’s book that he forces us to consider critically a Jewish and Christian generalization about the history of Judaea in the second century B.C He makes us aware that it is highly probable that, besides…

A Surfeit of Jesuses
Do you really think it all began with a sanctimonious Jewish wonder-worker, strolling about 1st century Palestine? Prepare to be enlightened. There were many Jesuses but the fable was a cultural construct (and, by the way, following a star would lead you in circles). WAS THERE A Jesus? Of course there…

You Have Been Selected
As revealed to Arman and written down by H. Millard YOU WERE BORN of two White parents who were born of two White parents? The presumption, then, is that you have been selected by the Supreme Being. We believe that Whites have been selected both by Divine selection and Natural selection to be the type of…

Victims of Soicemstances
by Arch Stanton THE VERY concept of “victimhood” is the invention of Jewish wordsmiths. Before Jews, “victims” were considered “losers” in a conflict. But, of course, it would not serve Jewish interests to think of Jews as losers, would it? The difference between Jewish “victims” and Palestinian…

Bible Myths from Arabia Felix
by Revilo P. Oliver AS I WRITE, a new book by Dr. Kamal Salibi of the American University in Beirut has not yet been published in this country, and I owe notice of it to Der Spiegel, which will publish portions of it in German translation, and to an article by Jim Muir of the Sunday Times, an English newspaper…

The Myth of Hitler’s ‘Jewish Grandfather’
Adolf Hitler’s birthplace, photographed in 1938 by Martin Kerr HITLER WAS RIGHT: The more enormous and preposterous a lie is, the quicker it captures the public’s imagination and is believed, and the harder it is to dispel. “[S]ince the great masses of people at the very bottom of their hearts tend to…

Stories From Our Chilly Northern Home
This is the foreword to a children’s book I picked up in an antique store. — Blake Hood by James Baldwin
from The Story of Siegfried (1931) WHEN THE WORLD was in its childhood, men looked upon the works of Nature with a strange kind of awe. They fancied that everything upon the earth, in the air, or in…
from The Story of Siegfried (1931) WHEN THE WORLD was in its childhood, men looked upon the works of Nature with a strange kind of awe. They fancied that everything upon the earth, in the air, or in…

The Myth of Hitler’s Survival: It’s Time to Put this Rumor to Bed!
by James Harting
SOME 73 years have now elapsed since the end of the Second World War and the freewill death of Adolf Hitler. An enormous body of literature has been written since that time on the National Socialist period in European history, including its origins and aftermath. The amount…