Posts Tagged
European Union

European Union Moves to Outlaw Encrypted Apps
The European Union is moving to ban end-to-end encrypted communication. AN EU council of ministers resolution spearheaded by French Prime Minister Emmanuel Macron and Austrian Chancellor Sebastian Kurz of the conservative Austrian People’s Party would mandate that apps such as Telegram,…

Proof: Jews Behind Creation of EU Super-state
When it comes to the governance of their host nations, Jews dislike the nation-state, and prefer the super-state. A super-state reduces the number of rulers and officials they have to corrupt and bribe; it facilitates covert movement of persons, stolen money, and goods of all kinds over a wider area;…

Former EU Army Counterintelligence Chief Under Fire for Writing Allegedly “Anti-Semitic” Book Published by Penguin
Pedro Baños PENGUIN RANDOM HOUSE is standing by one of its books — for the moment, at least — amid allegations by Jews and leftists that it “traffics in anti-Semitic tropes.” How They Rule the World: The 22 Secret Strategies of Global Power was authored by Spanish colonel Pedro…

Hungary’s Answer
WE ARE IN the midst of a critical “people race,” just ask any Jew. 300 million mostly worthless humanoids is not nearly enough, we must bring the entire population of the African Heart of Darkness and the Latin American sewer into our dying nation. There is a tremendous need for uneducated…

The Fundamental Rights
EU report claims that harassment, violent attacks and police profiling against black people in the EU is wide spread, with much discrimination and attacks going unreported. IT’S ABOUT TIME someone discussed the real problem in our rapidly dying ancient homelands. No, not the homicidal trucks,…

Latvian Communist Party Under Fire for Election Poster Showing “Future of EU”
The Social Democratic Workers Party of Latvia (LSDSP) — a communist party dating back to 1918 — has been reported to that country’s security police for possible prosecution following the publication of an election poster depicting the EU as an African tribesman, Latvia as a White woman…

Why the Jewish Lobby and the EU Hate Poland’s Judicial Reforms
Because the courts are a primary way for Jewish elements to wield outsize power in any society by Thea Arian A WISE MAN once said “only two kinds of people do not care about the law, those who break the law and those who make the law”. The law is often associated with justice which, while often…

Italy to Invaders: “Get Ready to Pack Your Bags”
It is good to hear “the ‘good time’ for illegals is over,” but disappointing to hear the language of “moderation,” such as “we will not take a hard line on immigration but one of common sense,” and the emphasis on trafficking profiteers rather than…

New Italian Coalition: We Are Locked Out of Governing by “The Lords of the Spread”
“The Lords of the Spread” is a reference to bankers, often Jews like George Soros, who make an unearned income by taking advantage of currency or security price differences. One hopes that these populists know more about their real enemies than they let on directly and that their hinting…

Nationalist Coalition Forms in Europe
The most important question is this: Will this new coaition explicitly recognize the racial nature of the current struggle? Without that, the battle is already lost. NO BIRTH COMES without birth pangs. Prior to the huge Koblenz convention held by the “Movement for a Europe of Nations and Freedom” (ENF),…