Posts Tagged
European Jews

Jews: Disloyal by Nature
Jews have little or no loyalty to the countries of their birth or their host peoples — and often give all their considerable energies to destroying them, as these two examples show.
AT THE climacteric of the Korean War, when Red Chinese “volunteers” were over-running American positions…
Putin: Jews Fleeing Western Europe Should Move to Russia
Russian president’s informal suggestion met with some hostility and derision by Jews, though Moshe Kantor of the European Jewish Congress, with whom Putin was meeting, laughed and then praised Putin for “fighting those who target Jews.”
VLADIMIR PUTIN said Tuesday that Jews…

Chief Rabbi of Brussels: ‘No Future For Jews In Europe’
THE CHIEF RABBI of Brussels told an Israeli radio station Monday that there is no future for Jews in Europe, The Jerusalem Post reports.
Rabbi Avraham Gigi (pictured) described the environment of fear in the Belgian capital since the city has been in lockdown following police terror raids across…

Jews at “Forefront of Welcoming” Invasion
EUROPEAN JEWS are “on the forefront of welcoming the influx of largely Muslim migrants and refugees,” one of Europe’s leading Jewish historians, Dr. Diana Pinto has claimed.
Speaking at a Jewish Community Center’s world conference in Jerusalem last week, Pinto, a Senior Fellow and a board member…

The Evidence of the Prussian Blue
by Dr. William L. Pierce
FRED LEUCHTER, of Boston, Massachusetts, is an engineer — a very special sort of engineer. His specialty is the technology of putting condemned prisoners to death. He knows everything there is to know about electric chairs, gallows, and gas chambers. His consulting…

DNA Ties Ashkenazi Jews to Group of Just 330 People from Middle Ages
More confirmation that Jews are a mixed race, part European and part Middle Eastern; what the article does not state is the effect of 30 generations of selective breeding on the unique and intense “us versus them” Jewish mentality.
ALL OF THE Ashkenazi Jews alive today can trace their roots…

Ashkenazi Jews Can be Identified at 100% Accuracy by DNA Tests
A STUDY, A genome-wide genetic signature of Jewish ancestry perfectly separates individuals with and without full Jewish ancestry in a large random sample of European Americans, indicates that Ashkenazi Jews, though mixed with Europeans to a degree, can nevertheless be genetically distinguished…

Europe’s Jews Decry ‘Beast’ of Anti-Semitism Overtaking Continent
Community heads bemoan increasing prevalence of anti-Israel efforts and a Europe ‘fed up’ with the Holocaust
EUROPEAN JEWRY is all in the same boat, and that boat is slowly but surely sinking. That, at least, was the impression from a roundtable conversation Tuesday at the Jerusalem Press Club with…

No Surprise: Ashkenazi Jews Are Partly European
EDITOR’S NOTE: We knew that Jews were hybridized to some extent with Europeans already; the science just confirms it. But there are several other studies showing that, despite this hybridization (which facilitates mimicry, always useful for a parasite), Jews are still more closely related…