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Suicide in the Empire State
by Douglas Mercer JAMESTOWN, New York is 87% White, which is exactly 13% too low. In our current Jungle America that’s not half bad, but the leaders there should be working assiduously around the clock to beef those White numbers up. Instead the city fathers have announced a horrible idea this…

Compliant, Obedient, Vaxxed, Infected, Dead Nineteen
by David Sims FOR ALL THE good it did, which is to say almost none, the “anti-covid” steps taken by the world’s governments and the World Health Organization might as well never have been taken. The coronavirus had its way with us. The pandemic is over, and what remains is an endemic…

Germany: An Economy for the People — Instead of for the Parasites
“We were not foolish enough to try to make a currency [backed by] gold of which we had none, but for every mark that was issued we required the equivalent of a mark’s worth of work done or goods produced. . . .we laugh at the time our national financiers held the view that the value of a currency…

Our Loan-Run Economy
The following is an excerpt from Der Deutsche Staat auf nationaler und sozialer Grundlage (The German State on a National and Social Basis), by Gottfried Feder, originally written in 1923, 17th edition, Munich, 1933. Translation of excerpt 1982, by F.B., Australia. by Gottfried Feder “WHEN THE STATE…

Volkish Socialism
by Blake Hood
Let us not abandon the life line of all movements simply because the pursuit of money is the joy of Judah. Sometimes war is action other than guns or swords…Dirty hands and a pure heart are not mutually exclusive. Victory goes to the cunning first, then to the brave. — David Lane

Friedrich Hayek and the Jews (Part 3 of 3)
Non-Jewish Characteristics of Hayek’s Thought (Page numbers in parentheses refer to Stephen Kresge and Leif Wenar, eds., Hayek on Hayek: An Autobiographical Dialogue, Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1994.) by John I. Johnson MEMBERS OF HUMAN GROUPS manifest phenotypic similarity…

A Place at the Table for the Indigenous White Majority?
by Max Musson MOST PEOPLE don’t think very far beyond their own immediate needs and wants and those of their close families. As long as they have enough money to provide the warmth, food, light, shelter, and clothing they need, and a few modest luxuries, most people do not consider the distant consequences…

The One Evil Group That May Destroy the World
As our planet runs out of cheap energy, billions will die and our descendants may be trapped on a doomed Earth instead of spreading Life to the stars. Is it “scapegoating” to assign blame for this disaster where it really belongs? by David Sims IN THE VIDEO above, Richard Heinberg makes some…

Golden Dawn: We Want Our Homeland Back! Photos and Video from the Grand Event at Chalcis
GOLDEN DAWN has been on fire lately, holding an event of some kind on an almost weekly basis. Hundreds of Nationalists assembled in the central hall of a hotel at Chalcis, where successfully took place the demonstration of Golden Dawn for the primary…

The Economy Doesn’t Exist
THE ECONOMY does not exist. There is no such thing. Hyperbole, but true hyperbole. The economy, despite the absolute importance we place on it in our mammon-worship, is not a real, existent entitity. It is an abstraction and simplification of millions of humans making billions of trade decisions.…