American Dissident Voices broadcast of 1 February, 2025
by Kevin Alfred Strom
IT’S GETTING EASIER AND easier to get inside the head of Donald Trump, as he pursues what many view as a “shock and awe” policy of hundreds of new executive orders re-defining America in terms of what he calls a “common sense” agenda. Several of those new orders seek to reverse the march of governments in this country toward 100% support of transgenderism — that is, encouraging mostly troubled children and adults to attempt to change their sex, ultimately leading to chemical castration or the equivalent and mutilating surgery that prevents the victim from ever having children and carrying on his race. This, apparently, is too much even for openly gay-loving Trump. There’s a faction of more cautious Jews who care mostly about Israel and don’t want to “go too far, too fast” towards degeneracy and anti-Whiteness — not because they care about Whites any more than they care about Palestinians, but because they fear a backlash. So Trump is the best man to protect them and to give the White American sheep the false impression that they’re in charge again.
But still, it is great fun to see the degenerates and their sick Jewish “mental health” and medical handlers scream and vow revenge.
Just in the last two weeks, Donald Trump issued several executive orders directly addressing transgenderism. His directives include:
- Executive Order 14168: Defining Sex in Federal Policies (January 20, 2025)
- This order mandates that all federal agencies recognize only two sexes — male and female — based strictly on biological characteristics determined at birth. It directs agencies to replace the term “gender” with “sex” in official documents, remove materials promoting “gender ideology,” and cease funding related to such ideologies. Additionally, it restricts “transgender” individuals from accessing places intended for the opposite sex (like bathrooms and changing rooms), and halts federal funding for sterilizing, mutilating “top” and “bottom” surgeries and chemical castration.
- Executive Order 14183: Transgender Military Service Ban (January 27, 2025)
- This order reinstates a ban on transgender individuals serving in the military. It asserts that being transgender conflicts with the military’s standards of honor, truthfulness, and discipline, deeming transgender individuals unfit for service.
- Executive Order 14187: Restricting Sterilization and Mutilation of Minors (January 28, 2025)
- Titled “Protecting Children from Chemical and Surgical Mutilation,” this order seeks to end what the freaks and Jewish media liars call “gender-affirming medical treatments” for individuals under 19. It directs federal agencies to review and potentially eliminate coverage for such treatments under Medicare, Medicaid, and the Affordable Care Act. The order also instructs agencies to ensure that institutions receiving federal grants do not provide such “care” to minors.
- Executive Order on Education: Ending Radical Indoctrination in K-12 Schooling (January 29, 2025)
- This order directs the Department of Education to develop policies that could revoke federal funding from schools supporting the sexual “transition” of minor students. And it mandates that teachers inform parents of a student’s gender identity changes — something that the Jewish change agents and their subservient, indoctrinated “teachers” definitely don’t want to do.
We’ll see if the bureaucracy even bothers to enforce these orders. They may not.
I tend to think that Trump is genuine and believes what he says, which may be one reason that a big portion of the Jewish power structure strongly distrusts him. But I also believe that he is not a principled opponent of sexual degeneracy. He just thinks that the transgender freaks have “gone too far” and that he’ll be politically rewarded for pushing back on them.
He’s often said how he loves homosexuals. He’s appeared on stage hugging a queer rainbow flag and thanking a group of homosexuals for giving it to him. He’s praised himself for appointing a queer ambassador or two. He’s praised himself for pressuring some less insane countries into repealing their laws protecting their citizens from perversion.
Trump was also a close associate of Roy Cohn (I believe he even once described him as his mentor), a notorious Jewish homosexual who was famous in the 1950s as Senator Joe McCarthy’s staff attorney, and possibly even more famous in the 1980s as a big-money, nasty, lying shyster New York lawyer and super-degenerate habitué of homosexual bathhouses and clubs. Trump doesn’t hide the fact that he went clubbing and cruising with Cohn at Studio 54 and other sick places frequented by the more sex-crazed of New York’s “elite” at that time. Cohn died of AIDS in 1986, exactly five weeks after being disbarred for trying to steal his own elderly client’s fortune by forcing him to sign a fake will. It’s damned hard to get disbarred in a shyster-laden Hell like New York, but it was Cohn’s final great accomplishment — great friends you have there, Donald!
Despite the fact that Trump is not truly on our side, we can still have a big smile on our faces as this one dagger of death and extinction — encouraging our young people to ruin and sterilize themselves — is knocked from the hands of our enemies. (I’ll also mention, just in case it isn’t obvious, that transgenders and homosexuals and other unfortunate perverts are all banned from membership in the National Alliance, as are those who are in interracial relationships. We are the future, and the future is clean, bright, and beautiful. Spread the word and let’s make it happen.)
Push hard on this, now that Trump has made more of the timid gain the courage to speak out. I do read controlled media sites, and social media sites, occasionally — and it is truly amazing how many thousands upon thousands of people are now saying that they want nothing to do with this sick transgender business. It’s our job to do more than chime in. We have to chime in with the facts on how Jews have had leadership roles in promoting transgenderism and sexual perversion, ever since Weimar Germany and the days of Magnus Hirschfeld. We have to point out that only the National Alliance is truly uncompromising and uncorrupted on these issues, and deserves the support of every decent White American. Get our name — and our uncompromised truth — out there while the getting is particularly good.
A Jewish author on Slate, Mark Stern, showed us how Jews have been central to the transgender movement, with some of their “holy” documents showing us that such perverted, twisted thinking is of very long standing among them:
The Mishnah contemplates gender on a spectrum, acknowledging the existence of tumtums (“sometimes a man and sometimes a woman”), androgynos (whose gender the scribes “could not decide”), sarisim (who could move freely between men and women’s domains), and aylonit (who has female sex organs but presents male characteristics). A gender binary this is not.
The Babylonian Talmud also engages deeply with gender. In the famed Yebamoth Folio, several rabbis engage in a colloquy about the genders of Abraham and Sarah — and decide that both were tumtums, born without sex organs. Clearly, the rabbis held no animus toward the tumtum if they were willing to deduce that none other than Abraham and Sarah were once tumtums themselves. Similarly, a passage in the Mishnah sets out rules for the androgynos — insisting that they be afforded the basic human rights and thus recognizing their intrinsic value.
Stern also goes on to show that rabbis have often twisted certain other parts of their “holy” writings, that overtly seem to forbid certain degenerate practices, into an endorsement of them, or at least neutrality. What kind of people does that?
A people which has as one of its high-achieving members, Dr. Norman Spack, that’s who. Spack is one of the contemporary leaders who imposed this sickness on our people. Even ten years ago — as we reported on National Vanguard — he was heading up the “Gender Management Service Clinic” at Children’s Hospital Boston, a chamber of horrors almost beyond imagining — totally alien to healthy Aryan minds. And he was up to the same evil business 20 years ago too:
Dr. Spack is also a trustee of Hebrew College in Newton. But look at the other company he keeps:
Dr. Spack presented a workshop at a radical conference promoting “total sexual freedom” and dangerous perversions, “Transcending Boundaries” in Worcester. It was organized by transgender radicals and PFLAG and co-sponsored by the New England Leather Alliance (NELA = a “bondage” and torture crowd). How many physicians would be part of a conference where they also held workshops entitled:
• SM101 (Not a “How To” but a “What! Huh?”): How to Talk About BDSM/Leather/Fetish – For Allies, Families, and Professionals [i.e., Bondage & Discipline, Sadomasochism, whips, chains, ropes]
• Polyamory 101 [group sex, multiple partners]
• Legal Issues and Being Kinky: Oil and Water! New England Leather Alliance [how to avoid law enforcement and legal problems when engaging in torture, etc.]
• Bi Men: Coming Out Every Which Way
• Queercrips: We Do Exist, We Do Have Sex, and We Can Be Really Hot [still looking for definition of “queercrips”]Here’s a seminar Dr. Spack gave (co-sponsored by the radical “LGBT” Stonewall Center at UMass Amherst). He seems to consider it ethical to offer treatment for “relief” from “socially imposed or psychological/physical distress,” including “puberty delaying interventions.”
Dr. Norman Spack, (Senior Endocrinologist, Children’s Hospital and Harvard Med. School, Boston, MA): Ethical and Treatment Dilemmas in Intersex or Gender-Variant Children and Adolescents: Children and adolescents struggling with gender identity issues present to their families and health care providers wanting relief from socially imposed or psychological/physical distress. Medical interventions must take into account the child’s physical, emotional and gender identity developmental needs. Families and their providers often struggle to determine the right course of treatment for children exhibiting gender variance as well as those who present with intersex conditions (disorders of sex development). Dr. Spack will share his perspective and answer questions on what it means to initiate medical treatment, such as puberty delaying interventions, for children and adolescents.
We first encountered Dr. Spack back in 2005, when he advocated for “encouraging” a “transitioning” elementary school student in Methuen, MA, calling the lives of young people who overcame such “gender identity” disorders and married and had children “a sham.” The “highly respectable” Children’s Hospital Web site posted this:
‘New clinic addresses intersex and gender issues … Unique in the Western hemisphere, the clinic will also care for children and young adults who present as transgendered — those who have no known anatomic or biochemical disorder, yet feel like a member of the opposite sex. Such feelings can emerge early, even in the preschool years, and can cause considerable psychological distress. For that reason, transgendered young people are often assumed to have a psychiatric disorder and are placed on psychotropic medications. By late adolescence, a high percentage have attempted suicide. “This will be the first major program in the country that is not only treating DSDs [disorders of sexual differentiation — actual physical abnormalities at birth, or “intersex”], but also welcoming young people who appear to be transgendered and are considering medical protocols that might help them,” says Dr. Spack.’
On Dr. Spack, from an international conference on “intervention in the gender identity development treatment of adolescents”:
‘…Three eminent American clinicians have made comments on the early suspension of puberty: … 3 – Dr Norman Spack, at the Children’s Hospital Boston has stated … that “Children’s Hospital Boston has just assembled an Interdisciplinary Gender Team which I am co-chairing along with Paed Urologist Dr. David Diamond [another Jew?] (Endocrinology, Urology, Genetics, Ethics, Psychology, Neonatology, Gynaecology) that will soon see patients jointly and collaborate in evaluation and research on appropriate patients, from DSD (Disorders of Sex Development) to Transgenderism. It was not I but the entire group that insisted that Gender Identity Disorders be included in the clinical program. We are awaiting approval from our Institutional Review Board and the FDA to acquire already-offered free GnRH analogue for clinical use in carefully selected Tanner 2 transgendered teens.”
In last year’s “The Jewish War on Children,” I said:
White children these days know what it’s like to be part of a hated outgroup. Their ancestors were slaveowners and haters of Blacks and genocidal killers of Amerindians, they are told. Their fathers and grandfathers oppressed “gays” and cruelly suppressed people on the LGBTQRSTUV spectrum. Their fathers and grandfathers oppressed women. And no one has a bigger so-called “carbon footprint” than White people, they are told. These kids “get it,” believe me. They know very well that the definition of evil is them. The definition of progress is fewer of them.
And they also know all the attention and approval and love they can get from the sick Jewish System that misrules us if they “defect from Whiteness” and join our enemies — if they condemn their own ancestors and racially-loyal kin even more loudly than our enemies — if they become “White allies” in the destruction of their own race — if they openly declare they will bring no White children into the world — if they choose to racially mix their kind into non-existence — and, perhaps most powerful and praiseworthy of all, if they can actually become part of an “oppressed group” themselves, declaring themselves “gay” or “trans”; the latter being best of all because it gives them a chance not only to express their self-hatred in childlessness, but to make having children irreversibly impossible by chemical castration followed by surgically mutilating or removing their own genitals.
In less than a single lifetime, the Jews have transformed young America from Eagle Scouts, cotillion dancers, aspiring cellists, mountain climbers, and hospital volunteers to parent-haters, pill-poppers, anus-penetrators, breast-slicers, and school shooters.
To be “gay,” to be “trans,” to hate your own people, to go to bed with non-Whites, to cut off your reproductive organs — these are all not only what is constantly put in front of them as role models and examples to imitate, but these are the “good” and “noble” things that the “best” and most successful children do — the things that “ought to be done” according to the very Jewish major media and their academic and “medical” collaborators and the government that serves them. And if you don’t — at the very least — declare yourself an “ally” of all this degeneracy and destruction, or if, even worse, you dare to criticize these things, you are unspeakably evil, deserve to be condemned and shunned and excluded, and become subject to special administrative and medical and legal scrutiny.
Even the most naive and obtuse child from four or five years old on up “gets” all of this, believe me. The messages are loud, omnipresent, and come from “authority” figures of every kind. There’s no escaping it. And the children act accordingly. It’s a major wonder that it isn’t ten times worse — and it probably will be soon.
Well, Trump may have slowed this process down a bit. That will save some White youth from a fate worse than death. But it also prolongs the life of this sick System — the System of Jewish rule over us — that allowed all of this to happen in the first place. We must dedicate every hour of our lives from this moment on to putting an end to that evil. Please join us. Please don’t accept compromise. Please join the National Alliance.
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You’ve been listening to American Dissident Voices, the radio program of the National Alliance. This program is published every week at whitebiocentrism.com and nationalvanguard.org. Please write to us at National Alliance, Box 4, Mountain City, TN 37683 USA. We welcome your inquiries and your financial support in spreading our message of hope to our people. We also welcome your applications for membership in our community of the conscious. Once again, that address is Box 4, Mountain City, TN 37683 USA. Thank you for your help.
“Executive Order 14183: Transgender Military Service Ban”
This is not out of respect for the host culture, this is because the jew wants Whites in that military to commit their war crimes. Tranny’s or no tranny’s, no White belongs in that jews military.
So McCarthy was a fake? It says on Wikipedia that he was a democrat all his life, and then starts claiming conservative, with a gay jew in tow/handler.
Because it seems to me that many of these guys who where so vocal about “communists” in the 50’s and 60’s, where actually doing the jew a service. By pointing at symptoms, while never mentioning that “Communism” was invented and run by jews.
Even the Rosenberg trail doesn’t really change that. They can set that up just to qualify himself, to make you imagine that he must be a “good one”.
Bill88: So McCarthy was a fake? It says on Wikipedia…
Bill, if you want to now what the capitol of Tanzania, or something like that is, then WikiJews are reliable. But anything that smacks to them of exposing their Tribe’s perfidy or is pro-White, forget it: See Andrew Hamilton’s exposee, here: Wikipedia (and Britannica) | National Vanguard
If our people owned the largest online dictionary like they do, we’d favour our Tribe.The closest thing we now is this: Joseph McCarthy – Metapedia