The Order 2024, part 3
American Dissident Voices broadcast of 7 December, 2024
by Kevin Alfred Strom
THIS WEEK MARKS the theatrical release of the Hollywood film, The Order, which deals — in a highly fictionalized form — with the attempt of Robert Mathews and his comrades to make literal war on the US government; and with the alleged connection between Dr. William Pierce’s fictional book, The Turner Diaries, and that abortive and hopeless war.
I highly recommend that you get your own copy of The Turmer Diaries, and decide for yourself what it’s all about. It’s available in print — and also as an audio book, read by the author himself, for those who prefer to listen rather than read.
On this week’s program, we’ll also continue with Dr. William Pierce’s own story of how he came to write The Turner Diaries, why he chose an action novel as a medium, and what the results have been since then.
So, with the help of AI, using his own voice as source, let’s listen to the words of Dr. William Luther Pierce. Listen…
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William Pierce on The Turner Diaries: Finding the Right Medium
WHEN THE MAN convicted of committing the Oklahoma City bombing, Timothy McVeigh, was arrested it was reported that he had with him an envelope containing a copy of the Declaration of Independence, a quotation from the writings of the 17th-century English philosopher John Locke, and a photocopy of a page from The Turner Diaries. Callers on radio talk shows would ask me, “How dare you write a book that advocates killing innocent women and children?” Most of these people hadn’t read the book, of course. But they had read what the controlled media said about it, including perhaps one or two carefully selected little excerpts. I explained patiently that my book doesn’t advocate killing innocent women and children, that it is not a book of advocacy at all, but a novel.
It does, however, predict that innocent women and children will die as a consequence of the government’s policies. I explained that I observed the very troubling trends that were visible in the early 1970s and then wrote a fictional scenario of what life might be like decades later if those trends continued. In my fictional scenario I saw the continued breakdown of American society growing into increasing civil violence, or terrorism if you prefer, and eventual civil war. I explained all of this many times, but I still encounter those who tell me, “If you hadn’t written about these things they wouldn’t have happened.”
I guess the old idea about blaming the bearer of bad news is still valid. Back in the 1970s the hostility I encountered was a little different. Then the hostility was based on the fact that I was predicting a bad outcome for policies that were Politically Correct: I was thinking bad thoughts about what the media said were good policies. Today it’s based on the fact that some of those bad thoughts are coming true. The fact is that when a society is coming apart, everybody looks for someone to blame. The folks who generally approve of the government’s policies will blame the government’s enemies. The folks who don’t approve of the government’s policies will blame the government.
So today I must expect to be called a baby-killer by the people who support the government and the status quo, not because I approve of the Oklahoma City bombing — I don’t approve of it — but because I predicted it in a general sort of way: because I said back in 1975 that we’re headed toward civil war in America.
The really revealing thing about the mentality of the government’s supporters is that the ones who yell the loudest about the government’s enemies being baby-killers aren’t at all indignant about the babies that Bill Clinton and Janet Reno burned to death in Waco, the acts that really did inspire Timothy Mcveigh. They don’t call Bill Clinton and Janet Reno “baby-killers.” Which leads me to believe that it’s not really the killing of innocent women and children they’re outraged about; it’s opposition to the government which upsets them. And I suppose it’s always been that way in war: the only atrocities you really get worked up about are those committed by the other side.
One thing that’s certain is that there will be many more atrocities committed before this war is over: not because I said there will be, but because that’s the nature of war.
The government’s supporters — and in fact, everyone who believes what the media bosses say in their newspapers and on their television — act outraged every time a bomb goes off outside an abortion clinic or a homosexual club. They call it “terrorism,” and they blame it on religious fanatics or on patriots, and they demand that the government punish someone for it. They don’t blame the media and the government for telling sexually confused youngsters that homosexuality is an acceptable lifestyle. They don’t blame the media and the government for encouraging abortion as a convenience. It never occurs to them that more and more decent, patriotic Americans are sick and tired of seeing homosexuals arrogantly forcing their way into the mainstream and demanding to be accepted. It never occurs to them that more and more normal, law-abiding citizens are horrified by the enormous number of healthy White babies being aborted every year. It never occurs to them that more and more good, decent Americans are reaching the point where they simply aren’t willing to tolerate these things any longer. Because the government’s supporters are people who will accept any immorality, any atrocity on the part of the government, they can’t imagine that there are people who won’t. So there will be more bombings of abortion clinics and of homosexual clubs and of government offices, and sometimes innocent bystanders will be killed. It is a terrible thing when these innocent people are killed. It’s terrible regardless of who kills them. But it will happen, not because I predict it, but because the government and the media will persist with their destructive policies, and because the government’s supporters will continue supporting the government — at least for a while.
They’re afraid of the truth and they’re afraid of what you will do once you know the truth. They’ll tell you that the violence and strife in America during the past few decades is the result of people reading my books, of people listening to the ideas I talk about. If I hadn’t written The Turner Diaries, if I didn’t have a radio broadcast every week, if I weren’t on the Internet, they’ll have you believe, there wouldn’t have been an Oklahoma City bombing and other violent events, and we’d all be getting along and loving one another in multicultural comfort and security. And then they’ll very slyly tell you: “Pierce is protected by his right to free speech,” and say it in a way that really means: “Pierce was able to get away with putting people up to all of this violent activity because he hides behind the First Amendment.” What we need, they suggest, is new laws to “keep Pierce from hiding behind the First Amendment.”
I get hate mail every day from people who ask me, “Aren’t you ashamed for causing all of those people to die in Oklahoma City?” Others blame me for the Columbine High School massacre. Really. They don’t blame the government. They don’t blame the liberals for making a pigsty of America. They don’t blame the people who force the races together and generate racial hatred by doing it. That would require independent thinking. No, they blame me, and they nod their heads wisely and agree with the people they see on CNN saying that we need new laws to keep people like Pierce from “causing violence.”
The Jews and their hangers-on are afraid of the truth getting to large numbers of people, especially through new media such as the Internet, and they do want to put a stop to it.
Let me tell you part of my personal story, the part that’s behind The Turner Diaries. For 35 years, I devoted nearly all my waking hours to an effort to inform and inspire White Americans and other Europeans around the world. I began in 1966 by publishing and distributing leaflets and pamphlets and tabloid newspapers in Washington. My basic message then was the same as it is now. One part of that message is that the Jews are our misfortune. We made the terrible mistake of letting them infiltrate our society, in America and in Europe. They began taking over our mass media of news and entertainment as soon as they stepped off the boat. In the early years of the last century, they headed straight for Hollywood and, working together, elbowed nearly all of their non-Jewish competitors out of the movie business. In New York and Washington, they seized control of the nation’s most influential newspapers and magazines.
In every country in Europe, they organized Communist parties based on the political theories of their fellow Jew Marx, and they fomented wars and revolutions aimed at destabilizing Gentile societies so that they could gain more power, more control. In Russia in 1917, they finally succeeded in toppling a Gentile government and imposing their will on an entire Gentile nation. And then they selectively murdered tens of millions of Russians and Ukrainians. After the start of the Second World War, they carried their murder campaign to the Baltic states and to Poland, selectively rounding up and killing the best people, the most successful people, the most intelligent and creative and active people. They attempted to decapitate every Gentile nation that they could, to eliminate opposition to their rule.
In 1966, I began publishing information about the Jewish role in Communism and about the terrible crimes they committed against our people in Europe. In 1968, I published the first edition of my documentary article on the Jewish control of the news and entertainment media in America, naming the key Jews and explaining how they use their media control.
I’ve explained over and over and over again, for more than 30 years, how Jewish media control has led to the total corruption of our political process and our government. The politician who gets the most votes wins a position at the public trough. The opinions of the majority of the voters — and their attitudes toward political candidates — are manipulated by the mass media. And the Jews control the mass media. I’ve pointed out the Jewish role in dozens of destructive governmental policies in the United States: immigration policy, for example. In the 1950s and 1960s the Jews pushed for switching the flow of immigrants into the United States from Europe to the Third World. They pushed for fewer White immigrants and more Brown and Black and Yellow immigrants. And after they succeeded in that, they pushed for keeping our borders open to the Third World, resulting in the continued racial darkening of America. And among themselves they talked about why this was important to them. They talked about the need to dilute the European majority in America in order to make America easier to control. They used their old tactic of divide and rule.
And I’ve talked about the Jewish role in changing the standards in American education, about the Jewish role in pushing for racial mixing in our society and for more miscegenation between Whites and non-Whites. I’ve talked about the Jewish role in “hate crime” and “speech crime” legislation and about the Jewish role in attempting to abolish the Second Amendment.
But Jewish media control and Jewish Communism and the Jewish role in the destructive governmental policies that have afflicted America are not my whole message; they are just a part of it. I also have been talking and writing for decades about our own people’s non-resistance to the Jewish evil inflicted on them. I have talked about traitors among our people who collaborated in the Jews’ destruction of America and our people.
It wasn’t long after I’d started writing and preaching to the public that I began to understand that most of the public is completely impervious to any message that doesn’t come to them through the media. The only thoughts they permit into their heads are thoughts that they believe are in the heads of their peers. These are the lemmings, and it simply isn’t worthwhile trying to talk to them until one can do it through a medium comparable in power to the media in the hands of the Jews.
After I realized that, I addressed my message only to that portion of our people able to think independently of the masses. And even here I was disappointed. I wrote and spoke about things of fundamental importance for the survival of our race and our civilization, and the response was minimal. That is, although many people agreed with me theoretically, very few were willing to do anything. In some cases it was because of fear: They were afraid of the government, even though the government was much less fearsome in those days than it is now. More often, however, it was simply a lack of interest. People understood what I was saying, more or less, but their response was, “So, what?”
They were relatively comfortable and secure, and the things that I was talking about seemed too impersonal, too remote. They didn’t believe that these things would impact their personal lives severely enough to warrant their taking action along the lines that I suggested. I told them about the Jewish control of the mass media, and most of them believed me, because I gave them names and other specifics they could check for themselves. I told them that allowing the Jews to exercise such power over our people would lead to our destruction. They shrugged and figured that I was exaggerating. They thought that they would control what their own kids watched on TV, and that would take care of the problem. No need to do anything drastic.
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We’ll continue Dr. Pierce’s saga of attempting to awaken the best White Americans to their dire peril — which led to his decision to write the novel, The Turner Diaries — next week, right here on American Dissident Voices.
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You’ve been listening to American Dissident Voices, the radio program of the National Alliance. This program is published every week at and Please write to us at National Alliance, Box 4, Mountain City, TN 37683 USA. We welcome your inquiries and your financial support in spreading our message of hope to our people. We also welcome your applications for membership in our community of the conscious. Once again, that address is Box 4, Mountain City, TN 37683 USA. Thank you for your help.
I’ve been Absent With Leave (AWL), on my back in the hospital enjoying some needed surgery for the better part of the past ten days, so have been subjected to more than the usual amount of TV news. There has been no mention of The Order movie that I’ve seen, but plenty about the former Marine who choked the crazy NYC subway nigger and even more about Luigi Mangione who assassinated the United Health Care CEO a few days ago. I’ll reserve comment about Luigi, except to say that from the beginning of that story there was something about him that I found attractive. It came to me this morning when the alleged squaw, Senator Lizzy Warren, weighed in on Luigi with, “you can only push some people so far.”… Read more »
WWW: 11 December, 2024 I’ll reserve comment about Luigi, except to say that from the beginning of that story there was something about him that I found attractive. It came to me this morning when the alleged squaw, Senator Lizzy Warren, weighed in on Luigi with, “you can only push some people so far.” — An Alliance member sent me Luigi’s thoughtful “manifesto,” that controlled media should have already released. It addresses his motive: “To the Feds, I’ll keep this short, because I do respect what you do for our country. To save you a lengthy investigation, I state plainly that I wasn’t working with anyone. This was fairly trivial: some elementary social engineering, basic CAD, a lot of patience. The spiral notebook, if present, has some straggling notes and… Read more »