American Dissident VoicesAudioKevin Alfred StromRadio

The Order 2024, part 2

William Pierce, author of The Turner Diaries

American Dissident Voices broadcast of 30 November, 2024

by Kevin Alfred Strom

DR. WILLIAM PIERCE’S 1975 NOVEL The Turner Diaries is being blamed for the abortive 1984 revolt against the US government of Robert Mathews and his comrades in the new film The Order. (That revolt happened nearly a decade after the novel first saw print.) This is an old accusation, but it’s gaining new currency as the movie’s release date approaches and the promotion of it has already commenced. Many of you will remember that the novel was also blamed for the Oklahoma City bombing, which took place 20 years after The Turner Diaries was first published. Who knows what it will be blamed for next?

It’s a bit like blaming Conan Doyle and Agatha Christie for murders, or Herman Wouk for bloody wars, with the added fillip that Dr. Pierce was trying to warn people about the real causes of the violent breakdown of our society.

By the way, we have now produced the promised sticker, with a QR code sending folks to our Web site, which can be handed out to audience members or placed in appropriate places where they and other members of the sane White public are likely to see it. I’ll place it as a graphic in the text version of this broadcast on By clicking on the graphic, a larger, high-resolution version will pop up which can be easily saved and then cheaply printed in large quantities. It reads in part: “The Order lies! The Turner Diaries is not a ‘blueprint.’ It is a warning. And a prophecy. Fifty years ago, its author saw the war on Whites that was to come. Get your own copy of the most banned book in America, and decide for yourself.” Let’s get those stickers out there! No showing of the film should be without you and your friends in attendance, stickers in hand.

There is no better man to explain this blockbuster novel, and what motivated him to write it, than William Pierce himself. So, with the help of AI, using his own voice as source, let’s hear what he has to say about it. Let’s hear, this week, why the censors are so desperate to defame and even ban this book — Amazon effectively banned its sale several years ago. And next week you’ll hear even more about what led Dr. Pierce to create the novel. So now, listen — and understand.

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William Pierce on The Turner Diaries: What Are They Afraid of?

In 1975, I wrote The Turner Diaries under the nom de guerre Andrew Macdonald. It’s a novel about life in the United States as I imagined it might be in the 1990s, if some of the trends I could see in the 1970s continued for another 20 years. I imagined that the government would become more repressive, and it has. I imagined that most of the people would react in a sheeplike way to government repression and would not complain as long as they could still be comfortable and feel good, and that’s the way it’s turned out. And I imagined that a few people would not react like sheep, but instead would fight back violently — and a few have. In writing my novel, I really tried to be realistic, and to speak my mind completely. I didn’t rewrite any part of my book or leave out any part because I thought it might be offensive to some people — and, of course, it has been.
I have been very gratified by the many people who have written to me and told me that their eyes were first opened when they read The Turner Diaries: that after reading the book they not only could understand what is happening now but also could have some inkling of what will happen next. These people who had read my book weren’t surprised by the World Trade Center bombing and the Oklahoma City bombing and other acts of terrorism which have occurred. They had seen these things coming from reading my book.
I’ve received many calls from journalists because of the Oklahoma City bombing and the fact that Timothy McVeigh was said to have read The Turner Diaries. The journalists always ask me whether I think the bombing was “inspired” by my book, and I always reply that I have no way of knowing what was going on in the mind of the bomber, but that I am reasonably sure of one thing: If Janet Reno and Bill Clinton had not burned all of those women and children to death in Waco in 1993, there would have been no bombing of the Federal Building in Oklahoma City exactly two years later. Or if the perpetrators of the Waco massacre had been put on trial for murder and punished with appropriate severity, there would have been no such bombing.

I always find that the journalists have a hard time understanding that. To them the Waco massacre is not at all troubling, and it is hardly a reason to be angry at the government. They see all of those people who were killed in the Branch Davidian church at Waco as a bunch of weirdoes, a bunch of crazy religious fanatics, who really deserve no sympathy.
I tell them that regardless of the beliefs or occupations of the people killed at Waco and the people killed in Oklahoma City, I regard the Waco massacre as a far more serious and worrisome crime than the Oklahoma City bombing, simply because the Federal government committed the Waco massacre, while presumably it was an individual terrorist, or at least a very small group of terrorists having no connection to the government who bombed the Federal building in Oklahoma City. I tell them that having a small number of terrorists running around bombing buildings is one thing, but having the Federal government committing massacres is quite another thing. A criminal government is much more a threat to its citizens than are a few individual criminals not connected to the government. We know how to deal with individual terrorists, but how do you deal with a terrorist government?

But the journalists don’t see it that way. They subconsciously identify with the government. The government’s enemies are their enemies.

I remember the time I was writing The Turner Diaries, in 1975. That was a time when the journalists had much less sympathy for the government than now. That was a time when all of those big anti-American demonstrations were going on in Washington. The journalists all were on the side of the demonstrators. They were all on the side of the mobs marching in the streets carrying Viet Cong flags and shouting, “Ho-ho, Ho Chi Minh, the Viet Cong is gonna win.”

In 1975 I saw trends in American society, and I tried to understand where those trends would take us in the next 20 years. I saw, on the one hand, what the journalists’ support of the anti-American demonstrators and, on the other hand, the government’s vacillating and ambivalent attitude toward the Vietnam war were doing to American society. I saw everyone losing respect for the government, becoming angry at the government. I saw the kids on the university campuses being led into anti-Americanism by the Jewish-leftist groups. I saw the returning Vietnam vets being treated like dirt by the media and by the government. And I saw how disillusioned all of the traditionalists and patriots who witnessed all of this were becoming. And I predicted that this general and widespread loss of respect for the government would lead to dangerous social instability and pave the way for civil disorder and civil war. But because it was Politically Correct at that time to be against the government, the journalists just sneered at me and called me a “bigot.”

I looked at what the feminists were doing, with all of their claims that men and women are basically the same and should be treated exactly alike. I saw the breakdown in the traditional relationship between men and women that feminism was causing, already in 1975. I saw the growing hostility between men and women, and I predicted that this would lead to an increased incidence of violence against women, an increased incidence of rape. I predicted this in The Turner Diaries. The journalists could see the same things I saw in 1975, but the Politically Correct attitude was to regard feminism as a good thing, which could only lead to good consequences. So the journalists sneered at what I predicted and called it “hate.”

And I saw the effects that the government’s forced mixing of the races in the schools and in residential areas and in the workplace were having. I saw people becoming alienated. I saw the breakdown of traditional community feeling. I saw young people growing up without any sense of rootedness, any sense of identity, any sense of belonging. And I predicted that this alienation would lead to social instability and to a thousand other social ills. And the journalists also could see this growing alienation back in the 1970s, but to all of them forced racial mixing was a wonderful thing. It was Politically Correct. It was one thing on which they agreed with the government. So they called me a “racist” and condemned my predictions.

And now what the journalists find truly horrifying about The Turner Diaries is not just that the book predicts many unpleasant developments, and those developments are beginning to happen, they’re beginning to become apparent to everyone, they no longer can be denied and ignored — what’s really horrifying to the journalists is that I based my predictions of those developments on the trends of the 1960s and 1970s; I based them on things the journalists hold sacred. I predicted that the breakdown of respect for the government that they themselves were causing back in the 1960s and 1970s would lead to terrorism, whereas they would have us believe that terrorism is simply what happens when some people are permitted to have Politically Incorrect opinions. I predicted that feminism would lead to increased rape and other violence against women, whereas they would have us believe that feminism has nothing to do with it, that it’s all the result of what they call “sexism.” I predicted that forced racial mixing would lead to more hatred between the races, more violence between the races, and to growing alienation and social instability, whereas they would simply blame it all on “White racism.”

The journalists are horrified because I spelled out all of these predictions in black and white more than 20 years ago, and now they’re coming to pass, and as they come to pass they verify the assignment of causes I made back in 1975. They verify the assignment of blame I made more than 20 years ago, and that blame is against everything which is Politically Correct, everything which is Holy Writ to the journalists. I told the world where feminism and government enforced multiracialism and the government’s no-win policy during the Vietnam war, and the media’s encouragement of anti-American demonstrations would lead. I condemned all of these things and predicted that they would have disastrous consequences for America, while the journalists praised and supported these same things and predicted that only good could come from them.
I am being proved right, and they are being proved wrong, and the proof is there for all the world to see, as The Turner Diaries becomes more and more widely read. That horrifies the journalists and fills them with hatred and anger.

Their reaction is not to examine their beliefs and admit that they were wrong. It is not to question their support for feminism and multiracialism and think about changing their ideas. No, their reaction instead is to condemn my book and look for ways to keep people from reading it. It is to blame the predictions I made all those years ago for causing the developments I predicted. It is to blame the book rather than the destructive social policies I warned against in the book. And it is to try to make people frightened of the book, so they won’t read it.

When a new printing of The Turner Diaries began appearing on the shelves of major bookstores, a left-wing mailing list huckster named Morris Dees, the head of the so-called Southern Poverty Law Center, who is a darling of the journalists and always is described by them as a “human rights advocate,” launched a letter-writing campaign to pressure bookstores into refusing to carry my book. Other Jewish organizations also tried to keep the book out of the mainstream. They don’t want the book read, because it explains what is happening now and why it is happening. They are terrified of having people understand what’s going on. They realize that if enough people understand why our society is coming apart, why our young women in the Army are being raped by Black drill instructors and officers, why the Federal building in Oklahoma City was bombed, why terrorism is on the rise everywhere, why drug usage is way up among our young people, why the suicide rate and the divorce rate are so high, why there is so much more corruption in the government — if people understand these things, there will be a terrible and bloody reaction against the journalists and the Jews and everyone else responsible for the policies which have been destroying our society. They are terrified that the people they have deceived and betrayed for so long will take a bloody vengeance on them.

This fear of the people finding out what’s going on and then doing something about it is not just an American phenomenon. Jews, leftists, journalists, and politicians in Europe are terrified as well. Forbes magazine, in their April 7, 1997 issue, published an article about the Jewish multibillionaire George Soros and his activities around the world. You may have heard of Soros before. He’s a darling of the controlled media and is always being praised as a “philanthropist” and a “human rights activist.” He made his billions speculating in currency and commodities, but he spends his money propping up crypto-Communist regimes in Europe and sponsoring leftist causes. He buys newspapers and uses them to push leftist ideas and boost leftist candidates. He literally buys elections, some of them in the countries of eastern Europe. And the candidates he supports in those countries are the same Communist gangsters who plundered and ruined those countries and tyrannized them before the breakup of the Soviet Union. Now the Communists have changed hats and changed the names of their parties — now they call themselves “socialists” or more often “democrats” — but they’re still the same gangsters. And they’re the people George Soros is spending hundreds of millions of dollars every year to keep in power.

And why is Soros doing that? Forbes tells us why. They quote a Jewish banker who is one of Soros’ friends. He says, “Soros is terrified of right-wing nationalism.” And Soros himself says essentially the same thing. He is willing to go to any expense to keep patriotic feeling from reasserting itself in eastern Europe. He knows that if patriots ever regain control of their destiny, not only will all of his kinsmen who fattened themselves on the blood of the people of these countries under Communist rule be out in the cold, but they may be called to account for their crimes. That thought terrifies Soros, just as it terrifies journalists over here.

And a similar process is at work in central and western Europe as well. The same fear is present among the ruling establishments that were installed by the victorious democratic-Communist Allies at the end of the Second World War. In most of these countries it has become illegal to question the mythology of “anti-fascism” which these regimes have used to justify their existence and to shield themselves from criticism. In particular, it has become absolutely taboo to question the Jews’ claim to a unique and privileged status in Europe because of their “persecution” in the past.

So why is George Soros terrified? Why are the bought politicians in France and Germany and Britain feeling so insecure? Why are the journalists and media bosses in America so shrill and so hateful?

It is because of you, my friends. It is because of the growing minority of Americans and Frenchmen and Germans and Hungarians and others who do care. They are afraid of you. They know that you are fed up. They know that your numbers are growing. They are afraid of what you will do.

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You’ve been listening to American Dissident Voices, the radio program of the National Alliance. This program is published every week at and Please write to us at National Alliance, Box 4, Mountain City, TN 37683 USA. We welcome your inquiries and your financial support in spreading our message of hope to our people. We also welcome your applications for membership in our community of the conscious. Once again, that address is Box 4, Mountain City, TN 37683 USA. Thank you for your help.

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William White Williams • Chairman, National Alliance
William White Williams • Chairman, National Alliance
30 November, 2024 10:04 am

Excellent show and excellent sticker, Kevin. I’ll include one with each copy of our November Members BULLETIN next week. Dr. Pierce asked in the late 90s, after Robert Mathews and his Order group and Timothy McVeigh’s OKC bombing were blamed on The Turner Diaries, Many of you will remember that the novel was also blamed for the Oklahoma City bombing, which took place 20 years after The Turner Diaries was first published. Who knows what it will be blamed for next? That question will continue to be answered for decades after the author of The Turner Diaries death. Two more incidents come to mind, at least, that were supposedly “inspired” by Pierce’s 50-year old novel: the Charlottesville riots in 2017 and the January 6 “insurrection” at the Capitol in 2021. Look those up, Days… Read more »

Douglas Mercer
Douglas Mercer
30 November, 2024 11:13 am

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