AudioAudio BooksWilliam Pierce

The Fame of a Dead Man’s Deeds Audio Book: Pierce on Hunter

Portrait section of illustration from an oil painting by Will Williams

by Bradford L. Huie
for The American Mercury

VANESSA Neubauer’s latest audio book reading — chapter 19 of Robert Griffin’s The Fame of a Dead Man’s Deeds — consists of Dr. William Luther Pierce’s own thoughts about his second novel, Hunter.

Click here for all the chapters of this book that we’ve published so far.

Did William Pierce personally identify with Oscar Yeager, the one-man vigilante army who dealt out justice to the racially disloyal as he saw fit? Or with the leader of the “National League,” the fictional White revolutionary group in the book? Why did he write Hunter? Why has this book — which Dr. Pierce considers better than The Turner Diaries — never achieved the latter’s success? You’re about to find out.

Today we rejoin Vanessa Neubauer in her reading of this week’s installment, chapter 19, of Professor Robert S. Griffin’s masterful biography of Dr. William Luther Pierce, The Fame of a Dead Man’s Deeds.

How did Dr. Pierce, an American scientist and academic, come to found the most influential racial-nationalist organization in America? What were his goals? To what extent did he succeed? Listen in to this fascinating intellectual journey by pressing the play button above (or at the end of this article).

This audio book will be published in weekly chapter installments on The American Mercury and will be available from the Mercury as a full-length audio book when the series is completed.

One of the most original — and controversial — thinkers of the 20th century was White nationalist, novelist, and founder of a new European religion, Cosmotheism, Dr. William L. Pierce.

The only real biography of Dr. Pierce is Professor Robert S. Griffin’s The Fame of a Dead Man’s Deeds, which was published in 2001. This week we continue with the 19th chapter — “Pierce on Hunter” — of the book. Experience William Pierce, the writer, the philosopher, the radical — and the builder of an intentional White community in the mountains of West Virginia — just as Robert Griffin experienced him, by pressing the play button now.

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Source: The American Mercury

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